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Dude, if you can't see how PATHETIC SWTORs PvP is right now, you're blind! GW2 WILL take PvPers from this game. Even if they only offer a flippin box where people can fight, it beats the crap we have here. You ARE justifying it by pretending GW2 is no threat - it IS!


I'm certainly no 'hater', nor do I want to play GW2...I want THIS game to get it's **edit** straight and fix what they keep screwing up!




Why would you, of all people, ask for a date? You clearly state they're unimportant to you, yet you think I'll have one? Why? Why would you think I'd have a date for GW2? I hope to not play it. I didn't beta test it and I didn't give a **edit** about it tbh until SWTOR started destroying every bit of open world PvP they had.


Warzone PvP is great, what are you talking about. It's all pretty well balanced. Very skill based, not class.


Oh you mean open world pvp...in that case, never mind :)

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I guess you haven't kept up. They already did that. That interview was two months ago....


Oh, so you gave me old links? Do you happen to have a current link that can verify your claim? You said they're working on it...please just provide me the link/source of that claim. It'll make me feel much better.

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Warzone PvP is great, what are you talking about. It's all pretty well balanced. Very skill based, not class.


Oh you mean open world pvp...in that case, never mind :)


Glad you like it. I don't. I think it's PvP for Dummies.

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Oh, so you gave me old links? Do you happen to have a current link that can verify your claim? You said they're working on it...please just provide me the link/source of that claim. It'll make me feel much better.


You're right. A link to where the lead PvP developer said "we're working on it" is obviously not good enough.


Look, if you're not actually interested in objective information, I can stop now. I'm just not willing to put in effort if all you're going to do is disregard the exact info you're looking for.


Otherwise, I'll let you go to your room so you can QQ in peace...

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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What are you talking about? I WANT world PvP!!!! WORLD PvP will HELP this game!
Yeah, but you stated that ".... addressing the timed events and some of the balancing mechanics ...," mentioned by Gabe Amatangelo, was an example that the weren't addressing World PvP. That they were addressing something else first. Both things mentioned, however, are direct part of World PvP gameplay.
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wow acctually cost over 100 million to make


swtor cost 200 million because or all the voice overs


Wow didn't cost a few hundred million to make and certainly didn't have server transfers after 6 months.


Then again, how long was it after Rift released that they offered transferred again?


Because that game cost a few hundred million to make and was owned by a company who made a big loss last year.


Lol, I ain't got nothing to lose, looks like some already have.

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Idk why everyone says it's too little too late.. The game is still new! BW has done an excellent job at listening to community feedback. We were asking for this! For those who are complaining that there servers are dead and they want to go to Fatman, have you considered the fact that YOUR server will likely have a player boost? Idk, something to think about.


Thanks BW

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You're right. A link to where the lead PvP developer said "we're working on it" is obviously not good enough.


If you're not actually interested in objective information, I can stop now. I'm just not willing to put in effort if all you're going to do is disregard the exact info you're looking for.


I appreciate you trying to provide the information I'm seeking, but I HONESTLY did not see where they said they were working on Open World PvP right now, as we type. In fact, let me give you a quote of my own from another interview from April 10th:


At the Guild Summit, Gabe stated that Ilum did not live up to the planet’s hope and that in 1.2, we’re sort of pivoting away from the Open World PvP. Can you share anything about the reboot of Ilum and Open World PvP?

JO: Well Open World PvP, we know that there is a large portion of our fans that are very passionate about it, so it’s something we want to do. We want to make sure we do it right. One of the issues Ilum had was the faction imbalance population problem. So, if you were actually on a server where the faction imbalance wasn’t very bad, or was very close, Ilum was actually a lot of fun. But if you were on a server with faction imbalance, then Ilum wasn’t so much fun. The fact is, there were many people who weren’t having fun, even though there were a lot of people who were having fun. Of course, you never hear from the people who are having fun, because they are in the game having fun!


But we want to make sure that everyone's having fun. So what we’re doing is we’re taking away the spotlight from Ilum. The rewards for going to Ilum are not going to be there. You can still go and do Ilum, but it’ll be more of...it’ll be similar to what we had on Tatooine. It’ll be more an opt-in "Hey, let’s have some fun PvP times." However, we do want to introduce competitive open world PvP that is an integral part of the game. So, we’re working on that. We are waiting on tech that is going to help us solve the faction imbalance problems and then we will reintroduce it hopefully sometime this year.


That yellow part goes 100% contrary to what you believe.


Jeramie...I assure you, I am VERY interested in this game succeeding. I want THIS to be the only game I play for the next 10 years. But, as it is right now, I have VERY serious doubts it'll last 2 years and I don't see ANY hope for World PvP soon...


Do you understand some of my dismay now?

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I appreciate you trying to provide the information I'm seeking, but I HONESTLY did not see where they said they were working on Open World PvP right now, as we type. In fact, let me give you a quote of my own from another interview from April 10th:




That yellow part goes 100% contrary to what you believe.


Jeramie...I assure you, I am VERY interested in this game succeeding. I want THIS to be the only game I play for the next 10 years. But, as it is right now, I have VERY serious doubts it'll last 2 years and I don't see ANY hope for World PvP soon...


Do you understand some of my dismay now?


And what is it that you think I believe? That yellow part actually is right on the timeline I was thinking. They're waiting on the tech to allow for massive PvP populations, but that doesn't mean the entire project is on hold. If it was, there's no way they'd get it out this year, like he just said they ARE shooting for.


Also, I had a glimmer of hope from JO's tweet:



Lots of good comments from last week's question! Player bounties and PvPvE in Open World PvP were popular ideas; thanks for the feedback.


Oh, if I could do player bounties again, I'm hooked for the long haul for sure.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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I think it's fair to say there are several dead servers


out of 120 servers in North America, 35 could be considered dead


so about 30% of the severs have a low population (average below 80 on a fleet)

60% of all servers have a medium population (average between 80-200 on a fleet [200 being at peak times])

10% having high populations (average over 150+ on the fleet)


The game has boasted some impressive stats as well


2 million subscribers in six months (which no other moo in history, including wow can boast about this)

The average playtime when this game came out was eight hours


This server issues is huge however It has to be handled delicately , and trends in servers need to be monitored so delays should be expected


Another interesting state is wow looses two million subscribers in one year


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Yes 5, my original server is 16th on torstatus and if it breaks 50 people on prime time its a really good day. so it sounds like torstatus is junk. I was going by the servers that arent marked as "light" on swtors own server list. and who cares if its 5 or 15, this is a brand new triple A game, if i was a dev and saw those numbers i would be getting my resume ready and it wouldnt have swtor on it.
Well then I would say be thankful you're not a developer for a new AAA game, then. Your expectations of industry performance standards are far from realistic. Edited by HeavensAgent
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Perhaps you misunderstand. I've no issue with folks offering constructive criticism of the game along with viable recommended solutions.


My gripe is with, "Too little too late so cya" type posts that offer nothing of value from those quitting anyway. Why stick around, if you've decided to cut sling anyway? Just leave already, since you've offering nothing of substance to the discussion. It's called being a troll, and there are too many of those on the forum.


Too bad, people are pissed, people who payed for this game and have stuck with it since release. if they want to express their disapointment in the way this game is being handled they have a right to and i think everyone who is quitting this game out of frustration should do so.


Its far more helpful than people who blindly defend the devs, do you truely belive that they could not get server transfers up before sometime in the summer? Did you truely believe the devs when they announced that they are not losing subs and populations were fine right after they gave everyone a free month?

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Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand. Have a problem with the game that makes you not want to play it?


Leave. Other games are out there. Go play them. Why waste time posting here if your unsubscribing anyway? It's just stupid.


actually ppl before leaving current game they try to post lots of dirt and keep other payers dont play the game...

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Too bad, people are pissed, people who payed for this game and have stuck with it since release. if they want to express their disapointment in the way this game is being handled they have a right to and i think everyone who is quitting this game out of frustration should do so.


Its far more helpful than people who blindly defend the devs, do you truely belive that they could not get server transfers up before sometime in the summer? Did you truely believe the devs when they announced that they are not losing subs and populations were fine right after they gave everyone a free month?


So, it is fueled by emotion over logic.


Personally, I don't blame you. Server transfers really need to happen ASAP. And it is happening ASAP. So, we're set.

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actually ppl before leaving current game they try to post lots of dirt and keep other payers dont play the game...


That's my guess. It's a form of poisoning the well, though frankly it's likely a futile gesture since so few who bought/play this game come here to peruse the forums.

Edited by GreySix
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Yes 5, my original server is 16th on torstatus and if it breaks 50 people on prime time its a really good day. so it sounds like torstatus is junk. I was going by the servers that arent marked as "light" on swtors own server list. and who cares if its 5 or 15, this is a brand new triple A game, if i was a dev and saw those numbers i would be getting my resume ready and it wouldnt have swtor on it.


50 and number 16. so how many ppl playing then, couple thousnd then across all servers. i loged in my server it was 20 ppl my server The Arkanian Legacy. its nothing what we can do wait until server merge

Edited by Algaaa
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Well then I would say be thankful you're not a developer for a new AAA game, then. Your expectations of industry performance standards are far from realistic.


You are confusing expectations with experience, ive been playing mmo's since eq1 and ive tried all of the AAA mmo's since. when an mmo falls past a certain point they rarely if ever return, no matter how well they are fixed. when you release an mmo you get one shot, if it flops in the first year it will never be what it could have been. Id rather not see swtor go down that road.

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