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If 1.3 Isn't Out by May - Will You Unsub?


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1) wasn't this exact thread done last month for 1.2?


2) hasn't their track record taught you that no patch is going to make enough positive changes to make you stay?


Any interesting idea they come up with will be poorly implemented anyway. ie transferrable set bonuses that only apply to 1% of the player base.

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Any interesting idea they come up with will be poorly implemented anyway. ie transferrable set bonuses that only apply to 1% of the player base.


Well, if they waited until it applied to more of the playerbase, then people would QQ that they waited too long.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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No I won't. I want them to take their time with the next update. RUSHING UPDATES IS HOW MISTAKES ARE MADE. If Bioware rushes out an update to meet a promise that they made in the past, knowing that it's not ready, but afraid that their subs will drop if they don't, then things can be missed that will cause degraded game play, or worse, they miss something that reverts the servers again like when the Black Hole area disappeared. I would rather wait an extra month for update 1.3 to come out and have it be perfect (or close to) than force Bioware by dull threats of dropping subs to rush out an unfinished product. Because while we all WANT more, we all also KNOW that as soon as that new update is rushed out and something is wrong with it, every single person that whined and complained like little kids about how long it was taking will be back on the forums whining and complaining about how they can't play or how this is wrong and that is wrong and blah blah blah. Some people just can't be satisfied....
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Mistakes like the last boss in Explosive Conflict Hard Mode one shotting the entire raid?

or mistakes like unpopulated servers?

like no server transfers?

no rated battlegrounds?

no reason to play this game..


ya I'm unsubbed and quite frankly mad i six month subbed to this game.


grats on the solid leveling content


learn what MMO stands for

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He still might be able to post. I unsubbed, but I stil have 47 days remaining.


You havent left tho. I somehow think that at 46 days you will be resubbing. If you cancelled your acct like I did with 6 months remaining in STO then you would be really gone. I uninstalled the game, cancelled my acct and never looked back. I see a LOT of looking back by people supposedly quitting here.

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Excellent post. Nice to see real comments, so we can actually facilitate some conversation. As opposed to the rhetoric provided by obvious fan-boys.


Anyway I pretty much agree with everything you said. A cross-server LFG tool in particular is something that's almost essential for a game releasing in 2011. Given how long ToR was in development, it's absence is truly mind boggling.


I have been playing since 2007 in mmo's. We didn't need lfg then, we don't need them now.

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You havent left tho. I somehow think that at 46 days you will be resubbing. If you cancelled your acct like I did with 6 months remaining in STO then you would be really gone. I uninstalled the game, cancelled my acct and never looked back. I see a LOT of looking back by people supposedly quitting here.


Cool story bro.

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Having come from rift the updates in this game seem a little slow. Since they have to include extra story and lots of voice acting i really doubt they will roll out a lot of content on a monthly basis. Maybe every 2 1/2 months.


Indeed. As I noted before - Rift has released seven -major- updates in one year.


Alternatively Swtor has had two "get-out-of-beta" updates in 5 months.

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I have been playing since 2007 in mmo's. We didn't need lfg then, we don't need them now.


You don'nt you mean. Many others want it. :cool: Without it for TOR I predict they will lose many subs. And I been playing MMO's sence the days of Ultima Online...that is 1995..:p

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Considering how long it took them to do patch 1.2, I doubt if they will have it out by May. I actually hope not because that would mean that they aren't really putting forth full effort.


Just take your time BioWare, there's no rush. Just ignore the impatient idiots who say otherwise.

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Considering how long it took them to do patch 1.2, I doubt if they will have it out by May. I actually hope not because that would mean that they aren't really putting forth full effort.


Just take your time BioWare, there's no rush. Just ignore the impatient idiots who say otherwise.


They've already said 1.3 will be "lean." Don't expect much--whenever it arrives.

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Indeed. As I noted before - Rift has released seven -major- updates in one year.


Alternatively Swtor has had two "get-out-of-beta" updates in 5 months.


Rift has also accomplished more nerfs in less than a year than WoW did over 3 expansions. It is the easiest to play MMO out there at the moment

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The thing that gets me is how so many people can just overlook the fact that transfers are already in the game. To say there not is just blindness. They did it for the apacs. Now yes i understand that it needs to be scaled and modified to roll on all servers.


But the base system is infact there, And i gaurantee it isnt that big a step to take that base system and mod into open useage.


The real reason they dont already have it moded and released is because they know that once it is they will have to either merge or close some servers. As they are ghost towns now. So when the few remaining people on them servers can transfer they will go from ghost towns to pergatorys.


And closing or merging will be viewed as game decline. It will give the company a percieved black eye. But once it settles down and the ones needing transfers move it will begin to increase again as people will be alot happier and more active. Since they will have more people to actualy play with.


They need to stop with the half truths and soons and maybe and just get it done so the game can recover grow and move on.


Better for them to take a black eye and win the fight, Than to keep dancing around and slowly get beat down to a point they cant get up from.

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Indeed. As I noted before - Rift has released seven -major- updates in one year.


Alternatively Swtor has had two "get-out-of-beta" updates in 5 months.


Let's see, RIFT launched:


Without an LFG tool

Without open-world PvP (PvP rifts were almost 8 months later)

Without server transfers

Without an endgame, only one raid (Tor launched with 2)

With only one storyline for all classes

With 6 hour queues


Need I go on? Yes, I think I will:


The first major patch in RIFT had only one raid that became available April 16th, 47 days after launch. It had a plethora of attempted class balance nerfs that broke more than it balanced, and was only about half the size of TOR's first major patch. 47 days after launch to get 2 raids, the number of raids TOR launched with. And they were easy, cleared by guilds in no time.


In contrast, TOR's first major patch was January 17th, 28 days after launch, almost half the time of RIFT, and included a new Flashpoint, doubled the size of an Op (effectively a new raid zone), and fixed more bugs right the first time than Rift ever wish they did.




The next major patch in RIFT brought the LFG tool and wardrobe slots on May 10th. It offered NO NEW CONTENT. The next patch to offer new content wasn't until Hammerknell on July 27th, 149 days after launch.


In contrast, TOR's next major patch brought another Warzone, another Operation, Legacy, new dailies and gear on Corellia, balance passes that fixed more than it broke on April 12th, 114 days after launch. TOR had more endgame content faster than RIFT did.


So far, TOR's doing better.




Like your rose-colored sunglasses, btw...

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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By May? No, I'll stay subbed.


There are many, many people playing this game. The biggest issue right now is that those people are playing too far apart. let's get some good compression, more player density, and watch things balance out.

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