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Worst/Most pointless companions in the game?


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I started a smuggler a couple of days ago and Corso Riggs is already my most hated companion of all time. Despite not being white, he manages to act like white trash every time he opens his mouth. Why would anyone at BioWare write a character like this?
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Here's my list from every class I've played:


Jedi Knight - Rusk...What, exactly, is his point in being on the ship other than to annoy me?


Jedi Consular - I HATE, and I mean HATE - Zenith. He's so pointless and is pretty much the anti-jedi mind set


Smuggler - CORSO! I wish I had the option of flushing him out the airlock!


Imp. Agent - Kaliyo. I hate this obnoxious, self absorbed, horribly written excuse for a tank


bounty Hunter - Skadge! Why do I have to have him around exactly?


...Did I forget to mention Corso?

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I think Bioware was going for making the Smuggler's crew as close to Han Solo's as possible, so Corso is "farmboy but with hidden soldier/underworld depths" as a twist on Luke Skywalker "farmboy with hidden jedi significance/past depths."


Only I'm not sure Corso ever grows out of certain issues the same way Luke does or that his hidden depths ever really become relevant the way Luke's do. And he does that whole patronizing possessive thing with fem!smugglers that makes it sort of 50/50 whether people can tolerate him.


I don't really mind the accent, I live in the southwest US, people around here actually do talk like that. It's more Corso's personality flaws that get to me.

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On the plus side, his (Corso's) "Now your dumb, ugly and dead" is more fun to listen to than "Kolto bomb incoming." :)


I was going to use Doc as my JK's companion, but Kira's combat lines are just more fun. Makes me wish they'd give us options to say things like that when we attack.

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IMO she is the worst companion ever and Im stuck with her because she is SUPPOSEDLY my healer. But she never heals. When she does it is like for 80 points and Im lvl 33. >.< Yet she heals herself for over 600 points. I watched this in action all day yesterday. It is ridiculous. I honestly shouldnt be dying repeatedly at lvl 33 because my healer totally sucks a**.


And every word that comes out of her mouth is sooooo annoying and degrading. As a female player I find her overly whiney and offensive. She is a total wimp...really pathetic. The rest of her "story" lines etc make no sense. One minute she is whining at me not to forget we are a team and when Im mean to her and tell her we arent a team, that she works for me...she says she doesnt. She's weird.


If I had the option to throw her out of the airlock, I most certainly would. Im going to die anyway whether she is with me or not since she is such a horrid healer so why not die happily without her instead of cursing at her for not doing her job? The only ways I can think for Bioware to fix her is to permanently gag her so I never have to hear her speak and to make her a much more effective healer.


Honestly I'd much rather my "trophy husband" as people called him (personally I like Torian best because he is the most low key) or Gault be my healer companion.


I am finding this out. Wow, Mako sucks as a healer and we have to put up with her until the end of Tattooine when if we're a merc, we can respec to healer and take Gault out. Thank goodness my merc is on Tattooine. I was almost completely down in health because she aggro'd a second crowd. She wasn't even healing herself enough and didn't heal me at all. Luckily I didn't die, had a smidge of health left but I can't want to get rid of her.

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M4X1. as a vanguard, absolutely useless.

T7: cool as the little droid is, don't use him much

Vector: crappy armor, not a good tank, and just plain creepy

Skadge: Hate the little SOB, plus utterly useless

Bowdaar: Used him for 2 mintues, and pulled corso back out.

Riisha: Love the character, but why couldn't SHE be the damn medic? Why do i need a ranged DPS that early? I mean really HOTH is where i FINALLY get a freakin medic?

Tanno Vik/Yunn: Two of the same damn kind of characters? ***? I mean tanno likes big booms, why doesn't he have an assault cannon?!

Jorgan: Ok guy says he lead a sniper platoon but carts around an assault cannon? DAFUK?

Avaaki: Loved her character, but really didn't do a whole hell of a lot for my gunslinger. Now had i been say a scoundrel, been a match made in heaven.


Many companions make me scratch my head and go ***? Either have to be a healer to use them, or they basically sit doing nothing. I mean i loved KOTOR 1 and 2 for the sheer fact you could pick and choose basically at will, and all had something to contribute. This game, half the companions are worthless.


My commando runs Jorgan and she's not a healer. She runs assault. They make a great team. I tried Dorne, hated her. I'll probably take Jorgan to the end.

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My personal hate list:

CORSO RIGGS. In caps. He's obnoxious, he's uncouth, he's judgemental, he's a frakkin' walking redneck stereotype. Not to mention the awfully written romance for female characters which can, essentially, result in what amounts to assault.


Bowdaar. Like some other person said, the best/most notable part about him is that he's a wookie.


Lt. Iresso. Personality of a footstool.


Rusk. Another walking stereotype.


Broonmark. I never ordered a violent, bloodthirsty Antivore Yeti.


DS Jaesa. Bloodthirsty hedonistic psycho sodomite. And not the fun kind a la Kaliyo. Just insane.


Torian, aka Bieber Fett.




Seems to be all for now.

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According to the Improbable Use of a Weapon entry on tvtropes, for a long time a marine using a modified .50 caliber machine gun mounted with a scope had the record for the longest distance confirmed combat kill at 2,286 meters. It should be noticed that the weapon in question does not have a semi-automatic mode, and very good reflexes were required to only get a single shot off a trigger pull. This feat had not been surpassed until a few years ago. There is still a sniper award in the US Forces named after the guy.


So Aric Jorgan's weapon of choice is improbable, not impossible, but it might require some degree of obsessive compulsiveness to train up to that level, and maybe a touch of insanity. He also probably wasn't shooting from the hip as a sniper. Lastly, it's possible that magnetically contained blaster plasma behaves differently from bullets.

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Xalek... his good sides:

before 2.0 maxing him out in affection was easy, 102 per conversation - 2 days max. - not much times I had to travel with him

he looks good laying on the floor dead

cool named achievment for killing 1000 people with him.



sucks at tanking

makes no sense

sucks at aggro holding

is ugly

rejectecs my female inquisitors,who has thing for aliens with big feet, feelings...

did I mentioned he takes damage like little girl (ashara)?


I mean really... he runs with my Sin tank gear (grade 63) that I could go EC NiM, and he dies from two strongs on Makeb, if I don't kill them fast enouth... really?

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Seriously, what? Really? I'm convinced this guy was shoved in strictly to fill the 5-companions-per-class quota.


He has a negligible, near-zero personality. Is completely boring. Contributes almost nothing. Has no remotely-plausible reason to be on my ship — I mean, most companions are stretching it a little with their motivations, but Zenith is practically lamp-shaded in the post-Balmorra cutscene.


And he's a one-dimensional murderous unstable nutcase who makes a magical change-of-heart ("I think the rebellion's out of my system") when the writers have to justify having him on my crew. I don't want him on my crew, I want to deposit him back on Balmorra and never see him again. But that's OK, he's SO POINTLESS AND FORGETTABLE that it's like he's not on my ship anyway.


When I saw his Codex entry pop up at the end of Balmorra, and realized this was my 3rd companion, I actually went: "You cannot be serious." out loud and spent a few minutes trying to verify this was a misunderstanding.






He even looks boring. Ahhhh I hate him!!

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Seriously, what? Really? I'm convinced this guy was shoved in strictly to fill the 5-companions-per-class quota.


He has a negligible, near-zero personality. Is completely boring. Contributes almost nothing. Has no remotely-plausible reason to be on my ship — I mean, most companions are stretching it a little with their motivations, but Zenith is practically lamp-shaded in the post-Balmorra cutscene.


And he's a one-dimensional murderous unstable nutcase who makes a magical change-of-heart ("I think the rebellion's out of my system") when the writers have to justify having him on my crew. I don't want him on my crew, I want to deposit him back on Balmorra and never see him again. But that's OK, he's SO POINTLESS AND FORGETTABLE that it's like he's not on my ship anyway.


When I saw his Codex entry pop up at the end of Balmorra, and realized this was my 3rd companion, I actually went: "You cannot be serious." out loud and spent a few minutes trying to verify this was a misunderstanding.






He even looks boring. Ahhhh I hate him!!


To be fair, he is still the most interesting out of all the Consular companions and his story has a very substantial tie-in to the Imperial Agent storyline. Though I find it was more difficult to appreciate his companion quests until having played the Agent.


If you think Zenith is boring... well, just wait until you get Iresso or Nadia. Qyzen is one-dimensional, and Tharan has absolutely no place going with a Jedi if he disagrees with everything they do.

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Woa. Not how I see, personally.


Zenith contributes nothing to my storyline. At all. I have trouble seeing him as the most interesting Consular companion; he's completely disposable the second Balmorra finishes and has no memorable qualities. For me, seeing him the first time on Consular, he's just a generic "rawr rawr Rambo commando". It's nice if he's interesting to Agents, but I shouldn't need to play a different class in order to care about the companions for my current class.


Iresso is at least charming and likeable, Qyzen has a lot going on inside and is kind-of interesting as a non-conformist Trandoshan. Nadia is fine, she may be annoying but she has plenty of depth and character tics. I don't exactly like her, but she is interesting, along with the whole Sarkhai species.


Sadly, Theran Cedrax — despite being an irritating tool — is by far the most interesting companion I've got. He actually has a personality, a cute gimmick in his "exotech playboy" past that doesn't mimick ten other companions, an obnoxious holographic prostitute (who he uses to distract enemies, no less), and is generally unique in occupying the "arrogant nerd from your Calculus III class" position among the game's companions.

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I like both Kira and doc's lines. Like "You may experience some discomfort" when you stab a guy. Medical humour can be dark, but also hilarious.


I recall a time where me and doc were having a really hard time with an elite. Got to the point were both of us were nearly dead, and he called out "Is this the end of old Doc?".

Next second, he hit the guy with a charged burst and killed him. And said "And stay down!".


The best moments are the ones that aren't scripted, as my signature boasts so often.


Personally, I think that Xalek is the captain of useless companion. Some companions I like. Some I don't like. But they all have a role to fill, and there are actually times where there's a difference between ranged and melee.

But Xalek? Not only is he extremely underdeveloped and shallow, but he takes up the slot for 'ranged tank' that a REAL ranged tank should have.


Here's the thing: if I turn off the charge, then a ranged tank will stay still, but a melee tank will run slowly into battle. If I turn off the charge, it's because I want them to stand next to me, normally because the enemy mob is composed of mostly melee. So, the melees run over, and I kill/contain them while they're running. If there was a ranged in the mix, then I'll have them use the charge on that target, meaning more running time for the mobs!


Xalek doesn't do that. He has a lightsaber, so he'll run into melee, whether I have his charge on or off. Hence, he's a melee tank. Guess what? I've had one of those since Dromund Kaas.


My sage can keep iresso out of deadly areas through proper abuse of storm and rescue. If I ever make a sorceror, I won't be able to do the same for him. And THAT, my dear friends, is why Xalek is the worst companion.

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Bounty hunter:

Skadge. Oh, sure, I'll ignore that I just spent...every single class quest on Belsavis wanting to shoot you. Let me have you join my crew. Did my merc take a blow to the head somewhere along the Belsavis line that I didn't notice?



Broonmark. I just have never used him, never really talked to him, and all he does is run crew skill missions for me.

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Woa. Not how I see, personally.


Zenith contributes nothing to my storyline. At all. I have trouble seeing him as the most interesting Consular companion; he's completely disposable the second Balmorra finishes and has no memorable qualities. For me, seeing him the first time on Consular, he's just a generic "rawr rawr Rambo commando". It's nice if he's interesting to Agents, but I shouldn't need to play a different class in order to care about the companions for my current class.


Iresso is at least charming and likeable, Qyzen has a lot going on inside and is kind-of interesting as a non-conformist Trandoshan. Nadia is fine, she may be annoying but she has plenty of depth and character tics. I don't exactly like her, but she is interesting, along with the whole Sarkhai species.


Sadly, Theran Cedrax — despite being an irritating tool — is by far the most interesting companion I've got. He actually has a personality, a cute gimmick in his "exotech playboy" past that doesn't mimick ten other companions, an obnoxious holographic prostitute (who he uses to distract enemies, no less), and is generally unique in occupying the "arrogant nerd from your Calculus III class" position among the game's companions.


I love Tharan. Even if he has a few annoying quirks, they add to his character and make him interesting. Nadia's my favorite, and I totally wish I could romance her.

I also agree with your description of Qyzen and Iresso.


But I can't even disguise Zenith as anything more interesting because of those damned lekku.

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Skadge=useless. That's all I got to say about that ...


For Zenith and his head tails.. my LS mara never uses Vette except for LS/merciful cutscenes and she wears

the Resilient Xenolite Headgear. With that helm, people think she's Mako. Dunno how that helm looks on Pub


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Temple is pretty boring and useless probably too (never used her in fight yet. But yeah, I get used to it and accepted her just as all my other companions. She's something like appreantice to agent character.
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Temple is pretty boring and useless probably too (never used her in fight yet. But yeah, I get used to it and accepted her just as all my other companions. She's something like appreantice to agent character.


Temple is quite a nice little ranged DPS companion - mechanically, she's another Vette.


As far as personality goes, I rather liked her - her own struggles with her secret highlight the development that the Agent goes through in Chapters 2 and 3; depending on the choices you make, she can be either a foil or a support to your character.

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I recall a time where me and doc were having a really hard time with an elite. Got to the point were both of us were nearly dead, and he called out "Is this the end of old Doc?".

Next second, he hit the guy with a charged burst and killed him. And said "And stay down!".


The best moments are the ones that aren't scripted, as my signature boasts so often.

The other day I was fighting a big pack of... something inside the Dark Heart on Voss while doing the Consular class story. It was like 5-6 ranged enemies all spread out.


Once I realized they were all ranged, I ran around a corner to LoS them and force them to clump up for Forcequake mass destruction.


Except of course Tharan Cedrax sat there pewpewing with his dinky pistol and getting them all aggro'd on him. I hit Passive and it did its usual "Nope.gif" glitch where it doesn't work because the companion has a GCD active.


I was tired, so I yelled out loud IRL "Damn it, Theran, get your stupid butt over here!" and started spamming the Passive key.


After a few seconds it clicked and his random line was an annoyed little-kid-talking-to-mom "I'm coming!!"


Felt like a scripted dialogue. Made me laugh. :)

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