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If 1.3 Isn't Out by May - Will You Unsub?


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No I will not unsub, but at least if people like the OP unsub, we will have a few less negative QQing going on all the time.


If this only were true, but sadly I see the same people who apparantly "unsubbed" several times, making the same boring threats every month. Why won't they just leave instead of talking about it?

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If this only were true, but sadly I see the same people who apparantly "unsubbed" several times, making the same boring threats every month. Why won't they just leave instead of talking about it?


Because they're employees of another developer. They get paid to do this, yo!

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lol. Who am I to make an ultimatum to bioware.


To try and extort goods/services from them by threatening to withold my sub when all they really want to do is to get me the stuff fully working as quickly as possible would just make me a moron. To even think that might work is laughable. Even if it did work then the rushed product would not be any good because it was rushed.


So given the above IMO this is a very foolish thread.


I'll stop subbing when I no longer enjoy the game and I no longer want to play it same as I did with WoW and I suggest you do the same.

Edited by corbanite
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lol. Who am I to make an ultimatum to bioware.


To try and extort goods/services from them by threatening to withold my sub when all they really want to do is to get me the stuff fully working as quickly as possible would just make me a moron ao they can make me happy and keep getting my money. To even think that might work is laughable. Even if it did work then the rushed product would not be any good because it was rushed.


So given the above IMO this is a very foolish thread.


I'll stop subbing when I no longer enjoy the game and I no longer want to play it same as I did with WoW and I suggest you do the same.


Ahh, Corbanite's back with the voice of reason. :)

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You spend the first hours auto attacking.


Anyone who has actually played and reads this will realize you are lying about playing by the time they reach the end of this sentence.


You auto attack for the first five minutes, after that you are constantly unlocking new abilities.


Try harder.

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Anyone who has actually played and reads this will realize you are lying about playing by the time they reach the end of this sentence.


You auto attack for the first five minutes, after that you are constantly unlocking new abilities.


Try harder.


You'll have tops 5 abilities- and after four attacks are out of resource- most of the time is indeed spent auto attacking- and even otherwise you have 1 or 2 attack abilities. Consider that you total at 5 weapon abilities- one of which is auto attack- and after two hours you'll have 3-4 of them... and nothing that makes it feel like it isn't just another ability that hits the enemy.


And as for world pvp- welcome to aoefest 2012. They haven't done anything new- just taken other people's ideas and made it worse.

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Nah i wouldn't Unsub there are still some bugs that need to be fixed and maybe some balance changes in places also after playing GW2 this weekend damm that has more bugs than my mothers garden everyone who complains about this game needs to wakeup swtor is runs 100x better.
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I know a lot of people (myself included) have felt like patch 1.2 was essentially fluff and features that should have been available at launch.


As such, my guild agreed last night that we're quitting unless we get new content in May. Particularly with Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 on the horizon. Now granted - James Ohlen himself has promised there will be monthly updates:



I suppose we'll have to wait and see. I'm certainty not holding my breath. Swtor currently feels very dull and static. For a Raiding Guild - we collectively were not impressed by EC. Though it's a step in the right direction from the abomination that was Tier 1.


Anyone else feeling the same regarding 1.3?


Just checked your website and you haven't cleared EC, but you've only done it on Easy Mode, Designed for Pick up groups mainly, most people jump right into nightmare for their challenge.


Troll some more about the content you haven't done.

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I won't be unsubbing because of no 1.3, I'll be unsubbing because of Diablo 3 being released. This game just doesn't interest me enough to keep playing it is all. It's just not for me. I've tried most classes and had fun with some to a point, but eventually they get boring for me.
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I won't be unsubbing because of no 1.3, I'll be unsubbing because of Diablo 3 being released. This game just doesn't interest me enough to keep playing it is all. It's just not for me. I've tried most classes and had fun with some to a point, but eventually they get boring for me.


Hope you're not interested in PvP...

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Eh, No? I will not unsub naturally. This is a fantastic game that I am having tons of fun with, despite playing for four months straight. BW have really made a good impression and stepped up when they needed to.

I have tried GW2 and it was not at all what I expected from that hyped title so it will not pull me away.

I have played D3 and it just felt like D2 with better graphics, so been there done that not doing it again.


Only one thing might pull me away for a while and that would be the new expansion for LOTRO.

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I won't be unsubbing because of no 1.3, I'll be unsubbing because of Diablo 3 being released. This game just doesn't interest me enough to keep playing it is all. It's just not for me. I've tried most classes and had fun with some to a point, but eventually they get boring for me.


I would like to take this moment and say thank you for being able to say that the game isn't for you and not then scream that it sucks, Bioware doesn't care, EA ruins everything, and you think you're owed something. This is a very refreshing way of saying you're not sticking around. I hope that Diablo 3 gives you what you're looking for and I hope you give the game another shot down the road. :)

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This is the same type of discussion that preceeded 1.2. Look, it is simple, if you don't like the game...then leave. People need to stop making these posts as they interfere with game enjoyment. Or you could do like some of us, us a game card when you feel like playing. All these negative discussions seem to come--please don't argue this, it won't hold up--from console-multiplayer version players who epeen and QQ and ride vehicles on the station, yeah I said it, or stand like statues waiting for a WZ to pop. Do something, but don't QQ about it and threaten to leave, just leave. And all this bravado about other games coming etc., is just more of the same old rhetoric that turn mean once beta is over. It happens all the time, usually--hyperbole here--by all the same people who just are never satisfied. And, anyone who uses tl;dr as an excuse not to read needs to open a book sometime.


Now go eat a cookie; you will feel better. :)

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If 1.3 Isn't Out by May - Will You Unsub?


A ) No, because I have realistic expectations

B ) No, because I enjoy this game already, if I didn't no update/patch would be good enough to change that


So even if they brought 1.3 in May it probably still wouldn't be good enough for the OP.

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Whilst I'm still enjoying the game, a number of little or missing features are somewhat gradually restricting my enjoyment, such as:


• irritating or game-breaking bugs (including the crashes, sound issues and schematic problems)

• massive game-engine problems (stalls, low FPS, freezes, underutilised GPU), even on higher-end machines

• lack of character slots per server (the ability to have 16 or more)

• lack of proper talk over server merges and character transfers

• lack of SGRA (same gender relationship arcs) -- including existing companions too -- and same gender flirt options

• lack of a LFG tool (either server wide or optional cross-server)

• lack of a unified zone chat (so that empty worlds end up seeming even emptier)

• lack of hood toggle

• lack of companion colour unify / hide head slot / hood toggle

• lack of simple actions like being able to sit down in a chair

• lack of character customisation beyond a certain point (so that you see lots of "clones" as people get higher levelled)

• lack of timescale estimates for most new features (on account of the whining actions of a lot of players that 1.2 was "late")


And so on.


I'm a confessed alt-o-holic, so the lack of endgame activity doesn't faze me as much as it would others, but the lack of options for me to fully explore this on a single server (EU RPPvE, The Progenitor) does get to me. I've considered starting a new legacy on The Red Eclipse (EU PvE) for the extra population as well, but what I really want is to get the greatest benefit from my existing legacy rather than having to start over with a new one, especially given the lack of same gender flirting or SGRA.


tl;dr -- I'm hoping that the pace of improvement accelerates, as otherwise I will end up probably getting bored within a month or two at most. Too many missing features gradually get one down.

Edited by llesna
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Nope, I have a lot of fun with this game.


Now, I expected Diablo 3 to take up a lot of time when it came out, however Blizzard did a open beta weekend and I will now save my money for something that isnt quite so crappy :p.

GW2 is still a long way of and even then I'm gonna have to see that their microtransactions with "time-savers" aren't pay to win first.


If there is anything that might be a threat to my playing and paying for SWTOR that would the Secret World.

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I played Diablo 3 AND GW2.


Diablo 3...GAAHHH how can you STAND that camera?! And all the npcs and you look like a doll in a store. Oversized for the environment.... did I mention the camera? GAH!


GW2...ummm...yah we won't go there. Basically...it looks good because it has a little bit of motion blur while running and you can dodge and roll. That's about it. Completely unbalanced side and people were already going "i need a tan....neeevverrmind" "i need a HEALEER!!" "dude..there are no healers...lol" "WHY NOT!?" People are going NUTS with the removal of the holy trinity system. It's an amazing system that is well put together and should not be screwed with in anyway. Just built upon. Not taken off. Abilities are hard to see where they are. The keybindings are...odd. This is the big one...voice acting. LOL.. Why did...why did they even try. I mean..it's the SAME BACKDROP every time. A forestry looking thing, with black bar on top, black bar on bottom, and you are on the left, and npc is on the right standing in the foreground while black bars are in the background.... honestly...what the...???? It's corny lookin...

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