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Commando WZ Boycott


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Well, I am not for quitting SWTOR outright, and I am running some alts, but as a community of commandos, healing, gunny, assault, and combined, I would like to recommend that you stay out of WZ game play.


I know this will be hard for many to do because the grind for Hero gear takes time spent in WZ, and when you get lucky and play against poor players you can even produce some good results. But what really is the point? Is it getting you anywhere?


Commando PVP is broken. Why be the whipping dog?


If you love PVP you will have more fun with another class if you are healer or DPS, I promise. As a gunny with valor above 80 it is painful to park and not progress, but is system wide commandos simply drop out of PVP maybe there would be a change to the class by BW.


Feel free to flame...I can take it.:wea_06:

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This is not a flame.


Will your boycott really accomplish anything? Lots and lots of people do not read the forum, so they will never know about your dissatisfaction. The small number of people that join you will have almost no impact on the game, the developers or the players on other servers (I am assuming that you have enough people joining you on your server to make a difference. I assume this out of politeness, but honestly I question that you have enough people to make a difference there as well).


I am all in favor of a well reasoned protest, and I wish you luck, but I would not hold out much hope for this one.


Of course I have been wrong plenty of times before.


:wea_03::wea_03:FIGHT THE POWER!!!! :wea_03::wea_03:

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Better yet, unsub and play something else, that's what i'm doing anyway. Granted, the state of commandos compared to all other classes isn't the only reason but it was the final push i needed.




There are many alternatives to swtor, it's better to play something that is actually fun and engaging than a game that reduces your class into what it is today while intentionally leaving out those changes in the patch notes. It's the lack of honesty that gets me, that was the final straw. My class is no longer fun in pvp, and what has helped bring me to this point.


The best message is the one you put in the cancel sub page. I don't think forums do much.

Edited by rsomazzi
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I'll join.


Actually independent of this post I just decided I didn't want to PVP on my commando. I avoided PVP for a while but started doing it for a little bit (in my rakata gear) and it wasn't bad. Was never going to be primary a PVP player it was fun to play 3-5 warzones a day for a little bit there.


With the changes I have zero interest in doing PVP on my commando.

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This is not a flame.


Will your boycott really accomplish anything? Lots and lots of people do not read the forum, so they will never know about your dissatisfaction. The small number of people that join you will have almost no impact on the game, the developers or the players on other servers (I am assuming that you have enough people joining you on your server to make a difference. I assume this out of politeness, but honestly I question that you have enough people to make a difference there as well).


In other games it worked to call the attention of devs to certain broken classes. I'm sure that the game population will adjust itself even more and we'll see even less 50 commandos and possibly vanguards. I personally don't have to boycott anything, I'm just not gonna play a class that's absolutely worthless compared to other rdps no matter how much time I have invested in it.

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Did not see your post at all as it is well reasoned and factual. You bring up a good point. While this is not a life and death struggle cause, I do believe it to be worthy in the realm of SWTOR.


How many people read the SWTOR forums and this particular forum in particular? I don't know. To build any movement you must have a beginning and this may be it. I know several commandos that have opted out of the game, out of PVE, and out of PVP. Through word of mouth and advertisement on sites like republictrooper.com etc.


My goals:

1. Pressure BW to implement a fix to the Commando AC.

2. The 'fix' does not mean to change the Commando back to pre 1.2, but does mean they need to address the lack of viability, especially in PVP.

3. This change must be done prior to implementing ranked war zones

4. BW must state the intended role of the commando in PVP/PVE and the reasoning for the initial nerfs in 1.2 and 1.2.0c and the reasoning behind the fix design we are requesting. It is clear that BW either failed to change the Commando gunnery rotations, or simply did not tell the truth, and I have yet to hear why Medics were hit so hard. I would also like to see the general metrics used that made BW think a change was necessary in the first place.


Maybe I am alone or in the minority when it comes to these goals. Maybe I need to LTP my commando better and all other commandos are thriving after the patch. Maybe the players of other classes are right and the commando was or even is still OP in every way. This is not my experience, and I don't think it matches the experience of others.



This is not a flame.


Will your boycott really accomplish anything? Lots and lots of people do not read the forum, so they will never know about your dissatisfaction. The small number of people that join you will have almost no impact on the game, the developers or the players on other servers (I am assuming that you have enough people joining you on your server to make a difference. I assume this out of politeness, but honestly I question that you have enough people to make a difference there as well).


I am all in favor of a well reasoned protest, and I wish you luck, but I would not hold out much hope for this one.


Of course I have been wrong plenty of times before.


:wea_03::wea_03:FIGHT THE POWER!!!! :wea_03::wea_03:

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Better yet, unsub and play something else, that's what i'm doing anyway. Granted, the state of commandos compared to all other classes isn't the only reason but it was the final push i needed.


Same here. I was a Commando from day 1. I used to dream about that class while waiting for the launch. I loved the gameplay, then my class got ****ed in the ***. Thank you very much for that final push I needed to uninstall.

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Boycott!..hahhahahah...you silly!....

Yes I agree they need to fix commandos to have more uilities, they look like a class that needs some.

If they did few things to give them an upper hand, great. I think that would fix the class to be fun again.

Till then im still rolling my commando to the end....Cannons UP!

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Already doing it. 5 days without logging to anything, and i really don't care about the 30 days free.


I just realized that the game isn't fun anymore.


Someone can simple make a random/poor decision to make you feel like an idiot after spending months grinding a class. And to corroborate that decision, poor math, desinformation, arrogance and a lot of indocrinated fan boys.

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Pretty close. Resubscribing to WoW.


I defended the SW team against bugs and lack of polish when the game came out as an MMO takes time, but going out of your way to screw up balance is simply ineptitude.


Combat Medics have only one decent (not great) defensive CD, terrible mobility while healing, and Weak AoE (namely no smart targeting AoE). In light of that, there was no reason for our regen to be gutted. Just poor design.

Edited by Chanamel
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I hope this works, but considering they have not even replied to several threads and bug reports I am sad to admit they do not know how to run a mmo. I saw them do this to ops/scoundrels. It feels like a very bad trend. Destroy one class while you make another one better. I have seen several other games do this just to end up with everyone leaving the game. We all know the one exception to this. I hope this game does not lose too many players due to this as other games have. I really enjoy playing this game on every class. Have a good day.
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yes, commandos, especially healer, should not play WZ anymore. Else you risk a warning or report for griefing and helping the enemy as soon as your team find out that you are a commando healer........



Winning 80 - 90 % of warzones atm running Commando medic. This is across Pugs , Guild premade ( 4 ) and random invites. Learn to adapt people.

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Winning 80 - 90 % of warzones atm running Commando medic. This is across Pugs , Guild premade ( 4 ) and random invites. Learn to adapt people.


I don't know the game from the medic point of view, but what you state here is atypical according to the multiple medics I know and play with in the game.


Can you be in winning groups as a commando..yep. But is the win in spite of or because the commando was in the team?


One last point...if you are wining 80% of the time in pugs your competition sucks.

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Unsubbed playing free atm. If something isn't done about commando healing within 29 days I will leave and never come back. Gunnery has been fun but that is not what I rolled this toon to play...the fun will die off once WH gear is in full effect and the burst has been dumbed down. Not enough of my guild left to hold me here. Just deciding if I should go back to Wow or play a free player for a while.
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Winning 80 - 90 % of warzones atm running Commando medic. This is across Pugs , Guild premade ( 4 ) and random invites. Learn to adapt people.


Have adapted...running gunnery and destroying body guards solo. The only healer that is currently living more than 6-8 seconds vs. our dps preform are ops. Seriously sad state of healing atm.

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I don't know the game from the medic point of view, but what you state here is atypical according to the multiple medics I know and play with in the game.


Can you be in winning groups as a commando..yep. But is the win in spite of or because the commando was in the team?


One last point...if you are wining 80% of the time in pugs your competition sucks.



Could it be, those medics just might be average and were elevated by the overpowered state of the class itself pre 1.2. There is also a possibility many CM overall will eventually adapt to PvP changes as time goes by.


As for winning games, you are exaggerating by a wide margin. Having a commando healer is no crutch. Frequently, the moment i log in i will get whispers " You in group ? " from OUTSIDE the guild. Many players are fixated on raw numbers compared to other intangibles that help win matches. CM can get the job done in many ways.




One last point...if you are wining 80% of the time in pugs your competition sucks.


I'm on a PvP server with many PvP only guilds. Either faction can field strong individual players. Many of us have also repeatedly group with each other to know each others strengths. Sure there is also the risk of horrible horrible pugs and the bad loss. Vice versa, there are strong players on Imperial side that have beaten premades. Winning 80 % overall irrespective of how i group has no correlation to CM alone, I never said I carried teams but I sure as hell am not a crutch or point of failure. Unless you run into a 8 man premade there is a decent chance. There are many streams / videos of players pug'in and winning plenty across many servers.





Learn to adapt that to a server with real competition.


Generic defensive statements. What server are you on ? The class is still functional. Reminds me of Operative nerf, a few Ops adapted and knew how to be effective. There is very little to separate high level play across multiple PvP servers. Plenty of competition & intensity on my server.

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Unless you run into a 8 man premade there is a decent chance. There are many streams / videos of players pug'in and winning plenty across many servers.


But wait, thats what you tend to run into a great deal. Maybe you're not running into other 8 man groups with -your- commando, but when I do, I drink dos equis and watch my reliability, survivability, longevity, plausibility, and believability drop to rock bottom levels, usually the rock bottom of the dps list when I'm dpsing, and the rock bottom of healing when I'm healing.


Tell me Miss Stovokor, how often do you top the list of healers? I know yes, thats not a true measure of pvp leetness, the heal that arrives just in time is rarely measured in such numbers, nor is the dps that is placed where its needed. But think for a moment that someone else could have ( or perhps even you on a less gimped class) done that and so much more for the low low price of being an operative or sage healer, or a marauder or juggernaut or assassin or sorc or sent or scoundrel dps?


Yes, go on more about its all about teamwork! Power of friendship! Rainbows, Unicorns, Snarks! That doesn't change the fact that your slot can be better filled no matter your role with any other class at this point. You may not be a crutch but you -are- the bottom of your teams barrel unless your team is in the lower 50% of the skill pool.


Ever stop to think you might just be really good at what you do, and the people you play with really bad? Of course, thats merely the other side of the coin you just dropped there. Need more learn to play and less omg we're getting screwed! Oh wait, sorry, that seems true to me, and clearer every time I look at that scoreboard at the end of a warzone.


Hanging up my spurs tonight. Enjoy your subpar heals, and worse damage. I'm not going to bring my team down with my selfish need to play a class that is no longer as advertised. All things considered equal, maybe if my team could bring 9 instead of 8 people and two of them were commandos, then we might add up to a difference in a warzone of premades.

Edited by Hudgaar
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^ this


Yes. Learn to adapt and have a sage or op or scoundrel or sorc at 50 already and by the Hammer of Thor stop hurting your team by bring 40 to 50 percent less heals and damage to your warzone when compared to those classes in recruit gear.

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