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actually you are also wrong. yes you have only a 16% procc chance, but it is PER BULLET! your hammer shot will proc it with a probability of around 60%. beside of this you know that an assault specced player has 100% chance on ion pulse + an additional direct appliable burning dot.


That.. is not how math works. It's still only a 16% chance, no matter how you cut it. It doesn't magically become a 100% chance because you fire 7 bullets. It does statistically have a higher chance of proc'ing the more you fire, but it's still only 16% chance per bullet. If you need more help understanding RNG, please talk to a few pre-1.2 Battlemasters about what 25% chance means.


Also, the person I was replying to was saying that a PT can just spam Rapid Shots to proc their cylinder instead of using their Flame Burst (Ion Pulse). You WANT them to have to use more of their resource reapplying the DoT. It's not free. They have a very FINITE amount of pewpew in them before they have to slow their roll, or spend the rest of the fight spamming auto-attacks.


I'm not really sure why you're arguing w/ people who actually understand the class while you do not. You can continue being a free kill for most PT/VGs if you like, though. Heaven forbid you make us work for it.

Edited by Varicite
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Not at all. Choosing a tank assassin or marauder over most other targets is a poor choice because they have a great amount of survivability. Focusing "overpowered classes" first is a really bad strategy. Instead, you should look at how easy the class is to kill or how much damage/healing you can prevent by attacking them (i.e. sorcs and mercs).


While this is technically true, most people tend to want to seek revenge on the class that just killed them or at least want to prevent that guy from getting 500K damage again. Besides, you're still a less attractive target than a Sorc if you're talkiing about pure survivality, and probably still a bit better than Snipers and on par with offensive speced Juggs.


If people all play logically PT would not be overpowered since their high DPS/low survivality makes them a very attractive target, but for some reason most people focus fire on the Marauder that just used Undying Rage or the Tankasin who is the hardest guy to kill in just about any scenario.

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Please god Bioware look into this class. It is the most unbalanced of any class in pvp at the moment. as a sage in full Battlemaster and some warhero I die in an incredibly small amount of time due to their burst damage when against any other class I have a fighting chace. Please please please look into this soon.
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If people all play logically PT would not be overpowered since their high DPS/low survivality makes them a very attractive target, but for some reason most people focus fire on the Marauder that just used Undying Rage or the Tankasin who is the hardest guy to kill in just about any scenario.


I wish, and my Vanguard isn't even Assault spec :o

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Since the majority of you do not know a thing about powertech/vanguard, I will let you in on a secret on how to not have them burst damage you.... I may even explain why, though it doesn't really need an explanation.


Everything assault spec troopers/ pyro spec bounty hunters revolve around dots. If you have a healer remove dots, they are NO THREAT EVER.


Why? Two reasons

HIB and RS activate on the dots and/or stunned opponent (but they do more damage on the dot). No dot, No HIB/RS.


The obvious follow up and second reason are, well they will just put the dot back up... That is correct, they know how ineffective they are without it, so they will place the dot back up. But the thing with BH/Trooper is that they have THE WORST action management in the game. So the initial would be TD (16% action), IR (dot and 25% action), <insert dot removal>, another IR (25%) and you have your BH/Trooper at roughly 34-50% action.


Keeping them low in action and dotless COMPLETELY NEGATES ANY TYPE OF DAMAGE THEY DO.


Yes, they will wreck you healers who don't even have the dot removal cd bound on your keypad. Mainly, because you are bad and haven't figured this out.


They also have other counters, like horrible mobility, bad cc's, and horrible defense. That is right, assault spec bh/trooper has quite a few ways of rendering them ineffective.


Please understand that if you nerf dps, you NEED to nerf heals as well. Now mara/sent and sin/shadows still need to be nerfed because they no effective counters. Notice effective, yes I realize you can kill a fresh 50 sin/mara.

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I play a scoundrel healer and I can say that powertechs are the one advance class I have the most problems with. They are hard to kite and their burst is strong. On my server there are a few powertechs that consistently top damage and kills. I am sure these guys probably queue together and coordinate targets but whatever they focus is usually dead in two or three seconds. I know a lot of people complain about marauders but I feel that in comparison they are fine. Just my two cents


hi silky/fatheals! This is the PT Kaioken on your server :)

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Activate defensive cooldowns ASAP(no really as soon as you see him place the red blinking bomb on you do it), cleanse dots after 3/4 seconds. There you not only deflected 3/4 of his dmg, but without a dot he can't hit you with railshots and re-applying those dots will cause him to overheat.


Ohh and Btw they have 1 defensive cooldown(25%dmg red on 2min) and prolonged combat gives them heat /ammo issues...so as long as you aren't caught off-guard you can out-dps/out-heal them easily.

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