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Male or Female Agent?


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Females voice actor is better. But your romance options are garbage. at least the male get two options. female would be perfect if Lokin was romanceable.

Lies, Vector is awesome. (I mean, not lies in that you only really have the one choice and that is not a nice variety to choose from, just that the option that you do get is not at all garbage.)

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The male agent voice fits so perfect with the class, just the right amount of arrogance and sarcasm. It makes taking all the darkside choices seems so obvious. I cant even imagine playing a "good" agent. :)
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The male agent voice fits so perfect with the class, just the right amount of arrogance and sarcasm. It makes taking all the darkside choices seems so obvious. I cant even imagine playing a "good" agent. :)


IDK, I've been playing my male (and female) agent as LS and I sort of like how his voice manages to come off as kind of insecure and needy. (The female one just sounded pissed off half the time.) I have no idea why it amuses me so much, it just kind of does. He and Vector are totally going to end up as BFFs. But I really do like the voice acting for both characters - excellent all around.

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I love the male agent voice to pieces. I am, however, female, and like swooning at the sound of my character's voice.


I hear ya! I've never played a male toon and after hearing what was in store for my female IA as far as romantic options, I dropped her and started a male. I much MUCH prefer him and like I said, I've never played a male toon in any MMO, but I think I picked the right time to make that choice.


It's such fun to have my IA flirt and hit on women all away across the galaxy.

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So far male Agent has been fun, I'm playing him as a "James Bond" type with some morals, but those are flexible to an extent, that and to see if he can score every single female he sees XD


Too bad Watcher 2 shot him down cause he's a Chiss.

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I hear ya! I've never played a male toon and after hearing what was in store for my female IA as far as romantic options, I dropped her and started a male. I much MUCH prefer him and like I said, I've never played a male toon in any MMO, but I think I picked the right time to make that choice.


It's such fun to have my IA flirt and hit on women all away across the galaxy.


The male sith warrior has a nicer accent!

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Females voice actor is better. But your romance options are garbage. at least the male get two options. female would be perfect if Lokin was romanceable.


Thus speaks a person who has clearly never done the Vector-mance.


Once you go bug you never go back. He's my favorite LI so far.


(His competitor is Quinn, admittedly)

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I hear ya! I've never played a male toon and after hearing what was in store for my female IA as far as romantic options, I dropped her and started a male. I much MUCH prefer him and like I said, I've never played a male toon in any MMO, but I think I picked the right time to make that choice.


It's such fun to have my IA flirt and hit on women all away across the galaxy.


And now you understand why we males love to roll female toons :tran_grin:

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So far male Agent has been fun, I'm playing him as a "James Bond" type with some morals, but those are flexible to an extent, that and to see if he can score every single female he sees XD


Too bad Watcher 2 shot him down cause he's a Chiss.


Not true. Only Samara does that.

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After deleting my male Operative a few months back, I rolled a female Sniper last night, and I've got to say I'm loving the voice. The male voice just sounds so...slimey, pinched, and whiney. But the only reason I'm playing the female is the voice, I think it would play better as a male but I just can't stand the associated VO! Trying to make the decision to carry on as female or switch back to male.



Edited by JarenWelen
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I think Kaliyo hinted at a threesome?! LOL!

when Banim, my AI, seduces the twilek who the assistant to the reclusive guy in the casino, Kaliyo said she's tempted to join but the twileck is 'a little sweet for her taste'. I would have LOVED to be able to respond to that. I may be female, but I have perverted thoughts for my AI.

I totally loled at that and decided right then and there that I really liked Kaliyo. I don't know why some people don't like her. I chose nott to have her as a romantic option for my AI, since in my story for him he has a difficult time forming any kind of comitted relationship, but otherwise she's not whiny or needy and is actually pretty cool.


I'm now at level 24 with Banim (a banim shovavin in Khabalah are hybrid demons resulting from incubi or succubi mating with humans) and so far the storyline has me so hooked that I'm a bit worried about other things I need to be doing. I didn't have that problem with my jedi. The story is just so engaging.

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My first agent is female (I'm female) but I'm working on a male operative now. But I *loathe* the female Jedi warrior's voice - my teeth hurt whenever she speaks, so I made a male instead.


After reading this topic, I'm thinking we're all Monty Python males, & I fully expect to hear, "Are there any *women* here?"

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Ah, now see I come here and I feel like a minority because I adore the male agent's voice. Bertie Carvel stole the show for me. I find Jo Wyatt...okay, but to me she always sounds like she wants to hump who she's speaking to. For a lightside, chaste (except for mission reasons when required) agent as I rolled her voice didn't match up for me. I play my agent, Skathe, as a homesick anti-Sith, anti-Jedi chiss agent with a screwed up mind and a penchant for being cryptic. With intimacy issues because I seriously doubt any agent who does what Cipher does is entirely sane.


But it's not only that, I think his voice has more depth to it. There are times I swear his voice cracks at the sadder lines, and that makes it more awesome. Plus his snark is understatedly glorious. Downside is, I can ONLY see Carvel as a chiss agent. Whereas I can see Wyatt as any race. Versatility goes to Jo. Effect goes to Bertie. As for romances, well, I didn't pick any of them so i can't say anything about that.


...Of course the obvious answer below all that (and less seriously) is I'm a shameless woman and manbutt is much better to have to stare at for hours than girlbutt.

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Yea, add me into this camp. ;)




I find being called 'he' much more hilarious than I should. Especially when talking for the first time over Skype and it's like 'Oh God you're a girl!' Fun times.


Oddly enough, I almost always play female characters in gender-choice games. Didn't feel right for this one though. Of course I do still very much enjoy my female SW so it's all good.

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