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Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend. SWTOR or GW2, what do you prefer?


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Why pay $15 dollars a month when you can play chances are the best MMO made for free? That's what most people are going to do. More so then that the Dev's over there are working with the players on making the world bigger and better. And it's not like Skyrim it's an MMO not a single player game that well could have been so much better.


I'm going as far to say that from the beta alone GW2 is going to be the game everyone plays.


LOL well arent you fun!



I played original guild wars and the only meaningful content they released was in stand alone games that also add to the original and one expansion. Thats why you dont pay 15 dollars a month cause they dont add much for content.

have fun cause not as many people are gonna play it as you think.

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Well we all know what I have been saying for months; GW2 isn't the messiah the Zealots claimed it was and really didn't bring anything new to the table; plus it's pretty buggy...but that will hopefully improve.


Personally I prefer SWTOR.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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Really, the only things I preferred in GW2 are the market interface and the dynamism of the worlds (especially the cities). Everything else wasn't really as revolutionary as the fanboys and ArenaNet would like us all to believe.


I was especially disappointed with the so called 'dynamic events'. They made a huge deal about how GW2 wouldn't be linear and would feature a persistent world where your actions would have an impact, but I saw none of that. I saw the same events happening on a near clockwork schedule, and what was worse- they didn't scale to the number of players present. 5 or 50, it was the same number of enemies, the same objectives; pretty weak delivery on that promise.


The writing was abysmal- though I suppose I"ve been spoiled and am unable to view it objectively.


The combat was enjoyable, but unpolished.


I had fun, I guess, but after a few hours I came back to swtor. There's your answer.


They actually do scale to the amount of people, if you have say 5 people, there will be WAY less centaurs or w/e that attack, if you have 50 there is almost a hundred of them.


Do the norn starting area, go to the bear shrine and tell me they don't scale to how many people are there. There was so many mobs and people that it was INSANE.


You also don't get dynamic enough events until you leave the starter areas, they become so awesome. The game is better than SWTOR in almost every way.

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Guild Wars 2 will not "kill" anything and is probably my biggest disappointment in any game I have played in a long time. I found it to be outright terrible. With it's extremely cludgy and frustrating combat mechanics, overly difficult "solo" missions, and very poor client performance I think a lot of other players who were looking forward to the game will be very disappointed.


I loved GW1 and still play it on occasion but this version is so far removed from the first it's like the took out everything that made GW great to begin with.


I can say one thing, after playing GW2 I have a new found appreciation for SWTOR.

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It is very easy to play and enjoy both Star Wars and Guild Wars, they're both great games. Some casual MMO'ers may feel Guild Wars is a better fit for them, due to not having to be concerned with a monthly fee. For the majority of us however, we'll have both installed on our PC's and have fun balancing between the two. Edited by UchihaMatt
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Guild Wars 2 will not "kill" anything and is probably my biggest disappointment in any game I have played in a long time. I found it to be outright terrible. With it's extremely cludgy and frustrating combat mechanics, overly difficult "solo" missions, and very poor client performance I think a lot of other players who were looking forward to the game will be very disappointed.


I loved GW1 and still play it on occasion but this version is so far removed from the first it's like the took out everything that made GW great to begin with.


I can say one thing, after playing GW2 I have a new found appreciation for SWTOR.

I agree, I was extremely dissapointed with GW2. As a fan of the original they really dropped the ball

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Guild Wars 2 will not "kill" anything and is probably my biggest disappointment in any game I have played in a long time. I found it to be outright terrible. With it's extremely cludgy and frustrating combat mechanics, overly difficult "solo" missions, and very poor client performance I think a lot of other players who were looking forward to the game will be very disappointed.


I loved GW1 and still play it on occasion but this version is so far removed from the first it's like the took out everything that made GW great to begin with.


I can say one thing, after playing GW2 I have a new found appreciation for SWTOR.


Well yeah... all you have to do is stroll over to the GW2 beta forums, there is just as much if not more QQ there than there ever was on the TOR forums.

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GW has absolutely no appeal to any gamer who isn't primarily a PVPer. Interestingly enough you will note that other than GW the games that primarily focus on PVP are long gone, so doubtless GW is doing something very right for PVPers however that doesn't mean EVERYONE wants to play it. :)


Guild Wars 2 PvE is very extensive, in fact for the longest time the only information given was about PvE, their whole manifesto for their game design was around PvE. Guild Wars 2 is definitely for PvErs. For GW2 they are doing things right for PvErs and PvPers.


Guild Wars 2 will be a strong contender for SWTOR for those people who only play 1 MMO because of limited time. It will come down to if people appreciate more of the excellent voice acting, static world, and a raiding end game, or go for a game that has a dynamic world, ok voice acting, and the end game starts at level 1. There are others reasons to stay for SWTOR or leave for Guild Wars 2. I'm ok with ok voice acting, and always hated that end game for MMOs have been raiding. But with Guild Wars 2 I get a dynamic world, end game that starts at level 1.

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No PS2 game even looks like that screenshot. PS3 can look close to that, but no quite, but close.

you sir are ridiculous. no mmo has graphics that compare to a ps3 game.


I played GW2 and the graphics are on level with ps2 games. You can argue all you want but its true and the graphics are not of the quality of this game.

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LOL well arent you fun!



I played original guild wars and the only meaningful content they released was in stand alone games that also add to the original and one expansion. Thats why you dont pay 15 dollars a month cause they dont add much for content.

have fun cause not as many people are gonna play it as you think.


GW1 is really nothing like GW2. They are two very different games. For a 1 time 60 dollar fee this game gives you a lot to do. As long as you're not a 6 hour+/day player there is enough content in their initial release to last a VERY long time. Do you really think the content they've given us since December could EVER retail for 60 dollars in a store?


In a free to play game like this you pay only when the developers deliver somehting worth paying for. My 15/month since Dec (another 60 dollars ontop of what I've paid for the game ) hasn't really given me anything to write home about. I haven't even experienced most of it as I'm more fond of PvP in SWTOR than it's PvE (buggy and overly simplistic/easy).

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I played GW2 and the graphics are on level with ps2 games. You can argue all you want but its true and the graphics are not of the quality of this game.

They still blow out the silly graphics of SWTOR out of the water. And that is an understatement.
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Just a question.


Why has any thread touting another games features get locked while this thread stays active?


Probably because there are a lot of people who are saying SWTOR is better. If the people in this thread only posted praises about the game it would have been deleted a long time ago.

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What kind of response, are you expecting on the official "SWTOR" forum?


im expecting this topic is going to be full of win


i predict,a couple more pages of flame wars against it.probably some people saying its wow with dodge.and then the mod will come along and close the topic

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TOR is sci fi and Star Wars


GW2 is..just another fantasy game.


The voice acting is HORRENDOUS. Same backdrop each time for every single cutscene. No running faster ability, the jumping is...awkward as well as the running. The graphics surprisingly are not that great. The only reason why they look good is because GW2 has a "motion blur" camera option that is default "on". The only thing Guild Wars has going for it is the dynamic events. Didn't TOR start dynamic events and are going to do more? Anyway..very very subpar game and mmo for that matter.


People were complaining like CRAZY! Where's my healer!!!? Where's the tank!!? We need a tank we can't take this boss down!!! Complete removal of the holy trinity system is the stupidest idea I have EVER seen. By the looks of it...the GW2 beta brought a lot of people back to reality. All over the place, I belong to LOTS of gaming forums and lots of people didn't like it. They say the things were cheesy, sub par, overall confusing and boring. There are going to be a lot of disappointed people out there when they pick up GW2. Again...it's one world. You can only go so far with one world. TOR has 17 worlds in a galaxy. There is UNLIMITED amount of room to how big this game can get.


For me anyway, I usually try to have one fantasy mmorpg, one sci fi mmorpg. But TOR is so strong with me, that I end up logging into my other mmos, then logging right back out and it's so...refreshing to play TOR!



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GW1 is really nothing like GW2. They are two very different games. For a 1 time 60 dollar fee this game gives you a lot to do. As long as you're not a 6 hour+/day player there is enough content in their initial release to last a VERY long time. Do you really think the content they've given us since December could EVER retail for 60 dollars in a store?


In a free to play game like this you pay only when the developers deliver somehting worth paying for. My 15/month since Dec (another 60 dollars ontop of what I've paid for the game ) hasn't really given me anything to write home about. I haven't even experienced most of it as I'm more fond of PvP in SWTOR than it's PvE (buggy and overly simplistic/easy).


well im still experiencing content in this game and I play 4-5 hours a day.


and after seeing gw2 in action. It is extremely dissapointing and i have a feeling a lot of original GW players are gonna feel the same. Furthermore the guild wars brand wasnt very popular amongst the gaming community. Guild wars was always under the radar as far as mmos were concerned. The issue now is GW2 has been OVERHYPED just like every mmo that comes out and after getting an extensive example, can not live up to expectations. It will have a decent playerbase though, but nothing spectacular

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I was considering getting Guild Wars 2, but then from what I have heard here it sounds as if it needs a bit of polishing up before I'll want to join. I have watched a few beta videos and I have to say the PVP looks great, but some of the animation and combat looked quite weird, but by the time it is released I'm sure most of that will have been fixed. Anyway for now I'll be sticking with SWTOR.
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Yeah, people being fed up with medieval fantasy settings sure killed Skyrim.


It's about smooth, responsive gameplay and expansive worlds, people. Setting and voice acting can't save a game set in an enclosed, instanced world that plays like crap. Bioware would have to rebuild SWTOR from the engine up to fix it.


Look, I play TOR because of the setting and I did not pay Skyrim, because I simply don´t like fantasy, couldn´t stand the LOTR films, hated the WoW trial and did not play any other MMOs besides EvE (Sci-Fi). Many people who bought into TOR bought it because of "Star Wars". So GW2 won´t attract people who don´t like fantasy, simple as that. Different story with "Secret World", because it´s survival horror in a modern day "near future" setting, so that is 100 times more attracting for people than GW2 or any other medieval style MMO.

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Probably because there are a lot of people who are saying SWTOR is better. If the people in this thread only posted praises about the game it would have been deleted a long time ago.


swtor isnt that great to be honest


its casualfest 2012.im sure the only reason non casuals have stuck with it is because they dont wanna go back to wow.i know thats like 95 percent of the reason i havent quit yet

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