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Are Scoudrels/Snipers serious now?


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There's gotta be some kind of major bug going on. I'm getting melted in 900 expertise BM gear with heavy armor and 18k hps. Melted.


A 13k hp scoudrel pops out of stealth and is critting me for 4k. That doesnt make sense. Maybe he's in full recruit gear, but certainly didn't seem like it from his desperado look and hat.


What's going on? Anyone else experiencing crazy dps from IAs?

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Operatives/Scoundrels can hit VERY hard and some of the better geared/experienced ones can kill you very easily.


Here's the catch, based on my own experience against top OPs/Scoundrels on my server.


If they catch me it's a fight for desperation to beat them.


If by chance I catch them before they can open up I finish the fight with 70% HP.


Take that as you will but to me, because of that, their burst from stealth is fine as it is.

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There's gotta be some kind of major bug going on. I'm getting melted in 900 expertise BM gear with heavy armor and 18k hps. Melted.


A 13k hp scoudrel pops out of stealth and is critting me for 4k. That doesnt make sense. Maybe he's in full recruit gear, but certainly didn't seem like it from his desperado look and hat.


What's going on? Anyone else experiencing crazy dps from IAs?


Lol yeah i think scoundrel/operative needs another nerf. Just count yourself lucky you didnt meet the "Team-of-operatives-that-make-people-unsub" yet. They only have to kill you once and you wont be able to resub.... :eek:


No but honestly the fact that they can make less dammage to you in more time than any other class is totally out of control!!


Plz bioware nerf their crazy dps (12500+ DPS) again I still see some operatives/scoundrels once in a while in warzones.


Oh and I think they shouldnt be allowed to make any sounds in the game so plz disable their sound effect too. Youre going in the right direction removing their giggles so keep doing your great work. :)

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A 13k hp Scrapper can pull 4k crit with Shoot First on 900 expertise heavy armor character?

You cannot be serious. 13k hp means he is with Recuit or even worse gears than that. There is no way he can pull 4k crit on 900 expertise like you. It is just impossible.


Even with full BM 1100+ expertise + relic + adrenals, Scrapper/Conceal are usually able to pull around 3k-4k crit with shoot first on same gear players.


There are 3 possible cases here.

1) You just mislook the hp bar of that guy (maybe he was not at full HP, and had full BM+ some WH).

2) You were in PvE gears, and forgot to put up your PvP ones. This often happens when WZ pops and ppl are doing dailies.

3) You are just trolling.

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A 13k hp Scrapper can pull 4k crit with Shoot First on 900 expertise heavy armor character?

You cannot be serious. 13k hp means he is with Recuit or even worse gears than that. There is no way he can pull 4k crit on 900 expertise like you. It is just impossible.


Even with full BM 1100+ expertise + relic + adrenals, Scrapper/Conceal are usually able to pull around 3k-4k crit with shoot first on same gear players.


There are 3 possible cases here.

1) You just mislook the hp bar of that guy (maybe he was not at full HP, and had full BM+ some WH).

2) You were in PvE gears, and forgot to put up your PvP ones. This often happens when WZ pops and ppl are doing dailies.

3) You are just trolling.


My Scoundrel with full BM gear is over 16k hitpoints,OP i dont believe you.

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My Scoundrel with full BM gear is over 16k hitpoints,OP i dont believe you.


I have 3 pieces of BM + the BM Weapon, and the rest is recruit gear... I have 15.1K hp and am modded in every slot first priority Cunning, last Endurance...


There is no way that you're getting hit that hard by someone in crap gear... I don't hit for anywhere near that in mine.


It's not like clicking Shoot First, or Hidden Strike takes skill from one person to the next.

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There's gotta be some kind of major bug going on. I'm getting melted in 900 expertise BM gear with heavy armor and 18k hps. Melted.


A 13k hp scoudrel pops out of stealth and is critting me for 4k. That doesnt make sense. Maybe he's in full recruit gear, but certainly didn't seem like it from his desperado look and hat.


What's going on? Anyone else experiencing crazy dps from IAs?


4k? That's the problem? That's the hardest hit my scoundrel has and it only gets me a 5k medal 1 in 15 times. I hat that it doesn't hit a little bit harder. I really want it to crit 5k+ reliably at least once a wz. I have a sniper too. He's only level 41 but I've not yet hit a 5k on him at all. Are you suggesting there should be a class w/ a dmg tree that is incapable of the 5k medal? We're squishy. Yep, we can take half your health in two shots if they both crit, but if they don't, we're screwed, here come angry powertech w/ big guns and heavy armor who doesn't need to be stealthed to hit 5k.


So scoundrel/op hits you for 4.5 out of stealth and 4.5 backblast. That's half your health. Where does your other half go? I guarantee you 100% if they open up on you w/ these two shots (and they prolly do) you can get a stun in right after and then go to work teaching him just how squishy he is. It CAN be done. It's done all the time to me.

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scoundrels get crapped on and nerfed like every patch


you must be pretty terrible if your complaining about them.and the sad reality is,i bet biowares drumming up another way of how to nerf them because people are complaining


"teams of operatives/scoundrels stunlocking people til they unsub"

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Operatives/Scoundrels can hit VERY hard and some of the better geared/experienced ones can kill you very easily.


Here's the catch, based on my own experience against top OPs/Scoundrels on my server.


If they catch me it's a fight for desperation to beat them.


If by chance I catch them before they can open up I finish the fight with 70% HP.


Take that as you will but to me, because of that, their burst from stealth is fine as it is.


So if they catch you, you win 50% of the time. But if you catch them, you win 100% of the time. And that's balanced...



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There's gotta be some kind of major bug going on. I'm getting melted in 900 expertise BM gear with heavy armor and 18k hps. Melted.


A 13k hp scoudrel pops out of stealth and is critting me for 4k. That doesnt make sense. Maybe he's in full recruit gear, but certainly didn't seem like it from his desperado look and hat.


What's going on? Anyone else experiencing crazy dps from IAs?


They had UTTERLY INSANE DPS. Now it is just ridiculous. All these people crying about nerfs are mad that they can't kill every other class in 3 seconds anymore. God forbid they have to spend a whole 12-18 secs nows. and god forbid they can't stand toe to toe and trade blows with a marauder, sorc, vanguard, commando, etc. So now their durability isn't good enough. With the damage I can pump out in such little time I need to have LESS durability.


I sometimes take on 2 players at once with my scrapper. It requires alot of footwork and environmental awareness, but the class is overpowered imo. Still needs a slight nerf to durability. It's one class that I can say CANNOT be beaten 1vs1. You cannot beat me as a scrapper 1vs1 with any class other than another scrapper. Even then it's who ever strikes first or has the most CDs ready.

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The only heavy armor classes I can melt are mercenaries, and those have gone up and vanished in the last week.


Well I was on my Merc. Maybe that's it.


Maybe I mistook his health, but I don't think so. And no, I don't ever call for nerfs on classes, even though warrior/sent is out of control right now. I'm honestly curious how I'm being melted by people who are seemingly in vastly inferior gear. I guess I must have mistaken something.


Just seems like with the 5% bonus, IA (sniper/operative) damage got a really nice boost. Sorc friend in 850 expertise said he got 5k/4k back to back by snipers now.

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