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Have sales hit a brick wall?


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Taking advantage of the free 30 days offer and the new legacy system, I decided to resub and start a new character. I was astounded to see starter worlds population are at an all time low. A whopping 7 people on Hutta most times of the day, hitting around 11 during peak times. FPs like Black Talon or Esselles seem to be the last thing anyone wants to run. Dromund Kaas or Coruscant peaking around 20, and unless you have a high level friend, getting those heroic 4's done seems to be a fool's hope.


So ultimately what I take from this is that nobody is buying this game any more. 11 levels into a character and already I have unfinished group quests, a FP nobody wants to run, etc. As the months go by, more and more planets seem to dwindle in active players. Where are all the new players?? This game should be buzzing with newbies still, it's only been 4 months since release.

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Here is a more likely and logical theory. You are not on a highly populated server, or you are on at off-peak times, or both even.


Just the other day I was on at an off-peak time and Kaas had 80 people on, and Hutta before I got to Kaas had about 40+ on.

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There are just way too many servers. I guess you chose a low pop one. For example there are over 100 players in each of the starting zones for the new Oceanic servers, because all the players from that region are condensed onto 3 servers. US and EU servers, different story. Way too many servers. You need to roll on one of the 4-5 high pop servers if you want lots of people in every zone.
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Taking advantage of the free 30 days offer and the new legacy system, I decided to resub and start a new character. I was astounded to see starter worlds population are at an all time low. A whopping 7 people on Hutta most times of the day, hitting around 11 during peak times. FPs like Black Talon or Esselles seem to be the last thing anyone wants to run. Dromund Kaas or Coruscant peaking around 20, and unless you have a high level friend, getting those heroic 4's done seems to be a fool's hope.


So ultimately what I take from this is that nobody is buying this game any more. 11 levels into a character and already I have unfinished group quests, a FP nobody wants to run, etc. As the months go by, more and more planets seem to dwindle in active players. Where are all the new players?? This game should be buzzing with newbies still, it's only been 4 months since release.


When and in what timezone?


Your post was done @ 10:35 am on a weekday (UK time) - hardly peak time (on EU servers) as most people will be at work / school. And I have no idea if the server you are on is one of the busy ones or one of the less populated ones.


Not to mention that the starter planets only last for 10 very short levels, the only time I would expect them to be busy is when many, many people are making new characters.

Edited by Jestunhi
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Here is a more likely and logical theory. You are not on a highly populated server, or you are on at off-peak times, or both even.


Just the other day I was on at an off-peak time and Kaas had 80 people on, and Hutta before I got to Kaas had about 40+ on.


I'd say 6pm-12pm server time is peak time. What server are you on?

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So everyone should play on fatman then?> ? ROFL


That sure will fix this games problems!!


Everyone should look at the server list and decide which server is best for them until/unless Bioware offer server merges or character transfers.


Short of removing players ability to select a server and automatically placing them on the one with the lowest pop or worst faction imbalance, I fail to see how else to deal with this.

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Everyone should look at the server list and decide which server is best for them until/unless Bioware offer server merges or character transfers.


Short of removing players ability to select a server and automatically placing them on the one with the lowest pop or worst faction imbalance, I fail to see how else to deal with this.



so when that server is so full that nobody can do anything in the game, then what?

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so when that server is so full that nobody can do anything in the game, then what?


You seem to be under the false delusion that there is only one server with a decent population.


Once again, I advise you to actually look at the server list (during peak time for your timezone) instead of making nthese assumptions.

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You seem to be under the false delusion that there is only one server with a decent population.


Once again, I advise you to actually look at the server list (during peak time for your timezone) instead of making nthese assumptions.


Okay, I'm sorry 2 servers have decent population!!

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I can see it's pointless discussing things with you.


Play on whatever server you like and keep whining about it instead, I'm sure that's more fun.



Nah, I'm only posting here because the D3 forums are on maintenance!! Plus i'm stoked for pandas and pokemon to be honest!!

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110 people on a non-fleet zone at morning is crazy. On the Progenitor (EU) Republic side our fleet's peak time number is just below 100 (usually between 90 to 100). There was a small spike after the patch 1.2 came, around 120 during peak times. Now the number has dropped to around 80. :/
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Don't expect to see a lot of low level players during a world event, or after a large patch that adds a new tier of gear and new dailies that can only be done at high levels.


After 1.2 people went back to their mains. This explains, in large part, why the starter zones are more quiet.

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When sales are robust, mmos don't feel the need to lose a month's income by giving nearly everyone 30 days free.


Giving away a free month has nothing to do with new sales though it could be an attempt to retain clients. In this case, it was most likely gift to go along with an apology for delaying rated warzones. (So an attempt to retain clients).

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How much income did they lose by doing that which will no longer go towards paying customer service staff or maintaining the servers I wonder...


They make more than enough on this game to give away a month free without it affecting their operating budget and will make the lost profit all back if they retain enough subs.

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Ever heard of good customer service ?


Not from EA, no. These are the same people who thought it would be a better investment to hire 560 people whose sole job was to troll criticisms online (source: http://www.cinemablend.com/games/EA-Viral-Marketing-Exposed-Big-Buyout-Horizon-40885.html) rather than try to actually address customer concerns.

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Not from EA, no. These are the same people who thought it would be a better investment to hire 560 people whose sole job was to troll criticisms online (source: http://www.cinemablend.com/games/EA-Viral-Marketing-Exposed-Big-Buyout-Horizon-40885.html) rather than try to actually address customer concerns.


You're actually calling that a legitimate source?


Someone claiming to have worked with EA sprouted up on the 4Chan forums, of all places.


The first sentence alone pretty much invalidated the entire article.


It's actually a pretty genius article in it's own way. Now all someone has to do to dismiss a post is say "you must be one of those guys EA hired!"

Edited by amantheil
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You seem to be under the false delusion that there is only one server with a decent population.


Once again, I advise you to actually look at the server list (during peak time for your timezone) instead of making nthese assumptions.


You know, my initial reaction was to post agreement, but I've been frozen in place wondering what a non-false delusion would be.

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Hello Everyone,


As this thread is focused on an observed decrease in server populations, we're going to be closing this thread and ask you join the following thread to help us consolidate discussion on this topic:


Server population is dropping...


You may also be interested in the following threads:


Free transfers in the future?


When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"

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