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Everything posted by KreeAyTiv

  1. Personally the VO makes the game way more enjoyable. I try to play other MMO's and get bored of reading the quests after a few and just start auto accepting and figuring out what to do through the quest log. As a result these games end up feeling like a grind-fest.
  2. I would love an official response on this.
  3. You're right there. You do some exciting stuff on Dromund Kaas and then start Chapter 2.
  4. I started out hating it, but it grew on me as I kept reading. You've thought it through pretty well. As far as negatively impacting the game, the only thing I could think of would be creating greater PvP imbalance. But on the other hand I can see people queuing up on the lower pop side for the faster queues. Therefore IMHO this issue's a wash. Personally I'd still prefer the ability to have a class ending quest that allows you to switch sides somehow, but I realize this probably isn't remotely possible. Well thought out and written post. Props to you.
  5. The Sith warrior class quests is pretty well done. I haven't played a Jug, but have enjoyed my guardian while leveling him.
  6. I agree. I'd LOVE 16 character slots. I'm an admitted altoholic with no desire to change. While yes, your story in general won't change as far as advanced classes go. There are plenty of times where I've thought to myself "Huh, I wonder how the [other alignment] choice affects this." To me this is enough of a change to keep me interested in replaying that storyline. This wasn't a big deal before 1.2 but now with the benefits legacy adds, I'd really rather have all of these characters on one server instead of split up over two. Just my two cents.
  7. You wont' be able to. The relics will cause a short cooldown before you can use a second.
  8. It's in the works. http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/01/11/swtors-alignment-system-will-offer-exclusive-loot-for-neutral-players/
  9. I'm having the same issue. Tab works just fine as a the keybind for "target next enemy" and will select the closest. However sticking anything on "target nearest enemy" doesn't work. I'd really love to set that to "t", and yet when I do, nothing happens. The number of times I've spent a second and a half in combat today mashing "t" while trying to attack an enemy is ridiculous.
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