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Has this game turned you "off" to MMOs in general?


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I think it's a shortcut because it's my opinion that people should be able to tell the difference between subjective and objective assertions. I think but I might be giving too much credit to people. In my opinion, clearly, people dig the VO's. I think even people who actually love to read. In my opinion I don't dispute that at all. I think but when people are flat-out saying they think being read aloud to is decisively better than reading, here - and notice I do not make any statements about why they feel that way! - I have to laugh. In my opinion, I have to.


Whew. Ok, buddy, I tried it your way, and it sucked. *In my opinion*


Now try it my way: let's all be a little less insecure, you guys.


Or, you could look at it as being nice. :) Nothing wrong with that despite what 'Net behaviour would indicate.


I guess I don't see what's so funny about it. Different people have different preferences. My goofy husband actually likes pickled fish washed down with chocolate milk. This makes my stomach want to hide somewhere faaaar away but hey, it's what he likes so no skin off my nose.

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But that's NOT what's really going on here. You clearly don't know the difference between voice acting and reading aloud. If you think you could just waltz into an animation studio and 'read aloud' your part for the next Star Wars animated series, you're being terribly naive. Voice actors make good money because they do MORE than just read aloud.



Exactly. I'd MUCH rather read a book than listen to an audio book. That is being read aloud to. Voice acting, on the other hand is like watching a modern movie as opposed to a silent one. Are the people in the modern move just "reading aloud"?

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But that's NOT what's really going on here. You clearly don't know the difference between voice acting and reading aloud. If you think you could just waltz into an animation studio and 'read aloud' your part for the next Star Wars animated series, you're being terribly naive. Voice actors make good money because they do MORE than just read aloud.


I do actually know the difference. It's why I played Fem Shep - and it's too bad I can't roll female toons in MMO's, because Jennifer Hale <3. But, come on, man: how many quest givers are really conveying more than just the quest text, right now? I am not really feeling the emotion or character nuance emanating from this fool telling me to collect ten widgets.


And then there are the flat-out terrible VO's: anyone remember the two padawan lovers in the newbie planet for Jedi Knights / Consulars? Wow, that was a performance worthy of fan fiction.

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But that's NOT what's really going on here. You clearly don't know the difference between voice acting and reading aloud. If you think you could just waltz into an animation studio and 'read aloud' your part for the next Star Wars animated series, you're being terribly naive. Voice actors make good money because they do MORE than just read aloud.


That's a good point that I hadn't even thought of. To convey what the script directs without the visual cues is definitely a talent.

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Companies would not be spending money on VOs in their games if people didn't want them. Sure, there are no tactical advantages in voice overs, as there is with combat, but that doesn't mean that VOs aren't important to people. Game companies aren't going to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on something that people don't care for or things that "just aren't that important". They do it because they know they have to in order to make their game successful and competitive with others on the market. So, now you claim with a straight face that VOs just don't matter that much. Or better yet, call up the bajillion gaming developers out there and make that claim to them. See how long it takes them to laugh in your face.


You're misunderstanding me. I totally believe that VO's Matter to you people. That is true. It doesn't make it less funny to me. You know how radio stations will sandwich new singles between established hits and replay the same three-song rotation over and over? They do it because it *works*, it makes people like the new single because they associate it with the familiarity of the established hits.


Still funny.

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Or, you could look at it as being nice. :) Nothing wrong with that despite what 'Net behaviour would indicate.


I guess I don't see what's so funny about it. Different people have different preferences. My goofy husband actually likes pickled fish washed down with chocolate milk. This makes my stomach want to hide somewhere faaaar away but hey, it's what he likes so no skin off my nose.


I don't look at it as being nice, I look at is as validating and enabling insecurity. I'm the nicest guy you'll ever meet, true story. And I think being nice is this: look, I don't judge any of you for enjoying being read aloud to. It's not, like: "omg, you're a bad person!" You're not, ok? But admit it, it's funny.


But this is a totally different discussion.

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This game had so many Star Wars fans licking their chops and thinking that this would be the next great thing, because it's STAR WARS... and I had sworn allegiance to this game no matter if I hated it even before I played... but I hit Battlemaster about 2 months ago and stopped playing shortly after. Man I wanted this game to work.


And therein lies the problem. Too many folks like you wrapped up their hopes and dreams in this game. It's just a game, it can't be the fulfillment of all your hopes and desires for videogaming.

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I do actually know the difference. It's why I played Fem Shep - and it's too bad I can't roll female toons in MMO's, because Jennifer Hale <3. But, come on, man: how many quest givers are really conveying more than just the quest text, right now? I am not really feeling the emotion or character nuance emanating from this fool telling me to collect ten widgets.


And then there are the flat-out terrible VO's: anyone remember the two padawan lovers in the newbie planet for Jedi Knights / Consulars? Wow, that was a performance worthy of fan fiction.


Well of course it's not ALL going to be stellar performances. You can quibble about degrees, but it doesn't take away from the core difference between voice acting and 'reading aloud'. The latter characterization is simply an attempt to minimize the importance of this feature. It is in fact the Voice Acting that makes these stories come alive.


Yes...you can obviously make stories come alive with text...I think LOTRO succeeds at this. But the the cinematic presentation of SWTOR really demands well-acted Voice Over.

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I don't look at it as being nice, I look at is as validating and enabling insecurity. I'm the nicest guy you'll ever meet, true story. And I think being nice is this: look, I don't judge any of you for enjoying being read aloud to. It's not, like: "omg, you're a bad person!" You're not, ok? But admit it, it's funny.


But this is a totally different discussion.



The only thing that's funny is that you don't know the difference between being "read aloud to" and "acting". Again, are people in modern movies just "reading aloud" the text on the screen that used to be shown in silent movies? Sorry, but you're wrong here. You're terminology simply doesn't work.

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SWOTOR brought me back to the genre (and I am an avid MMO player, dating back to being one of the first EQ1 players). But every time I play SWOTOR (which is every day for 3-4 hours), I just keep wishing it was more like Dark Age of Camelot. I will most likely play SWOTOR for a long time, but I notice my desire to play is slowly lowering, and I no longer put in those marathon sessions on the weekends (dailies and limited WZ's get repetitive and boring).

Until a Dark Age of Camelot sequel is created (or a re-boot of the original), or a DAOC clone is made, I can not 100% say I will remain playing any MMO for years. A few months at best...until some company creates the next DAOC. Then...I can pretty much guarantee I will be paying my subs in full for a year, and will probably be playing for a multitude of years...not months.

SWOTOR has me for now, but like I said...I am quickly getting bored. I don't want alts. I want stuff to do with my lvl 50 Sniper. The only thing I do now is try to get War Hero gear...and with limited WZ's the only available way to do that is by grinding, grinding, and grinding, the same WZ's over, and over, and over again. This is not what I thought I would be doing when I hit lvl 50. Dailies, and WZ's....Dailies, and WZ's..Dailies, and WZ's....Dailies, and WZ's...Dailies, and WZ's...Dailies, and WZ's...Dailies, and WZ's...Dailies, and WZ's...Dailies, and WZ's...Dailies, and WZ's...Dailies, and WZ's...Dailies, and WZ's...Rinse. Repeat. (sigh)

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I don't look at it as being nice, I look at is as validating and enabling insecurity. I'm the nicest guy you'll ever meet, true story. And I think being nice is this: look, I don't judge any of you for enjoying being read aloud to. It's not, like: "omg, you're a bad person!" You're not, ok? But admit it, it's funny.


But this is a totally different discussion.


No, you set people up who don't share your precise viewpoint, using thinly veiled put-downs and then attempt to take the high road and mask it as thinking others' preferences are "funny".




And with that, I'll let you have the last word cos this is just going to devolve into bickering and I have better things to do!

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You're misunderstanding me. I totally believe that VO's Matter to you people. That is true. It doesn't make it less funny to me. You know how radio stations will sandwich new singles between established hits and replay the same three-song rotation over and over? They do it because it *works*, it makes people like the new single because they associate it with the familiarity of the established hits.


Still funny.


I understand you find it funny...I don't see WHY you find it funny however. Do you find it funny that people go to the movies and enjoy the Voice Over? (otherwise known as dialog). Do you also find it funny that children and adults alike enjoy the Star Wars animated series containing...Voice Over?


I get the sense that you somehow see VO in this game as a 'gimmick' that your 'brilliance' has allowed you to overcome.

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Well of course it's not ALL going to be stellar performances. You can quibble about degrees, but it doesn't take away from the core difference between voice acting and 'reading aloud'. The latter characterization is simply an attempt to minimize the importance of this feature. It is in fact the Voice Acting that makes these stories come alive.


Yes...you can obviously make stories come alive with text...I think LOTRO succeeds at this. But the the cinematic presentation of SWTOR really demands well-acted Voice Over.


I am making the bold claim that MOST of the VO's in this game fall under "being read aloud to." I am. There are very few voiced lines in this game that strike me as memorable or memorably delivered. Maybe they do it for you, maybe you think the VO's are consistently high enough quality to be labelled "acting." Cool. That's cool with me.

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No, you set people up who don't share your precise viewpoint, using thinly veiled put-downs and then attempt to take the high road and mask it as thinking others' preferences are "funny".




And with that, I'll let you have the last word cos this is just going to devolve into bickering and I have better things to do!


And my last word is: Cool. I don't know that you should be ascribing intent to me, it might be unfair, but that's cool. You're a nice person.

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I don't look at it as being nice, I look at is as validating and enabling insecurity. I'm the nicest guy you'll ever meet, true story. And I think being nice is this: look, I don't judge any of you for enjoying being read aloud to. It's not, like: "omg, you're a bad person!" You're not, ok? But admit it, it's funny.


But this is a totally different discussion.


I like how you continue to present this as 'being read aloud to' when it's been shown demonstrably that we are dealing with Voice Acting. Continuing this assertion only disproves your 'true story'.

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I am making the bold claim that MOST of the VO's in this game fall under "being read aloud to." I am. There are very few voiced lines in this game that strike me as memorable or memorably delivered. Maybe they do it for you, maybe you think the VO's are consistently high enough quality to be labelled "acting." Cool. That's cool with me.





Yep.. just reading quest text aloud here... it's not cinematic at all....... :rolleyes:

Edited by Galbatorrix
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I understand you find it funny...I don't see WHY you find it funny however. Do you find it funny that people go to the movies and enjoy the Voice Over? (otherwise known as dialog). Do you also find it funny that children and adults alike enjoy the Star Wars animated series containing...Voice Over?


I get the sense that you somehow see VO in this game as a 'gimmick' that your 'brilliance' has allowed you to overcome.


If you stopped at "I get the sense that you somehow see VO in this game as a 'gimmick'" you'd be right. The VO's here strike me as very gimmicky. The rest of it is just ad hom.


If we can make the distinction between voice acting and reading aloud, can we make some distinctions about the characteristics that differ between the two? What constitutes "acting?" Is there some level of overall quality, or maybe some effect that should be conveyed in the voiceover, in order to qualify it as acting? I'm just asking.

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If you stopped at "I get the sense that you somehow see VO in this game as a 'gimmick'" you'd be right. The VO's here strike me as very gimmicky. The rest of it is just ad hom.


If we can make the distinction between voice acting and reading aloud, can we make some distinctions about the characteristics that differ between the two? What constitutes "acting?" Is there some level of overall quality, or maybe some effect that should be conveyed in the voiceover, in order to qualify it as acting? I'm just asking.



Do you think actors in movies are just "reading aloud"? Honest question.

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I am making the bold claim that MOST of the VO's in this game fall under "being read aloud to." I am. There are very few voiced lines in this game that strike me as memorable or memorably delivered. Maybe they do it for you, maybe you think the VO's are consistently high enough quality to be labelled "acting." Cool. That's cool with me.


Then I guess most of the Voice Acting you hear on any number of animated series on Cartoon Network doesn't meet your standards. That's fine. It just means you prefer an academy award winning performance for any piece of dialog delivered. That's cool. It's cool. Your standards are elitist. That's cool.

Edited by Cerion
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This game no, I see general mmo burnout these days, allot of folks came here expecting this game to have broken the standard mmo mold, and ended up disapointed, no company is going to steer far from the wow money making model,, I wish some company would grow a pair and try, but it is all about the money, no chance of that.
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Yes, it has. I never played an MMO before because of all the things I had heard about them: horrible player interactions, general abrasiveness of players, excessive elitism, overcharged senses of entitlement, and other such lowpoints of today's society. Unfortunately, they were all correct. My experience with the majority of the "community" here in SW:TOR has been very poor. I've met a good deal of great people, but I've seen many more that spam general chat with prejudice and/or disgusting comments, people that belittle others for asking simple questions, and the whole "if you don't use this specialisation, you're stupid" remarks. In parties, people are generally rude and are too "business-like" with the missions. I like to have fun and explore the areas, but many players just jump from one set of enemies to the next. It makes things boring.


Also, MMOs require me to play on a PC, which is something that I do not enjoy. I much prefer the use of a controller and the quality of games that come on a console. I miss having good graphics to look at. I also have to pay a subscription, which is something I haven't come to accept. I still don't like that.


If a Mass Effect MMO comes out (and is made by BioWare), then I'll play it. Other than that, I'm out of the MMO market just like I was before 13 December 2011.

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If you stopped at "I get the sense that you somehow see VO in this game as a 'gimmick'" you'd be right. The VO's here strike me as very gimmicky. The rest of it is just ad hom.


Typical. The attacker now claims to be the victim. How predictable.


If we can make the distinction between voice acting and reading aloud, can we make some distinctions about the characteristics that differ between the two? What constitutes "acting?" Is there some level of overall quality, or maybe some effect that should be conveyed in the voiceover, in order to qualify it as acting? I'm just asking.


Yes. If you can't tell the difference, then there really isn't anything further to discuss.

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I still really enjoy playing this game but I've come to realize something: I hate MMOs and I hate the communities within them.


I don't need to spend my leisure time playing a game where some 12 year old can call me crass names just because they feel unloved. There are some good people and some bad people but it seems like I run across more bad than good.


This is my last MMO but only because of the genre, not because of the game. I love the game itself.

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