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U.S. seems to be pushed to the back burner while foreign countries are priority.


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The developers failed to release promised content making the server population dive even farther down. Instead of appearing to work harder,faster to get the content out they are just working on pulling in more money from the rest of the world. Is it worth paying $15 a month with broken/missing content in a single player game?


What promised content?

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I am not going to go into specifics but ...


Please do ... because I havent a clue about what youre talking about...


Yes, you are being reduced to nothingness as a US player. Gimme a break.


We pay less than others due to exchange rates and fees, we have better patch times(unless you only play during the graveyard shift). We also have greater access to any BW/SWTOR sponsored events.


Weep elsewhere.


What this guy said ...:rolleyes:

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I'm sorry, but no dev time was spent with the release of this game to additional countries. Its healthy for a game to expand like that. Ranked warzones were delayed, not outright cancelled. It happens. In fact, Blizzard dd something worse just last night. They released pet battles in the beta, then a few hours later took them out. They said it was not their intention to release pet battles at this stage of the beta. It happens.


If ya don't like the game, unsubscribe. Its no sweat off of my...arm nor for anyone else. But please stop making ridiculous threads like this. Not all Americans are like the OP....I promise :D

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i am not going to go into specifics but there are issues facing dozens of u.s. Servers atm. There are several threads you can discuss those in. I am frustrated that content we were promised was put off, the test server isn't back up, and 90% of the devs attention atm is europe, middle east, and asia. The rated warzones being pushed back and the servers population status has made this game very unappealing to me atm.


I am glad the rest of the world is getting to experience swtor, but can't help but be frustrated at the lack of communication regarding the game breaking issues facing us here. The only communication we get is vague, "in the future", "we are looking into it", "some ways away".


Hopefully the devs will make the u.s. Server issues their real priority at some point, with daily communication about whats happening with them and what they are going to do to fix it.


eu ftw

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If this was australian, this would be censored... and everything you read would be **** **** to **** but ******


Haha in the final analysis, that's not really better, is it? Let's just claim to be Australian, there's no room for doubt, there.
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Worry not fellow citizens, there is a plan in motion.


Joe (that is the guy who does everything, we all know every company has a Joe) may be currently away on his roundtrip to Europe and the rest of the world - BUT he is keeping contact with HQ with state of the art technology. While he is plugging in the servers with his right hand, he is texting the brand new developed code via his cell phone to his email address with his left hand, where Emma keeps a close eye and prints everything onto legal paper, colour coded to a secret priority chiffre - in this case highest priority for ALL documents of course.


Upon landing back in the USA, Emma will have his Laptop handy and he can start programming the code, typing it off the neatly arranged stack of printouts, into the existing game right at the Airport from where he will be picked up with his Joe-mobile that features a desk and an array of energy drinks. Joe will then download the latest version from the Laptop to a USB-stick, hand it over to Mike (who can run faster) who will race up all 32 floors to the main central North American only update-computerserver, insert the USB stick and we are good to go.


Go Joe!

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Please do go into detail about what server related issues exist in the US because noone else apparently is aware of them. You may want to bring them to Bioware's attention.



On dev time. If you really want IT admins that normally install/fix/monitor servers to be coding, then all you are doing is asking for a more broken game. Do you think the person that did the Greek translation really has the programming skills to make cross server queues work? It is like you think all the people at Bioware have the same skills and whenever one feature comes out, clearly they were all working on it....

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This has nothing to do with Bioware forsaking the US, and everything to do with Bioware forsaking the OP.


You see, sometime after release, Bioware stopped catering all development and operations to the needs of the OP. This was clearly a Bad Move[tm] (at least from his point of view) and Bioware's continued refusal to speak directly to him and change development goals based on his preferences is only adding insult to injury. They won't even publicly admit that the game was made for the sole purpose of entertaining the OP.


This is a rather treacherous turnaround on their part, and I can see why the OP is upset. I know I'd be upset if a developer made a game specifically for me, then stopped doing everything I said and started caring about other people. What would be the point? If he wanted that, he'd play every other game in the world.

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And is that why maintenance is done in the middle of the night/early morning in the US and yet the middle of the day in the EU? This is the dumbest argument in the universe, but then again what do you expect from glorified colonists.


I am not going to go into specifics but there are issues facing dozens of U.S. Servers atm. There are several threads you can discuss those in. I am frustrated that content we were promised was put off, the test server isn't back up, and 90% of the Devs attention atm is Europe, Middle East, and Asia. The rated warzones being pushed back and the servers population status has made this game very unappealing to me atm.


I am glad the rest of the world is getting to experience SWTOR, but can't help but be frustrated at the lack of communication regarding the game breaking issues facing us here. The only communication we get is vague, "In the Future", "We are looking into it", "Some ways away".


Hopefully the Devs will make the U.S. server issues their real priority at some point, with daily communication about whats happening with them and what they are going to do to fix it.

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I am not going to go into specifics but there are issues facing dozens of U.S. Servers atm.

I'm not overly sure to what you're referring. If it's population issues then that is something that is specific on a server to server basis. I'd also be inclined to believe that they have a specific team working on populations and not the overall development team. Different teams for different issues, ya know? Now if you're talking about issues with code or bugs in general then that's a pretty universal issue. Game mechanics are game mechanics, whether you're in Europe, Russia, China, or the US. So in that case the issues aren't specific to U.S. Servers but to ALL servers.


I am frustrated that content we were promised was put off,

Absolutely understandable, but content pushed off is content pushed off and has nothing to do with servers or launches outside of the US. You're crazy if you think people producing content at BW are the same as the people monitoring the launch in a new market.


the test server isn't back up

If there isn't a new build of 1.2.1 (or whatever version is coming next ) then why bring the test server back up? If it's not ready for general testing it's not ready for general testing. Again the people working on new builds / content are almost garunteedly NOT the same as the people managing launches in new markets.


and 90% of the Devs attention atm is Europe, Middle East, and Asia.

You do understand that there are development teams (and multiple ones at that, that work on different parts of the game), and support teams. Support and Marketing are probably more focused on monitoring Europe, the Middle East and Asia but that would have nothing to do with the dev teams working on content, patching, and internal testing.


The rated warzones being pushed back and the servers population status has made this game very unappealing to me atm.

And that is 100% understandable. But as a little life lesson for you, you can control how you precieve things. You can choose to be unhappy about the push back or you can take it in stride and be happy that they didn't release something that wasn't ready. You can have a little hope that they'll actually have it working properly when it does get released and that you didn't waste a crap ton of time gathering or gaining something when it wasn't functioning as intended. As for the population, I'm sure they are looking at it. But I'm also just as sure that in a big company like BW who has to report to an overprotective parent (EA) that there are a TON of hoops for them to jump through and that a ton of people want to have their input on it heard before a decision is made and a direction choosen.


I am glad the rest of the world is getting to experience SWTOR, but can't help but be frustrated at the lack of communication regarding the game breaking issues facing us here.

I'm aware of some performance issues with SWTOR but not anything that's game breaking. For an issue to be game breaking it needs to cause you to not be able to play.


The only communication we get is vague, "In the Future", "We are looking into it", "Some ways away".

Because when they give more solid time lines and something comes up (lets use 1.2's announcement of March that got pushed back to April as an example) that requires something to be pushed back nerds/geeks tend to rage. If you'll notice MOST game developers use "in the future", "we're looking into it" etc to avoid the rage.


Hopefully the Devs will make the U.S. server issues their real priority at some point, with daily communication about whats happening with them and what they are going to do to fix it.

You're crazy man. SERVERS are a priority (or rather should be) and I really don't understand how you can say U.S. Servers... Servers are servers regardless of where they are located. You get some form of communication on a regular basis, dev's post here, check out the tracker. Sadly you, just like the U.S., are not the centre of anyone's universe. And thusly perhaps their communication isn't exactly what YOU want to hear, but they do communicate. And they have been getting better at it since launch.


A side note for dev's, please work on performance issues and bugs rather then writing a little forum post to tell me you're doing so.

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Servers are servers. The US, EU, and Asian servers are identical (except for non-English language servers, and those are identical except for the dialogue and menu text). Any problem affecting all US servers affects non-US servers equally. If there's a problem with a specific server, like low population or a lousy community, then the option already exists to switch to another server that doesn't have that problem. Sure it would be nice to be able to transfer characters but that's being worked on and not by any of the people who are involved in releasing the game in different countries, so it will come when it's ready and Oceanic / Asian releases will have zero impact on when that is because completely different teams handle different aspects of the game. Likewise, ranked warzones will be released when they are ready, and since nobody who is working on ranked warzones is involved in any way with releasing the game in new countries that date will not be affected by trying to increase the global market for TOR.


Programmers design new systems and fix bugs. Marketing and the IT guys handle opening new servers. Trust me... you do not want marketing doing the coding for your ranked warzones!

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Few Months ago people were asking why their countries were put on the back burner and the the US was focused on. Some countries were not even allowed to beta test for the large majority of the test period, let alone only got their hands on the product a month back when it was finally sold in their country.
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I don't know why people think they are entitled to the same thing as everyone else. Games being developed in the USA should be available to the USA first. If someone tells me about a game developed in China and was released there a year ago but is just coming to the USA I am in no way shocked or appalled. This game was made here and is in development here yet the USA servers are in a shambles and the Devs only focus on expanding to other countries to make easy money off the foreigners.


Daniel Erickson stated in a an article released yesterday in PC Gaming Mag that server merges aren't a priority. Thats because they are more worried about making sure asian and middle east players can buy the game. I am not saying that other people don't deserve to play the game, but they can wait until its good to go here first...

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Hopefully the Devs will make the U.S. server issues their real priority at some point, with daily communication about whats happening with them and what they are going to do to fix it.


Why? Why shouldn't both American servers and European servers get the same amount of treatment and attention?

Edited by Space_Gimp
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No. Prime time in Europe is 10 am CDT to 8 pm CDT (see http://www.torstatus.net/tomb-of-freedon-nadd/history/7d#!/tomb-of-freedon-nadd/24h/7d). The maintenance window is 2 am CDT to 6 am CDT. So the maintenance window occurs before the European peak.


Will people please stop quoting LOLstatus.com? that site has already been debunked several times, and once by BioWare themselves.


Their information is way off, they listed The Red Eclipse the if not one of most populated servers in europe, is listed seventeenth, the eleventh placed server is a practically dead server called Juyo EU.


Besides that fact, I live in the United Kingdom of Britain and Northern Ireland, the downtime is most certainly not ending at 8pm at least on my server, in fact the peak of The Red Eclipse is experienced during 9-12pm on any night without downtime, you can quote that from someone who actually plays in Europe.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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