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Everything posted by FrostPaw

  1. If it's fun, you should be thanking Bioware for having to spend more time in pvp. Unless of course it's just faster? or was....which indicates why it needed fixing, since pvp gear is a shortcut to pve gear.
  2. Never heard of it, I can do the space missions at the appropriate levels with the right upgrades.
  3. When I read the relics with 30% chance to process I assumed they had the same cooldown and chance as all the othe relics with 30% chance to process, anotherwords, you only equip one and you put another type of relic in the other slot. I seriously doubt the relic process cooldown is shared with class ability processes. I'm sure that is a seperate process mechanic otherwise it would be counterprouctive for many advanced classes.
  4. It's video game terrorism, Activision-Blizzard infiltrated Bioware to upset subscribers and make them think the game is dying, they're also on the forums apparently.
  5. Have you considered the route between Point A and B is blocked by some terrain feature? When you're in a car do they often go straight through buildings, fields and other peoples houses or do you go around?
  6. If this were a legitamate argument my companions would be better geared than most of the people I group with, because I would just need everything, i have many companions that combined use everything. Need = To upgrade my character I'm playing with now. Greed = For my alts, companions, guildies, friends, to sell on GTN, to vendor for quick cash. Pass = I don't want this item for any reason/you have it. I've never understood how people find it so complicated. They just aren't thinking beyond themselves I suppose.
  7. There are too many stickies, the problem is the info to noise ratio is so great i just scroll down the page until i find the none stickies and start reading. I wouldn't even notice if one of the stickes was changed from some random crap I don't want to read into something desperately important i should read.
  8. If you're afking on the baloon it despawns, you gotta stay active.
  9. US customers are not being given less attention, they just aren't being given more as is usualy the case.
  10. You're being punished because you keep failing, you didn't accidently make a mistake and die, you are doing something and repeatedly dying/failing. When you fail that often you are doing something wrong, be it playing poorly, trying to kill enemies beyond your capabilities or simply being carefless. The fault is yours, the extended wait is deserved. Spend the extra time thinking why you died and how you can avoid doing it again.
  11. I'm not a CE customer I bought the digital deluxe version, however.... I thought it was an interesting decision to take the orange "wedge" type speeder, sell it to everyone for a few weeks at 1million credits then move it exclusively to the VIP vendor up on the 2nd floor and put a huge 3.5mil price on it. It says, here's something that we sold to average joe subscriber for 1million credits but now its exclusively yours for 3.5mil credits you lucky, VIP you! It's like they want to punish the people who paid extra for the game.
  12. So you/re farming it to give away to the people you're taking it away from?
  13. You didn't mention it, but judging by this you were on a pvp server. Which means you chose to be on a server where you can be killed by other players whenever they want. If you were on a pve server you could have just walked up to the vendor and bought your stuff regardless of how many imps were standing around trying to stop you. i.e. it was your choice, you chose the server, you wanted to be griefed by others.
  14. My buff is usualy the 8 or 9 key, way off my comfortable reach. This is because I don't expect to need it in a hurry so I can just click on it with my mouse. Of course when people rush past me throwing a buff on me I don't always have time to target them and then click the buff before they run out of range. Having said this, I do try, if you expect it back, you should stick around and probably be aware I could be afk.
  15. I think its a terrible system, I just made legacy level 40 and I feel no achievement for that at all. By the time I've done my dailies to pay for all the crap my legacy level unlocks I have no will to log an alt in anymore.
  16. I'm assuming a tradeskill will get a kit to create something that adds an augment to orange gear. Either that or maybe a dailies token turn in. Either way I'm happy at that news, I was feeling pretty sad all the orange gear I have was becomming redundant.
  17. Most of the people I know go into raids and hardmodes just fine with pvp gear. What stat does PvP gear lose? compared to what I'm wearing, it seems equal + expertise. I'll take your word that on the very hardest setting of the very hardest PvE content they can't manage but I imagine thats true for the majority of PvE geared players too.
  18. Expertise is a barrier to effective pvp, however there is no barrier to pve as expertise is an additional stat on pvp gear. This makes pvp geared players capable of walking into any pve encounter and being effective but the opposite is not true. Why is this?
  19. Please explain how some stranger who doesn't speak logging in within 1 min of spawn clicking it and then logging out makes it more sociable.
  20. No people don't have the opportunity to get it, I camped four hours for it yesterday, someone logged in 2mins before it spawned and beat me to it by about 1 second which could easily have been latency difference. If its farmable, and you can predict when it will pop, people will screw you every time. Shouldn't be tradeable, shouldn't be predictable, shouldn't be farmable. It's not rocket science, then again, some idiot at Bioware didn't lock chests to the npcs guarding them so evidently someone likes people getting grief. Simple Question....MMO = Socialy inspired game world, so why are so many activites anti social? quest clickies, loot chests etc...we aren't just competing with our enemies, we're competing with our allies too.
  21. I'm not sure I understand the thinking. These inherited weapons can't be inherited by any other archetype then the one that first uses them? How does that make them useful to trade between legacy alts? Makes them usefull to trade between companions maybe, but I'm not rolling two of the same advanced class just to benefit from this equipment.
  22. Mind Fumble - The target enemy is so confused and clumsy they fumble their weapon aim. For the next 10 seconds the enemy has a chance of hitting themselves or a random enemy in the group with their attacks. Works on Strong or lesser enemies only. Hitting the target breaks the effect, Counts as an aggressive act to grouped enemies.
  23. I was dissapointed to see, despite me having a high legacy level, that had little or no impact on obtaining legacy perks. All this system does is cheapen legacy level and add value to gold farming.
  24. And if a bunch of healers and tanks WANT to spend 20minutes killing one boss and taking forever to achieve that, whats the issue? I seriously doubt people would ever find enough healers to do that but maybe they have a few less dps and a few extra healers or tanks in their guild...why shouldn't they be allowed to form an all guild group if they are willing to kill slower? dps classes will always be popular and needed, they don't need mechanics making them more so, people are already impatient.
  25. If you don't want to see any whispers filter the channel out of your chat box by right clicking the channel tab and deselecting the box to display it.
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