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Moar Character Slots!


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I know we already have 8 and 8 is nice and all but if you think about it, you can play each class 2 different ways..and I want to do that..I need moar slots! Reckon we have any plans to increase the max number of slots? I'd like to try the other ones sometime and moving to a different sever/playing the imperial versions of them doesn't count as trying them!


Edit: Why are you so offended and put off by the way I spelled "More"? Chil...you'll live... MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR! ...Now go suck a Gundark's ear...

Edited by IrvNation
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Didn't read past your spelling in the subject line. It's more not moar. If you want to be taken seriously spell it right. The other is just juvenile.


Yet you felt the necessity to write this completely irrelevant and pointless answer to this thread. Bravo to you, sir. From this point on, I shall take YOU seriously.


To stay on topic, I always felt that there should be 16 slots. There are, basically, 16 story lines, so it is only fair to assume that some people want to experience them all.

Edited by MartyCZE
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Didn't read past your spelling in the subject line. It's more not moar. If you want to be taken seriously spell it right. The other is just juvenile.


Uptight much? On topic:


All my slots are already filled and I would like at least 16 slots to be available. Two per class is perfect. I'd like to have the option of playing each class differently (swapping ACs, alignment, etc) on the same legacy.

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I know we already have 8 and 8 is nice and all but if you think about it, you can play each class 2 different ways..and I want to do that..I need moar slots! Reckon we have any plans to increase the max number of slots? I'd like to try the other ones sometime and moving to a different sever/playing the imperial versions of them doesn't count as trying them!


And yes, playing the mirror image does count as playing them. Seriously, there's 8 storylines. 8 classes(sorc/sage is 1, Guardian/Juggernaught is a second, etc.). 8 slots. It all works out all fancy like.

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And yes, playing the mirror image does count as playing them. Seriously, there's 8 storylines. 8 classes(sorc/sage is 1, Guardian/Juggernaught is a second, etc.). 8 slots. It all works out all fancy like.


Well the way I see it, each character class on one side has it own story. Eg.






You have two different class in one, each with its own set of skills. From here a person might want to say "I could take him light or dark...but why settle for one when i can make one light and one dark.


So then we have

Trooper: 2 classes

Consular: 2 classes

Knight: 2 classes

Smuggler: 2 classes


That makes eight. I can have eight different storylines on each side so naturally I should want to try/have them all!


To say the mirror classes are the same is...a bit odd since they each have their own animation, making then seem like different moves..I myself consider them different no matter if they are technically mirrored. So to cap it off, I could have 16 different way MY story could go...but I am limited to 8.

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I agree. I'd LOVE 16 character slots. I'm an admitted altoholic with no desire to change.


While yes, your story in general won't change as far as advanced classes go. There are plenty of times where I've thought to myself "Huh, I wonder how the [other alignment] choice affects this."


To me this is enough of a change to keep me interested in replaying that storyline.


This wasn't a big deal before 1.2 but now with the benefits legacy adds, I'd really rather have all of these characters on one server instead of split up over two.


Just my two cents.

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Of course, the other alternative would be to simply make your Legacy able to work cross-server.

That way it wouldn't matter that you only have 8 slots per server.

(ie. 8 Imps on one server, 8 Reps on another, 1 shared Legacy).


Even if you still couldn't send money/items cross server (to maintain economic stability - BoA excepted), this would at least allow the Legacy Perks to be carried over.

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I asked this question in the last 'ask developers' thread. Maybe they'll see this thread as well and answer it??


I don't think I really need to waste my breath explaining WHY I would want more character slots in an MMORPG, but since I'm here and this thread exists: THIS is hands down the BEST STORY driven MMO ever created.... so naturally.... those of use who enjoy this story telling element would want to experience all of the content created, while continuing to build our legacy.


Give us more slots please.

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I can't believe you're all buying into the 'roll an alt' because other parts of the game lack. This is an MMO.. alts shouldn't really come into play this much so early in the game's life span, for me it underlines the longevity problem within TOR. And agree with the second poster... I have little respect for people that can't use a small word properly, this type of dumbed down grammar belongs on social spewfests such as farcebook!! :D Edited by Caspian_Rho
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And yes, playing the mirror image does count as playing them. Seriously, there's 8 storylines. 8 classes(sorc/sage is 1, Guardian/Juggernaught is a second, etc.). 8 slots. It all works out all fancy like.


No it doesn't.


I've played 2 agents so far. 1 light side, 1 dark, and their stories are not the same. I haven't even rolled a smuggler yet, because I have no more slots on that server.

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And agree with the second poster... I have little respect for people that can't use a small word properly, this type of dumbed down grammar belongs on social spewfests such as farcebook!! :D


I find it funny how easily people are annoyed/offended by unusual spellings. Buncha old geizers and our roudy doudy crazy texty spellins...hogwash...



Also, yes. There are many different storylines a player can take and each outcome can be different. Light and dark sides. Each Single class and advanced class while seeming mirrored in damage and healing, is different simply by looks...To us who enjoy story and creating our own stories, we see the difference and want to experience it all...It's only logical we get 16 slots or the ability to purchase them.


Only today, I had trouble choosing my advance smuggler class...I had tried gunslinger on my old sever and thought maybe i'd try scoundrel but of course when the time came to chose I was stuck for about 30 minutes cause both advanced classes are too intriguing. I chose scoundrel...but after leveling once I started thinking"...wait...last time I did gunslinger I was able to do this! Gah!" I deleted the scoundrel and restarted him JUST to chose the Gunslinger Advanced class...so...again...8 is not enough...

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I would love 16 Character Slots. 8 Empire and 8 Republic. At least 1 of every race. and 1 of every Advanced Spec. Example a Jedi Sentinel and Guardian would be 2 character slots and Sith Marauder and Juggernaut as another 2. I want 1 of EVERYTHING!

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Afirst I thought 8 slots were plenty.


I have changed my mind, for several reasons and here's one.


I want to have an empire zabrak consular, but I need to level up or buy the zabrak legacy unlock. That would be fine unless I wanted to experience all the storylines, which I do. This would take up 2 slots for 1 of the 8 story lines.

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This question regarding an expansion on the amount of character slots per server was addressed in a community Q&A blog. Below is a quote from the blog:


Aymi: You guys are including a whole bunch of things to motivate us to reroll and unlock stuff through Legacy, but if I’m playing on one server because the community is great, I’ll be limited to eight characters. You said during the Guild Summit you were going to think about it at some point, any update on that?


Daniel Erickson: We are 100% committed to providing more character slots per server in the future but unfortunately we’re not ready to talk about how that will work.


To continue discussion on this topic, please use the following thread http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=320927


This will help us to consolidate discussion on the topic. Thanks!

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