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Now They Have 19k HP -Delete Sorcerer


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Because War hero gear is perfect and people won't be swapping out high endurance enhancements for lower endurance versions with better dps stats.


This won't happen for a long time cause the loss in expertise isn't worth the few stat point gains. It won't really happen until people start getting 58 and 61 quality extra pvp enhancements/mods etc.


Cleanse,Mezz,Force speed,snare,dots,stun and knockback.Rince and repeat till you get help.


Sorcerors don't have mezz. A dps sage/sorc doesn't have a cleanse that can stop the dots of mara/sents so it only stops the slow/immoilize of them and thats if you do not have another force user beating on you. Healer sage/sorc don't have immobilizes. Really your post is fail.

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"Maras" lol. Every class can counter another to some extent. Yes a Sorc should be annihilated by Maras. Sorcs annihilate other classes though(tanks). There is a reason WZ's are not free for all. You should have a team, if there are no healers, the tank should always guard the clothy. As a tank i am always taunting Mara/Sents, try to q with a good tank and always kite those maras, Kb/snare - Force slow - Force speed.
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"Maras" lol. Every class can counter another to some extent. Yes a Sorc should be annihilated by Maras. Sorcs annihilate other classes though(tanks). There is a reason WZ's are not free for all. You should have a team, if there are no healers, the tank should always guard the clothy. As a tank i am always taunting Mara/Sents, try to q with a good tank and always kite those maras, Kb/snare - Force slow - Force speed.


This pretty much sums it up

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This won't happen for a long time cause the loss in expertise isn't worth the few stat point gains. It won't really happen until people start getting 58 and 61 quality extra pvp enhancements/mods etc.




Sorcerors don't have mezz. A dps sage/sorc doesn't have a cleanse that can stop the dots of mara/sents so it only stops the slow/immoilize of them and thats if you do not have another force user beating on you. Healer sage/sorc don't have immobilizes. Really your post is fail.

You have multiple stuns depending on your spec, and your snare is you KB if your Lightning.

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It does suck to be playing Sorc/Sage right now. We have ZERO defensive cooldowns save force armor and force speed, which aren't exactly defensive. Healing is what really gets me :\ someone can hit me for 5k without even trying but I have to sit around with my finger up my nose for 2.5 seconds to even cast a heal that may/may not hit 5k.


If you truly care about PvP. Go biochem - Grab both Absorb and Triage( if you dont want forcepower go with surge) Adrenals, you will see a huge difference. The absorb will make you a tank to those maras giving you enough time to reach help. Save your stun break. Pop your absorb adrenal before they use their first CC then break their next snare etc.

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Sentinel/Marauder with 19k HP, as a Sorcerer am I supposed to leave TOR, go play another game or just be a free kill?


Honestly, I am being serious, I have +18k HP in WH/BM gear but the more gear these guys get te more useless I become.


Are they intended to scale this well and my Sorcerer scale this poorly?


Please tell us game designers because I'll just leave if the class I want to play is not needed.


ONE of his DoTs ends my bubble!


ONE of his DoTs perma snares me for 6 sec ....which is all the time he needs to take away half my HP.




Unbelievable, if EA wanted to drop share price and get rid of customer satisfaction they could not have done a better job!


Guild Wars 2!

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I play a Madness Sorc and I don't have a problem in PVP. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose it's all about the strategy of how you play. Many people say we don't have stuns? Let's see. Electrocute 4 sec stun, Creeping Death 2 sec snare, we got overload as a push back, insta whirlwind if things get to hairy and my dots give me back health as well as a shield. If I get stun locked I use my unbreakable Will to escape. So I don't see what the problem is, im typically top dmg in WZs with marauders right behind me or slightly above me. Just learn to utilize all the tools given to you and you will succeed (Also Cleanse is pro to have for taking off nasty DOTS)


Oh and I don't use it a whole lot but force slow does come in handy from time to time.

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Sorcerers have only one stun, even if they are using the famous 31/31/31 spec.


ummm no. Force stun. Force lift (spec makes instant and if damage reapplies another stun) and the top of dots tree is yet another stun. Also you have no reason to not be using these and your KB to interrupt ravage. Source: i have a sage.

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I play a Madness Sorc and I don't have a problem in PVP. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose it's all about the strategy of how you play. Many people say we don't have stuns? Let's see. Electrocute 4 sec stun, Creeping Death 2 sec snare, we got overload as a push back, insta whirlwind if things get to hairy and my dots give me back health as well as a shield. If I get stun locked I use my unbreakable Will to escape. So I don't see what the problem is, im typically top dmg in WZs with marauders right behind me or slightly above me. Just learn to utilize all the tools given to you and you will succeed (Also Cleanse is pro to have for taking off nasty DOTS)


Oh and I don't use it a whole lot but force slow does come in handy from time to time.


^ this. There is a reason why sorcs have been deemed the "jack of all trades" from, the get-go.

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AOE Knockback - you can do a lot of these - very handy on a platform/ledge in Huttball. You can do more of these than any mara can do ravage.




Sprint - again a low cooldown - it breaks snares last time I played my sage


AoE mez

Ranged interrupt

Solid heals (but channeled) - use your stun/lift first


I'm sure I'm forgetting something. All of these work well against maras with 12k or 20k health. There are a couple end-game dps sages on my server and they have no problem topping damage over sents while doing more heals(bubble mostly), taking less damage and getting fewer deaths than any melee that doesn't have pocket heals.




Maras in full wh gear are scary but so are sages. If you're quaking in fear from looking at an xls sheet or someone's health total you need to stick to pve. The main diff between pre 1.2 and post is that you are no longer almost forced to play a jc/trooper to be optimal - i think given a choice most would pick one featured in the movies over most others. Now, more than any other time so far, we all have a choice.


We really need armory stats on posters here.

Edited by Savej
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I feel likewise, also that no matter what, it seems that the Shadow Infiltrator spec, must not be actually wanted to be played in this game, Bioware has done everything to ruin this for people who wanted to play as an Infiltrator or Assassin. If Bioware doesn't want us playing these classes, then please remove them from the game, and I will just leave too, and find another game to play.
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And you have 2k+ more hp in war hero than them. What's the complaint? Want them to have 15k hp? Really?


You don't get it obviously. I can see from your signature, maybe you haven't updated it, that you don't know the other side of the story. I have a 50 Marauder, 50 BH, 50 Shadow and a 50 Sage. 2 are WH, 1 is BM the other almost BM. I stopped playing my Sage and Bounty Hunter about a week into 1.2. UNLESS you can hook up with a Tank friend and queue together, trying to survive as a healer alone is impossible. It's Bioware's game to do as they want, but if that is their intention I'll simply play the classes that don't have an issue surviving. At least they are still fun if not over powered.

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If you truly care about PvP. Go biochem - Grab both Absorb and Triage( if you dont want forcepower go with surge) Adrenals, you will see a huge difference. The absorb will make you a tank to those maras giving you enough time to reach help. Save your stun break. Pop your absorb adrenal before they use their first CC then break their next snare etc.


Hmm, see I have 400 Biochem and I use my Rakata adrenals, etc... Not such a huge difference as you say. Thanks for telling me how to play though, considering I apparently didn't :confused:. Do you play a Sage? Do you pug? Ok then...

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AOE Knockback - you can do a lot of these - very handy on a platform/ledge in Huttball. You can do more of these than any mara can do ravage.




Sprint - again a low cooldown - it breaks snares last time I played my sage


AoE mez

Ranged interrupt

Solid heals (but channeled) - use your stun/lift first


I'm sure I'm forgetting something. All of these work well against maras with 12k or 20k health. There are a couple end-game dps sages on my server and they have no problem topping damage over sents while doing more heals(bubble mostly), taking less damage and getting fewer deaths than any melee that doesn't have pocket heals.




Maras in full wh gear are scary but so are sages. If you're quaking in fear from looking at an xls sheet or someone's health total you need to stick to pve. The main diff between pre 1.2 and post is that you are no longer almost forced to play a jc/trooper to be optimal - i think given a choice most would pick one featured in the movies over most others. Now, more than any other time so far, we all have a choice.


We really need armory stats on posters here.


Sprint does not break snares anymore.

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Your comment is neither here nor there, we all know the gear is not fully optimized. I am talking about what we have right now Marauder scaling makes Sorcerers easy pray. Its not funny how fast my bubble goes with a melee attack and a DoT on me...One melee attack and a DoT and I am snared without any way of removing that snare!

Telling me to spec healer just to purge is not an answer, I pay DPS!

Its madness, pure madness how much roots and snares Marauders have for the simple fact that it is off Resolve.

Also consider how fast Annihilation gains Fury, 100% crit and x4 DoT and all they need is the 6sec snare and I am near dead!

TTK is out of whack! Just MADNESS...


I'm not sure what spec you are - (probably lightning) - but heal spec (which can purge their slows/dot's) and madness spec do pretty good against marauders. Not sure if you're choosing the best WH items to gear into initially if you're losing your bubble from one melee attack and one DoT tick - ok, so annihilate might crit and break your bubble, but that's pretty much their only powerful melee attack until you're under 30% health. You also complained about losing a bubble to a melee attack that gave you 6 seconds of slow + DoT which would be rupture for them and it does moderate damage with a moderate DoT. I snagged the WH Lightsaber and the WH Focus first (focus gives +31 expertise over the BM version, sabre gives +10 expertise over BM version if you put a +41 expertise crystal in your BM saber) and it has taken 3 equally geared marauders well over 10 seconds to kill me when I'm alone.


I love kiting all marauders right after they pop their "short window" abilities (Deadly Saber = annihilation, Gore = Carnage, Shockwave stacks = rage and will be preceded or followed by charge/obliterate for their guaranteed smash crit). I use 2s root (creeping terror) + force slow and throw in the occasional overload as needed. Personally, I only use whirlwind maybe once every 10 warzones now - it's not worth filling any target's resolve that much (and you never want to fill a marauder's resolve) . Electrocute + overload within ~ 8 seconds of each other fills it, so you stagger them appropriately and actually try to save electocute for when a marauder is ~35% health (that's typically the value that I can unleash my burst damage to finish them before they have the chance to pop bubble. If a carnage marauder happens to get a gore procced ravage running, yeah, that's pretty much the only time you should ever use a stun (if your overload is on cooldown). Rage marauders are actually quite easy for us (sage/sorc) if you know to purge their force crush (removes the slow effect + DoT damage + completion damage + prevents them from getting shockwave stacks outside of force choke) and annihilation marauders tend to be the easiest to kite - just try to avoid letting them get all of their DoT's on you (root, slow, knockback when you see them pop Deadly Sabre). Any time you're getting picked on by marauder(s) and you see them use force camo, you should activate overload right when you think they'll reach you (or save it for right after their first hit if it's a carnage marauder).


You need to learn to recognize wha type of marauder happens to be gunning for you first and foremost - Marauders in Juyo = Annihilation. Marauders in Ataru = Carnage. Marauders in Shii-Cho = Rage. Each spec has similar kiting mechanisms for us to use against, but each spec plays rather differently in how they deal damage. Once you know when their "short window of opportunity abilities" are up (by recognizing the buffs mentioned above), you'll know exactly when to use your knockback or stun (or mez if you must, but I'm warning you... max resolved marauders are a nightmare),


*EDIT* One last big tip: Don't back-peddle against them. Learn to strafe-cast effectively and keep your distance from them between 6-9m (outside melee range, but too close for them to force charge you.

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A (mage) wearing (cloth) is complaining about a (warrior) wearing (plate)? And said (mage) can't penetrate said (warrior) armor... and (mage) is mad over that?


** names in ( ) can be substituted for their proper counters to this particular game, but it breaks down to being the same **

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Sprint does not break snares anymore.


Pretty sure you and the person that said Sprint are referring to Force Speed - and though it doesn't "break" slows/roots like tankassin/shadow's talented 20s cd force speed, it does at least let you ignore the movement reduction from slowing effects for 2s - which is enough to get outside melee range. Though you should really always try to be between 6-9m against all marauders (outside their melee range, but too close for force charge). This is an immensely useful tactic to employ.

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A (mage) wearing (cloth) is complaining about a (warrior) wearing (plate)? And said (mage) can't penetrate said (warrior) armor... and (mage) is mad over that?


** names in ( ) can be substituted for their proper counters to this particular game, but it breaks down to being the same **


Marauders/Sents wear medium armor, which I penetrate just fine as a sorc. unless they have defensives active. Furthermore, affliction, creeping terror, and Death Field all do internal damage which isn't mitigated by armor. And despite all the QQ about Maras/Sents being overpowered (even from people that play classes I have an easier time with surviving/killing them) I honestly don't see them as being anywhere near overpowered. Yes, they're bothersome to kill when their defensive abilities aren't on CD, and yes they can dish out serious damage (if you don't know how/when to employ abilities to counter), but they're nowhere near as grossly overpowered as the forums have been lighting up with QQ.

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