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U.S. seems to be pushed to the back burner while foreign countries are priority.


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Personally the OP is either trying to cause a flame war, is (no offence) not having a clue what is going on or is racist lol


The US has had the most attention than any other country, and just so you know. This is a world universal forum and not just for the US, so calling us "foreign countries" is wrong on a world forum.


Either way, this whole thread is silly. Yes EU is getting some love right now, but that might have something to do with the game getting released to the rest of EU at last.


As for the problems regarding servers, it's not just US servers that have a problem.

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Yes I'm sure every single last developer working on SWTOR is now working on getting Asia Pacific and Middle Eastern server setup. They certainly wouldn't have different teams working on that while another group continues working on US servers... Yes that would never happen /end sarcasm
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Server set up is actually handled by IT and not the developer


Yes I'm sure every single last developer working on SWTOR is now working on getting Asia Pacific and Middle Eastern server setup. They certainly wouldn't have different teams working on that while another group continues working on US servers... Yes that would never happen /end sarcasm
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I am not going to go into specifics but there are issues facing dozens of U.S. Servers atm. There are several threads you can discuss those in. I am frustrated that content we were promised was put off, the test server isn't back up, and 90% of the Devs attention atm is Europe, Middle East, and Asia.


Hold on.


You mean... you think that the same guys who are working on the game engine code to support rated warzones are the guys who set up marketing contracts with retailers in foreign countries?


Because that's... uh... yeah... You'd have to be... uh...


That's not how it's done. If you honestly believe that someone stopped working on game code to set up game distribution in Eastern Europe, then you should just walk away from your keyboard for a while. Go play the game. Or watch TV. Or work. Or whatever. Just don't try to argue this point because its clear you have next to zero understanding about how games --or software in general-- is actually made.


There are hundreds of people involved in making this game. A few dozen of them probably work on the core game code. Those people, they don't care where the game is sold, or where the servers are located, or even what server populations are like. They just code the game. And they keep coding the game, regardless of what countries or servers or alien civilizations show up to play it.

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This thread is based on fear and opinion and not on fact...


Developers create content and fix misc bugs... The IT department handles communication and server set up. The European expansion is handled by a team in Europe (because the servers are based out of Europe) and the US developers that are in charge of patching and creating new content are not in anyway involved with this expansion


This thread represents your opinion and not fact

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So from Dec 20-April 26th,


US/Canada were a priority

We were first for the launch of TOR

The downtimes are in favour of North America

For the most part of the Beta, there weren't many EU servers


and yet you still have the balls to complain about Bioware finally turning their attention to Asia, Middle East and Europe who should have gotten the attention way before now?


Aye aye eye :rolleyes:

Well put.

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It's business. They've achieved the easy market penetration in the US. Getting additional subscribers (or even keeping current ones) takes work at this point. (And they seem to be doing some of that work.)


There is easy money in new countries. They're going after it.

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Fact is Bioware is looking to cash in on a new market that maybe more forgiving then us westerners. Can you really blame them all they hear from us is how their game sucks for this and that reason? New optimistic market > jaded western mmo market.


It's not just the US that suffers, the entire game suffers while they add new localizations.

Edited by RocNessMonster
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But it doesn't help the fact that it's prime time for Europe though right?


No. Prime time in Europe is 10 am CDT to 8 pm CDT (see http://www.torstatus.net/tomb-of-freedon-nadd/history/7d#!/tomb-of-freedon-nadd/24h/7d). The maintenance window is 2 am CDT to 6 am CDT. So the maintenance window occurs before the European peak.

Edited by Kthx
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The truth is this game is developed in the United States, so why wouldn't it release in US first, maintenance schedule be set around U.S. time frames, etc.. Half the U.S. servers are barron wastelands that people confuse for single player games. This issue has been on going for atleast 2 months, and there is no end in sight to a resolution.


The developers failed to release promised content making the server population dive even farther down. Instead of appearing to work harder,faster to get the content out they are just working on pulling in more money from the rest of the world. Is it worth paying $15 a month with broken/missing content in a single player game?

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Your so right my man, not only did you make this thread, but nailed it right on the head because the fact remains that the developers have nothing to do with the expansion in European markets. Not only is this handled by a team in Europe, it's handled by an IT team. And i absolutely agree with you about the decline in server drop, i mean update 1.2 only brought my server up to a meager 200 at peak times, and i mean really, the content they added. I can't do anything with the new missions, ops, or planet missions. Oh and the new armor sets... Pthhhh... please don't get me started. I can't wait for wow to come out with MoP so you can finally be happy playing a real MMO with panda bears. Enjoy :D









The truth is this game is developed in the United States, so why wouldn't it release in US first, maintenance schedule be set around U.S. time frames, etc.. Half the U.S. servers are barron wastelands that people confuse for single player games. This issue has been on going for atleast 2 months, and there is no end in sight to a resolution.


The developers failed to release promised content making the server population dive even farther down. Instead of appearing to work harder,faster to get the content out they are just working on pulling in more money from the rest of the world. Is it worth paying $15 a month with broken/missing content in a single player game?

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Just take a look at the Dev tracker where 90% of the posts for the last week don't relate to fixing any issues with the game currently. I don't see any post about whats being done to fix the issue with the U.S servers making all but a handful of them so unappealing. They don't appear to be making it a priority, asking questions, polling us, engaging in conversations about it.


What on earth are you blathering about?

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the only substantial thing non us players have received that we haven't is server transfers. It's hard to complain about that one, although us servers do have population issues, we unlike those other countries can play on servers in our local region those in australia had to roll on us servers. we can play in our own time zones, for them to do that would mean playing on asian servers (language barrier).
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The truth is this game is developed in the United States, so why wouldn't it release in US first, maintenance schedule be set around U.S. time frames, etc.. Half the U.S. servers are barron wastelands that people confuse for single player games. This issue has been on going for atleast 2 months, and there is no end in sight to a resolution.


The developers failed to release promised content making the server population dive even farther down. Instead of appearing to work harder,faster to get the content out they are just working on pulling in more money from the rest of the world. Is it worth paying $15 a month with broken/missing content in a single player game?


More money is to be made outside the U.S. So, pay 25$ per month or be in the same boat as us lowly foreigners.

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Just take a look at the Dev tracker where 90% of the posts for the last week don't relate to fixing any issues with the game currently. I don't see any post about whats being done to fix the issue with the U.S servers making all but a handful of them so unappealing. They don't appear to be making it a priority, asking questions, polling us, engaging in conversations about it.


The bugs are equal everywhere, what the hell are you talking about? Your post is really meaningless. All the servers are in the same boat, and as your countrymate said before, you get better maintenance timetable, better events accessibility and so on.

Edited by NinjaApacHe
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The truth is this game is developed in the United States, so why wouldn't it release in US first, maintenance schedule be set around U.S. time frames, etc.. Half the U.S. servers are barron wastelands that people confuse for single player games. This issue has been on going for atleast 2 months, and there is no end in sight to a resolution.


The developers failed to release promised content making the server population dive even farther down. Instead of appearing to work harder,faster to get the content out they are just working on pulling in more money from the rest of the world. Is it worth paying $15 a month with broken/missing content in a single player game?


It's no different in the EU, we have many dead servers. You think this is a problem only with the US? Wrong!


Also i deeply dislike your xenophobic use of the phrase "foreign" to describe all non-US servers, were not "foreign" we have our own servers in our own continents. We are no lesser customers than any American subscriber yet we are treated as second class citizens by Bioware quite often. US gets almost all priorities when it comes to patching and downtimes. Often they do this smack in the middle of primetime in other time zones.


To coin an American phrase "Swing and a miss!" :p

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The bugs are equal everywhere, what the hell are you talking about? Your post is really meaningless. All the servers are in the same boat, and as your countrymate said before, you get better maintenance timetable, better events accessibility and so on.


Totally agree with you :) they patch and fix bugs every week Don't understand this guy at all

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The truth is this game is developed in the United States, so why wouldn't it release in US first, maintenance schedule be set around U.S. time frames, etc.. Half the U.S. servers are barron wastelands that people confuse for single player games. This issue has been on going for atleast 2 months, and there is no end in sight to a resolution.


The developers failed to release promised content making the server population dive even farther down. Instead of appearing to work harder,faster to get the content out they are just working on pulling in more money from the rest of the world. Is it worth paying $15 a month with broken/missing content in a single player game?


If half the us servers are baron wastelands, why would they focus all their attention on the us? And assuming what you say is true, then can we get downtimes changed please, because quite clearly, there are hardly any us players playing anymore.

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the only substantial thing non us players have received that we haven't is server transfers. It's hard to complain about that one, although us servers do have population issues, we unlike those other countries can play on servers in our local region those in australia had to roll on us servers. we can play in our own time zones, for them to do that would mean playing on asian servers (language barrier).


Just to clarify the server transfers were extremely limited and only for players in timezones where new servers were finally set up for the first time some months after release.

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