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The Jedi Code


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What about that one Jedi that tries telling the other Jedi that you're different than most Sith and eventually walks away leaving the other Jedi to engage you while he has no part in it? He was neat too.


Yeah, that dude was ok. He at least knew better than to face down a Sith Juggernaut. His partner however wasn't so intelligent. :D

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The major problem with either the Sith or Jedi people failed to remember one little item about either. They are human and prone to make mistakes. Even a Jedi Master on the council is not perfect and when we start placing them on pedestrals and thinking they are perfect, then that's when things fall apart.


When you remember the Code is basically a guide to use but the basic decision on what you do and how you act falls on each jedi or sith individually. You have to figure out what is best for you and not some code, some Master or even the force can do that. The decision comes down to each individual Jedi and that's where a lot of the Jedi fail.

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Maybe understanding the code is what more jedi need to do first instead of just thinkin the code says no emotion:



The Jedi Code, stated, removes the human element and shows what is left. Yet it does not say that is how one should act. It does not say Act with No Emotion. Instead it shows us the error in heedlessly following our human nature. Emotion clouds peace, ignorance overshadows knowledge, passion distorts serenity, chaos destroys harmony, death hides the Force. Now lets bring this all together and look at each line of the Jedi Code and how it exactly guides a Jedi in daily life.


There is no emotion; there is peace. A Jedi acts and reacts in a calm manner, not allowing the emotions they are feeling to cloud their judgment, reasoning, and objective.



There is no ignorance; there is knowledge. A Jedi faces each new challenge with the opportunity to gain more knowledge. They do not fear the unknown, but take the chance to learn about the unknown.



There is no passion; there is serenity. A Jedi does not allow their passions in life to affect their judgment, reason, or objectives. A Jedi acts and reacts keeping a serene mind, unaffected by their personal desire.



There is no chaos; there is harmony. A Jedi seeks moderation and balance with all things. Even though life can be very chaotic a Jedi finds harmony with that chaos. Balance in the world around them, balance within themselves, the middle-ground in each situation, and even on a larger scale harmony between technology and nature.



And lastly there is no death; there is the Force. A Jedi understands that the Force is created and associated with life. Yet death is also a natural part of life. For a Jedi there is no fear of death. For death is merely one more unknown, another chance for the Jedi to gain knowledge about the Force itself.



They should actually strive for peace in any argument or hostile situation. They should have knowledge on a wide variety of subjects, with first hand experience, and seek to remove ignorance; personal or otherwise.


They have overcome chaos, and when met with it are able to find harmony in all things, all aspects of life


With regard to romance/marriage:


It is not forbidden, just restrictive in this time periold. Love/marriage a jedi can have provided:


1. They go to the council and discuss it and get permission


2. Have been able to prove that their relationship will not cause them to forget their duty and or responsbililty.


3. Able to accept that death may occur and in such circumstances they have to be able to handle the deah of their lover/spouse in such a way that they respect the Jedi Order and their spouse/love.

This this makes perfect sense, much more then the sith code will ever do. I dont get why people say this makes the jedi machines without emotion... on the contrary, they accept that there is emotion but strive to deal with it in a racional manner dont let emotion to cloud their judgements, if you look from our real perspective its what most people do or try to do. Unless you are a children, or not completely sane. I just dont understand how people cannot see this. Pherahps its the way the code is phrased.

Note im not saying the sith code is hard to get is actualy quite simple, but if you look at it the sith code puts the individual first as well its needs, not to mention it folows a bit of darwnism, wich are things that in my view in real life arent good or considered acceptable.

Edited by Spartanik
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Which has been my stance on the Jedi since the dawn of Star Wars. :p


95% hypocrites in the Order. lol


Me: Let's resolve this peacefully.


Jedi: I will not fall for your tricks, Sith! You are evil! You are a blight! Now die!


Me: *Facepalm*

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Me: Let's resolve this peacefully.


Jedi: I will not fall for your tricks, Sith! You are evil! You are a blight! Now die!


Me: *Facepalm*


I hear ya. I /facepalmed almost as many times as Darth Cartman. Difference was, I was ALWAYS trolling Darth Cartman, and even got Darth Vowrawn in on the fun late in the game. :D We tag-teamed Baras like pros! LOL

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This this makes perfect sense, much more then the sith code will ever do. I dont get why people say this makes the jedi machines without emotion... on the contrary, they accept that there is emotion but strive to deal with it in a racional manner dont let emotion to cloud their judgements, if you look from our real perspective its what most people do or try to do. Unless you are a children, or not completely sane. I just dont understand how people cannot see this. Pherahps its the way the code is phrased.

Note im not saying the sith code is hard to get is actualy quite simple, but if you look at it the sith code puts the individual first as well its needs, not to mention it folows a bit of darwnism, wich are things that in my view in real life arent good or considered acceptable.


I agree completely with this. People tend to misunderstand the Jedi Code, IMO. As someone mentioned earlier, the meaning of the Code can be seen many times in the movies, even the prequels.


In Ep. 1 you can see Obi-Wan fighting with anger after Qui-Gon is killed, but he doesn´t let that anger consume him. The same thing happens with Luke in Ep. 6.


We also see the effects love can have in what happens to Anakin... ultimately he falls because he wants to protect his wife, whom he loves very much. That doesn´t mean that the same thing would happen to any Jedi who has a romantic relationship, but for someone as arrogant and weak-willed as Anakin it proved to be too dangerous. Eventually, he has become so consumed by his emotions that he begins to think irrationally... he fails to see Palpatine´s intentions, and in Mustafar he even thinks that Obi-Wan means to drive Padme away from him (again, failing to see that what has driven Padme away were his own actions). That´s exactly what the Jedi Code warns against.

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I agree completely with this. People tend to misunderstand the Jedi Code, IMO. As someone mentioned earlier, the meaning of the Code can be seen many times in the movies, even the prequels.


In Ep. 1 you can see Obi-Wan fighting with anger after Qui-Gon is killed, but he doesn´t let that anger consume him. The same thing happens with Luke in Ep. 6.


We also see the effects love can have in what happens to Anakin... ultimately he falls because he wants to protect his wife, whom he loves very much. That doesn´t mean that the same thing would happen to any Jedi who has a romantic relationship, but for someone as arrogant and weak-willed as Anakin it proved to be too dangerous. Eventually, he has become so consumed by his emotions that he begins to think irrationally... he fails to see Palpatine´s intentions, and in Mustafar he even thinks that Obi-Wan means to drive Padme away from him (again, failing to see that what has driven Padme away were his own actions). That´s exactly what the Jedi Code warns against.


The misunderstanding of the Jedi Code starts in how it's worded, thanks to George Lucas. The ORIGINAL Jedi Code from the Tales of the Jedi wasn't restrictive enough. Now, since it was revised, the Jedi Council has banned love and marriage many times over, but has relented a bit as long as you don't get attached, but can still make baby Jedi. The Jedi Council always interprets the Code in the strictest sense possible, and it has CAUSED the fall of more Jedi than before it was revised. If love, attachment, and marriage weren't banned, Anakin could have gone to ANYONE on the Jedi Council about his visions of Padme's death, without fear of having them say "NO NOOKIE FOR YOU!!!" But since those regs were in place, stuff happened and he fell to the Dark Side because he HAD NO SUPPORT SYSTEM outside his wife who was the subject of those visions.

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The misunderstanding of the Jedi Code starts in how it's worded, thanks to George Lucas. The ORIGINAL Jedi Code from the Tales of the Jedi wasn't restrictive enough. Now, since it was revised, the Jedi Council has banned love and marriage many times over, but has relented a bit as long as you don't get attached, but can still make baby Jedi. The Jedi Council always interprets the Code in the strictest sense possible, and it has CAUSED the fall of more Jedi than before it was revised. If love, attachment, and marriage weren't banned, Anakin could have gone to ANYONE on the Jedi Council about his visions of Padme's death, without fear of having them say "NO NOOKIE FOR YOU!!!" But since those regs were in place, stuff happened and he fell to the Dark Side because he HAD NO SUPPORT SYSTEM outside his wife who was the subject of those visions.


Well...Anakin did go to Yoda to talk about it, he just didn't mention any names and what Yoda told him he didn't like it. You know what though, I just now thought of something! Luke did the EXACT same thing as Anakin.


1. They didn't listen to what their master(Yoda) told them.


2. They misinterpreted their visions that it was absolute.


In fact Luke much worse, because he still went after Obi-Wan appeared and said.


Luke: "But Han and Leia, will die if I don't."


Obi-Wan: "You don't know that, even Yoda cannot see their fate.:"

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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The original code was this:


Emotion, yet peace.

Ignorance, yet knowledge.

Passion, yet serenity.

Chaos, yet harmony.

Death, yet the Force.


This code seems to make the most sense for the movies to use. But thats another story for another time. Pretty much the jedi code seeing as you want real life, is pretty much a mix of many religions put into one.

That one is original in lore, I'm pretty sure that one was made after the "current one". The story for the change between the two codes is rather stupid too, apparently the old one was to complicated for new Padawans so some master came up with a new and simpler one, which in turn is more complicated and requires a lot more explanation, it does for us at least so I'd figure it would for any new Padawans in Star Wars too :p

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The misunderstanding of the Jedi Code starts in how it's worded, thanks to George Lucas. The ORIGINAL Jedi Code from the Tales of the Jedi wasn't restrictive enough. Now, since it was revised, the Jedi Council has banned love and marriage many times over, but has relented a bit as long as you don't get attached, but can still make baby Jedi. The Jedi Council always interprets the Code in the strictest sense possible, and it has CAUSED the fall of more Jedi than before it was revised. If love, attachment, and marriage weren't banned, Anakin could have gone to ANYONE on the Jedi Council about his visions of Padme's death, without fear of having them say "NO NOOKIE FOR YOU!!!" But since those regs were in place, stuff happened and he fell to the Dark Side because he HAD NO SUPPORT SYSTEM outside his wife who was the subject of those visions.


I agree that the restriction on marriage is too extreme, don´t get me wrong. But I´m not so sure about what would have happened if Anakin had been allowed to marry Padme, and thus hadn´t been forced to keep it a secret.


Would the Council have been able to avoid his fall to the Dark Side? I don´t think they could have helped him save Padme, since his visions were of her dying at childbirth... I don´t know if the Jedi could have done something to avoid that. Maybe they would have tried to appease him and tell him to be ready to let go of her when the time came. Do you think that Anakin would have accepted that?


Again, I don´t know what would have happened. But IMO the danger is there... Not saying Jedi marriage should be restricted, but yes controlled somehow.

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I agree that the restriction on marriage is too extreme, don´t get me wrong. But I´m not so sure about what would have happened if Anakin had been allowed to marry Padme, and thus hadn´t been forced to keep it a secret.


Would the Council have been able to avoid his fall to the Dark Side? I don´t think they could have helped him save Padme, since his visions were of her dying at childbirth... I don´t know if the Jedi could have done something to avoid that. Maybe they would have tried to appease him and tell him to be ready to let go of her when the time came. Do you think that Anakin would have accepted that?


Again, I don´t know what would have happened. But IMO the danger is there... Not saying Jedi marriage should be restricted, but yes controlled somehow.


Padme might not have died in childbirth depeding on Anakin's actions. She actually didn't die in childbirth she died of a broken heart and lost the will to live because of Anakin's actions. His failure to leave when she gave him the opoortunity to go broke her heart because she knew the path he was walking was one she could not walk and in the end that is what killed her, not childbirth.

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The Code itself is an EU invention, in the movies we are never told what the code is or it's teachings, the only thing clear about the Jedi teachings is that marriage is not allowed due to the responsibilities that come with the power the Jedi wield.


If someone wants to manipulate a Jedi he would need only to kidnap his family or loved ones, 90% of sentient beings including Jedi would abuse their power in order to save their loved ones, the Jedi are not arrogant enough to believe they can become so detached from emotions as to chose the greater good over their families should it come to that, thus they make a sacrifice, by reneging on making attachments they hope to shield the community from rogue force users.


At the end of the day though Jedi are just a monk sect with their own philosophies and beliefs, if you would not want to play a Shaolin Monk in an MMO then maybe playing a Jedi monk might not be for you either.

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To be completely honest, the Jedi Code makes zero sense and everyone who says they 'follow' it has contradicted it already.


It's really just a lie.




The Jedi Code summed up is: Lose those pesky emotions. Our emotions make us human, passion is THE spice of life.

Edited by Darth_Solrac
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Let's not forget that Jedi aren't forced to be Jedi. You can walk away from the path. You are not arrested for doing so. You are not forced to accept the Jedi teachings. The option to hang up your lightsaber and move on is always there. If you accept the responsibility to become a Jedi you also accept the responsibility that with that power comes responsibility and sacrifice.


Anakin was selfish whether he had counsel from the other Jedi or not wouldn't have made the difference. Yes it's true she died of a broken heart but neither the other Jedi nor Anakin would fully understand the details of the vision. Had he been a normal man he wouldn't even be privy with this knowledge in the first place. The Jedi accept death as a natural part of life. If it was her time to go the Jedi would accept this and ask Anakin to move on. Anakin would not accept this decision. He wanted to save her no matter the cost and that would drive him down the path to the dark side in the first place.

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Let's not forget that Jedi aren't forced to be Jedi. You can walk away from the path. You are not arrested for doing so. You are not forced to accept the Jedi teachings. The option to hang up your lightsaber and move on is always there. If you accept the responsibility to become a Jedi you also accept the responsibility that with that power comes responsibility and sacrifice.


Anakin was selfish whether he had counsel from the other Jedi or not wouldn't have made the difference. Yes it's true she died of a broken heart but neither the other Jedi nor Anakin would fully understand the details of the vision. Had he been a normal man he wouldn't even be privy with this knowledge in the first place. The Jedi accept death as a natural part of life. If it was her time to go the Jedi would accept this and ask Anakin to move on. Anakin would not accept this decision. He wanted to save her no matter the cost and that would drive him down the path to the dark side in the first place.


And thus, comes the ironic realization that he was the one that killed her. Who knew!? :p

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That one is original in lore, I'm pretty sure that one was made after the "current one". The story for the change between the two codes is rather stupid too, apparently the old one was to complicated for new Padawans so some master came up with a new and simpler one, which in turn is more complicated and requires a lot more explanation, it does for us at least so I'd figure it would for any new Padawans in Star Wars too :p


Actually, it is the original code. Both in lore and chronologically. George Lucas had them change it by replacing "yet" with "there is no". He felt that the original didn't place enough emphasis on the restrictions he had planned for the Jedi in the prequels. He used the revised code as an explanation for Anakin falling to the Dark Side. That was a time when only a couple Jedi had special permission to marry, for species survival reasons. The rest had to keep their love a secret from the Council, even if they were ON the Council.

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Padme might not have died in childbirth depeding on Anakin's actions. She actually didn't die in childbirth she died of a broken heart and lost the will to live because of Anakin's actions. His failure to leave when she gave him the opoortunity to go broke her heart because she knew the path he was walking was one she could not walk and in the end that is what killed her, not childbirth.


Lol, you just mentioned the worst plot device present in the prequels, IMO... Padme dies of a broken heart. Not even Jar Jar is worse that this, lol!


But, back on-topic, as someone has already mentioned, the visions were quite obscure. Maybe the Jedi Council may have been able to make sense of the visions, maybe not. From Anakin´s point of view, he saw that Padme was going to die at childbirth, and, again, I don´t think that the Jedi could avoid that, and they would have told Anakin so.


So I still think that allowing Anakin marry Padme MAY have prevented his fall, but I´m not sure it would have.

In fact, if I´d have to bet on it, I´d say that Anakin was too inmature for such a responsability... He still needed to achieve more control of his emotions before getting married (assuming he would have been able to do so without keeping it a secret).

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The best advice I can give you is play your jedi on how you perceive him or her to be. Use the code as a guide but in the end the decisions on what to do is yours.


The code is there for you to use as a guide. Jedi are human and they have emotions and it's learning how to handle those emotions in difficult situations that will determine what king of person/jedi you are.


With regard to love/marriage yes a jedi can be in love and have a relationship but you will need to remember things that might come up that will test things. It how you handle each situation that determines the path you walk, not the code, not someone else, you and you alone make that choice.


Love in itself can not turn you to the dark side. What will turn you to the darkside is your actions in handling situations.


Learning to deal with situations is something everyone has to do and yes in a sense a jedi has a harder time becasue of the opportunity to turn to the dark side but if you truly love a person and they know what you stand for 9 times of 10 they will not support the decision that goes against that. Yes you may get angry that's normal response but it is how you deal with that anger. You can't say oh don't get angry becasue everyone does. But are you going to use that anger and strike out at everyone or will you try to learn from what it is trying to show you.


The choice is yours what choice will you make?

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I agree that the restriction on marriage is too extreme, don´t get me wrong. But I´m not so sure about what would have happened if Anakin had been allowed to marry Padme, and thus hadn´t been forced to keep it a secret.


Would the Council have been able to avoid his fall to the Dark Side? I don´t think they could have helped him save Padme, since his visions were of her dying at childbirth... I don´t know if the Jedi could have done something to avoid that. Maybe they would have tried to appease him and tell him to be ready to let go of her when the time came. Do you think that Anakin would have accepted that?


Again, I don´t know what would have happened. But IMO the danger is there... Not saying Jedi marriage should be restricted, but yes controlled somehow.


I believe the added stress of having to keep his marriage to Padme a secret from the Council definitely contributed to his fall. He had to be extremely vague with Yoda, whereas if he had been able to tell the whole story, I believe Yoda could have been able to give him some wise advice, and point out to him that visions Jedi had were warnings of what MIGHT happen. Not of what WILL happen. Instead of being able to tell the Jedi, he had to confide in Palpatine, who had been mind******* him his whole life already.

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I believe the added stress of having to keep his marriage to Padme a secret from the Council definitely contributed to his fall. He had to be extremely vague with Yoda, whereas if he had been able to tell the whole story, I believe Yoda could have been able to give him some wise advice, and point out to him that visions Jedi had were warnings of what MIGHT happen. Not of what WILL happen. Instead of being able to tell the Jedi, he had to confide in Palpatine, who had been mind******* him his whole life already.


I'm not sure even that would have worked, he tried it with Luke and it didn't work. XD It was even worse for Luke, cause Obi-Wan flat outright said that the future was clouded and he still went to go fight Vader. Both Anakin and Luke are stubborn, like mules.

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I'm not sure even that would have worked, he tried it with Luke and it didn't work. XD It was even worse for Luke, cause Obi-Wan flat outright said that the future was clouded and he still went to go fight Vader. Both Anakin and Luke are stubborn, like mules.


And yet Luke wised up eventually... finally... years and years later. :p


But anyhow, as to Anakin, the Jedi handled everything during the prequels pretty wrong, imo. Mostly due to the Code and how they chose to interpret it.

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Actually, it is the original code. Both in lore and chronologically. George Lucas had them change it by replacing "yet" with "there is no". He felt that the original didn't place enough emphasis on the restrictions he had planned for the Jedi in the prequels. He used the revised code as an explanation for Anakin falling to the Dark Side. That was a time when only a couple Jedi had special permission to marry, for species survival reasons. The rest had to keep their love a secret from the Council, even if they were ON the Council.

Of course... Who else would be dumb enough to do that change... Sigh...

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Tbh if you look at both codes, nothing was really changed at all other then the 2nd to make it more clear it what its trying to say.


Except as many have pointed out, no Jedi is like the new code suggests completely void of emotions or passions (maybe there are Jedi of certain species that are but most certainly are not), none of the Jedi in any of the movies are. What the code actually mean is close to the first code than the new one.


The first three parts are where the biggest problems of using "there is no" is a problem.


A jedi is supposed to control his or her emotions, not let them control him or her.

A Jedi should seek knowledge and keep an open mind. (To suggest there is no ignorance would be a straight out lie.)

A Jedi shouldn't act out of passion but stay calm/serene.


The parts that say "There is no chaos, there is harmony" (often left out) and "There is no death, there is the Force" do make sense in that format, but the rest really doesn't.

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