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Why are our dots cleansable?


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Purging doesnt hurt Maurader DoTs too badly.

Purging is a problem for someone based on long duration, long cooldown DoTs that take a while to reapply or restack.


Maurader/Sentinel however has DoTs that only last 6 seconds or so, and very quickly refresh via overload sabers/deadly saber short cooldown, Cauterizes/rupture short cooldown, the constant chance of reset to cauterize/rupture, and the fact that Overload/deadly sabers applies Dots over the course of 3 GCDs.


So, the person must either purge them immediatly, which means hes going to take the next ones... or must wait until you get a full stack, in which case the first couple have almost run their course, and either way you wont be far from laying them back on.


So while purges can be annoying, they dont shut you down like the would if the DoT style was different.

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Why is any damage healable? DoTs are a status condition, and they should be able to be cleansed, just like any other damage should be able to be healed. It may not cost the healer a lot to do it, but that is assuming you have a healer that is actually keeping an eye on you.


Are you being serious? Dots can be both healed and cleansed where as direct damage can only be healed.

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Also keep in mind it will only cleanse 2 dots at once, and it has to be specced to remove negative physical effects. I'm not sure what is considered a physical effect, but I am fairly certain Maras have DOTs that are classified as physical. I need to figure that out better myself when I get the chance.


I agree with the other poster that said it doesn't really matter. But honestly this might be another reason to use the Rage tree anyway. 1 min UR alone might be enough, but also Shi-Cho Berserk effects for Vicious Slash and of course the big damage Smashes, and an extra gap closer with some speed increase might make this the more reliable tree. I've been mostly using Anni but I think I might move to Rage and stick with that. I just need to see how the damage compares in live play (I don't put overly much stock into training numbers).

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Purging doesnt hurt Maurader DoTs too badly.

Purging is a problem for someone based on long duration, long cooldown DoTs that take a while to reapply or restack.


Maurader/Sentinel however has DoTs that only last 6 seconds or so, and very quickly refresh via overload sabers/deadly saber short cooldown, Cauterizes/rupture short cooldown, the constant chance of reset to cauterize/rupture, and the fact that Overload/deadly sabers applies Dots over the course of 3 GCDs.


So, the person must either purge them immediatly, which means hes going to take the next ones... or must wait until you get a full stack, in which case the first couple have almost run their course, and either way you wont be far from laying them back on.


So while purges can be annoying, they dont shut you down like the would if the DoT style was different.


Purge is on a 3 sec CD, and is spammed by any decent Sorcerer. We have 3 healing spells to cast while moving (Resurgence, Static Barrier, and Purge), and we are moving 75% of the time. I use Purge pretty much every time it's up, because it's instant, heals, and can be used while moving.


Now, a good Annih Maurader can still put plenty of pressure, even take me down... but when I have a Guard and a Pealer assisting me? I can typically kite an Annih Maurader long enough for my team to kill him.

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I'm not sure why some are trying to argue against an obvious point. Most of the damage of an annihilation marauder comes from dots and these dots can be cleansed with 20 force, plus 500 healing by a sorc every 3 seconds. That's not a problem?
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Troll. Nothing to see here folks.



We shouldn't have got any buffs whatsoever in the last patch so yea, this is a troll, won't say anymore.


"we"? If you're going to troll the marauder boards and pretend you play a marauder at least take the effort to put it in your sig with the other toons that you have. Not that anybody would believe you anyways...

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Both types of damage can be healed... DoTs can be cleansed, casted heals can be interrupted. Welcome to MMO combat mechanics 101.


I'm not sure if you're deliberately trying to sound stupid, but a sorc can spam cleanse and make an anni marauder useless, throwing in one small heal to top off their health while the same can't be said for a direct damage dealer. Welcome to using common sense 101.

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I don't think it is fair to our opponent if they can't cleanse it.


All abilities that comes with an opportunity cost. DoTs are no different. We can either do instant damage, but less damage; or more damage, but it is DoT. DoT is fire-and-forget, but it is cleansible, while instant damage requires you to be on the ball and be following the target all the time, but it is guarrantee to land (sans being dodged or somehow defended).

Edited by aRtFuL
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Im sure its frustrating to you. But this game is about balance between classes.


Ive rolled a carnage Mara to 50. The only way to defend against my direct damage is to root me and run, or stun me. If either of these things happen my DPS goes to a resounding "0" DPS. So my job as a Carnage mara is to break stuns and roots, and get back to them ASAP to get my DPS rolling again. That is thier defensive balance against my direct burst damage spec.....stun and root.


As anihilation if you get stunned or rooted, what is happening with your DPS? Still rolling. If you get pushed off a platform, if they have dots on them, still rolling. Thats the great benifit to Playing that spec, DOTs are going even if your dead! But in a game of balance, letting there be no way to stop that damage would be a bit OP. How do you get a Anihilation Maras DPS to "0"? Cleanse. This is the balance for the spec. Most people will not be able to avoid the damage, or if they cleanse, they will still get a tick or 2. But overall its the fair defense against a vclass that can hurt you even if they are not around. It would not be fair otherwise. Like a previous poster mentioned, you have to be very quick to stop the damage at all, and by the time the clease is going, DOTS can be reapplied quickly, and the person has to go into defesive mode just to stay alive.


So I understand why your frustrated by it, but in the big picture, its still is very powerful, and only the quickest players will be able to avoid the wrath that is an Anihilation Mara.

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