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Male or Female Agent?


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The dialogue is pretty similar between male and female agents. Identical in about 99% of cases.


I do feel like the story was written with the idea that you were going to play a male agent. But it's not so glaring that you're like, "Welp, I'm screwed" if you play a female agent.


Male agents get a lot more flirts/one night stands. So if you're after that, roll male. (Then again, the absolute best hook up in game, IMHO, is for female agents.)


Romance wise, do you prefer your socially awkward bug man, your psychopath anarchist, or your good girl who kind of flips out half way through the romance? For first, roll female, second two roll male.


There's not that much of a difference, though. If you have absolutely no preference, I'd probably go male just because you do get more flirt options and one small part of the ending makes more sense if played a certain way. But it's not so glaring either way that it's worth going male if you'd rather play a female toon and/or want to romance Vector.


(Or you could always do both!)

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The voice actress for the female IA (Jo Wyatt - she also did female Hawke in DA2, which I loved) is enormously better than the male (Bertie Carvel) though. Not saying that he does a bad job, but I just can't get enough of Jo's work. She's reason enough to play a female IA (even if you're a dude).
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I rolled a male agent and for me it just made the class. My other half rolled a female one so we got to compare, and we thought both the voice actors are very well done. Playing as a male character does make some of the more subtle bits of the class quest more meaningful (at least in my opinion), and I found the ending totally epic in how it tied in with the way I'd played my agent as a serial flirt throughout.


The only other deciding factor is if you like the romance options. For me it had to be our little anarchy driven insane and downright nutjob Kaliyo (I imaging she'd show my agent a thing or two!), or the other female companion you get later on (I found her incredibly annoying, but that's just me). Where as my other half only had the option to romance Bugman.


Either way, the agent is your smooth talking, suave, mysterious and deadly super secret spy, and is incredible fun.

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I have always made female characters (even though I am male) and this is to much teasing from my guildies. But the female agent's voice in this game is perfect, Jo Wyatt does an awesome job


plus her voice is hot...just throwing that out there >.>


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The voice actress for the female IA (Jo Wyatt - she also did female Hawke in DA2, which I loved) is enormously better than the male (Bertie Carvel) though. Not saying that he does a bad job, but I just can't get enough of Jo's work. She's reason enough to play a female IA (even if you're a dude).


100,000% this. If I ever met her in person I'm pretty sure I'd lose my ****. I'd be like Kramer when he met "Erica"

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As a female agent, I was able to use [flirt] option to have informations or avoid problems. It was kinda funny to be all flirty with an ugly guy, so he gave me everything I wanted to know, and get rid of him once done.
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As a female agent, I was able to use [flirt] option to have informations or avoid problems. It was kinda funny to be all flirty with an ugly guy, so he gave me everything I wanted to know, and get rid of him once done.


AND you get light points for using..... more humane "tools" from your " arsenal"

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As a female agent, I was able to use [flirt] option to have informations or avoid problems. It was kinda funny to be all flirty with an ugly guy, so he gave me everything I wanted to know, and get rid of him once done.


Well, to be fair, male agents also use all of the *ahem* tools at their disposal. (And can solve the same quest in a similar way, although with a somewhat more attractive partner.) There are some other women you can seduce for information as well, just sometimes it goes better than others.

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Started out with female sniper mainly due voice acting. After a while I just got this feeling that whole IA story is more for male operative and rolled one. Male voice acting isn't as good but I can live with it.
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The voice actress for the female IA (Jo Wyatt - she also did female Hawke in DA2, which I loved) is enormously better than the male (Bertie Carvel) though. Not saying that he does a bad job, but I just can't get enough of Jo's work. She's reason enough to play a female IA (even if you're a dude).


LOL...no. Not by a long shot.


The female dialogue is decent, but stereotypically bland Oxford English.


The male agent actually manages to convey depth to the character and has better one-liners

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I rolled female just because all my others are male.


I'm enjoying it and do not get the feeling that the story would be significantly different had I gone the other way. Also, I've been ignoring the flirty choices.


- Arcada

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I did a male merc to start and 50'd him


I want to create a legacy of two non-force using parents and then going to work on the force using kids lol


I decided to roll a female IA and I coudln't be happier. The VA fits VERY nicely, the story is unreal, and It's a refreshing change to do some melee (level 41 operative).


If you decided to go with female you won't be dissapointed IMO

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I rolled female just because all my others are male.


I'm enjoying it and do not get the feeling that the story would be significantly different had I gone the other way. Also, I've been ignoring the flirty choices.


- Arcada




No flirts for me. Feels strange, and also doesn't fit in with the character profile i want to creat AT ALL

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No flirts for me. Feels strange, and also doesn't fit in with the character profile i want to creat AT ALL.


Same here so-far. I don't want to ruin anything but at one point someone from a mission came up to me after and essentially said "we got along so well, do you want to stay in touch?". Character response was perfect: "you don't know me". ;)


- Naresa

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Female agent has one of the best voice actors in the game. Maybe the best. The male IA voice is certainly adequate, but it pales in comparison to the female.


I love my female Agent's voice. However, I find it hard to choose whether I like female agent or female inquisitor better voice-wise. The inquisitor's voice is so... calmly sadistic....

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I love my female Agent's voice. However, I find it hard to choose whether I like female agent or female inquisitor better voice-wise. The inquisitor's voice is so... calmly sadistic....


Is it good? But my guy's "My good deed for the decade" line is so effectively -- and amusingly -- delivered.


- Arcada

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