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  1. I see your point Silvrus. If that is true then the Jedi are better off now without it. As far as the explanation of the Jedi Code goes, it makes sense in theory but in practice every Jedi acts and talks as if they've just taken an Ambien. Both in this game and in the new movies. Makes it pretty difficult to get behind a character and their story if they display no emotion over whats going on around them.
  2. When and where was the jedi code devolped? I'm not talking about storyline wise, i'm talking about real timeline. Re-watching the original movies I saw no reference to it or it's principles. In fact Obi Wan encourages Luke to trust his feelings and to follow his compasson. Throughout the films Luke gets angry on several occassions with no reprecussions. When tempted by the Emperor he is asked to embrace his hatred, to fully give into it. Not simply provoke emotions. Being that Obi Wan was a member of the Old Republic and was subject to the training of the Jedi Order as well as his emotionless and boring mentor...Qui Gon Jinn (I had to look his name up being that he is so forgettable); you would think that Obi Wan would attempt to pass some of this 'wisdom' onto his student. Luke then goes on to defeat the Empire and form his own Order, marry and have children. It seems to me that the Jedi Code was developed much later after the original (and succesful) movies to make the Jedi.. more boring i suppose? That is the only purpose I can find in it. Jedi go from heroes who care for justice and the people to robots. "There is no emotion, there is peace" I started a Jedi Consular because I like to play the good guy and the class mechanics fit my playstyle but I couldn't make it through the prologue. I was able to get through the emotionless dialogue up until the point where I was called to investigate two padawan who were dating. I couldn't take it anymore. Luke formed strong friendships, felt love (first romantically then brotherly to Leia) and eventually marriage without problem. Yet clearly this is the path to the dark side. The Jedi Code needs to go.
  3. You are a Jawa Who has a rocket launcher You've aggro'd my heart
  4. Thank you guys for your help. I agree the BH storyline is excellent so far. I'm going to try Inquisitor to see how it goes, just for the playstyle but i'm definately not going to dump my Powertech. I mean when it comes down to it. How can you resist Blizz?
  5. Hello. Currently I play a PT tank, just finishing starting CH 2 but it seems to me after playing around with my buddies' Assassin that it better suits my playstyle. I enjoy playing a LS character but the Inquisitor storyline seems to fit a LS character the least out of the four classes. Is this true? Does the storyline make sense from a LS perspective or is it all hamfisted and out of place? Storyline and playstyle are the two fun factors for me when it comes to a character.
  6. Yes!! This post has my vote. I <3 the lil guy.
  7. I still feel like if they use up to date ranks for a military organization they could use the proper military courtesy for a female officer. That is why it feels out of place.
  8. Am I the only one who is bothered that they call all female officers 'sir'? Is this a British military thing i'm not aware of or was it laziness? I'm pretty sure my LT would smack me if she ever caught me calling her 'sir'
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