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WH Gear pricing = too much?


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You don't buy exp adrenals? Lol why? Its a huge advantage in solo capping and large fights for aoe.


i got to BM on my merc not buying any and the only reason i have them on my PT is i had 1k/1k comms capped by lvl 19 so i got 600 of them by the time i was 50


once i run out i wont be buying anymore (until im full WH anyway) but im biochem on both toons so i have the power adrenals which are similar effect

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i got to BM on my merc not buying any and the only reason i have them on my PT is i had 1k/1k comms capped by lvl 19 so i got 600 of them by the time i was 50


once i run out i wont be buying anymore (until im full WH anyway) but im biochem on both toons so i have the power adrenals which are similar effect


That's exactly how i got mine. After I'm maxed I just buy pvp adrenals. I have 140 atm.

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Id like to state that you are looking at this from a 'veteran' perspective. I can tell you for a fact that when you start PVP fresh (say at 50 with all recruit gear). You will be lucky to win 1 of 5 matches if you are on the REP side. It averages out (queing solo) for most of the ppl I know that just started to be around 1/8.


Against PM groups and jug/sorc spammers, double jump hackers, your looking at a real low percentage. Some pickup matches at low levels, you will get 0. Especially if you join late, or get a team that just pouts and sits on a held point.


So after 5 days of playing a LOT of warzones, still only winning 1/3 or less of the matches, most of us are averaging like 60 ish per WZ. Its not bad. I think most of us have half of our gear BM. But I digress, because that wasnt my point to posting.


The thing that makes this all silly is soon this armor will be pointless, but the NEW armor will be a tun better. So again, youll have to upgrade, but the new players will either a: Be able to buy battlemaster or b: struggle more. Take longer. Quit faster. Etc.


The cycle is going in the wrong way. There are ways to make the game more skill based and less *** callous based.

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I think the worst part of it all is that even if I do manage to get full WH gear, I'll have to grind for 5 boots and then enough credits to strip mods out to actually optimize these stats. They are for the most part terrible.


And that's not even getting into the fact that if you truly want to be competitive you'd want the augmented gear. The WH gear looks terrible so augmented BM gear is probably a better bet, but you're still forced to rip mods out of WH pieces and then stick them into the augmented gear, and then you also need the augments.


The augmented gear annoys me a lot.


Yeah this is just more fail with the augments.

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a) call bs all night if it makes you feel better

b) i never stated i earned 2k in a single night, i could have started with >1000 or even >1500 and just got distracted with the wzs and guild, so ya, it is possible.

C) i do know, cause i'm the one that has had it happen...

D) way to miss the point completely.


Call bs again if it makes you feel better, i'm done responding to you.


BS, but hey, you know

Edited by thefishdude
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Why would they lower the prices on gear that is more difficult to get before anything is implemented for rateds?


They arent telling you to get your War Hero gear through converting warzone comms to ranked wz comms; People are choosing to.

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They did this to give us something to spend our wz commendations on. Otherwise we would have nothing to work towards till the next major patch. This is both good and bad.


Good because we have upgrades to work towards now. It would also seem good for most people who play this game casually or even semi-hardcore. You will get a few WH pieces before rateds are released most likely. But then you realize, there are hardcore players who will grind this gear out as fast as humanly possible (even with a full-time job like the one poster above). When you add that, with the exceedingly high cost of gear, it becomes a major issue. A gear disparity that large at the start of rateds will not be good.


My suggestion is, for the moment, to up the warzone commendations awarded at the end of warzones, win or lose. Obviously not by too much, but truly something is needed here.


My 2 cents.

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Im going to say this for the millionth time, BW will not release rated until the majority of people have full war hero. This is why they made the gear grind so long. They have no intention of implementing rated for the next 3 months minimum


I think the general consensus is in 3 months they won't need to release ranked WZ's because no one will be here to play them. :D

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Absolutely the cost is too high. Way too grindy.


Alternatively they need to up the reward on the dailies and weeklies.


One of the things I liked about BM pre 1.2 was that you could come in do your dailies and log out and have a life secure in the knowledge that the gear would trickle in at a steady rate over the next few months.


Now everyone is trapped into playing all night. Your health suffers, your work suffers and your relationships suffer. Its retro and primitive.


BW snap out of it. This grindy nonsense is a total turn off. And not particularly smart in terms of player retention.

Edited by Rolzhard
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Since the pace of gearing up was set pre 1.2.


I liked the pace pre 1.2. I don't like the pace post 1.2. The pace post 1.2 is "way too grindy".


The pace of gearing pre 1.2 was pretty much set by the dailies and weeklies. Now its set by how much time you spend in WZ's. And yes, imho, you can spend way too much time in WZ's. And MMO's for that matter.

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Since the pace of gearing up was set pre 1.2.


I liked the pace pre 1.2. I don't like the pace post 1.2. The pace post 1.2 is "way too grindy".


The pace of gearing pre 1.2 was pretty much set by the dailies and weeklies. Now its set by how much time you spend in WZ's. And yes, imho, you can spend way too much time in WZ's. And MMO's for that matter.


They had 2x the daily and weekly and both had more rewards this 99/99 is just not that good at all.

Edited by LordbishopX
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The fact that some people are almost fully kitted in WH gear also shows up the current system as flawed.


If dailies and weeklies rewarded more and the purchase of gear was tied to the weeklies the pace of gearing would be more spread out and even. And there would be more gear parity across the player base.


Of course there are the nutters and leetest with too much time on their hands that are loving the current system because they are revelling in the thought of owning everyone in full WH gear. But the reality is that they will soon be bored and won't log in and then come to forums and ***** about there being nothing to do at "end game " in SWTOR.

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WH gear is not a massive enough difference in stats to worry about anyway, at the moment it provides a carrot for those who need a gear based "reason" to continue PvPing. It is definitely a grindy set to earn, but only if you care about it enough to try to grind it out. Have fun, PvP and eventually you'll find yourself with more pieces than you expected.


My only real question regarding WH gear is if we'll now see a new set when rateds (eventually) come out.


Of course there are the nutters and leetest with too much time on their hands that are loving the current system because they are revelling in the thought of owning everyone in full WH gear. But the reality is that they will soon be bored and won't log in and then come to forums and ***** about there being nothing to do at "end game " in SWTOR.

There's also this point^

Basically some people have way more free time than others, SWTOR really doesn't seem like the appropriate game for these sorts of folks.

Edited by SWImara
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If i was playing but one toon, i think the time it take to aquire the wh gear is .. uhm... fine. But i feel it is too long if i was to outfit more then one toon in wh gear.


I wish i could trade commedations through legacy, and , that it would be nice if i could just purchase the modifications without the WH gear.

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If I am wrong where is the announcement for rated, as I recall they said they will be bringing rated out in stages. Where is stage 1? where is an announcement for stage 1? *** IS stage 1! give me a break, Rated WZ's will come out in the next big patch when conquerer gear gets released. end of story. They will drop the rating requirements for War hero gear and give us what we want 4 months too late.


you are so so wrong. your crazy theory is completely backwards. wh gear is such a ***** to grind because bioware specifically DONT want most people in a full set of wh gear when rated is released because it removes a lot of the motivation to actually do the rated wz's for a lot of people. its obvious that they decided last thing before they implemented 1.2 that rated warzones werent ready, but they didnt want to piss off all the people who already had BM gear, and were chomping at the bit for somethign to work towards, and put in the war hero gear to keep those people entertained whilst they work on getting rated warzones into the game.


WH gear for WZ comms is nothign but a workaround until they release rated warzones into the game.

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