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Everything posted by Niddi

  1. QFT I'd love to see a good level-less mmorpg like Ultima Online again.
  2. If you're using Firefox or Chrome just install the addon "Proxtube" and you're good to go. If you're using the Internet Explorer ... well, shame on you An alternative might be sites like unblockyoutube.co.uk
  3. That screenshot was taken prior to 1.2 when Mortar Volley had a much larger AOE. Combined with the zerging at the doors in Voidstar you could easily get high damage numbers.
  4. There's also an infected Bantha Lvl 50 World Boss in the Open PvP area.
  5. Yes there is. You can check out this thread. It's a guide for the imperial fleet, but the one on the republic fleet is pretty much the same. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=113838
  6. The only two moddable Bracers I've seen so far (for light armor) are the Omenbringer (level 15) and Force Magister (level 43) Bracers. So I guess you'll have to open boxes of these levels.
  7. Any recommendations on how to spec a kinetic shadow while leveling? Would you recommend going straight up to slow time or should I squeeze in Upheaval somewhere first?
  8. Hi AstralFire, what kind of Shadow do you actually play?
  9. This was actually possible sometime during Beta. I guess they didn't like this feature.
  10. Yes, please change this. I'm counting the days until I accidently break my keyboard or something else because this is literally making me rage.
  11. Why the heck did you post this Question six times in different parts of the Forum the past two days? Come on, the search function is back up and this only leads to the forum becoming even more cluttered.
  12. Thanks a lot for the detailed description. I have to admit that I've never thought about using respecs this way.
  13. I really like this build. Just one question: How did you start? Did you go into concealment first to get Laceration asap or did you spend your first points in Medicine and Lethalty to get a solid foundation?
  14. Der TE meint folgendes: Vor 1.1 - eine Fähigkeit, die noch nicht benutzt werden konnte, war grau und man sah einen Balken von oben nach unten laufen, welcher den verbleibenden Cooldown angezeigt hat. Nach 1.1 - den Balken sieht man immer noch, aber die Fähigkeit ist jetzt nicht mehr grau, sondern direkt wieder farbig. Das Problem ist nun, daß wir uns daran gewöhnt haben die Einsatzbereitschaft von Fähigkeiten anhand der Farbe zu beurteilen. Bunt = nutzbar, grau = warten. Jetzt fällt diese Möglichkeit plötzlich weg und vor allem bei Fähigkeiten mit langem CD kann es sehr schwer zu erkennen sein, ob der CD schon abgelaufen ist oder ob er der Balken einfach nur so weit unten ist, daß man ihn kaum noch sieht. Ich muß sagen, daß mir ein ausgegrauter Knopf auch lieber wäre als die jetzige Lösung.
  15. According to a different Thread a GM ported him there by accident. Dont't know if it's true.
  16. According to the Launcher the servers will be offline from 2am to ~6am CST but the message doesn't say on which day. Will this be done tomorrow?
  17. BTW, these are the rules I was referring to.
  18. Ja, an diese Regeln erinnere ich mich auch. Ich habe hier noch eine Abschrift der alten Regeln gefunden.
  19. Can someone tell me when the RoC where changed? The "Last Update" shows Nov 18th, but I'm 100% sure that there was a part concerning naming policy which is now simply gone. I have to admit that I'm mildly upset about this change.
  20. Den Punkt mit dem Datum wollte ich auch gerade ansprechen. Die Regeln einfach so heimlich, still und leise zu entfernen ist schon ein Unding. Ich hoffe sie werden nur überarbeitet.
  21. No, you get them. 100% sure. @OP: I didn't notice something like that. Most of the time I can pick between light- or darkside.
  22. You don't even need to see his castbar as Force Crush is the only ability with a casting time he can use. So if he's not attacking you with his glowstick he's up to no good -> hit Mind Snap.
  23. Just use "Mind Snap" when he's using his "Force Crush" Ability. If you do that the fight is really easy.
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