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Server population is dropping...


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TOFN at 1.46am and 76 online fleet


I will believe it when I see a screenshot, lol 76 at 1.46am. We have 70 online at 10pm friday night, that includes both republic and imperal fleets added together. Lol 76 at 1.46 am yea right.

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What is your estimate? This guy has made a really good and compelling breakdown of current subscribtions and how many people might be left by the time GW2 goes live and beyond. Not good! Any thoughts on his assessment?




"Even these are taking losses at heavy numbers averaging 14% losses this week.


What completely off base ridiculous analysis can I conjure to make conjecture about actual subscription numbers, do you ask? You didn’t, but I love making predictions.


I like to consider that the index number that torstatus uses can translate to a variable level. Where Light equals X number of active players. Standard equals X+Y. Heavy equals X+2Y. Based on that very broad association (it’s far assumption when you consider the analytics, even I realize that) I can assume that according to server indexs on April 1st, 2012 the total servers for TOR totaled 234.50 for 171 Servers. At 1.3M approximate subscriptions, that would mean very roughly that each servers averaged around 5,543.1 subscribers (not meaning active).


This means that a month and a half later with an index of 192.29 for all servers, we could roughly assume that the subscription base is nearly 1.066M (18% drop) today. If we consider the driving forces behind D3 release this week and Beta events for upcoming MMOs, we can consider the last month’s statistical drops in index values to be somewhat recurring for the next 2 months. If the the next 30 days is anything like the last 30 days the total population index should drop another 21.29. Meaning that near GW2′s release (just before at the latest estimates) SWTOR should have 947K in subscriptions (<1M).


Take this to an even more ridiculous projection. If we look at the loss in population from D3 this week, we can consider the same drop on GW2’s release. Meaning that as of the end of July after its release, if SWTOR has only released 1.3 and not expanded into the Asian market they could be seeing near 770K in subscriptions. "

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Bottom line is that they're not going to merge servers anytime in the near future no matter how bad it gets. The main reason for this has absolutely nothing to do with player satisfaction, it's a money issue. EA's investors have absolutely no idea what's going on with the actual game. They're looking at numbers and statistics and they're already antsy about this game's success. If Bioware starts shutting servers down those investors are going to see it as "OMG! The game's dying! SELL! SELL! SELL!" without understanding or caring that it's normal for a game to need more servers at launch or that the merge is actually a good thing for the players.


Unfortunately those investors are more important to EA than its customers because they give them more money than we do. So we will suffer to keep the ignorant rich folks from getting scared. Transfers are about the best we can hope for right now.

Edited by Phated
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Bottom line is that they're not going to merge servers anytime in the near future no matter how bad it gets. The main reason for this has absolutely nothing to do with player satisfaction, it's a money issue. EA's investors have absolutely no idea what's going on with the actual game. They're looking at numbers and statistics and they're already antsy about this game's success. If Bioware starts shutting servers down those investors are going to see it as "OMG! The game's dying! SELL! SELL! SELL!" without understanding or caring that it's normal for a game to need more servers at launch or that the merge is actually a good thing for the players.


Unfortunately those investors are more important to EA than its customers because they give them more money than we do. So we will suffer to keep the ignorant rich folks from getting scared. Transfers are about the best we can hope for right now.


This may have some legs to it, but when investors see money income flow problem (subscription numbers down) they will sell anyways. Investors care about one thing....the money being made by the business. Less subscriptions means less money. I don't think it is a rich folks vs common folks argument at all.


It is about the money. At some point, Bioware will be forced to deal with this issue of server population sooner rather than later as subscription numbers will fall due to unhappiness and the availability of new games coming out in the near future. It should be interesting to see where Bioware goes with this from here. The next couple of weeks/months will be interesting to follow.

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I can be counted as a lost sub as of 5 minutes ago. Just not enough people on my server to get groups on any of my characters. I'm disappointed because I had enough fun to level up 2 level 50s and 4 other characters to their ~30s but now I can't even do the heroic content unless I'm high enough to solo it because I can't find other people to play with.


It seems to me this game has entered the death spiral. All the cool stuff like voice acting everything, the great character story lines, and the personal spaceships, etc. are why they will never be able to make enough new content fast enough to keep people playing and paying; it will just take too long. But who knows. SW Galaxies limped along for a long time until this game was about to launch.


Good luck to all you people sticking it out. I hope they manage to make the game as amazing as it will need to be to attract new customers. At this point I can't personally justify paying a subscription for what is essentially a single player game.

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22 pm EST, 12 players on the fleet, Port Nowhere. They really need to do something and fast or i dont know how many subs they will have at the end of the free month.


Port Nowhere, awesome server for the first month, population sucked after that.

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Adding my voice to the multitude. Population on the Saber of Exar Kun is now so low that the game is unplayable for about 22 hours a day. I will be unsubbing very very shortly if I don't hear the population problem is going to be fixed SOON.


edit: And my small guild will be leaving with me. There are about 8 of us. This will cut the republic population almost in half. Sad, but funny cause it's pretty much true.

Edited by Cindarstorm
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I love this game. I love, love, love this game. I think you probably have a fairly sizable MMO population as a whole for a game in it's first year. But your servers are dead.




It's Friday night, there are 12 people on Rep Fleet, 54 online; there are 15 people on Imp Fleet, 65 online. There has not been a PvP pop in 2 hours and in the last two weeks things have gotten so bad that I have found myself facerolling lvl 20 Flashpoints solo just for something to do. Other nights I'm watching TV with the game on in the background because there is no one to answer shouts for Flashpoints and no PvP matches popping.


I'm doing other things not because I want to, but because your game cannot be played solo at endgame. Yes, I can level some alts. But I'd like to work on my main, but that's impossible because there is no one to play the game with.


Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?


At what point are you going to start taking the community seriously and start responding to the server merger requests or at least provide some communication and let us in on your plan. Whoever is in charge of PR in relation to community management in the SWTOR division is a complete imbecile. Does it not dawn on BW that if the devs or community managers came out and said, "Ok, this is our plan for mergers or transfers and it will happen in roughly this time frame," you would curb tons of confusion and frustration of your player base?


We have basically heard nothing out of you since prior to 1.2 launch besides telling everyone Rated PvP was cancelled.



Edited by LexiCazam
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My level 50 is on a server that is basically dead, even during peak times there is no more than 9 level 50s on fleet. We have to wait an hour or more for 1 WZ. I did re roll another character on a better pop server, but I hate the fact I can't play on my level 50 in PVP any more.


I put so much work and time into levelling, and I do enjoy the game mostly, but I am now feeling fed up, of having nothing to do most of the day, other than re running quests, that I have done so many times before. I play PVP 99% of my time, and the game just isn't delivering that for my on the server I rolled on first, where my level 50 is.


I'll continue to play for another month, its what's left on my current sub. I will see how things go after that. Lots of people I talk to all feel the same, they don't like having to re roll, or do the level grinding over again, and are completely fed up with waiting around on the fleet with nothing to do, other than just chat spam all day waiting for a WZ to pop.


Our server has lost a huge amount of players over the past two weeks, were 2 weeks ago, we had 80 people on the fleet, that isn't a lot, but was enough to get a fair amount of WZ's going, now we don't even have that. !

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The game is dead people. I loved the game too but it's time unsubscribe and move on.


I agree BioWare just has not payd much attention to what the people are complainig about. Merger Server is surely one step that should be done quickly. Plus the Space Part needs to be redone (check eve online for refference!).


And I still think the game is to easy to lvl... And the crafing system is not special enough. and so on and so on...

And this suely plays into the servers getting vacated by players. I have lost interest in playing the game cause

of the lack of the feeling I had like in LOTRO for example. Now I am playin CIV V again lol.


I hope the realy realy soon fix the server population problem.. I would say one free Char transfer (incl. Legacy and all).

This will help or best merge servers finally. But it's like when you have a DJ that just stubernly plays his tunes and

not notecing that nobody is on the dancefloor dancing... Heck peops wake up and listen to the people!!!!

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Last night on The Proginator Server at 7:00PM UK time we had 38 people on the imperial fleet and 55 on the republic fleet. The population is showing as standard so heaven knows what the population was like on the Light population servers. Bioware please merge the servers now, the population is dwindling and people like me who love the game are ending up with nothing to do because the game has died.


Surely it would be better to have full servers and active players than dead servers and people who quit through boredom, not because the game is poor (it isn't), but because there is nothing to do, due to player inactivity.


In my opinion, full servers may encourage players to return once more and fill them even more. Surely this is a win win for bioware, it isn't about admitting failure, it is about making the game even more popular.


Please please please fix this, i don't want to quit, but a dead game is more boring than a game you tolerate that has people to do things with.

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I have zero passion for starting over 'again'. Almost all the fun is lost when you hit endgame and find how unrewarding it feels. Armor upgrades feel so bleh, their armor developers need to be put back sweeping the floors and cleaning toilets from hence where they were employed. Even a few of the later endgame raid bosses don't really feel tailored correctly for the classes of swtor. Some even portray that they'd be more interesting to fight with dragon age classes. I think sometimes developers are awarded design privelege from previous games and they donot engulf themselves into the 'game at hand" enough to truly design gameplay based truly off the classes that are partaking in said fights. The most wonderful game feel can only be achieved by genius designs and swtor has few devs that can relate to such high standards and it has come to pass and show in the games demise sadly.


PS Bioware: Quit letting EA bully you. Oh to late nm. /cry


Long live EA. hahahahahahaha /sadface. Big companies KILL great ideas. That or more often fail to reach the true potential because the lack of ensight that occurs when accountant supervisors and anyalysts are left to the sole ear of the higher ups. When alll you do all day long is look at the bottom line more often than not you never read the middle and really understand just where stand.... Long Live ENRON! ... nuff said.... /sigh.

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My server hasn't been full since December, and it ranges between Light and Standard on any given week.


NO server has been full since december, not because a BUNCH of people left, because they increased the caps substantially after december, which made it look bad...which in turn caused a bunch of people to freak out and re-roll.


The population numbers for this game arent bad, more than WoW had this early in its life, however its spread amongst 100+ servers which is extremely excessive


Cutting servers down would make this not a problem and would hopefully get rid of some of the "omg the game is dying" posts

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NO server has been full since december, not because a BUNCH of people left, because they increased the caps substantially after december, which made it look bad...which in turn caused a bunch of people to freak out and re-roll.


The population numbers for this game arent bad, more than WoW had this early in its life, however its spread amongst 100+ servers which is extremely excessive


Cutting servers down would make this not a problem and would hopefully get rid of some of the "omg the game is dying" posts

It baffles me why people wanna bring up wow into this constantly, but since you did, the big difference between wow and swtor is that wow wasn't losing subs like this game is right now in such a short period of time.

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