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lvl 10 pyrotech 290.000 dmg in WZ!


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I had 420k as a lvl 14 Sent- in Civil War no less...bolster will "carry" you a great deal. I'm thinking at lvl 40 that same alt Sent would maybe be lucky to pop 180k while the other AC's are pulling in the 300k's. Edited by Tourne
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I totally believe this. I had a huttball at level 11 on my powertech, and did just below 300k damage. Railshot critted for something like 2k, a bit over possibly. I can totally believe you could have a 2,5k with the expertise buff. Naturally I contributed nothing to the team except for damage, but damage is good. Back then I didn't even have sprint yet.
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yawn, another "i'm awesome cause i use 3 attack buttons" thread!!!


oh wait, i forgot, i can win wz's while doing less than 75k damage. a little bit of a better thing to brag about than "i have no utility, i can't even stun anyone, so i just press the damage key alot. look at how much damage key pressing stat i got at the end!!"...



fyi. a lot of people don't rack up tons of damage because they play objective, and use more keys than the attack key when they encounter someone, for good reason (like not killing people once you break through the doors at voidstar, to prevent respawns where you don't want them).


gj being a newbie though

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fyi. a lot of people don't rack up tons of damage because they play objective, and use more keys than the attack key when they encounter someone, for good reason (like not killing people once you break through the doors at voidstar, to prevent respawns where you don't want them).


gj being a newbie though


^ agree

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fyi. a lot of people don't rack up tons of damage because they play objective, and use more keys than the attack key when they encounter someone, for good reason (like not killing people once you break through the doors at voidstar, to prevent respawns where you don't want them).


gj being a newbie though


While I agree somewhat. I know alot of people that are always "playing the objective" but when they get into a 1v1 situation at a node, they get stomped because they are terrible at "pushing 3 buttons". Or they just sit at a node trying to cap over and over while their teammates struggle in a 2v3 situation.


DPS is needed, healing is needed, objectives are needed. Good PvPers have high numbers and do objectives.

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So far "good PvP'ers" are hard to find. What I usually see is a lot of chasing each other around like school children playing tag and very little strategy to complete the actual goal, or win, as it may be. I have seen ball carriers in Hutt Ball simply walk, and I mean WALK, right by 4 opposing team mates who are to busy trying to kill someone rather than change their attack and go after the ball carrier. Kind of like the defense in a football game all beating on the offensive line while the quarterback simply walks to the goal line.


In the turret WZ's I watch as people will consistantly leave a turret unguarded as they tromp off to take the third turret. Why? You win with two turrets EASY. Take two, defend. Why do they run off and attack the third?


The blast the door WZ is probably the one that can be exploited the most. I will see time and again, the attackers drawing the defenders away from the doors and some sneak character walk up and blow the door. Why do the defenders "chase" the attackers?? Who cares if they run away! You are defending, so defend, do not chase!


The best ones are when I will attack about 4-5 different people to get them after me, while my team mates simply walk by and either get a goal, blow the door, or take the turret. I die a ton of times, but we win because some players just hate to be attacked or like to go after the "weaker" player. I have actually stood still and done nothing while being attacked as if I was "glitched" so my team mates can score. You do not believe how many players can get suckered into the "oh no, I am froze so you can kill me" kind of tactic.


From what I can tell on here, PvP is NOT about winning the warzone, but about how many bodies you can rack up.


Sadly, it seems to be the case on all PvP multiplayer games I have played on. I actually feel that the losers should get NOTHING! YOU LOST! I don't care how many bodies you racked up, YOU LOST!

Edited by misterjdw
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The thing I find most funny is the it's impossible card that makes me laugh my arse off time and time again especially on huge meaningless damage numbers in a wz. If a job can stay alive and AOE its clearly capable of producing large damage numbers or one that spams dots on anything that moves.....
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My server is dead, i re rolled to the tomb as pyrotech.


Lvl 10, pop my first WZ, boom! 290k dmg, and 2.5k medal....LOL?


Congrats little johnny you were allowed to freecast because your damage was laughable!


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I would defend myself to you...but because you believe that damage wins WZs I know I don't have to....we all know you're a noob.

I don't recall saying that damage wins warzones, quite the opposite.


A well-placed amount of damage can prevent a node from being captured, or a bomb from being planted, but overall it's strategy.


Also, 'we' all know? Someone's on a high horse indeed. :)

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