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Smart spending of commendations


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If you hit the 50 bracket now, ie post 1,2,the smart way to handle commendations is:

Use all the WZ comms from wins to buy BM gear but always choose the ranked WZ commendations option from dailies. Choosing the regular WZ commendations is a waste because you will eventually need (albeit slower) the ranked ones as well, and you will eventually be trading regulars 3:1 to get ranked. So choosing the regular over the ranked even as a fresh 50 is a bad idea, even if you can use them sooner.


The only negative is that you will have less pieces overall because of the faster pace of getting BM gear over WH gear, but still.



Edited by richardya
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You get 99 warzone-comms AND 99 rated-warzone-comms from the daily/weekly, so this isn't a problem. Just don't exchange the rated-comms for normal-comms to get BM faster, keep the rateds for your WH-stuff.

The right way is:

Buy full recruit

Buy full BM except ear, implants and relics

Buy WH ear, implants, relics

Buy rest of the WH stuff


Reason to do so is that you need the battlemaster-equivalent to purchase warheroitems EXCEPT for the ear, implants and relics. So it doesn't make sense to waste comms there, just skip BM and buy WH directly.

Edited by iphobia
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The way to go is: Buy recruit gear, then buy bm weapon, then buy bm power relic, then start saving for wh gear.


Warhero peices require the battlemaster peice + ranked comms. So you will need to buy full battlemaster either way.

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Also, look ahead to what War Hero piece you are wanting to buy. Example, for BH's, you need the Eliminator Battlemaster Gloves if you want the Eliminator War Hero Gloves. You won't be able to exchange the Combat Medic Battlemaster Gloves for the Eliminator War Hero Gloves. Type of Battlemaster gear counts when you turn them in for War Hero. So check what War Hero piece you are going to want and get the appropriate Battlemaster piece.
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Yeah, I dont know that buying the recruit gear is worth it at all from a pvp leveller's perspective. Since 1.2 you can save 2k ex comms, and possibly 3.5k ranked comms, not to mention already having stripped the lvl 46 expertise moss, yes you will be squishier but only for about two days, and if you play purely objectively, you still contributing more then half any non premade group.


And believe me you going to need every credit you get to go towards mod pulling and Aug gear.

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Yeah, I dont know that buying the recruit gear is worth it at all from a pvp leveller's perspective. Since 1.2 you can save 2k ex comms, and possibly 3.5k ranked comms, not to mention already having stripped the lvl 46 expertise moss, yes you will be squishier but only for about two days, and if you play purely objectively, you still contributing more then half any non premade group.


And believe me you going to need every credit you get to go towards mod pulling and Aug gear.


You are thinking along the same lines as me. I am about to ding 49 and just got up to my final quest this morning. I plan on leveling 49-50 purely on WZs. I should have enough comms for 1 WH piece and 3 BM (close). I also picked up the +41 expertise crystal during the Rakgual event. I'll fill in the rest with recruit (might bag this since I have the 46 weapon mods in all of my orange gear). I think I should be in pretty decent position for a fresh 50.

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I look forward to fresh 50's for PvP, I see you, I mark you, I then cloak, pop all cooldowns, and stab stab dead. So squishy and so fun.


no really I only do that to fresh 50 healers but I do that with vet 50 healers too so ehh welcome to PVP

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I look forward to fresh 50's for PvP, I see you, I mark you, I then cloak, pop all cooldowns, and stab stab dead. So squishy and so fun.


no really I only do that to fresh 50 healers but I do that with vet 50 healers too so ehh welcome to PVP


MY shield disagrees, I'd like to see you run w/ your tail behind your legs.

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You are thinking along the same lines as me. I am about to ding 49 and just got up to my final quest this morning. I plan on leveling 49-50 purely on WZs. I should have enough comms for 1 WH piece and 3 BM (close). I also picked up the +41 expertise crystal during the Rakgual event. I'll fill in the rest with recruit (might bag this since I have the 46 weapon mods in all of my orange gear). I think I should be in pretty decent position for a fresh 50.


I feel bad for you, you should have grabbed the +41 power instead point for point you missed out big time. You have more than enough expertise once you get geared.

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Shoot man, you are gonna hate 50 PvP if you think your shield has any outcome in a WZ as a fresh 50. Being a fresh 50 is an awful experience, as least it wont be a long one :o)


I meant to his statement of killing Vet healers in wzs. Not fresh 50s.


I have a couple pieces of WH.

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