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Legacy name Reset


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Maybe all of you should have put a little more thought into what you were naming your characters before you selected the name that you now are complaining that you can't change.


While putting thought into the name is always a good idea, that doesn't excuse BW's shortsightedness with this system. As said before (though maybe in one of the other threads on this topic), it is the ONLY completely irreversible decision in the game, yet has the widest impact.


-Don't like a character name; reroll

-Don't like a light/dark choice; redo convo or grind diplomacy missions

-Don't like the appearance of a character; reroll

-Don't like the PUG/Guild you are in /quit

-Don't like your class; reroll


-Don't like your legacy name (whether it's due to drunken carelessness or BW's system changing o'Hare into O'hare without warning). . . You are stuck with it on that character and all other characters you make on the server. Even deleting every character on a server doesn't clear the legacy name.


*And no, I don't even have a legacy name I want changed. I've not unlocked it yet since I changed servers and haven't gotten that far.

Edited by Vodalus
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this is the most ridiculous thing ive ever seen in a mmo. A permanent account bound change to your character that has no way of being changed/modified or even not used by every char you roll on a server.

today i hit 33 and finished chapter 1 of my smugglars story, so the legacy box popped up...again and again and again and again, to the point of being very annoying. So i picked a suitable legacy name for that char, no spelling mistakes etc..im happy with it. then i find out that not only is it now on all my alts, they now have to use this name, but i was planning to roll empire when my wife gets an account, its there as well!!! the name ive picked suits a smugglar but theres not a chance in hell a sith warrior would use it!!

Bioware need to sort this and sort this NOW, there is no warning when the legacy box appears that this is what is going to happen, there is no prompt when you put the name in,and very little info when this is happening of the conquences of the decision you are about to make, i mean theres a prompt box if you decide to equip a BOE item!!! a new player is not expected to run to the forums/internet to check to see if the Devs have screwed up a mechanic, every time you have to choose something in game.

this is seriously a gamebreaker for me, and im will be thinking long and hard whether to renew my subs for this game.

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I had no idea that naming my legacy gave my character a last name, so i named it after my character. I am now Lord Faabulous Faabulous..


Edit* Just realized you can hide your legacy name in the options, whew.

Edit2* Omg setting it to legacy title now shows Lord Faabulous - The Faabulous Legacy.


This turned out perfect.

Edited by BumaTehEwok
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Finally someone with something resembling an official answer. I've already got my surname picked out. I'll tell no one what it is until I implement it, of course. What level do we get it, by the way? Is it 20 or 30?


You get it when you essentially finish the ACT 1 of your class quests.

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Maybe all of you should have put a little more thought into what you were naming your characters before you selected the name that you now are complaining that you can't change.
Maybe some of us did, but the 'McGregor' we typed in is now displayed as either Mcgregor or worse yet THE MCGREGOR LEGACY, depending on which window or option you choose.

+1 for a name change.

Edited by Azkadellia
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I donno about this business the one jerk posted of "announced everywhere"- last night at close to 2am, I wrapped up Chapter 1, followed my quest line to imperial fleet, and got a window asking me for my legacy name. Tried closing it, and it seemed to dog me everywhere, so I finally put one in.


I'm not terribly happy with what I chose, and I had never heard of this "Legacy Name" business before, and I've watched trailers for the game, read through the forums quite a bit, and actually read the game documentation (little of it that was there). Announced everywhere my left cheek. And they make it so you can have no idea it's coming, and make it nearly impossible to leave alone and get back to later.


Finding out that same name is applied to EVERY character I will ever make on the server? And they don't provide a mechanism for changing it? I'm frigging FURIOUS.

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The issue is not the fact that i chose a silly surname, i chose a surname fitting that character's name that i was currently on, and it does not work with my other characters.


What irks me the most is that when the legacy window pops up there is nothing there mentioning that its across all characters. The info you can find on the talent tab, under lagacy when you click the lil "?' It should be in big red print wherever you look at something regarding legacy.


Sorry but that just reminds me of the begining of The Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy.


I really hope they add an option to alter this somehow.

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My problem I got sick and tired of the fjhdjasfa pop up window asking me to pick a name.

So I just put in the first thing that came to mind and hit enter.


Not that it bothers me all that much, but I agree with others, there should have been at the least a confirmation box.

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as ive posted elsvere, if u want to use legacy as a surname in a RP setting, then some feel forced to have same race for those toons involved. In most cases this is the most logical.


If u then choose to have another toon on that server on different faction or different race, this toon will then have the same surname. U can choose to hide this toons legacy name but if u want to use this new toon in RP, it does get complicated to explain how a sith is related to a twi'lek...


U can ofc choose to have ur different raced toons on a different server. there are 3 different rp-pve servers for english.

U could also have the different raced toons show the legacy as a title. This can be explained in rp as this toon is friends of this family or something like that...


Tho i do not know if it is possible to have some toons show legacy as title and some toons using same legacy as surname. But guessing that this is possible.


I have had this problem my self and solved it by having empire toons on a different server than the republic toons. This setting works for me atleast.

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Maybe all of you should have put a little more thought into what you were naming your characters before you selected the name that you now are complaining that you can't change.


I did put a lot of thought into my smugglers legacy name Nivienne legacy Dam'Du'Lac which goes perfectly with this toon, all tho its Dam'du'lac but fine. How is it that my main Imp toon Twitch a human sniper has to have it tied to her! I care just as much about that toon as I do Nivienne! Faction Legacy's should be separate!!

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You can turn it of completely in the preferences. Fortunately, because I also went with some horribly cheesy last name because it kept popping up when I was trying to play the game.


Yeah, the stupid pop up is really ticking me off. I don't want a legacy name. Why are they harrassing me so much about it?

Edited by Liralen
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I would also like some option of altering my legacy name. This is a function i have no problem paying for (as paid namechange is familiar from that other MMO, the one with the dwarfs...).


I did not put enough thought into my legacy name, and for that i blame myself. But if the game in this instance could reflect the real world in which money fixes everything i would be most gratefull. Also, i enjoy Bioware and their products, and i have no issue with throwing some coin their way.

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Yeah, the stupid pop up is really ticking me off. I don't want a legacy name. Why are they harrassing me so much about it?


Then type anything, confirm name and switch it off in preferences...


Now THAT solution wasn't hard to think of at all was it....


Plus for me i went for a rather neutral latin based name that can easily apply to both Republic and Empire styles of names.

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I am being forced to change my Legacy name because someone reported it offensive. Now I have no idea what to make the new one. Had the name Uglyfoot McTitties, not sure what is so offensive about that but thank you to whoever on Tarro Blood reported it.


I can see why that has been reported.


Mine is Irulan. After the Princess from the Dune books. Goes nicely as surname for all my characters. Looks :cool: as title too. :)

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Way too many pages to read so don't know if it's been said yet but... I made my Legacy name yesterday and not knowing how it would be displayed i wanted it changed ever so slightly. Submitted a ticket, they said they were working hard on implementing a function to change Legacy names in the future. So taking a droid at his word i guess we will see some way to change it down the road.
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Then type anything, confirm name and switch it off in preferences...


Now THAT solution wasn't hard to think of at all was it....


Plus for me i went for a rather neutral latin based name that can easily apply to both Republic and Empire styles of names.


Yeah, just like the people here who want to change their name. Doh.

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Way too many pages to read so don't know if it's been said yet but... I made my Legacy name yesterday and not knowing how it would be displayed i wanted it changed ever so slightly. Submitted a ticket, they said they were working hard on implementing a function to change Legacy names in the future. So taking a droid at his word i guess we will see some way to change it down the road.


Very helpful. Cheers for letting us know. I had no idea what a legacy was so now my guy has two first names :p I would like to point out that about 5 mins after i picked my name i got an in game mail explaining exactly what a "legacy" was. A bit late though. Cant wait to get the feature to change it!

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Way too many pages to read so don't know if it's been said yet but... I made my Legacy name yesterday and not knowing how it would be displayed i wanted it changed ever so slightly. Submitted a ticket, they said they were working hard on implementing a function to change Legacy names in the future. So taking a droid at his word i guess we will see some way to change it down the road.


Darn it, that will ruin the game. No one in the "Star Wars" movies changed their name. Other than Anakin Skywalker, Padme Naberrie, Leia Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Sidious.

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in my case my legacy name is 'Themancorner' i did not know they in clude the word "the" for you so my legacy name is "The Themancorner Legacy"


That can actually be changed if you self-report it as a violation of the Rules of Conduct concerning naming rules. Just be sure to include a few options so the droid can pick one to replace your current one.

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