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U.S. seems to be pushed to the back burner while foreign countries are priority.


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I am not going to go into specifics but there are issues facing dozens of U.S. Servers atm. There are several threads you can discuss those in. I am frustrated that content we were promised was put off, the test server isn't back up, and 90% of the Devs attention atm is Europe, Middle East, and Asia. The rated warzones being pushed back and the servers population status has made this game very unappealing to me atm.


I am glad the rest of the world is getting to experience SWTOR, but can't help but be frustrated at the lack of communication regarding the game breaking issues facing us here. The only communication we get is vague, "In the Future", "We are looking into it", "Some ways away".


Hopefully the Devs will make the U.S. server issues their real priority at some point, with daily communication about whats happening with them and what they are going to do to fix it.


lol! your onto something dude!

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I am not going to go into specifics but there are issues facing dozens of U.S. Servers atm. There are several threads you can discuss those in. I am frustrated that content we were promised was put off, the test server isn't back up, and 90% of the Devs attention atm is Europe, Middle East, and Asia. The rated warzones being pushed back and the servers population status has made this game very unappealing to me atm.


I am glad the rest of the world is getting to experience SWTOR, but can't help but be frustrated at the lack of communication regarding the game breaking issues facing us here. The only communication we get is vague, "In the Future", "We are looking into it", "Some ways away".


Hopefully the Devs will make the U.S. server issues their real priority at some point, with daily communication about whats happening with them and what they are going to do to fix it.


For your complaint to be accurate, US servers would have to be experiencing issues that servers for other countries are not.


As far as I know....ALL SERVERS RUN THE SAME GAME PATCH LEVEL AT ALL TIMES. Which means your complaint is without merit. ;)

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they probably want to expand their markets as much as possible and get revenue from these other countries and their potential players. having just released a big patch, i can see them putting more emphasis for a while on getting new subscribers rather than content for at least a little while



the America hate is pretty funny though.

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Its actually pretty standard to focus on getting the game to everyone before really working on what needs to be fixed. And its just a matter of priorities, they can only just hope the content that it came with is enough to hold people until they can focus on it again after making sure as many places have it as possible.


Is that better than rolling out consistent patches/content/server issues? BW obviously thinks so.


It also goes back to the fact of people just wanting what they dont have. People who dont have the game in their area, want the game. People who have the game but no good servers, want good servers. People who want to play an unbugged game on good (if FAR TOO MANY) servers, then they want solid patches coming out more than once every couple weeks.

Edited by Blaise
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You are so wrong, and I’ll tell you why. This game was developed in Canada/USA/Ireland, your comments just show how uneducated and ignorant you really are


I don't know why people think they are entitled to the same thing as everyone else. Games being developed in the USA should be available to the USA first. If someone tells me about a game developed in China and was released there a year ago but is just coming to the USA I am in no way shocked or appalled. This game was made here and is in development here yet the USA servers are in a shambles and the Devs only focus on expanding to other countries to make easy money off the foreigners


Servers in shambles only represent your opinion and are not fact

My arguments why they are not in "shables" like you say


-the Patch the game every week


http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes (all the patches they've put out since the game has come out)

-They just gave everyone a free month of playtime (thank you bioware)

-Expanded the game play by introducing the infancy stages of the legacy system

-Expanded the crafting system

-Guild banks

-New Content (ops, flashpoints, and new level missions on correllia)

-New amour

-Updated armour features (removable amour on epic gear)

-New War zones

-New Pets

-Two week Rakghoul Event on tatooine

-Better resolution


Also in that same article he stated that he has Multiple team's that can change priorities quite quickly and are very versatile


Daniel Erickson stated in a an article released yesterday in PC Gaming Mag that server merges aren't a priority. Thats because they are more worried about making sure asian and middle east players can buy the game. I am not saying that other people don't deserve to play the game, but they can wait until its good to go here first...


I've said this before and I'll say it again, Adding Servers is an IT problem


Information Technology (IT) is concerned with technology to treat information. The acquisition, processing, storage and dissemination of vocal, pictorial, textual and numerical information by a microelectronics-based combination of computing and telecommunications are its main fields.


Developers "program"


Computer programming (often shortened to programming or coding) is the process of designing, writing, testing, debugging, and maintaining the source code of computer programs. This source code is written in one or more programming languages. The purpose of programming is to create a set of instructions that computers use to perform specific operations or to exhibit desired behaviors. The process of writing source code often requires expertise in many different subjects, including knowledge of the application domain, specialized algorithms and formal logic.

Edited by Ensquire
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Thanks OP for perpetuating the stereotype that Americans are pompous selfish bastards who don't give a rat's buttocks about anyone else. Stereotypes may not be politically correct but they do exist for a reason. They will cease to exist when folks who are acting like the stereotype stop doing it. Edited by BucMan
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I respectfully disagree. U.S. isn't a priority but neither are the other countries. BioWare is trying to bring equality to all. I feel that they have to be a focus because some countries DON'T have the game at all. Why not let them experience what we have had for months. That certainly isn't too much to ask...thinking of others.
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I am not going to go into specifics but there are issues facing dozens of U.S. Servers atm. There are several threads you can discuss those in. I am frustrated that content we were promised was put off, the test server isn't back up, and 90% of the Devs attention atm is Europe, Middle East, and Asia. The rated warzones being pushed back and the servers population status has made this game very unappealing to me atm.


I am glad the rest of the world is getting to experience SWTOR, but can't help but be frustrated at the lack of communication regarding the game breaking issues facing us here. The only communication we get is vague, "In the Future", "We are looking into it", "Some ways away".


Hopefully the Devs will make the U.S. server issues their real priority at some point, with daily communication about whats happening with them and what they are going to do to fix it.


To be fair we have gotten good amount of their time and attention so far. With that said though they are still rolling out the game in those other countries so naturally their attention is going to be more focused in those locales. I'm pretty sure we can hold out a little longer while they at least finish roll out.

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I am not going to go into specifics but there are issues facing dozens of U.S. Servers atm. There are several threads you can discuss those in. I am frustrated that content we were promised was put off, the test server isn't back up, and 90% of the Devs attention atm is Europe, Middle East, and Asia. The rated warzones being pushed back and the servers population status has made this game very unappealing to me atm.


I am glad the rest of the world is getting to experience SWTOR, but can't help but be frustrated at the lack of communication regarding the game breaking issues facing us here. The only communication we get is vague, "In the Future", "We are looking into it", "Some ways away".


Hopefully the Devs will make the U.S. server issues their real priority at some point, with daily communication about whats happening with them and what they are going to do to fix it.


Finally, America hates America.

It was bound to happen some day.


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Daniel Erickson stated in a an article released yesterday in PC Gaming Mag that server merges aren't a priority. Thats because they are more worried about making sure asian and middle east players can buy the game. I am not saying that other people don't deserve to play the game, but they can wait until its good to go here first...


They don't want to do server mergers. At all. Ever. Server mergers make a game look bad, at least according to the guys in the suits, so they are going to do anything and everything else first. That's why mergers are not a priority... voluntary character transfers (which are a priority and are being worked on right now) are going to be tried first and they aren't even going to begin to consider mergers unless transfers fail to help.


As far as releasing the game in new countries goes, again... not one single person involved in that is also involved in getting character transfers or ranked warzones done. Programmers do not set up new server farms or market the game in new countries. IT techs and marketing guys do not write code. If they stopped expanding into new markets today it would not make any of the features you want show up one second earlier, and if they decide to expand into 50 more countries tomorrow it will not make the features you want show up one second later.

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Oh how wrong you are, European countries that did not get the game at initial release and Middle Eastern countries are getting the game, finally.


U.S has had more attention than any one country has so far, you know the downtimes are pretty much specifically timetabled for US players?


Asia/Oceanic transfers are first because they can't even play the game properly on EU/US servers, that is why.


Stop with the America First act already.


The server down times are the way they are is because of where the Dev team is. If they was in a European country it would be on a time more set for them. They are people and need sleep and time off.

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The server down times are the way they are is because of where the Dev team is.


So when BioWare states that the maintenance window was picked to coincide with the lowest concurrent population globally, they are just lying?


If it was picked for reasons of provincial convenience, they would not have picked a window that begins at 2 am....

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So when BioWare states that the maintenance window was picked to coincide with the lowest concurrent population globally, they are just lying?


If it was picked for reasons of provincial convenience, they would not have picked a window that begins at 2 am....


I would venture a guess of, you are both right.

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They don't want to do server mergers. At all. Ever. Server mergers make a game look bad, at least according to the guys in the suits, so they are going to do anything and everything else first. That's why mergers are not a priority... voluntary character transfers (which are a priority and are being worked on right now) are going to be tried first and they aren't even going to begin to consider mergers unless transfers fail to help.


As far as releasing the game in new countries goes, again... not one single person involved in that is also involved in getting character transfers or ranked warzones done. Programmers do not set up new server farms or market the game in new countries. IT techs and marketing guys do not write code. If they stopped expanding into new markets today it would not make any of the features you want show up one second earlier, and if they decide to expand into 50 more countries tomorrow it will not make the features you want show up one second later.


To those who say they aren't working on server mergers or transfers. Right from the horses mouth


As a reminder: these instructions only apply to the Asia-Pacific character transfer system. A more advanced character transfer system is being developed.


wait what was that?!?!?!? A more advanced character transfer system... being developed?

Edited by Ensquire
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To those who say they aren't working on server mergers or transfers. Right from the horses mouth




wait what was that?!?!?!? A more advanced character transfer system... being developed?


Yes, they're working on transfers and trying very hard to avoid mergers, because mergers inevitably cause people to start saying "this game is dying" and such. I was just pointing out that the ones actually writing the software to perform the transfers are not the same people who are doing the Asian / Middle Eastern releases and therefore those will not in any way effect how long it takes transfers (or ranked warzones, or any other game feature) to be available.

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Yes, you are being reduced to nothingness as a US player. Gimme a break.


We pay less than others due to exchange rates and fees, we have better patch times(unless you only play during the graveyard shift). We also have greater access to any BW/SWTOR sponsored events.


Weep elsewhere.


In a word this....


Same happened when Europe had there start date bumped to the same as the U.S, all the U.S players cried like babies because they thought they were special and deserved some sort of special attention, and a few days more than anybody else.


Get a grip. :rolleyes:

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I actually laughed out loud when I read this post. To the OP, its nice that you are feeling how we in the EU feel regarding the treatment given by games companies......most offers, conventions and competitions are only available to US customers, please grow a pair and stop crying over nothing.
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