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offcourse they will worry why not? The big game title coming at beta many ppl was huppy they already made thousn and thousnd fans and its GW2 many ppl who playd GW they will move into it. ArenaNet already have experience in MMO and Bioware dont have any MMO experience. ArenaNet they see whats going on now in MMO industry they probably prepare to make GW2 fun and keep players


I thought it was awesome fun, esp. liked the way NPCs acted, children would run up to you and say "Wow! Look! A hero!" (merely an example), and the place felt alive. (Unlike the NPCs who stand & stare at you lol).

Still like SWTOR, but only cus its SW, and getting more peeved each day at silly things isn't helping, but I guess thats life! :rolleyes:

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More hyperbole? Point out where I'm "justifying" anything. Go ahead. And make sure you take a look at my posts disagreeing with the Expertise move, and the posts about how real PvP has died as a result.


I just call things like I see 'em. And the player-hyped GW2 is just another MMO with all its inherent imperfections and a playerbase that thinks it's the "new cool" to be a hater.


Dude, if you can't see how PATHETIC SWTORs PvP is right now, you're blind! GW2 WILL take PvPers from this game. Even if they only offer a flippin box where people can fight, it beats the crap we have here. You ARE justifying it by pretending GW2 is no threat - it IS!


I'm certainly no 'hater', nor do I want to play GW2...I want THIS game to get it's **edit** straight and fix what they keep screwing up!


Dates are never released until finalized, and even then they're subject to change.


If you feel dates are so important and vital, when is GW2 launching? You're claiming it's going to kill SWTOR's current population; if you're so sure it's going to have a significant impact on SWTOR you must have have a date, since you seem to consider it to be so important.


Why would you, of all people, ask for a date? You clearly state they're unimportant to you, yet you think I'll have one? Why? Why would you think I'd have a date for GW2? I hope to not play it. I didn't beta test it and I didn't give a **edit** about it tbh until SWTOR started destroying every bit of open world PvP they had.

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Dude, if you can't see how PATHETIC SWTORs PvP is right now, you're blind! GW2 WILL take PvPers from this game. Even if they only offer a flippin box where people can fight, it beats the crap we have here. You ARE justifying it by pretending GW2 is no threat - it IS!


I'm certainly no 'hater', nor do I want to play GW2...I want THIS game to get it's **edit** straight and fix what they keep screwing up!


I never said GW2 was no threat to TOR's PvP population, I said it's no threat to TOR. TOR's entire PvP-only population can disappear, and TOR will still float quite well.


And that's not defense, it's just reality.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Sounds good to me. They'll probably force-merge Fort Garnik since it's so desolate, but my wife and I will continue to level up characters there until such time. Personally, I like having planets mostly to myself, but to each his own.
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Why would you, of all people, ask for a date? You clearly state they're unimportant to you, yet you think I'll have one? Why? Why would you think I'd have a date for GW2? I hope to not play it. I didn't beta test it and I didn't give a **edit** about it tbh until SWTOR started destroying every bit of open world PvP they had.
Because you have cited it as a threat, and you have also stated how dates are vital and necessary. If you consider GW2 a threat to SWTOR, you must know a date for its launch then. Unless one of the things you stated wasn't true, of course.
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I never said GW2 was no threat to TOR's PvP population, I said it's no threat to TOR. TOR's entire PvP-only population can disappear, and TOR will still float quite well.


And that's not defense, it's just reality.


Ah! OK, so you're ok with the PvPers leaving and have no worries that they'll go...got it.


I'm not. I'm one of the "PvPers" and I wanted to play THIS game. I don't agree that the game would be "quite well".

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Ah! OK, so you're ok with the PvPers leaving and have no worries that they'll go...got it.


I'm not. I'm one of the "PvPers" and I wanted to play THIS game. I don't agree that the game would be "quite well".


Oh, they're working on open-world PvP as we speak. Ranked WZ's will probably even be here before or at 1.3. It's coming. I'm a PvPer myself, although a patient one. Maybe it's my age, fatherhood, I dunno.


Suffice it to say that GW2 can have all the impatient ones. I won't mind one bit. And it wouldn't hurt TOR in the slightest.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Because you have cited it as a threat, and you have also stated how dates are vital and necessary. If you consider GW2 a threat to SWTOR, you must know a date for its launch then. Unless one of the things you stated wasn't true, of course.


I WANT a date for ranked WZ's. They were PROMISED and advertised as being in 1.2.


I fear what GW2 will do to SWTOR if the PvP in that game is a fraction of what it's hyped up to be.


So please, again explain to me why you feel I need to know a date for GW2's release? You're asking for something I don't need to provide for my above statements, nor can I provide it just to appease you.

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I WANT a date for ranked WZ's. They were PROMISED and advertised as being in 1.2.




My son tries this on me, too. "Dad, can we go get some ice cream?" "We'll see. If I can get this done before 8, we'll go."


8 comes and goes, still busy.


"Sorry, son, not going to work out." "But you PROMISED!!!!11!1!thirteen" "No, son, I most certainly did NOT promise. I said we'd go if everything works out. It didn't work out. We'll go tomorrow."



Yeah, ridiculous "promise" claims don't work on non-promises. ;)

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My son tries this on me, too. "Dad, can we go get some ice cream?" "We'll see. If I can get this done before 8, we'll go."


8 comes and goes, still busy.


"Sorry, son, not going to work out." "But you PROMISED!!!!11!1!thirteen" "No, son, I most certainly did NOT promise. I said we'd go if everything works out. It didn't work out. We'll go tomorrow."



Yeah, ridiculous "promise" claims don't work on non-promises. ;)

Fine, you're a dad who makes empty promises to your child. That's not even remotely close to selling a product (re-subs) on a feature you don't add.
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My son tries this on me, too. "Dad, can we go get some ice cream?" "We'll see. If I can get this done before 8, we'll go."


8 comes and goes, still busy.


"Sorry, son, not going to work out." "But you PROMISED!!!!11!1!thirteen" "No, son, I most certainly did NOT promise. I said we'd go if everything works out. It didn't work out. We'll go tomorrow."



Yeah, ridiculous "promise" claims don't work on non-promises. ;)


I dont really care that ranked wz's got postponed since i had to reroll off a dead server, but you just sound like a fanboy. BW didnt say they were going to TRY to get the ranked wz's into 1.2 when they anounced it, they said they were coming with 1.2.


Personaly i think bw would be idiots to release ranked warzones before they fix their server population problems.

Edited by Mallorik
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My son tries this on me, too. "Dad, can we go get some ice cream?" "We'll see. If I can get this done before 8, we'll go."


8 comes and goes, still busy.


"Sorry, son, not going to work out." "But you PROMISED!!!!11!1!thirteen" "No, son, I most certainly did NOT promise. I said we'd go if everything works out. It didn't work out. We'll go tomorrow."



Yeah, ridiculous "promise" claims don't work on non-promises. ;)


Your son also doesn't pay you a monthly fee for ice cream.


If you told your son in 3 months you'll be getting some new flavor of ice cream, then a day before the big moment you went, "Oh yea sorry son, we won't have the new flavor for an undetermined amount of time. We just realized after making 100 batches that the ice cream doesn't taste good and the cups are way too big. We do have cones though!"


I'm pretty sure your son would be skeptical of any future ice cream endeavors. He may even give it up all together and try out some new Korean ice cream that actually tastes good - and has sprinkles!

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If I knew what you seem to know, maybe I too would be patient. I don't, so I'm not.


The PvP development team has decided to revamp open-world - Stephen Reid's post on that page.


There's even a screenshot about it from the Guild Summit.


More data gathering last month.


"They're working on getting something altogether better out the door." - IGN


Interview with Gabe Amatangelo here:

First off, as far as Ilum goes and just open world PvP across SW:TOR in general, we wanted to get areas in there that players could engage in there when they wanted to, but it was never slated to have a full and robust RvR type system or galactic warfare, tug-of-war type of things. I mean, we want to do it, and the PvP team especially wants to do this sort of thing, of course, but it just wasn’t in the cards leading up to launch. So this is stuff in the future, and that we’re already thinking about and working on.


Lots more info in that interview.


And more. Need I keep going?

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Your son also doesn't pay you a monthly fee for ice cream.


If you told your son in 3 months you'll be getting some new flavor of ice cream, then a day before the big moment you went, "Oh yea sorry son, we won't have the new flavor for an undetermined amount of time. We just realized after making 100 batches that the ice cream doesn't taste good and the cups are way too big. We do have cones though!"


I'm pretty sure your son would be skeptical of any future ice cream endeavors. He may even give it up all together and try out some new Korean ice cream that actually tastes good - and has sprinkles!


Doesn't matter. He knows that no matter what, the only time a promise is a promise is when I say, "I promise". That's it.


Figured that was obvious common knowledge, but once again I stand corrected on the condition of humanity...

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I dont really care that ranked wz's got postponed since i had to reroll off a dead server, but you just sound like a fanboy. BW didnt say they were going to TRY to get the ranked wz's into 1.2 when they anounced it, they said they were coming with 1.2.


Personaly i think bw would be idiots to release ranked warzones before they fix their server population problems.


Except they also said "As always, subject to change based on testing." Again, I"m not freaking defending anything. Just calling it the way it is.


Reality bites, I get that. But claiming something that isn't reality is NOT going to help your cause.

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The PvP development team has decided to revamp open-world - Stephen Reid's post on that page.


There's even a screenshot about it from the Guild Summit.


More data gathering last month.


"They're working on getting something altogether better out the door." - IGN


Interview with Gabe Amatangelo here:



Lots more info in that interview.


And more. Need I keep going?


Per Gabe from your link:

We’re going to be addressing the open world PvP very soon now, by first addressing the timed events and some of the balancing mechanics to concentrate things.
Addressing it very soon, by first addressing something that ISN'T it, is NOT 'working on it as we speak'.
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My son tries this on me, too. "Dad, can we go get some ice cream?" "We'll see. If I can get this done before 8, we'll go."


8 comes and goes, still busy.


"Sorry, son, not going to work out." "But you PROMISED!!!!11!1!thirteen" "No, son, I most certainly did NOT promise. I said we'd go if everything works out. It didn't work out. We'll go tomorrow."



Yeah, ridiculous "promise" claims don't work on non-promises. ;)


When you're a man among boys, posting here at all can be challenging. The current generation seems to make a habit of continuously setting itself up for failure.


I've made one promise - to my wife, and then only once.

Edited by GreySix
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