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Some players bail too easy in PvP


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I love the reasons in this thread why they leave a warzone, pretty darn pathetic.

I call it excuses and these types of players need a deserter buff as soon as the ego makes them feel superior to everyone else and leaves the mess they created for someone else to clean up for them.


Catch my drift?


Totally catching your drift and fanning it...

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Disagree. For losing you will get some xp, commendations and cerdits. For quitting you will avoid a very unpleasant and tedious experience.


This. For me, it isn't about trying to maximize rewards, instead it is avoiding a frustrating experience. This is why ranked is needed. With ranked I would be able to avoid most of the terrible players.

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I just got out of a hutball game where we started with 8 players and after a couple minutes the other team(imps) scored ONE point and litterally half the team left.


I have noticed other times when the other team gets ahead and a teamate will start crying and telling eveyone they suck and then quit. I even had a guy yelling at our team, saying we sucked and quit - even though we were ahead and ended up wining the round.


To those who quit a match because you get behind and MIGHT lose - YOU ARE SELFISH.

Stay playing to help the team make a comeback, and earn some XP. I have at times earned more XP from a loss because I didnt give up and tried hard to the END.


Well, if it's like the Huttball matches I usually get....


I would leave to. I'm not staying to watch people fly half way across the map to the goal line in two seconds.


Huttball is a terrible Warzone which terrian is easily exploited via force jumping and pulling.


Basically the traps are there for almost no reason as most Premades will bypass them.


People talking about kill the ball carrier obviously have not played a real premade.


It's almost IMPOSSIBLE to kill a ball carrier with two or three people healing them, guard and defensive buffs,stuns etc.

Edited by Tiaa
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traps are there and can be used to kill "almost unkillable" ball carriers esp fire since it seems to hurt a whole heck of a lot more than it used to.


BW should add a new stat to a players record of wins and losses "quits/disonnects"


"10 wins 0 losses 1.5 billion quits/disconnects" is not record i would care to be wearing. nor would i listen to a leet player with that kind of record either.



at the same time i get how hard it is to do anything useful towards winnning when your team is off somewhere else deathmatching....in crap gear.

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I just got out of a hutball game where we started with 8 players and after a couple minutes the other team(imps) scored ONE point and litterally half the team left.


I have noticed other times when the other team gets ahead and a teamate will start crying and telling eveyone they suck and then quit. I even had a guy yelling at our team, saying we sucked and quit - even though we were ahead and ended up wining the round.


To those who quit a match because you get behind and MIGHT lose - YOU ARE SELFISH.

Stay playing to help the team make a comeback, and earn some XP. I have at times earned more XP from a loss because I didnt give up and tried hard to the END.

its a pug. i could just as easily call the people who demand i waste my time fighting a lost cause with them, when they show no desire or ability to improve their game, selfish.


at least my selfishness doesn't waste your time. when i leave a match, i open a spot and give you the opportunity to play as badly as you like without trying to force you to do what you obviously don't want to do.


when you tell me i absolutely must remain in something i do not consider fun, and demand i put in effort to try and mask your mistakes, while at the same time you continue to show me no consideration... well, im sorry, but to me that makes you far more selfish than I.

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Perhaps, but it does not change my opinion.

To me its just a game for fun, and there are too many "sore loser gamers" who take it all too serious.

"my team sucks so im outta here, boo hoo" If the shoe fits...if not...

Everyone has to be THE BEST. I know I am average at best and still have lots to improve. I can still have fun win or lose.


Perhaps there needs to be a way to seperats PUGs from Premades.

and this is the reason why people leave.


no offense, but winning is important to some of us.


before anybody gets their panties in a twist, im NOT saying quit at the first sign of trouble. but i am saying don't waste your time in lost causes.


i don't mind losing, if the loss comes after a good close match where both teams played their best and it was anyone's guess who would win right up until the end.


but when its obvious you're going to lose within the first few minutes of the game... yea, my time is valuable and losing for no good reason is absolutely not fun.


if you find it fun to get curb stomped, fine, by all means get curb stomped. just don't ask me to be there biting the curb with you.

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Fun that you say that, on my server we are dominated by the rep´s Premades and if you see them you kinda know that leaving the game is best, which is round about 80% of the games.


@ topic


The problem isnt so much good and bad players, its the imbalance that you can see quite fast.


1. There is no role queue, so you can end up with many tanks and dps, but no healers --> loss

2. A premade will face a pug ---> loss

3. You have players of 13-15khp vs. 20k+ hp --> loss


The same bad design wow has and even with a 30 min deserter people tend to afk a lot there or just afk until the end of the game. What BW should do is add a filter while queueing, so that people enter a game that they can win, rather than entering games which are lost allready due imbalance.


Oh yes here comes the token server where the opposite is true and all is well for the Jedi across the galaxy.

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Says the Assassin (more than likely is a tank, who more than likely was part of the Ilum Valor Rush, who more than likely has Biochem, who more than likely plays in premades that do exactly what I said).



You too can play an Assassin/Shaddow with whatever spec you would like. Personally, I find most of them quite easy to kill.


If that's what you need to think to make you sleep better at night. I made characters that got full BM gear before 1.2 without the so called valor rush. And this is on a server that has a higher population of imps and I did this with pub characters.


You can take biochem too. If it gives you an advantage for pvp you should have a least 1 character that can supply you with your chems.


Avoiding the fire in huttball is not an exploit, it is called teamwork and only bad players do not know how to counter this tactic. These are the same bad players that have 3-4 people chasing me around in the endzone after I score while the rest of my team scores behind their back.

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you get a good indication of how a team will play hutball in the first couple minutes....


If i grab the ball and get no heals, no support, no one to pass too.....then we aint playing hutball.


So im out.


I can understand this, one grab-and-gank is rather too quick to make this decision, I think.

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Read every post here and I will admit...


YES I am selfish! Totally 100%, why? because I pay my net bill not you. I pay my sub not you, I owe you nothing and I am not here to make the game enjoyable for you, that's BW's job. My time is valuable to one person, me not you.*hugs*;)


That being said if I am in a -fail in the 1st 2 min warzone-, yes I will leave. Why? Why not stay and get XP? I don't need it I am 50 on 2 toons in pvp. Why not stay and help the team medal farm? Not worth my time and time = $$ that I am paying out.


Now on the flipside. if I am in a warzone team that is doing their very best (it's often obvious) and IS NOT losing right out of the gate, I will pixel die for them to help...and stay til the end.


lightbulb moment: everyone is selfish, some admit it and some don't but at the end of the day it's a video game and one you are paying for to have fun. You get to decide to stay or go in a match based off that fact. Staying when it isn't fun for you is silly.

Edited by MandraMoody
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you get a good indication of how a team will play hutball in the first couple minutes....


If i grab the ball and get no heals, no support, no one to pass too.....then we aint playing hutball.


So im out.


That's not always true. Sometimes the first minute or two is misleading because people are looking to set up correctly.


I've had many games where the opposing team scores a goal very quickly, because they just stuck everyone on offense and just beat us to it.


And then we go on to win 6-1 because they can never get control of middle and are stuck chasing us the rest of the game, since we all got set up while they ran for their first score.

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Read every post here and I will admit...


YES I am selfish! Totally 100%, why? because I pay my net bill not you. I pay my sub not you, I owe you nothing and I am not here to make the game enjoyable for you, that's BW's job. My time is valuable to one person, me not you.*hugs*;)


That being said if I am in a -fail in the 1st 2 min warzone-, yes I will leave. Why? Why not stay and get XP? I don't need it I am 50 on 2 toons in pvp. Why not stay and help the team medal farm? Not worth my time and time = $$ that I am paying out.


Now on the flipside. if I am in a warzone team that is doing their very best (it's often obvious) and IS NOT losing right out of the gate, I will pixel die for them to help...and stay til the end.


lightbulb moment: everyone is selfish, some admit it and some don't but at the end of the day it's a video game and one you are paying for to have fun. You get to decide to stay or go in a match based off that fact. Staying when it isn't fun for you is silly.


At least you admit your selfish.

EVERYONE who is in the habbit of quiting a round when the other team gets a little ahead is a CHUMP.


YOU are the ones making PVP worse, even worse than the prolblems with premades, pugs and over powered toons.

Care to admit that?


This is a multiplayer game, and this attitude shows that you are not only selfish, but you don't mind screwing over other players. NOT COOL. This isn't the only problem, but one created by some PLAYERS and NOT BioWare.


If you "BAILERS" were any good, and tried hard then your team might have a chance to make a comeback win.

If you don't want to be a team player then don't play a team game. It's not too late to turn from the Dark SIde.

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lightbulb moment: everyone is selfish, some admit it and some don't but at the end of the day it's a video game and one you are paying for to have fun. You get to decide to stay or go in a match based off that fact. Staying when it isn't fun for you is silly.



when i leave a match, its not like im demanding they change the way they play. if they want to play poorly, fine with me, i just don't want to be a part of it.


but when they demand that i either stick around and play at their level, or else get a debuff or some other sort of punishment, and in the same breath dare to call me selfish, while also holding themselves up as paragons of altruism...


my god, the hypocrisy of these people is amazing.

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At least you admit your selfish.

EVERYONE who is in the habbit of quiting a round when the other team gets a little ahead is a CHUMP.


YOU are the ones making PVP worse, even worse than the prolblems with premades, pugs and over powered toons.

Care to admit that?


This is a multiplayer game, and this attitude shows that you are not only selfish, but you don't mind screwing over other players. NOT COOL. This isn't the only problem, but one created by some PLAYERS and NOT BioWare.


If you "BAILERS" were any good, and tried hard then your team might have a chance to make a comeback win.

If you don't want to be a team player then don't play a team game. It's not too late to turn from the Dark SIde.

hmmm, i like how your logic works.


lets see if we can use it from the other side...


EVERYONE who is in the habit of continuing to play badly and never making the slightest effort to improve on your own is a CHUMP.


YOU are the ones making PVP worse, even worse than the prolblems with premades, pugs and over powered toons.

Care to admit that?


This is a multiplayer game, and this attitude shows that you are not only selfish, but you don't mind screwing over other players. NOT COOL. This isn't the only problem, but one created by some PLAYERS and NOT BioWare.


If you "whiners" were any good, and tried hard then your team might never have to even worry about needing a comeback win.

If you don't want to be a team player and stop dragging down the smarter, more capable players, then don't play a team game. It's not too late to turn from the Carebear SIde.


yea... i do like your logic, works very nicely.

Edited by Jaidan
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At least you admit your selfish.

EVERYONE who is in the habbit of quiting a round when the other team gets a little ahead is a CHUMP. - name calling? really? wow someone needs to take a break away from the pc for awhile.


YOU are the ones making PVP worse, even worse than the prolblems with premades, pugs and over powered toons.

Care to admit that? I admit that you need anger management and lexapro in large doeses. You are e-raging and rude. newsflash it's a video game.


This is a multiplayer game, and this attitude shows that you are not only selfish, but you don't mind screwing over other players. NOT COOL. This isn't the only problem, but one created by some PLAYERS and NOT BioWare. -Screwing over? hahahaha and how is that? when I leave a failing WZ that I get almost nothing for and another player takes my place, how exactly am I screwing anyone over? please dude this is getting comical.


If you "BAILERS" were any good, and tried hard then your team might have a chance to make a comeback win.

If you don't want to be a team player then don't play a team game. It's not too late to turn from the Dark SIde.


I hate repeating myself but I feel I must...you don't pay my sub or my net. Sorry if you don't like that fact but easy fix is to start paying then I will do what you wish. Until then I will do as I please and if you don't like it? So what. I play to win with the time I paid for not to carebear an already dead team who is medal farming. That is MY CHOICE. If it ruins YOUR game then I guess the one constant is you...isn't it?

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when i leave a match, its not like im demanding they change the way they play. if they want to play poorly, fine with me, i just don't want to be a part of it.


but when they demand that i either stick around and play at their level, or else get a debuff or some other sort of punishment, and in the same breath dare to call me selfish, while also holding themselves up as paragons of altruism...


my god, the hypocrisy of these people is amazing.


Too true and the unwarranted sense of entitlement. They make it sound like they should be in control of time you are paying for. LMAO I could net a phd in psychotherapy in one day just by using these forums as material.

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Too true and the unwarranted sense of entitlement. They make it sound like they should be in control of time you are paying for. LMAO I could net a phd in psychotherapy in one day just by using these forums as material.


but heaven forbid if they don't get something for nothing.


a few weeks back the devs tried to punish the bad players by reducing the rewards gained from losing...


****, the amount of cry was absolutely epic.


so much easier to just blame the good players who don't want to put up with it than it is for them to pull themselves up to the same level as the "chumps" who are tired of being dragged down by their lack of ability.

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At least you admit your selfish.

EVERYONE who is in the habbit of quiting a round when the other team gets a little ahead is a CHUMP.


YOU are the ones making PVP worse, even worse than the prolblems with premades, pugs and over powered toons.

Care to admit that?


This is a multiplayer game, and this attitude shows that you are not only selfish, but you don't mind screwing over other players. NOT COOL. This isn't the only problem, but one created by some PLAYERS and NOT BioWare.


If you "BAILERS" were any good, and tried hard then your team might have a chance to make a comeback win.

If you don't want to be a team player then don't play a team game. It's not too late to turn from the Dark SIde.


I disagree!


If I join a game and only see full geared players on the opposite side, then I leave and right after this a new player will get in, who might have better suited gear for that fight.


You act like people wait minutes for a replacement / none is coming at all.. but thats not true. I have seen new players come in always right after someone was gone.


You can ofc. blame people that leave all the time, but this wont change the broken system itself. Blizz gave leavers a 30 min deserter but never cared to fix the reasons for leaving - thats the wrong way, because then people just stop playing or scream "lose fast".


Bw should just fix the queue system, I am sure its not so hard once the xrealm queues are up and then people with similar skill and gear + group size will meet and this is way more fun than our current situation.


I played pvp at vanilla and we only had premades and it was hell of fun and I never ran away of a hard fight, but at Tor and also current wow the fights that you get are no fun at all, as you have lost allready by entering the queue :(

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but heaven forbid if they don't get something for nothing.


a few weeks back the devs tried to punish the bad players by reducing the rewards gained from losing...


****, the amount of cry was absolutely epic.


so much easier to just blame the good players who don't want to put up with it than it is for them to pull themselves up to the same level as the "chumps" who are tired of being dragged down by their lack of ability.


Yes exactly! The assumption I have seen is that "bad" players leave but they are ignoring just what you said. The good players who leave to better spend their time gaining something instead of trying to 2-3 man win against poor odds and players who are just there to top a list for 2 seconds of bragging.


The reduction you mentioned IMO was a bad move as it hits even the good players who find themselves in a match with a team who isn't trying...hence why I normally bail on those.


I have two 50's. One geared in full BM and one in recruit. I die a ton on the under geared one but I get some mvp votes even with not so great numbers because they see I am doing all I can and popping everything to perform. it's obvious and I make it that way. And that's the rub, I try as I'm sure you do too...I won't stay for a team who isn't. BW says I don't have to hence the "leave warzone" button.

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I just got out of a hutball game where we started with 8 players and after a couple minutes the other team(imps) scored ONE point and litterally half the team left.


I have noticed other times when the other team gets ahead and a teamate will start crying and telling eveyone they suck and then quit. I even had a guy yelling at our team, saying we sucked and quit - even though we were ahead and ended up wining the round.


To those who quit a match because you get behind and MIGHT lose - YOU ARE SELFISH.

Stay playing to help the team make a comeback, and earn some XP. I have at times earned more XP from a loss because I didnt give up and tried hard to the END.


to those who think their opinion actually matters a damn about how others play YOU ARE SELFISH.


if a leaver really pisses you off, send him a tell and sort payment details to pay for his sub, then you can have a say as to how they play

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yes, it is very selfish of me to quit a warzone. but guess what? i am paying to play a game that i enjoy. when it becomes apparent that i am not going to enjoy a warzone, im not going to stay. i will leave and either queue for another warzone and hope for a better team, or i will do something else.


the number of people quitting warzones is not the problem. the problem is the number of people who do not have a clue what theyre doing in warzones. i do not know how this happens, because you should have learned at least a little about the pvp mechanics whilst getting to 50, and you should be familiar with your class mechanics through leveling. i honestly had a jugg tank in a warzone a few days ago argue with me when i asked if he was using his taunts. he told me taunts have no affect in pvp.......... /facepalm


i am willing to bet that this is why most people quit warzones. not b/c they might lose, but because it is simply not fun to be forced to play with bad players. you fix the bad players, and i guarantee that people abandoning warzones would not be a huge issue anymore. unfortunately there is no real way to fix bad players, so its kind of a catch-22

Edited by cashogy
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