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Between 90 and 120 people of REP fleet at peak times.


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That's pretty decent since many people got bored and have started spreading their gaming sessions out or unsubbing. My main server seems to have between 40-70 at best now. Getting a filled 50 warzone with a team which isn't primarily filled with fresh meat is but a dream before about 8pm GMT.


Since 1.2, if I can't ride off the victories of someone elses premade team, I don't have the mental stamina to grind through a load of losses just to miss out on my daily anyway. And this is someone that spent the whole month leading up to 1.2 completing every single PvP daily and weekly (including armaments) just by warzoning, and sometimes taking it further.


Server merges and cross-server pvp can't come quick enough. The players generally agree. It's only the men with power who see it's potential weakness from a PR and marketing perspective that disagree. They don't want to show evidence their numbers are dwindling even if it's not the case.


Edit: Oh and struggling to get a party of 4 people regardless of time or level, is a monumental achievement for an MMO with this much publicity. Those freebie MMO's with less servers but higher capacity servers... I've been taking them for granted far too long.

Edited by Cooperal
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Your server is pretty decent, better than most, but on The Fatman, we get over 200 players on the Republic Fleet for several hours every single day, but even when the mass majority of the East Coast players go to sleep and some of the West Coast players are still awake, the fleet still has over 100. For example, when it's 1:00 AM in California, we still have at least 90 players left on the fleet, and on peak hours we get over 150 players on Coruscant. The only bad thing I would have to say about The Fatman is that there is a server queue every single day, but that doesn't really matter to me at all. :)


Queue is prefered over LFG for an hour or desolation.

The server I'm on isnt terrible but its not good either.

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we need a global chat channel, then you can really see who is on or get groups. Its sad that you have to sit in fleet to get groups for anything and yea those numbers are great! its usually less than 1/2 that on my server. :(
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we need a global chat channel, then you can really see who is on or get groups. Its sad that you have to sit in fleet to get groups for anything and yea those numbers are great! its usually less than 1/2 that on my server. :(


surely you mean universal chat channels we already have global channels :)

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Your server is pretty decent, better than most, but on The Fatman, we get over 200 players on the Republic Fleet for several hours every single day, but even when the mass majority of the East Coast players go to sleep and some of the West Coast players are still awake, the fleet still has over 100. For example, when it's 1:00 AM in California, we still have at least 90 players left on the fleet, and on peak hours we get over 150 players on Coruscant. The only bad thing I would have to say about The Fatman is that there is a server queue every single day, but that doesn't really matter to me at all. :)


sounds like the fatman is the only mmo after past few months .

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Republic/Imperial fleet =/= Server population.


Why does everybody assume that the fleet is 90% of the population at any given time? Most people are leveling, leveling Alts, doing warzones, flashpoints, operations, space combat.


Server population follows the same trend as fleet population ie when one is high, the other is high. Everyone has reason to go to the fleet at all levels, so assuming X% of the server population is on the fleet, if the fleet is low, chances are good that the rest of the server is low as well. Without any other metric, ie the ability to see exactly what the current server population is at any time, fleet population is all you got. It's good for comparing populations of different servers. If one server averages 100 people on the fleet during peak hours and another is usually in the 20's, it's reasonable to assume that the former server has a much higher population overall compared to the second.


It's not that people think fleet pop is 90% of the server, that's obviously not true, but even if it's 20%, you can still judge relative populations from it. So when you see your server that used to have 200+ people on the fleet drop to less than 20 people, you've had a dramatic drop in population regardless of what percentage of people the fleet pop actually represents.

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Republic/Imperial fleet =/= Server population.


Why does everybody assume that the fleet is 90% of the population at any given time? Most people are leveling, leveling Alts, doing warzones, flashpoints, operations, space combat.


Because that's where people LFG.


LFG is the main reason to care about server pop.


I suppose you can set your flag and pray someone cares, but honestly, if they where not busy with daily's / helping guildies / killing world bosses or farming mats they would be on fleet... LFG.

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I wish my server had a population that size.


Fleet on KJ rarely gets above 50 these days and is usually 20-30 during peak hours.


Thats said 90-120 is still below what I'd consider critical mass for an MMO's main grouping hub.


Server merges need to happen sooner rather than later.

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At peak hours I found my original server was hitting a grand total when doing /who (class name) of less than 40 people... at that moment I decided to reroll. I hardly miss it, being on an active server and playing the way the game was meant to be played is an amazing feeling... Yes I through away a pretty well geared 50 Scrapper, but in the end I think it was worth it...
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Cant tell if you are trolling or not...most servers have 0-10 people on fleet at peak or 10-20 if they are lucky.



Completely inaccurate.


While there are a few servers struggling with population issues, to say most have 0-10 people on fleet at peak is patently false.


Also consider this example. Last night on Space Slug at 12 am. eastern (it's a west coast server so it's 9 pm. there) there were only 79 people on fleet (republic) and 137 (empire.)


At the same time there were 56 people on Denova, 37 people on Correllia, 14 on Belsavis, 16 in the Eternity Vault, 32 in Karraggas Palace, 3 on Illum, and this is not counting those that were currently in pvp matches when I took these measurements.


So let us compare the numbers of people on the fleet versus those not on the fleet. Now notice that those areas surveyed were all level 50 areas for end game content only. I did not look on starter planets or on any of the planets that we level from 1-50 on. Since operations will report the total number of players inside regardless of faction, we will half those numbers, just to be fair.



Denova had 56 we will call it 28.

EV had 24 we will call this 12.

KP had 32 which we will call 16.

The following numbers are Republic only:

Correllia 37.

Bel Savis 14.

Illum 3.


That's 110 republic players NOT on the fleet (this number is larger if you count the empire players in the questing zones which I did not) versus 79 on the fleet.


So when people say # on fleet =/= # on server, this is what they are saying.


Again, this does nothing for people on really poorly populated servers but for those of you seeing 50-100 people on fleet, you should think twice before assuming your server is dead.


All of this will be moot if Bioware would get this "robust group finder" they keep talking about in place. This should have been done weeks ago. Also, they should just go ahead and cluster the servers and make both pvp and pve group finders x-server by cluster.


I know I know, there are tons of good arguments against x-server ques and believe me, I don't disagree with most of them but the writing is on the wall. It was a bold and brash idea to try and develop communities via the central hub of the fleets but it did not work. Yes this is sad but stop trying to make it work. It's not going to.


X-server ques for both pvp and pve will alleviate the rush on server mergers and allow people to participate in one of the best things this game has going for it, the pve flashpoints and group quests. Please please please get this into the game as soon as you feasibly can. It's a shame how many people have never seen a flashpoint.

Edited by Sparklehorse
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Republic/Imperial fleet =/= Server population.


Why does everybody assume that the fleet is 90% of the population at any given time? Most people are leveling, leveling Alts, doing warzones, flashpoints, operations, space combat.


It's a very good indicator of the health of the end game population which is what we all want moving forward.


As a level 50, you log in and look for groups. Your available pool is what's in the fleet...20 people in the fleet does not equal a healthy population.

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It's a very good indicator of the health of the end game population which is what we all want moving forward.


As a level 50, you log in and look for groups. Your available pool is what's in the fleet...20 people in the fleet does not equal a healthy population.


It's actually not a very good indicator. It is an indicator to be sure but not a very good one.


As far as the available pool of players for grouping on the fleet, this is partially true. If your server hasn't created it's own global LFG channel (this is possible btw) and you aren't in a guild or have a decent friends list, then yes, the pool of players on the fleet represent the most readily available people to group with for content, for you. As I have shown in a post above though, it does not necessarily represent the health of your servers population.


Again, this just makes the need for a Bioware created, global LFG channel and that robust group finder we've all been hearing so much about more obvious.

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Just to point ouf something a bit depressing, on that infamous ''other game'', I play on a old server tha thave the reputation of being ''dead''.


My guild, arguably the server largest, have during raid nights, have 40 different people online at peak hours.

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Worth noting I ran some numbers on my server during peak hours last night. There was around 120-150 people on the imp fleet at the time. I did level range searches in incriments of 10 up to level 49. Then did individual level 50 searches for every AC. There was over 760 imp players on the server. I didn't check the republic population. But not a stretch to add at least 300-400 more players with an imbalanced server pop.
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