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Myths About Marauders


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I don't see how so many people can post on the forums with such nonsense... I've seen other MMO forums but this is just ridiculous. All I've seen so far are posts like.


"LOL Marauders are so OP they will be nerfed"


"I can't beat a keyboard turning marauder who stands in one place spinning in circle clicking his abilities with a mouse, and I am obviously a good player so plz nerf this class"


"I used to play X class, but now I play a marauder and I win 1v3 with no problems because I 2 shot everyone while being immune to all damage. Nerf this now lol"



This is about the extent of reasoning that 99% of the people on these forums have. There doesn't seem to be any logic behind any of it beyond "its not my class so nerf it". It's like people are just trying to further exaggerate claims with every post to one up each other.


Guess what class this guy plays?


That's right, a Marauder:








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Dear OP: Orly? My points:




Marauder apparently isn't for you, back to the drawing board, OP.



<Tactical Wookiee Assault Team>

50 Annihilation Marauder



Marauders do actually lose to those 4 classes 1v1 provided they have equal gear and skill. And yes I know how to avoid every single harnessed darkness. CC them or use force camo for when they do a Force shroud + harness darkness combo. Regardless you will eventually run into an Assassin/Sniper/Operative/Tank Jug that knows what they are doing and will faceplant you as they DO have counters to ALL of our CDs. They beat Marauders like Marauders beat sorc/troopers. As in you can still win if they don't use their skills correctly. I too can beat many Snipers/ops/assassins 1v1 but that is because they don't use their skills correctly or have poor reflexes etc.


Marauders do have the best defenses besides tanks that is true, but someone has to have the "best non tank defense" and the pure melee dps class with 0 frontloaded damage is probably the one who should have them as they have to survive in the middle of the enemy team for extended periods of time to do their job. Could you imagine playing a marauder with 0 defensive CDs? it would be like playing an operative without stealth, minimal CC, and 0 initial burst damage.


So marauders are just like all the other dps classes in that they do well with healers behind them? seems like that is working as intended. And snipers still do disgusting things to marauders in the form of CCing them while their defenses up and practically 3 shotting them when they are down.


You should be going for objectives in this game, but for all WZ that aren't huttball that usually means being in combat 90% of the game with the intent to kill the enemy while watching for ninja cappers. Regardless though it shouldn't be a bad thing that one of the two pure damage classes actually does the most damage. Sorcerers/Bounty Hunters used to top the charts and are now disgruntled that Marauders are coming up ahead on average. Snipers and Marauders are suppose to be the top picks for highest damage, and we are starting the see that come to pass. Good.


It''s true you can't balance the game around huttball, but you can't completely disregard the severe disadvantages Marauders have compared to other dps class in huttball. One aoe knockback + root centered on the ball carrier and you render all marauders useless for at least ~6 seconds. Also in the other WZs you can't just chain root any of the other classes 5m away from the objective and capture it in front of them like you can with a marauder. That is a serious weakness in 90% of the WZs, and you WILL see organized teams abusing this as much as they can(and they should as it is a viable weakness of marauders to use).


Something I am sure you can agree on is that marauders have strengths and weaknesses. Good marauders use those strengths and do their best to avoid having their weaknesses such as roots and poor damage against tanks abused against them. Good players against Marauders will do their best to use those weaknesses to win the fight.


As it stands good marauders are pretty much one of the top picks for melee dps right now, and I don't see a problem with the pure melee dps class being the best at its job. You still need tanks and healers as well as other dps that do good damage to tanks as well as access to Pull/Guard/Taunt/knock backs to be competitive in organized PVP. So marauders are not end all class that you can just stick 4+ on a team and win like many people are saying they are.

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a welll played soc can beat a marauder 1on1. The class doesn't even to be nerfed, they are fine IMO. sure very well played marudaers own people but they would own people as just about any other clsss to.


The average sent/maru are on par with everyone else IMO.

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Unless the Operative gets a lucky chain of Jesus-crits from stealth (and re-opens with vanish during the fight) a Marauder will rip them to shreds.


There isn't anything lucky about it... my WH scrapper owns sent/maras all day long. The new FOTM ones are the real laugh fest, but its usually not even close minus 2-3 guys who have been playing sent/mara from the start.


Maybe they aren't used to fighting my spec because the entire forum says we're awful... maybe I'm cheating... maybe I have "jesus crits".... maybe I need nerfed again too; but I have no doubt that other experienced concealment ops and scrapper scoundrels really give the OP and most marauders fits compared to most other classes.


We are one of the few classes that can negate all 3 of the big defensive CDs sent/mara's have and keep the "upperhand".

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I don't see how so many people can post on the forums with such nonsense... I've seen other MMO forums but this is just ridiculous. All I've seen so far are posts like.


"LOL Marauders are so OP they will be nerfed"


"I can't beat a keyboard turning marauder who stands in one place spinning in circle clicking his abilities with a mouse, and I am obviously a good player so plz nerf this class"


"I used to play X class, but now I play a marauder and I win 1v3 with no problems because I 2 shot everyone while being immune to all damage. Nerf this now lol"



This is about the extent of reasoning that 99% of the people on these forums have. There doesn't seem to be any logic behind any of it beyond "its not my class so nerf it". It's like people are just trying to further exaggerate claims with every post to one up each other.


Very sad and very true.

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a welll played soc can beat a marauder 1on1. The class doesn't even to be nerfed, they are fine IMO. sure very well played marudaers own people but they would own people as just about any other clsss to.


The average sent/maru are on par with everyone else IMO.


I'm a marauder. I'm considered one of the top 10 marauders on my server. Do u know who absolutely beats my ***? Smugglers and Consulars (the specific players know what they are doing). I can be killed by just about any class but what it comes down to is knowing how to use your toon and its skills to maximise damage.

If you can't do that then you deserve to be destroyed.


Yes I have fought 1vs1 and utterly humiliated the other player.

Yes I have fought 2vs1 and destroyed both of them

Yes I have fought 3vs1 and made a mockery of them (the 3rd dude decided to just turn and run and eventually just got obliterated).

But i'm full BM with some parts WH. I have also gone and got my datacron and matrix shards. I spec'ed my trees so maximise how I play my Anni spec. I know when to pop my defensive CD's, when to pop my artifacts. I know when its time to keep fighting or when its time to run away. I know when to pop stealth so my target cant target me and then unstealth at the right time to finish them off. The person who keeps the momentum and who controls the fight wins. The person who is on the backfoot and stagnant loses.

Learn to control the fight.


Marauders are not the boogeymen of SWTOR. Get a decent player who knows how to play playing any class and they will become a weapon of mass destruction.

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Guess what class this guy plays?


That's right, a Marauder:









No way! These are lies and slander!


I kid :p


Yeah I do play marauder. I also play a Sniper, Sorcerer, Powertech, and Operative.


Also If you read the thread you would notice the childish comments like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....MARAUDERS R FINE, L2P NOOBS!!11" are being stated by mostly the Anti-FOTM(Marauder) group. I've already stated multiple counters and weaknesses for the marauder class, but they seemed to be ignored in favor foolish comments like "I am a great player who loses consistently to a keyboard turning marauder who spins in circles all fight. Plz nerf them because I believe I am the best player on my server".


Anyway please try to make a constructive post next time. Such as why do you find marauders Overpowered? what class do you play?

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No way! These are lies and slander!


I kid :p


Yeah I do play marauder. I also play a Sniper, Sorcerer, Powertech, and Operative.


Also If you read the thread you would notice the childish comments like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....MARAUDERS R FINE, L2P NOOBS!!11" are being stated by mostly the Anti-FOTM(Marauder) group. I've already stated multiple counters and weaknesses for the marauder class, but they seemed to be ignored in favor foolish comments like "I am a great player who loses consistently to a keyboard turning marauder who spins in circles all fight. Plz nerf them because I believe I am the best player on my server".


Anyway please try to make a constructive post next time. Such as why do you find marauders Overpowered? what class do you play?


Everyone claims to be a great player. But when they play against someone who is ACTUALLY a good player their pathetic sheltered life is destroyed and then they start crying, "NERF!!!!!!" until there mummies kiss their booboos and change their nappies for them.

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Everything I hear about marauders nowadays is that they are unkillable and uncounterable tanks that 2 shot everything with ravage and are unbeatable in 1v1 and so on. So I feel like I should clear up some of these "myths".


Myth #1- Marauders are the best 1v1 class.


I'll start by saying. NOPE. In fact marauders actually lose to A LOT of classes 1v1. I will list the classes that will beat marauders given equal gear and skill.



DPS operatives


Vigilance Juggernauts


You forgot:

Immortal juggernaut



Only the sorc (and perhaps merc) have little to no chance whatsoever of winning 1vs1.


Those are 4/7 of the other classes that when played correctly will beat a marauder in 1v1. Other classes are either stalemates or in the marauders favor. Most notably Marauders have a very large advantage against Mercenaries and Sorcerers. This is probably the biggest reason marauders are catching so much hate. They counter the two most popular classes played.


The thing is, though the classes you mentioned can beat a marauder it's not quite set in stone. I.e a marauder COULD win. A Sorcerer CANNOT win. It is simply not possible for a sorc of equal gear/level to beat a marauder who isn't completely incompetent. And marauders know this and single out sorcs. This is bad design. No class should be able to singleout and faceroll another. With marauders being the new FOTM this does not boad well for sorc or merc players who enter WZs in which most of their opponents are unbeatable by defualt. How can you have a rated WZ with this kind of rock-paper-scissor setup. With everyone is playing rock and you're scissors???


This needs to be addressed. And not with a blind swing of the nerf mallet Bioware is now known for.


Myth #3 - Marauders are unstoppable in Group PVP.


Surprise. NOPE. To start with marauders get absolutely destroyed by Snipers in group pvp.


All melee are destoryed by competent snipers. Their skill set is all anti-melee. If you beat a sniper as a melee 1vs1 they aren't even using their abilities. As a sorc I have no issue with snipers 1vs1. This is another design flaw. Rock-paper scissors nonsense.


So basically marauders counter the most popular classes while being countered themselves by the least popular class. Solution? Find a few good snipers to PVP with, or better yet stop playing a sorcerer/trooper and reroll Sniper if you want to win vs marauders easily. It will fix the population imbalance AND help counter marauders. So basically like the other 99% of things complained about on the forums "There are counters to the problem that you should be using instead of trying to nerf everything that has an advantage over you. If you don't know what they are then ask someone who does know.".


That is the most ridiculous advice ever. Stop playing class X altogether because class Y can faceroll them? Ha! You're funny. A juggernaut does not counter a marauder like a maruader counters a sorc. A sorc vs a marauder is like a sorc vs a DPS scoundrel with a spammable First Shoot that does not require stealth or rear positioning. A marauder vs a jugg is nowhere near that one sided. The marauder ven has the option to escape. A sorc will have a hard time against a vanguard, but at least a sorc stands a chance. It's not over in 10 secs or less due to outlandish amounts of dmg. Again, this needs to be adressed.


Sorcs were the FOTM then. Marauders are now. I see just as many if not more marauders then sorcs. I think I see more assassins than sorcs. I don't know where you're getting this idea that everyone plays sorc.


Myth #5- Marauders are unkiteable.[/b]


In a 1v1 battle I will agree that it is very difficult to impossible for most classes to kite a well played marauder for very long and this is fine(However a hybrid Sorc or Sniper can do a VERY good job of kiting 1v1).


With the amount of dmg they do to sorcs it doesn't matter if I kited you for 30 secs straight and got you to 10% health. You only need a few secs to take me from 100 to 0. Kiting means you aren't DPSing at peak efficiency either. In a WZ do I really have the luxury of running around the map kitting one guy? I'm just going to draw attention and it'll be me vs that marauder and his friends. This is the problem. If I'm guarding a point and a marauder shows up I can't leave the post, running around the map, just because 1 guy shows up. HE can kill me in a mere moment. Hope reinforcement show up with 15 secs. 8 for him to cap and 7 for him to kill me:)


Slow, force speed then turn around and lighting, deathfield, load dots, more lighting. Reapply slow. Try to repeat as best you can. Now there is a spec that ignores slows and lightning because too many times they just walk thru it like it has no snare. Sometime they are using some kind of speed ability that lets them sprint while in comabt. That or hacks. The kb we get is nowhere near as far as the merc kb. They are attacking us again after 1 or 2 steps... or instantly with a saber throw first while moving forward. Whirlwind is useless due to dots and they just break electrecute or let it run it's course, which is only good for stoping ravage. Not that it matters. 4 secs isn't going to make any difference. If they attack first and root us.. well, it's over right then and there as we're pretty much at or below 50% before we can even move. With that nice -30% finisher it doesn't take long.


Anyone playing lighting care to comment?


However in a group setting where you have 2-3 ranged classes with aoe knockback+roots on ~30s CD it happens quite a bit. Marauders have no real way to remain in melee combat with 3 snipers/sorcerers that chain JUST their aoe knockbacks. Now currently this is almost never seen in the current unorganized mess of PVP we have going on right now, but it does in fact happen with some regularity where a marauder is overwhelmed by soft CC like knockback/roots and is unable to even do ANY damage. All the ledges in many of the WZs and the fact that roots are not affected by resolve does not help at all.


An entire group of sorcs, mercs and snipers shouldn't have to coordinate to neutralize 1 marauder. Especially when there are 3-4 more marauders and the rest of the opposing team to deal with.

Edited by Dayshadow
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Just nerf PvP.

Problem solved.


Only problem I have with Marauder/Sentinel is some of their dots are not removable and they have double the defensive CDs of any tank spec. (too much 'on demand' defense or 'clutch' defensive abilties)

Other than that, they are balanced.


L2P people, you just need to dominate the fight from the start.

Edited by HyperThomas
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Huh, OP is playng marauder differently than I am- because I haven't noticed any of the problems he has had. Seems like a l2p issue.


Only class that can beat a marauder 1v1 is a sniper provided the sniper has an environmental advantage and there's zero LoS around.


Marauders aren't invincible- they are however the most survivable class by far.


Marauders can't 1 shot people- they can keep pressure on someone til they're dead, lock them up with snares and in the case of carnage, roots- and they can kill someone faster than anyone else can while moving- in pvp that mobility is key, and the reason why several other classes are terrible- can't move while dealing damage.


Marauders can top DPS charts- this is a problem. Why? Because they can top DPS charts with single target damage- other classes tend to top them by casting often useless aoe- aoe that can be outhealed very easily. On the flip side- outhealing marauder single target even on another player is extremely hard- a healer cannot outheal a marauder attacking him, and if you 1v1 a healer and can't either beat them or get them to run far from the battle within six seconds- you are doing it wrong.


That sounds perfectly balanced. Not.

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