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Get rid of Huttball


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For example, operatives are generally considered pretty weak in Huttball, but I recently played a team which had a highly skilled Operative stealthed by out own goal line much of the game. When someone tried to stay back or get back to defend, he was able to chain stun and kill him with the operative's nice set of close range stun/DPS abilities. We had to dedicate a two people to eliminate him from our end, which weakened us elsewhere.


Just ignore the Op. If your teams are remotely equal their ball carrier should never get anywhere near to throw the ball. If the teams are so lopsided they can pull this off, you've already lost.


Operative healer is very strong though, and they're pretty good at intercepting enemy runners on the catwalk since the opposition usually won't be expecting it nor will they put up a fight (because they're trying to get open) which means you don't have to worry about getting kited/killed.

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I think ops have enough of an advantage in CC ability that he was the right choice for the role. I don't die that fast to assassins or shadows who get the jump on me, because they can't keep me CCed long enough to kill me before I can burst them down.


5 sec resilience with a ball pass and sprint to the goal line.

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The only reason you hate Huttball is because you are probably terrible at it. It has little to do about classes, and more about teamwork and coordination. I guarantee that you are probably one of those guys that try to be the "hero" and score all on your own, instead of passing.
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So wait up... is this a Get Rid of Huttball thread or a "Nerf Assasins/Shadows" thread?? It's fairly unclear based on the postings of the OP.. and I do realize the OP herself mentioned the advantages a Shadow has, which I guess is my point.


There's no way to achieve perfect balance in PVP, Huttball or otherwise.

Edited by Kellour
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As per many others here, I LOVE hutball! it's the one warzone that's actually based mostly on skill and teamwork than pure brute power like the other warzones. Oh, I should mention that I'm playing a commando, so, no, it's not one of your clasees that's supposedly "made" for huttball.

It took me a while, but you've got to understand that huttball is not about spamming massive damage/heals. It's about running after the ball and doing your best (through passes and such) to get the ball to the goal line. I still see a lot of people hanging around the middle of the field killing one another - there's just no use for it.

By the way, I've also played huttball with my sniper and it was great. Again, concentrate on the ball handler, you've got enough CC's to stop him, and enough damage to drop him fast....


But that's just me

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Just ignore the Op. If your teams are remotely equal their ball carrier should never get anywhere near to throw the ball. If the teams are so lopsided they can pull this off, you've already lost.


Operative healer is very strong though, and they're pretty good at intercepting enemy runners on the catwalk since the opposition usually won't be expecting it nor will they put up a fight (because they're trying to get open) which means you don't have to worry about getting kited/killed.


So what you're saying is that a good team should NEVER have an opposing ball carrier get past the acid pit? This is clearly absurd.

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Sniper isn't 'ideal' I suppose, but I have a lot of fun playing mine.. /shrug


FF mid targets, control mid targets after a score or pick up the ball if alone and rush to the pit. Move up offense/defense ramps unnoticed to AOE chokepoints and burn healers/carrier. Occasionally (very rarely :)) find myself moving into the defense endzone in cover (can't be jumped to) to try to burn up the ballcarrier in a last ditch effort , or into the offensive endzone outside the zerg to facilitate a pass.


Certainly a support class, but if played right, can be tons of fun. MVP medals mean people notice the little things!

Edited by ekaikaforge
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So what you're saying is that a good team should NEVER have an opposing ball carrier get past the acid pit? This is clearly absurd.


That's exactly what happens because once you get past the acid pit, you're about 5 seconds away from scoring if the ball is carried by 4 out of 8 classes (PT, Jugg, Mara, Assassin) if the enemy doesn't have a grapple, and if the enemy has a grapple they shouldn't be worried about stealth tactics because they can just pull the receiver as soon as he comes out of stealth.

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When you join Huttball you should get a debuff that prevents pulls, leaps and force speed. Then, if they want you to have those things, they should get added as general skills that everyone can use.


How you can have a game where I play on my vanguard, score 4 times and win the game then play on my slinger, kill 50 people and still lose the match to a team of 5 sorcs is beyond me.


Sorcball, Assassinball, Pyrotech ball - whatever you want to call it is a composition match not a PVP match.

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When you join Huttball you should get a debuff that prevents pulls, leaps and force speed. Then, if they want you to have those things, they should get added as general skills that everyone can use.



This is not a bad idea.

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if you cannot achieve even a single medal in a whole huttball then you really should not be pvping anyway, it is not the right kind of game for you and you will not enjoy it :p soaking up a free defender medal in voidstar and therefore getting xp doesnt mean that void star is instantly the better wz....


That's really not being constructive or helpful. So.. thanks for nothing.

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When you join Huttball you should get a debuff that prevents pulls, leaps and force speed. Then, if they want you to have those things, they should get added as general skills that everyone can use.


How you can have a game where I play on my vanguard, score 4 times and win the game then play on my slinger, kill 50 people and still lose the match to a team of 5 sorcs is beyond me.


Sorcball, Assassinball, Pyrotech ball - whatever you want to call it is a composition match not a PVP match.


I actually used to believe this, but I now couldn't disagree more.


These things encourage strategy, tactics, sound decision making, and selfless play. They encourage awareness and punish carelessness. Oh, there is a Knight with the ball down below the goalline? I SHOULDN'T STAND AT THE EDGE UP TOP. Ahh, a Sorceror is force speeding away from the pack towards the goal? I should peel off the ball carrier and chase knock him back down below the scaffolding so he cannot use his pull to get a score.


I honestly think the folks that want rules like this just want a brainless, zerg warzone. I would never have said it before, but the more I play the more I come to this conclusion. That, or they simply haven't taken the thought to understand the game. It's - quite as it should be, given the design! - far, far more like an athletic sport like football or hockey than any of the other warzones, and just like in these sports, positioning is everything.

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That's exactly what happens because once you get past the acid pit, you're about 5 seconds away from scoring if the ball is carried by 4 out of 8 classes (PT, Jugg, Mara, Assassin) if the enemy doesn't have a grapple, and if the enemy has a grapple they shouldn't be worried about stealth tactics because they can just pull the receiver as soon as he comes out of stealth.


Absolutely not. You should never be able to score within 5 seconds from the acid as long as the other players use their CCs and damage correctly. Once the player is past the acid, the defenders need to position properly to cut off passing and force pull/leap potential, use stuns judiciously (taking into account the resolve of the opponent so as to gain benefit without giving him immunity), keep a movement slowdown on the ballcarrier (and everyone else if possible), execute proper burst, use the fire to their advantage, and use knockbacks at the correct time.

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I actually used to believe this, but I now couldn't disagree more.


These things encourage...


What pulls, leaps and speed buffs encourage is stacking assassins, sorcs and marauders and nothing else in your group.


Ever join a PVP guild? Mandatory huttball chars don't include operatives or mercs.


As for wanting "brainless PVP" because of things like sorc pulls - no. If the sorc force speeds past me to get up on the ramparts - as an operative there isn't a damn thing I can do unless I'm already in position, manage to avoid the stun/knockback, and manage to kill the person all before they can execute a single skill.


That's brainless, it's brainless to have powers that knock classes off ramparts who then have to suicide to have any chance of getting back in time to do anything while you can move unhindered around the map.

Edited by dcgregorya
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Let's look at the main reason for the complaint: Mommy and Daddy, I want the ball and I want the glory of scoring!!!


This isn't about bias, OP, or anything else. This is about those people that feel no matter what the situation is, they should be the one getting the glory. Mom and Dad, someone else, whoever, didn't give them the attention they need and now they must absolutely get said attention or they will do whatever is takes to get that attention, even if it's negative.


This is something I consider to be childish trolling. There is absolutely nothing wrong with any of the WZ's with regards to each class. I don't have any Imp's, but I do have a toon for every class in Rep. All of them are 30+, 1 is 50, and 2 are 45. This is about realizing glory doesn't all come from the score. If you can effectively help the team by stomping the enemy so they can't get the score, helping your team by strategic placing, passing, etc, that holds glory, too.


Some of my toons are great for ball carrying, passing, scoring, or variations of each. The point is, I know what my class if for. Stop crying for change just because you can't handle the fact that you don't get to score every goal. You are a just a selfish person that needs to grow up!


Here's the truth. WZ's and Raids are exactly the same in every way, with one exception. It's people you fight against, not NPC's. That's it. You must know your class and you must be situationally aware. It really isn't that difficult. Yes, there are some folks that are not that good at pvp. It's okay. However, you should practice outside of pvp so you don't negatively impact the team. By practice, I mean setting up keybinds, trying different combinations, understand your skills and skill tree, and what rotations play each skill off each other for maximum damage, healing, etc.


Please people. Stop complaining about non-existent bias and everything else. The truth is you want all the glory of crossing that goal line. Nevermind that you can get as much glory by stopping the enemy from scoring, too. I've seen my score, medals, objectives equal on defensive priority as I have on offensive priority. Everyone on the team plays a part. Learn yours and accept it and you will feel much better!


P.S. I do agree you should be able to queue for certain WZ's as everyone does have favorites for different reasons and there should be a couple more WZ's. Also, servers should be merged and cross-server pvp should be implemented more for the fact there will be less concern with what WZ you get put into if you aren't waiting 10-30 minutes on average to actually get INTO a WZ. :)

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huttball would be fine if bioware implemented this change:


carrying the huttball now applies a debuff preventing all speed, physics, and leap/pull abilities from working on the carrier.


that one simple change turns huttball from "who has the most force users" to "who has the best passing game and best positioning and the best ball movement". one simple change and it puts the emphasis back on player skill rather than group class composition



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Easiest thing would be just let us pick which wz/wz's we want and be done with it. The people that really like huttball can queue up and play it 'til their heart's content. Those that don't prefer it can simply opt out and choose to queue the other wz's. However, in spite of the people that do say they enjoy huttball, I have a creeping suspicion that if we were allowed to choose, huttball matches wouldn't be popping as often lol.
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That's really not being constructive or helpful. So.. thanks for nothing.


you get a medal for a killing blow or attacking the flag carrier twice or passing the ball or sometimes being involved with killing some1 on ur side or their side of the map(im not entirely sure how attacking and defending points are given in huttball but by running round and hitting a few ppl or healing a few ppl i get quite a few without ever touching teh ball), for a 2.5k hit or a 2.5k heal which are really not very high for being involved with 10 enemies dying and you do not need to be near or get a killing blow just attack them once whilst they are dying. If you joined at the start and continued thru to the end and could not manage a single one of these then I really am being constructive by saying pvp is not for you :/ stop joining it you are killing your team :)

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What pulls, leaps and speed buffs encourage is stacking assassins, sorcs and marauders and nothing else in your group.


Ever join a PVP guild? Mandatory huttball chars don't include operatives or mercs.


As for wanting "brainless PVP" because of things like sorc pulls - no. If the sorc force speeds past me to get up on the ramparts - as an operative there isn't a damn thing I can do unless I'm already in position, manage to avoid the stun/knockback, and manage to kill the person all before they can execute a single skill.


That's brainless, it's brainless to have powers that knock classes off ramparts who then have to suicide to have any chance of getting back in time to do anything while you can move unhindered around the map.


I am in a PvP guild, and the very best player to have on our server in a game of Huttball is a scoundrel healer.


And you're right. There is nothing you as an operative can do. It's not your job, just like it's not a goalkeeper's job to score goals or a defensive lineman's job to score touchdowns. Your job is to do what an operative does best in a way that can help your team score and prevent the other team from scoring. Instead of being so worried about what you can't do, start thinking about what you can and how to use that.

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what pulls, leaps and speed buffs encourage is stacking assassins, sorcs and marauders and nothing else in your group.


Ever join a pvp guild? Mandatory huttball chars don't include operatives or mercs.


As for wanting "brainless pvp" because of things like sorc pulls - no. If the sorc force speeds past me to get up on the ramparts - as an operative there isn't a damn thing i can do unless i'm already in position, manage to avoid the stun/knockback, and manage to kill the person all before they can execute a single skill.


That's brainless, it's brainless to have powers that knock classes off ramparts who then have to suicide to have any chance of getting back in time to do anything while you can move unhindered around the map.

+500, qft.

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I play with the OP daily, so I can tell you that the "OP needs to L2P" comments are completely misguided. We rarely (it does happen once in a great while) lose a Huttball, you won't find us 1v1'ing in a random spot unless the game is already decided in our favor, and we understand positioning (both offensive and defensive) to the point where any poor decisions are immediately called out and corrected.


The "I really enjoy Huttball, and I play a Commando!" comments are all well and good, but I guarantee that when you come up against "Huttball-specific" team comps in rated WZs, you will come to these forums and rage about Combat-Transcendence, Force Leap, Force Speed, Guardian Leap, Rescue, Grapple, and Guarded by the Force, just like anyone else who does rateds will.


For the record, I love Huttball in its current state. I play a Guardian and I freaking love it. I also understand that not only losing to Huttball-stacked teams, but having people rejected for premades because they might cost us Huttball wins against teams who do have Huttball-stacked teams is going to suck hard. It's for that reason that I think the OP's options (remove Huttball for rateds or allow unchecking 1-2 warzones from your group's queue) at least have something to them (even if I don't necessarily agree).

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Huttball is loads of fun! Such a uniqe Warzone.


Passing, controlling the middle, moving to set up good passes and basicly knowing how to play this Warzone.


I play republic (vanguard) and have won more than i lost, nothing like a 25k hps tank running the ball with heals and getting pulled to higher ramps/charging newbs AoEing from better vantage points.


Many people dont really know how to play this WZ, i love it when i can literally run right by an enemy without any contact at all. I am moving pass the hazards to progress the ball while they are charging the nearest enemy to try and farm medals.


Keep it up non-skilled Launchies!

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