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Do you slam the spacebar during dialogue?


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I've always payed close attention to both my class and side quest dialogues... and I assumed that almost everyone did. But after reading a few pots by a few people here saying that they just slammed the space bar during evey line, I've gotten pretty curious. How many people actually pay attention to what NPC's say?
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Depends on the quests tbh. The dailies on Belsavis/Ilum/Corelia I spacebar through. Since most of my guild and our sister raiding guild quit I have been playing alts up. Quests that I have just completed on another character I skim through (I have text turned on for all quetsts) So I just skim through the text.


For example I have just brought 3 characters up through pub side Coruscant, the Gree quests I skim read the text and "spacebar" through it.


Flashpoints I do the same, after the 5th or 6th time doing the quest there's nothing new to see really.

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If I've done the quest before, multiple times, then yeah I'll hit the spacebar. Generally though if I am in a group I don't because I'd rather watch the same scene again and again then to sit there staring a still frame with "Waiting on Other Players" in the middle of it.
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I spacebar past alien dialogue after I read it, or when there's a loooong pause between lines, or if it's a subquest I've done before and only hear my character's responses to the choices I make, or if I'm doing a conversation over to pick a different option (since I milk my companion's affections like that.)
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I've always payed close attention to both my class and side quest dialogues... and I assumed that almost everyone did. But after reading a few pots by a few people here saying that they just slammed the space bar during evey line, I've gotten pretty curious. How many people actually pay attention to what NPC's say?


I tap it sometimes when I've escaped out but only to get back to the part of the conversation where my response wasn't the one I thought it would be.


Male, female, class, dark, light all have somewhat different attitudes, responses and comments on the quests which is what makes it fun, I've had tons of chuckles, a whole lot of laughter, sometimes I've even had to stop and think for a bit about what my choices are and what possible ramifications they can have (no, it doesn't matter if they matter in the end as long as they matter on the journey).

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People who spacebar generally cry about a lack of content.


So in your world; content = dialogue?


Don't get me wrong, some of the dialogue is good but there is a lot of redundant crap. Especially in a game that promotes leveling alts (ie. Legacy) and requires you to do 90% of the same exact quests over and over.

Edited by Biggrich
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So in your world; content = dialogue?


Don't get me erong, some of the dialogue is good but there is a lot of redundant crap. Especially in a game that promotes leveling alts (ie. Legacy) and requires you to do 90% of the same exact quests over and over.


Well, not everyone "lives" in the same "world". :)


I have been pleasantly surprised by how dialogs can change depending upon class and alignment. Didn't really expect that.

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I've always payed close attention to both my class and side quest dialogues... and I assumed that almost everyone did. But after reading a few pots by a few people here saying that they just slammed the space bar during evey line, I've gotten pretty curious. How many people actually pay attention to what NPC's say?


only if i've done quest a dozen times over, and know dialogue by heart... but first few times? no way and i still do dialogue to flash points generally.

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Well, not everyone "lives" in the same "world". :)


Agreed. I currently have 2 level 50 Reps, and at least 8 Rep alts along with 3-4 Imp alts with a mixture of light and dark, so I've done a lot of the same quests a number of different times. I listen to all the class quests the first time though, and most of the side quests. But I'll be darned if I'm going to listen to them all a 2nd or 3rd time.


Don't even get me started on the daily quests.


Once you have a certain legacy level and/or a level 50 character, there should be an option to disable dialogue and just get the quests. At least for quests you've already completed.

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I've always payed close attention to both my class and side quest dialogues... and I assumed that almost everyone did. But after reading a few pots by a few people here saying that they just slammed the space bar during evey line, I've gotten pretty curious. How many people actually pay attention to what NPC's say?


Depends. If I've seen the dialog before, then the space bar comes in handy, though slam it I do not.

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Call me funny names, but I don't care about the cliche back story on why I have to kill something n times, or fetch item x. I listen to the main class line, but that's about it. It's especially pointless when you must pick the correct alignment choice for force users due to equipment having alignmnet reqs on them still. I basically pick the option that maximizes the points for my companion and gives me the correct alignment points. So yes, I spacebar while reading fast. Unless it's one I am quite familiar with, then I just spacebar fast. Edited by Qoojo
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I only space bar if it's a daily I've seen a lot before (I space barred a lot of the Rakghoul stuff after listening to it a few times) or if it's alien dialog.


I understand why they added alien languages in there but at the same time, there's one set of lines for Huttese, one set for Rodian, etc. So even if they are completely made up languages, after the 10th time of hearing the same dialog lines, I have it memorized. So it's just really annoying and if the alien speaks gibberish, I just space bar through it after I read the text.


Otherwise, no, I listen to ALL dialog. That's the whole point of the game, for me.

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