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Same Faction PvP: A failure of overall game PvP


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Lol, warzone style PvP is the only real PvP. World PvP is for casuals.


Same faction PvP is only an issue for Roleplayers.


EDIT: also, there are server forums, and that isnt the reason there is no feel of faction, hardly anyone even reads the forums.


I'm not a role player, but same faction PvP is ridiculously stupid. This game is about the war between the Republic and Sith Empire. When I signed up as a Republic or Imperial to get into PvP, my mindset is facing the opposing faction. It looks more stupid now since as an Imperial, the ONLY PvP fighting going on is Imperial vs Imperial.


Yesterday after many PvP sessions, I was never in any Imperial vs Republic matches. It was all against fellow Imperials.


You play the PvE storylines and campaigns and you're mostly immersed in the conflict between the Republic and Empire. You get into PvP, and it's a total mess where one side doesn't really exist.


Also, Open World PvP in traditional MMORPGs is more hardcore than instanced PvP.

1. The first main point is that in an open world PvP game, there are far more possible places to engage in PvP. Not like instances where the map is small and everybody knows about the 1-2 bottlenecks and few routes of travel. You can still have familiarity in open world layouts, but the possible areas of engagement are way higher than small instanced maps. It adds alot of spice because where you fight can sometimes be very unpredictable.


2. Not sure how SWTOR does it for open world, esp. for the 50s (again, I have no 50 toons). Some games had a fleshed out RvR (Realm vs Realm) ruleset, complete with conquerable fortresses and such. Some games let you do open world PvP for the "pride of your faction," yet many still undertook open world.


Again, not sure how SWTOR does it for open world, but from what I've seen, SWTOR is making the same mistake as Warhammer Online/WAR did from what I've seen: The game drives 100% for instanced PvP. Though WAR had a much more terrible situation since there were extensive RvR mechanics and regions made, which was the whole point of the game. But instances were far more rewarding.


Anyways, back to the topic I posted for: When only 1 faction shows up for PvP in a multi-faction PvP game, that, IMO, is cause for concern.

In short, for those tl,dr : BW is doing a great job actually allowing same faction wz's to help suppress queue times for the overpopulated side. That side is created by the mentality of players, NO DEVELOPPED BALANCE WILL FIX THAT, because imp and rep classes are complete MIRRORS! The only thing same faction WZ's cause is ppl who get tired of losing either stop PvP or reroll to the other side, but guess what, that's caused by yes : the mentality of players


... and how is that getting the Republic to engage the Empire in PvP?




Edited by LemmingLeader
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Eliminating the same faction warzones would balance things more. Some Imps will get tired of waiting for republic players to queue so they will re roll Pub.

Besides, having same faction warzones just makes the gap between factions larger, discouraging the lower population one to do PvP.

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Something I'd like to see and it would fix the pop issue too. Is mix faction wz, but it would ruin the cannon and ppl would QQ.


^ This or maybe create teams based on what your alignment is (LS vs DS) and pure neutral chars ( 0 alignment pts) would just slot in wherever they are needed.

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Sorry but Bioware doesn't really care about fixing the faction imbalance. All they do each patch is to make every WZ same-faction, which ends benefiting even more imbalance.


It used to be playing the more populated side got you saddled with queue times. Right now playing Empire you get to have the cake and eat it too.


There is nothing worth playing Republic side now: boring stories, lame-looking armors, no players at all to group up. Just save yourself the trouble and roll Empire like everyone else.

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I'm not a hardcore PvPer. I do alot of both PvP and PvE when given the chance, because with PvP, player dynamics make things more interesting than any NPC ever will. Also, to let this tidbit out, I don't have a 50 toon yet, but I have alot. So I got a taste of all PvP under the level cap.


Now, when playing with my Imperial toons and PvPing, it's very bad now. But PvP between the Republic and Imperials is practically nonexistent now. I won't get into the class balance thing because there's many threads about that already. But it's been really bad since 1.2, and it's been more noticeable as time went on. Today for example, after long play sessions, there were no matches at all between the Empire and Republic. Everything was Imperial vs Imperial, which is lame. I mean, even Voidstar is now reduced to same faction PvP.


For whatever reasons there are out there, the Republic players are no longer obliging for PvP. Which, IMO, is a huge negative mark on PvP in general for SWTOR. You tout in this game Empire vs Republic. The briefings in the warzones are still the same, talking about the factions opposing each other. But what we end up with is the ridiculousness of only Imperials fighting Imperials, nothing else.


I WANT to fight those player troopers, jedi, etc. But for whatever reasons, the Republic side is no longer fighting in PvP. Which is terribly bad for the game, IMO.


Rp has no palce in pvp so move along champ...


i want fast queus like 99% of the poeple..i dont care what faction i am..what faction im fighting against...looks..lore..anything..i jsut care abot pvp performace..

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A great way to avoid same faction pvp would be for them to have never impletmented it in the first place...if one faction gets too swollen, they either wait in ques or play the other team and let it even out. I absolutly hate how they are making every warzone same vs same faction enabled... there eventually comes a point where faction doesnt mean anything when you fight your own side as often as the enemy.
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Eliminating the same faction warzones would balance things more. Some Imps will get tired of waiting for republic players to queue so they will re roll Pub.

Besides, having same faction warzones just makes the gap between factions larger, discouraging the lower population one to do PvP.


No I am getting sick and tired of the same people every day doing the same damn thing every day!!!


I want cross server PVP so I meet unknowns and spice up the game. Right now it is boringly the same.....

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A great way to avoid same faction pvp would be for them to have never impletmented it in the first place...if one faction gets too swollen, they either wait in ques or play the other team and let it even out. I absolutly hate how they are making every warzone same vs same faction enabled... there eventually comes a point where faction doesnt mean anything when you fight your own side as often as the enemy.


Unfortunately that already arrived...faction is completely irrelevant in this game. Largely due to the poor world PvP design, and the same faction war zones.

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I don't get it why people keep complaining about the same faction WZ's, they're there cause the population is imbalanced, this is not a balance issue! it's a mentality issue, and those who complain about the same faction WZ's are actually feeding the freaking imbalance, cause THEY ARE ON THE OVERPOPULATED SIDE!!!!!!


Roll republic if you wanna fight the other faction, cause guess what, the reps do find other faction a lot. Imps don't cause like for every rep group there's like 4-5 imp groups, even on a population wise balanced server like ToFN.


And i already wanna place a bet that a lot of these complaining people thought "But i don't wanna be the goodie goodie side" when they read my last small paragraph!


Ok let me get this understood.






Does this explain the problem?

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I think that it is fair to say that BW has been playing this whole ballgame not to win but simply not to lose.


In the end though it is tough to find a whole lot of win in that philosophy.


They concentrate on how to make things better on ghost town servers that are heavy to one faction by amusing the heavy side with same faction pvp and not fixing the ghost town side.


Fear of exodus from Ghost Town servers, for example, has led to the server transfer policy of targeted transfers which of course will allow people from servers that can get groups and pvp matches to spend some cash to hopefully make the ghost towns better.


I am sure that the idea, which I think is fundamentally flawed, sounded a lot better in a meeting where someone pretty high up the chain of command thought it rocked.


Play to win please BW. Not just not to lose.



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Same faction WZ's is the dumbest thing I have ever seen in a game, and the fact that this is Star Wars just makes me angry!

This is what happens when you make a game all about the shiny crap..

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When the game launched my friends and I all decided to roll pub just because we knew that every kid out there wanted to shoot lightning out their butts. We knew this would help our que times and we were right. We came for the pvp and my server rolls the imp side all the time. Will admit that it did take a bit for the pubs to get rolling with the pvp but once they did imps didn't stand a chance. Play mostly pub against pub now, Imps don't want to play much these days.
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I've PvP'd every single day since 1.2, on average around 7 matches a night, and in that time I have only been in 8 games where the Republic actually won. My daily I got at 1.2 launch is still active. I'm not sure how much longer I'll be joining in the PvP charade because it's getting really old to be continually slaughtered every single game we play, then be /spit on and /laughed at by the Empire.


This cant be true...

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