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Feedback request from James Ohlen - In-game events


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It was an okay event. The exploding animation was cool and the Rakghoul hiding in the Dewback corpses was neat, though I don't know how they fit inside. The PvP auto-flagging has got to have something done about it. Thankfully, most on my server (a PvE server) were understanding and left people alone for the most part, at least from what I saw/heard. I think the worst part, aside from the auto-flag bull, was having a boss in Outlaw's Den because not everyone has any desire to PvP but you couldn't complete the event Codex without killing all three bosses. I enjoy PvP sometimes, when it's my choice, but there are some who want nothing to do with it ever and they shouldn't be left out of a world event because they dislike PvP.


I don't know what kind of events I'd like to see in the future but I would like them to not force people to PvP if they want to fully participate in the event.

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Future Events

- Event that involves Hoth and you can wrangle a Taun Taun and use it as a mount. Better yet maybe have a quest that starts with get a pet as a reward that eventually after doing a quest line the pet grows and you can eventuallly use it as a mount if you complete the whole line of quests.


-Event that may involve new operations, flashpoints specifically designed for this event that will give unique weapons and armor, mounts, pets, companions, etc

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I liked the event quite a bit, but found it to be troublesome to get everything I needed across multiple characters, especially when one of the world bosses was bugged for me at first. Considering this game has the Legacy system I think it would have been great if select codec entries, character titles, and social gear associated with the event was bound to our legacy instead of a single character. Especially for events like this that aren't likely to happen again.
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Like others here, there are things I thought were excellent and stuff that honestly, I could have done without.




  • The continuation of existing story. Building upon an existing base.
  • The news cast shown on the Tatooine warning screens were especially excellent.
  • The chance to really see parts of Tatooine, that if I'm honest, I'd never seen before.
  • Plague scan droids in hangers and fleet.
  • Quest mobs that scaled according to player level. Although it was a couple of days before I realised this.




  • The variety of daily quests.
  • The event world bosses (Except the Bantha - see below).
  • The Jawa's and the Sand People taking over the wreck of the Stardream after the event was a nice touch.




  • The repetition of the fleet announcements. I didn't play KoTOR, but if it fits the universe - I would liked have seen news broadcasts similar to the ones on Tatooine playing silently in the background. Click on the screen for sound. Anyone who's played Starcraft II will know what I mean. Some sound is good, constant repetition gets dull, quickly.
  • The whole event came out of nowhere and disappeared back there even quicker. It would have been nicer if there could have been a subtle build up to the event. Something to grab people's imagination before the "real" event. Maybe a false sense of victory followed by the Stardream crash. Then a less abrupt ending to mirror the slower escalation.
  • The infection mechanic was fun, but favoured a "pox group" stood on fleet in a small bunch. With DNA being a currency, there were definite rewards for standing around on fleet doing nothing. That can't be the right choice.
  • The daily quests were too static. I would have preferred a slightly more random selection. Tagging on one extra quest per day may seem like variety, but repeating every other daily quest in exactly the same order felt like a grind by the end.
  • Lots of story, very little voice acting. A holocall here and here would also reduced the grind feel.
  • Infected Trapjaw was okay, but being a low level elite meant individual level 50's soloing it - meaning it was more difficult to organise groups.
  • Random companion outfits. Not my thing, but lots of effort for effectively zero reward is frustrating.




  • The Bantha boss in Outlaws Den. I chose a PvE server for a reason and involuntary PvP being forced upon us seemed crude and misplaced, however well intentioned.
  • Anyone who perhaps missed the initial daily quest days would never get enough progression through the quest prerequisites to earn the chest / belt pieces.
  • Lack of decision wheel choices. Story without consequences is what other MMO's do.
  • Lack of initial introduction on Tatooine. I'm not suggesting linear questing. But something that hinted at everything else at the Tatooine spacepoint would have been a gentle lead in.
  • No medium or heavy equivalent of the hazmat suit.
  • A little unsure about this one.. but.. announcing when the end of the event would be on the blogs/forums. If the ingame players can't / don't know when the plague will end, then don't announce it. The end of the plague should have been something that didn't require forum access to know about.


I've written so few positives and lots of negatives. But overall the positives outweigh the negative. I only listed so many negatives so that the next event stands a better chance of being truly awesome.


I wrote a more detailed suggestion for a more subtle lead in and more gradual ending here : [Feedback] Ratghoul Plague


Future events?


Difficult to say, because so many of the truly memorable quest lines potentially had "other" endings I never saw.


Something involving the Dread Masters would be engaging I think. Or Ashaa's next attempt at creating the "next" race (assuming Ashaa's wasn't killed in alternate choices).


Maybe a prison break from Belsavis.


Or an AI virus infecting the computer core on Nar Shaddaa.


Maybe a derelict Rakata spacecraft being spotted drifting towards one of the less populated planets. With the rush by both factions to secure the ship and strip it of it's superior technology before it's decaying orbit means it breaks up and crashes into the appropriate planet. Maybe a little follow-up where debris continues to be scavenged from crash sites for a short period after the break up. I can't think how to work it in... but being in space could mean some sort of use for your ship beyond starfox space combat. Throw in a couple of stasis pods containing something big and nasty. Maybe have some sort of PvP event that releases something big and nasty against the other faction to hinder their efforts (I hate PvP, but got to pander to them).


The Republic/Empire don't believe in matter transporters. So while we're in the realm of impossible technology that clearly exists and clearly doesn't.... Did the Rakata ever develop limited time travel ? So many possibilities there.


Political elections? (maybe something tied to Alderaan, since I'm not sure how it might fit elsewhere). A genuine political campaign broadcast over viewscreens which ends with players casting their single vote. With maybe quests impacting the "message" delivered by the candidates (where player can choose to support or sabotage candidate's chances by doing quests). Tomorrow's broadcast could reflect the efforts player made today. Throw in intermediate opinion polls linked to the previous day's quest participation and completely unrealistic rewards offered by the candidates (especially by candidates losing in the polls) - and you've got the whole community backing different candidates, changing allegiances and presuring one another to "Vote Corso for Chancellor !". Developing a lot of content that a lot of users may not see might not be cost effective, but each server experiencing a different series of events and the interest that could generate (especially on out of game mediums like Facebook or Twitter) could be worth that unseen content on individual servers.

Edited by Woetoo
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I'd suggest reading the vast majority of this thread: Rakghoul Event Feedback - What was Good, What was Bad


But I'll post my response from there here as well.



1) Neat Rewards. I like the radioactive green crystals, the Rakling mini-pets are sweet, the Social Gear looks pretty awesome, and seeing the Infected Companions was just cool.

2) New mechanics. The plague was a cool idea, the mechanics were fun, and adding the containment officers that attacked me in my hanger just made it feel more 'real'.

3) Requires some Dedication. I like the progressively unlocking series of quests for the Social Armor. It made it actually feel like a week long event instead of a single-day one.



1) Plague flagging for PVP. I'll assume this is a bug that will be fixed in the next iteration and not cover it again.

2)Event time too short for casuals to achieve all rewards. This was effectively a 9 day event that required 6 days of participation to get the full rewards. 2/3 of the time is probably too much for casual players. In the future, I would recommend that any event last at least twice as long as the maximum number of days required to achieve all rewards. Additionally, why start the event on a Sunday? That's an evening and a full day of higher population that you missed out on roping into the event. Any future events lasting longer than a single day should probably cover at least 2 weekends.

3) RNG rewards need to be removed from anything, through one way or another. Despite spending over 1000 DNA samples on Infected Companion Customizations, I still was unable to obtain a full set due to bad luck. The options here are fairly varied.

  • Rather than selling a box that gives a random, allow each customization to be purchased individually. Even at a higher price than the random box. 20 DNA for a box, or 40 for a specific.
  • Allow them to be freely tradable between characters to let players cover each other's bad luck
  • Offer a "Complete Set" box that awards one of each. This also could be offered at a higher price than simply buying the random reward box.
  • Make the customizations Unique, so I can't get a duplicate unless I specifically mail one to another character.
  • Make rewards specific to the character opening the box. If I open on an Agent, I get Vector. If I open on a Knight, I get Kira. Yes, this causes issues with planning for future alts, but allows me to have some control over the reward I receive.

4) World Bosses need to not be tauntable by people outside the ops group once tagged by an Op. Minor issue on PvP servers and the Outlaw's Den boss, since the option is there to destroy your griefer. More annoying on PvE servers.


The most important thing to consider is not how the event is taken at the time it is running, but how it will be remembered by players afterwards. For this event, I'm not going to remember the fun of hunting down world bosses with my guild. I'm not going to remember the fun PvP battles with Republic trying to hold a point until a boss respawns, or holding the vendor. What I'm going to remember is the massive frustration I felt every time I opened another customization box that had another duplicate of one I'd already received.

Edited by DarthDemens
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The event was nice but it would have been nice to have the armor be a complete set, the bracers were missing, and the option to get something other than light armor. I would have liked a little heads up that something was going to happen kind of like a tabloid reporting the issue a couple of days before the event starts so players don't miss any of it
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I want to hear your thoughts on why you thought the Rakghoul plague was fun.

  • It brought life to the servers
  • It made the world feel less static so more alive
  • It was well scripted and chained
  • Quests scaled
  • I liked the scavenger hunt
  • Go back to lower planets
  • The rewards where nice



Unasked question: what went wrong or should be changed

  • Not enough SW feeling bit too much WoW / horror movie
  • Waste of a good opportunity: the event should have been launched around Halloween.
  • Certainly not tailored for more casual gamer
  • Random companion reward is a miss in a such short time frame event
  • Too short notice, bad communication (forums vs in game and no emails either)
  • Way too short notice on announcement of the vendor removal and none official stepping in to at least address the concern.
  • There's no way a casual gamer would have been able to complete the scavenger hunt in a such short time frame without external websites. Next time at least point at general areas on the map.
  • Prerequisites for the new dailies was a bad move for such a short time frame.
  • Without context the "avoid Tattoine" message made it so some players indeed avoided them
  • Color choice of the crystal is a bad move to Razer products owners especially since you did not use all the available crystal color choices yet
  • Placing the event vendor not in a low level nor a neutral spot was a bad decision.
  • Removal of vendor after the event was a bad move, MMO wise.
  • The plague felt as griefing by others players: should have emailed vaccines to all players and told them how to get more.
  • Tag 10 players quest brought silly gathering in the fleet.
  • PvP tagging through the plague should not occur on PvE servers as PvP should always be optional on these.



Also, what kind of stuff would you like to see in the future?"

  1. More Star Warsy feeling events
  2. With a bit more multiplayer components
  3. Doable by lower characters
  4. More casual friendly
  5. Make items BoL (Bind on Legacy)
  6. Keep vendors up afterwards
  7. No need to use external resources (internet based guide) to do the events in an acceptable time frame
  8. Better notification before and during the event both in and out game

Edited by Deewe
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•It brought life to the servers

Some what.

•It made the world feel less static so more alive

No real change

•It was well scripted and chained

Scripted well and chained well

•I liked the scavenger hunt


•The rewards where nice


Unasked question: what went wrong or should be changed

•Not enough SW feeling bit too much WoW / horror movie


Waste of a good opportunity: the event should have been launched around Halloween.

Good theme event

Certainly not tailored for more casual gamer

Im not casual so I got tired of seeing it every day for a week.

•Random companion reward is a miss in a such short time frame event


•Too short notice, bad communication (forums vs in game and no emails either)

Events should be a suprise so short notice or announcement in game is good.

•Way too short notice on announcement of the vendor removal and none official stepping in to at least address the concern.


•There's no way a casual gamer would have been able to complete the scavenger hunt in a such short time frame without external websites. Next time at least point at general areas on the map.


•Without context the "avoid Tattoine" message made it so some players indeed avoided them

•Color choice of the crystal is a bad move to Razer products owners especially since you did not use all the available crystal color choices yet


•Placing the event vendor not in a low level nor a neutral spot was a bad decision.

•Removal of vendor after the event was a bad move, MMO wise.


•The plague felt as griefing by others players: should have emailed vaccines to all players and told them how to get more.

Give me a break. Its a plague thats how it works. It was not griefing.

•Tag 10 players quest brought silly gathering in the fleet.

Silly?? I wouldn't call it silly... My words are a bit harsh for what I call it.

•PvP tagging through the plague should not occur on PvE servers as PvP should always be optional on these.

agree with the pve servers.

Edited by Beratac
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- Community Involvement

- Daily progressing goals.

- World Bosses

- Plague In concept. - something which can effect a player in a relatively harmless way.




- Terrible decision to lure hoards of 50s on PvP servers to a planet where level 20s are trying to quest.

- Plotline / event mechanics didn't sync. People disregarded instructions to contain plague due to event mechanics.

- No resolution: event just disappeared.

- Players not interested having no effective way to avoid it, required spending to avoid.

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Serious effort needs to be made to prevent griefing in events like this. In particular the apparent exploit allowing people to force others to flag PvP is the kind of thing that should NEVER make it through QA again.


I didn't reactivate my sub until the event was basically over, so I don't have much feedback past that.


Love events.


Hate when players are enabled to grief by exploiting the events.

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I found it frustrating that some of the content for the event practically required you to be lvl 50. I think in the future, it would be nice if bw considered the other 49 lvls of the game when making limited time events.


The parts I were able to complete were a lot of fun though. I usually stick to pvp, but the story implementation was clever.. well what little bit I found out. Not a fan of the daily unlocks, but unlocking new parts of the story, in general, was neat. Like a mystery.

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Plus Column:

  • Surprise effect - No advance knowledge, not even for those on PTS.


Meh Column:

  • Rewards - They just didn't thrill me personally. I don't want a rakghoul following me around, as a pet or masquerading as my companion. If I had been interested in a rakghoul companion appearance, the randomness of the rewards (such that I could receive one I had absolutely no use for) would have been in the Minus column. And the black-core crystals also just aren't my thing.
  • Serial dailies - I've got mixed feelings about this. Plus: Keeps things interesting because you don't know what you'll learn the next day. Minus: If there are too many to unlock relative to the length of the event, players will be unable to get to the end.
  • Repetitive announcements in chat on Fleet - Annoying to have my entire chat box taken over by the same thing every few minutes.
  • Rakghouls - I have never cared for them, so creating an event around them was just not going to excite me.


Minus Column:

  • Plague mechanic - Encouraged large groups of players to go afk exploding at the Fleet load in point. FPS ground to a halt, once the area actually finished loading. Also encouraged them to seek out players to infect; some players took that further by going to low level worlds to infect people.
  • Vaccine - Cost was high for low level non-alts, and didn't persist through death. When the latter is combined with dying due to involuntary PvP (see below), extra un-fun.
  • Involuntary PvP flagging on PvE server - Seriously. If I want to PvP, I know how to queue for it. If I want it all the time, I'll roll on a PvP server.
  • Mandatory PvP for completion - Having an event boss in a PvP area on a PvE server meant I had two distasteful choices: PvP, or miss the Codex entry (which, being somewhat of a lore junkie, is not making me happy).


End result of all this is that I just avoided the danged event altogether after running the dailies once and seeing the rewards and behavior involved. Too little fun for my limited play time when balanced against the meh rewards and unpleasant play experience (PvP griefing, lag, etc.).


Future Events:

I realize what I posted above is rather critical, but I don't mean for that to be taken out of the context of this specific event. I love the idea of the event. Not every event is going to appeal to every player. This one wasn't my cup of tea, and that's fine. I'd just like it if future events took into account that not everyone wants to PvP (especially not involuntarily), and not every low level character is an alt.

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Rakghoul Event was fun, but lets get a DIRECTIVE 7 event or something similar with a droid invasion on Correllia or Belsavis. Either that or have something that is FACTION EXCLUSIVE and occured on Coruscant and Dromund Kaas.


Keep up the good work, looking forward to more surprises. :D

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I loved the event, look forward to more in the future! Some feedback:



- The fact that it was unexpected

- The way it brought the Imperials and Republic players together, even on a PVE server it resulted in some fun PVP

- The fun rewards, I love fluff!

- The fact you kept adding quests giving you reason to keep coming back

- The quests were quite fun and I liked the scavenger hunt quest for the pet, mystery builds community as everyone works together to solve the objectives

- Gave people a reason to hang out on lower level planets

- Scaling the mobs to the level of your character by having them spawn when you attacked something was brilliant



- The RNG nature of the companion appearance boxes, at least make them worth something if you get doubles. I mean the baseball card nature of getting doubles is ok but the extras have zero purpose or value



- In addition to the fleet I would like to see some sort of announcement being broadcast to your ship. The Holoterminal would seem like an ideal place for this.

- I would love to see events that span multiple planets

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New missions and rewards to work for was fun.

Gave me an opportunity to map all of Tatooine due to that scavenger quest!

Big thank you to all the people who found the pieces!



Companion customizations should have been BoE and the armour bound to legacy

The event ended to quick for something that requires 4-5 days to fully participate in

There were a lot of bugs in the mechanics, all event mobs resisting the first attack, etc.

I'd personally like to see a lot less rakghoul stuff.

I've heard it's actually part of the lore, but it's not what I think of when I think Starwars.


On Tatooine that Infinite Empire guys zombies would have been better imho


Also, the missions weren't introduced well, I had no idea why I was going to scan jawa junk, etc.

I think area missions and item missions should pop up a window like objects you click on to get missions.

Gives you a chance to find out what the mission is about and refuse it if you so desire.


I'm guessing we will have some outbreaks on other remote planets?

Edited by Evgen
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I had a blast during this event. I managed to avoid any notice of the impending event on forums and other real world sources. Logged in and was running through the fleet on a low level alt when I saw a new terminal that was interactive. 'DO NOT GO TO TATOOINE!'. Instant reaction was to log off level 12 alt to my level 50 and head on down to Tatooine.


Things that made this event fun for me:


-The unknown factor (at least in the early days).


-Having to ask people in game actually got the general chat flowing with dialogue beyong the generic LFG that is so common.


-All the rewards are vanity items, they say 'Hey, I was there, I did that.' but beyond that gives no stat rewards. I see this as a big positive :)


-Having a slow release of new quests. This kept people on Tatooine and kept the population high enough over the days of the event to keep the World Boss ops groups viable.


-Scaling some of the content around the daily quests so that all players who had at least reached Tatooine could participate in some aspect.


-Inceased PvP. This may surprise you but I hate PvP. On any other day I would not thankyou for forcing me into a PvP situation. But during this event I got sucked in. A two way scrap over the Bantha world boss in a free for all PvP environment has left me with one of my most positive PvP experiences.


-Tatooine has been changed by the event, the wreck of the Stardream now lays crumpled and broken. Would definately like to see this sort of continuity follow in other events. Maybe an area destroyed and then slowly rebuilt over a period of time.


Things that I feel could be improved on:


-Like many I burnt a ridiculous amount of DNA samples trying to get the companion customisation I wanted to no avail. I wanted a Torian and ended up with 3 Makos, 4 Andronikus and a handful of Republic companions (7 of my characters are Imperials). It would have been nice to have the selection limited to the companions of the character that was purchasing. Make them tradable between players. Or, even allow them to be sold back to the vendor. As it was I ended up discarding most of them on the sands of Tatooine.



All in all I had a very positive experience during this event and am eagerly awaiting the next :)

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I liked the chance to pvp, that was pretty fun, till it became a grief event(my faction had the vendor on lockdown the last day lol)


I liked the rewards(the crystal anyway, I like the color)


I liked the story, it seemed woven into the game from the get go



Afk exploding zerg fest on fleet


Something far fetched and probably not do-able in an mmo, but it would have been cool if stage 3 of rahkgoul disease, actually turned you into a rahkgoul(say a normal level 50 rahkgoul with a couple standard attacks), being a rahkgoul would make you killable by both factions, and the more people you kill the stronger your rahkgoul would become. It could eventually lead to a very strong human played boss being hunted by everyone(like the rahkgoul boss on tatooine by the sarlacc, but played by a human). Again, probably way too farfetched, I just think it would have been cool lol.

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1.More Star Warsy feeling events

This is a no brainer.. its a StarWars game.

2.With a bit more multiplayer components

Something that has an element of suprise.. such as random spawn times for items. Could result in some good open world pvp. PVE servers would just have randome spawn times. PVP servers could have different world locations for the specific creature that drops a reward that could be used in PVE and PVP. This is something that draws all levels to more than one area. (most likely it will be 50s) but the loot item will also not be lvl specific. All were given is a location and it takes a bit to get there also. Not a multi NPC interraction mission, but drive time.

3.Doable by lower characters

Sure why not. Can't always be about the 50s

4.More casual friendly

PVE servers.. sure care bear it up. PVP servers.. Its PVP. so long as any fight is not same faction fighting. This is an Empire vs. Republic fight after all.

5.Make items BoL (Bind on Legacy)

No. Items shouldn't always be shared by family members..

6.Keep vendors up afterwards

No point in this. Event ends.. Vendors leave.. if you don't get to it.. thats not Bioware's problem thats the character/player's issue. Were not hand holding here.

7.No need to use external resources (internet based guide) to do the events in an acceptable time frame

Agreed. You shouldn't need a field guide outside of the game to figure out where to go. First come first serve. With random times of spawning, its a lottery based system. Either you make it or you don't. Either your guild makes and event or day of it and goes to camp the site or not. (don't see the purpose of this as only one item comes up and its roll based only if its a group/party thing.

8.Better notification before and during the event both in and out game

StarWars. Nothing happens in this universe with prior notice. A sudden war breaks out. You suppose to call everyone a head of time and say were going to wage war on this date at this time so get ready.. Noooo Only notification they need is either by in game email from a contact or by holonews on the station. You could have toons recieve word from their ship droids who by their nature keeping the ship primed for departure.. They would be left to monitor the holo news.

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Loved the Rakghoul event. One thing I would have thought made it even more popular would be if you actually turned into a Rakghoul once the plague timer expired allowing you a whole sort of new abilities like the unarmed abilities with some Rakghoul type ones. And once you became a Rakghoul anyone could attack you except for other Rakghouls and you could only group up with other Rakghouls. Creating some even more dynamic open world PvP, a 3rd faction pretty much. However once you left the planet of Tatooine you would no longer be infected, removing the issue of the plague running around on the fleet and so on.


Or could have just limited turning into a Rakghoul only happening inside Outlaws Den and renaming it Rakghouls Den for the event. I think there was so much more you guys could have done with this event, I know its your first one and I hope in the future you guys will go even more in depth with your ideas. Tell the design team to not hold back!!



Also on things I'd like to see in the future. Like other people have said more Star wars oriented events. Like perhaps a Republic saboteur team has infiltrated the Ziost Shadow and taken control of the bridge, So now players on the republic are allowed to be on the Ziost shadows bridge area for a day creating some cool PvP or Visa versa. Or perhaps maybe its just a PVE world boss that has spawned into the Ziost shadow like a big boss that you need two 16 man raid groups for or something insane like that.


They could be even smaller dynamic events that happen sporadically like for a day and happen out of nowhere with some sort of area being controlled by a new faction or something. This is the Star Wars franchise you guys have so much untapped utility here, go nuts, make something memorable. You guys are off to a good start keep it up.



Can't wait to see some more events!



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Great event but completely irrelevant to me because i'm on a dead server with no community and no economy. No event or content patch is going to make up for that regardless of how good it is. Get down to the basics and fix your game at it's core so everyone can enjoy these events
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I enjoyed the event.


I would like more Republic/Empire conflict events in the future. Something that mixes PvP and PvE and has more of a lasting effect.


A lot of the story lines and missions deal with fighting for territory and the war. What if there was an open non-flashpoint event to fight for a base. There could be NPC's from either side shooting at each other and it would promote more open world PvP. After a fair amount of time crown a winner. So it would be an official Republic or Empire base that wasn't there before.


This would promote some aggression between factions as well as have some nice prices..Instead of collecting DNA you could collect "dog tags" of opposing faction. Some PvE rewards, some PvP rewards.


It would have to be well thought out (I'll leave the experts to manage that) but I think it could definitely work.

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loved the event, a real surprise. keep it up, but hopefully rotate between storylines and planets, rather than if you have several more ragkhoul events planned. spice it up otherwise the Kaon/Event storyline could get repetitive.


Didnt like the random box, good to see im not the only one. it was great to have customisations, something to spend the DNA on, but would of preferred a list of them rather than a box with random chance. most of my boxes were similar and a waste.


Also, although i love more social armour in the game as part of the event, its a shame it was light armour only. i know you have said you are planning changes in the future, but why add to the problem? also, another reskin was old armour was a bit boring, but thats from a troopers perspective, other classes probably liked the style. (i like the STYLE, just not as another version of the trooper PvE gear)

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