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Bioware, why are you forcing me into content I already did or content I don't enjoy?


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So it's k im forced trough content I don't enjoy?


You're not forced at all.


You said it yourself: you CAN level through PvP. It's just not fast enough FOR YOU.


It's definitely an option that is there for you, but you have chosen not to use it. Sounds like the problem is w/ you.


I've leveled 3 characters (2 BMs) to 50 w/ PvP only. It's perfectly viable.

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OP's whine is so juvenile I can't believe he actually posted this.

Guess what, this applies everything in life.


Why do I have to wait 21 years to be able to drink alcohol? I mean I enjoy Mt. Dew which I can drink earlier but I would like to put some Southern Comfort in it but I can't so I am forced to drink just plain Mt. Dew for 21 years.

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So it's k im forced trough content I don't enjoy?


Playing the game is by your consent to do so. They are not forcing you to do anything, not even to subscribe to the game. If you don't like it, don't do it. Play something else.

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I'm a pvp-player only and I really would like to play Heal-Mercenary at lvl 50 with my Friends. I already have a Marauder. However, i'm forced to play trough the same boring content I already did with my Marauder (And other lvl 20 alts..). I enjoy the class quests. However, I don't enjoy boring side quests.

Yes, I could level trough PvP.However, the Warzones don't award enough EP to be able to keep up with pure questing-EP, especially after lvl 2x. Also I miss a lot of talents and abilities, which puts me really in a disadvantage against higher levels.


So could someone please tell me why i'm forced to play content I don't enjoy at all? Why is the content I enjoy (PvP, Class Quests (( and flash points)) ) not awarding the same EP as questing?


So basically you want individual content for each and every class? Seriously? I have to guess this is a troll or someone who has never played an online game (or any other game really for that matter). attempt given how no MMO ever has done this.

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There is no upper level fun.... (in your opinion)


there is no exploration (in your opinion)


there is no random rare item finds (not sure what you mean)


there is no crafting community (there is on my server)

the credit sink is too large for non daily runners. (bummer for you)


the pvp system is sooooo boring. (in your opinion)

I am going to Diablo 3 until that bores me too. (see you back here after a week of that)


then I'm going to Guild Wars 2 until that bores me also. (see you back here after about 2 days of that)


So, come May 14th... this MMO ends for me. (bye)



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You're not forced at all.


You said it yourself: you CAN level through PvP. It's just not fast enough FOR YOU.


It's definitely an option that is there for you, but you have chosen not to use it. Sounds like the problem is w/ you.


I've leveled 3 characters (2 BMs) to 50 w/ PvP only. It's perfectly viable.


I don't think people these days understand what "forced" is, they are confusing being forced to do something with "really, really, really, really wanting something right now, right this instant give it to me or I'll stamp my feet and hold my breath till I turn blue!"

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So it's k im forced trough content I don't enjoy?


You came to a game design with heavy amounts of PvE and expected to be able to PvP through it.

In short, you set your expectations beyond the scope of what the game was going to provide and now you're complaining that those expectations were not met.

Any amount of research prior to purchase would have led you to the conclusion that there was going to be MUCH more PvE focused content in this game than PvP.


I have nothing against PvP centric games nor ones that provide more PvP than PvE in terms of content at launch, updates and overall "love". This game however is not one of them.


So you can continue to muddle through doing PvP in a PvE>PvP game OR you can find another game that caters more to your playstyle.


Not ever game released is going to cater to every player. There is nothing wrong with that. In fact it's better that way as you tend to get higher quality gaming when a developer focuses on a couple things and does them very well versus trying to focus on 2 dozen things and doing none of them very well.

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So it's k im forced trough content I don't enjoy?


Have you never played an MMO before? Seriously... you must be new to gripe about this.


Did you ask these questions before:

"Why am I forced to travel around the world when all I want to do is Fight M.Bison? I already did the whole thing with Ryu. I don't want to do the same thing again with Chun Li."


"Why am I forced to climb up multiple levels in Donkey Kong? I already jumped one barrel and climbed one ladder. Why would I have do it again?"



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I chose to level through PvP and have 3 lv50s to show for it. 2 of them Battlemasters, and I'm working on the third (much easier than the first 2 times). 2 of them have all 3 of their crew skills maxed (400/400/400).


I work a full-time job (that I'm posting from actually), and only really play for a few hours a day during the week. I play for more on the weekends.


Why is it that the OP couldn't do that for just 1 character, again?

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Oddly enough, I have to do PVP that I do not care to do in order to get the Level 40 PVP armor, which IMO happens to be the best set in the game for the Trooper.


That is just how it goes. Deal with it.

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So it's k im forced trough content I don't enjoy?


Yeah, I recently rolled my 1st alt and I got to level 15 before I realized its the same boring quests I did before


I really enjoy the class quests, its those extra quests that get me...always go do this and go do that...go and get something from someone KNOWING that someone doesn't have it.


Too many "go and do this quest then turn it into another NPC" quests that just make you do another quests and dont even reward you for the one you do

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Yeah, I recently rolled my 1st alt and I got to level 15 before I realized its the same boring quests I did before


I really enjoy the class quests, its those extra quests that get me...always go do this and go do that...go and get something from someone KNOWING that someone doesn't have it.


Too many "go and do this quest then turn it into another NPC" quests that just make you do another quests and dont even reward you for the one you do


I felt the same way, only I didn't wait to roll an alt. On my first character during early access, I quickly realized it's going to be fetch missions outside of the class quest. I've only done class quests and PvP ever since. : )


I don't really know what to tell you if you don't enjoy PvP though, as a lot of people get burnt out quickly on playing 4 maps all the time. I personally don't mind it, though, and it helps that I love Huttball.

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So it's k im forced trough content I don't enjoy?


its the GAME


if you dont enjoy it, why are you playing?


I am sincerely not telling you to quit... Im just saying... if all you care about is PVP, there are better PVP games out there

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I felt the same way, only I didn't wait to roll an alt. On my first character during early access, I quickly realized it's going to be fetch missions outside of the class quest. I've only done class quests and PvP ever since. : )


I don't really know what to tell you if you don't enjoy PvP though, as a lot of people get burnt out quickly on playing 4 maps all the time. I personally don't mind it, though, and it helps that I love Huttball.


You leveled through PVP? All the way? I don't mind PVP. Wish there was an alternative way to get to 50.

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I like leveling in wow much more than I do in swtor right now. The reason for that is because I can choose where to level, there is more diversity there than swtor will ever have due to the nature of how the game was designed.


Great on paper bioware, but not in the real world.


Things you should do:

*Increase xp gained through warzones

*Add more planets or zones on the available planets

*Include an LFG tool to enable people leveling up in dungeons

*Add "leveling" gear to the game (hint: xp increse).

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I like leveling in wow much more than I do in swtor right now. The reason for that is because I can choose where to level, there is more diversity there than swtor will ever have due to the nature of how the game was designed.


Great on paper bioware, but not in the real world.


WoW is only diverse for what you are doing because it is on 8 years of content xpacs and patches. In the first year of WoW, there was 1 patch to follow to level (undead would level to 10 then head to Orcs so that was a little different)

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You're not forced at all.


You said it yourself: you CAN level through PvP. It's just not fast enough FOR YOU.


It's definitely an option that is there for you, but you have chosen not to use it. Sounds like the problem is w/ you.


I've leveled 3 characters (2 BMs) to 50 w/ PvP only. It's perfectly viable.





Nothing is ever forced onto you.

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WoW is only diverse for what you are doing because it is on 8 years of content xpacs and patches. In the first year of WoW, there was 1 patch to follow to level (undead would level to 10 then head to Orcs so that was a little different)


Oh snap! Yeah, It took then 10 years to add two continents.



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I like leveling in wow much more than I do in swtor right now. The reason for that is because I can choose where to level, there is more diversity there than swtor will ever have due to the nature of how the game was designed.


Great on paper bioware, but not in the real world.


The linear leveling is one of my biggest complaints about TOR. While it is true that for the time being there is nothing that can be done about how linear the leveling is we can at least push for Bioware to change that for any future leveling content. Non-linear leveling is not something that is somehow impossible. It is simply that it is too late to change what they already have and would definitely be a test for them to do so in the future considering the overall design of the game. To be fair, WoW's leveling process became far more linear when TBC was launched. Vanilla WoW had great options to choose where you leveled so that the content could be very different from 1 to 60 from one character to the next. The expansions pretty much put a stop to that. Across three expansions thus far your only real leveling choices come at the beginning, end, or both.

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