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Empire vs Empire... Over and over.


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So I just recently started PVPing on my 50. Decided to gear him up and take the plunge. It's been great, and I'm having a blast so far.


The one thing I don't understand is: Why have I not seen one republic character? I've only been fighting the same side as me (empire). I understand that the server may be a bit unbalanced, but I've played what feels like 20+ matches without going up against a single person in the opposite faction.


Why? It doesn't quite feel like Star Wars if you never see a battle between both factions.


Anyone else having this issue? Or does anyone know if it's going to be resolved? Kinda bothersome. :(

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Instead of making incentives to play the underdog, Bioware decided to punish anyone playing the underdog.


Not the route I would have gone, but I don't make games.


Hopefully the x-server queues will make playing Republic a good idea.


As it stands right now the underdog starts matches with fewer players and then stop queueing after a few losses. Then we go over and play our Imperial classes and hope that more people will play primetime.


When we can play one side and win most matches it gets harder to go to the side that you will lose most of the time.

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Allowing other WZs other than Hutt Ball for same faction fighting actually hurt faction balance even more. There's now no mechanic in place to encourage people to roll Republic. Bioware seems perfectly content to let the Republic burn. Seriously, how hard can it be to add simple incentives? Bonus exp, commendations, and credits for underpopulated factions on land slide servers. Faster to get to 50. Easier to make money. Easier to get your PvP gear. This simple offsets the lack of opportunities you have for being on an underpopulated faction. Then start looking at cross faction transfers. Will Bioware ever do that? Maybe. After we're all gone on to other games and SWTOR is about to go F2P or straight up shut down, they might consider it.
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Well you would think Bioware would address this. Seems like it goes against all of what Star Wars is!


They did address it. They made 2 other WZ's capable of same faction fights, thereby effectively deleting PvP for Republic players on low pop servers.


I would really love to hear the logical reason for that move.

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I beleive it's because Republic animations are gimped and the Empire just looks and plays better. The animations on scoundrels, sages, commando's and jedi knights are just not as cool and mechanically clunky to a point of being gimped.


1) The Sage - Throws pebbles vs. the Sorc's cool purple lightning. Even the stuns on a Sorc are cool whereas you barely even notice a sage stun.

2) The Scoundrel - Shoot First and Shortgun vs. the Shiv on an operative. The animation for the Shotgun just feels show as hell whereas the Shiv is smooth, quick and deadly.

3) Commando - Morter Volley is just slow, Death from above is cool.

4) Jedi Knight (both sepcialties) - Master Strike is slow, clunky and very, very awkward. The Ravage abilities are much smoother and cooler.


I honestly beleive after playing this game for serveral months now that the reason there is an imbalance is simply because of two main things. 1) the empire has cooler overall apearance and special effects and 2) Game mechanics and animations also favor the empire. The Republic just feels very awkward and seems slow to respond.

Edited by Jakoby
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Well you would think Bioware would address this. Seems like it goes against all of what Star Wars is!


What do you suggest they do? I'd play Republic if their classes, abilities and armor were not all so hideous.

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They have done nothing to give the Republic a hand,matter of fact at every turn they help the Imperial base.


Then you have of what there is of Republic players being told they suck by the overgeared,far larger numbered Imps and is it any wonder that there is so few Republic players?


I mean at every turn it seems they give an edge to the Imperials,like i said before you either have alotta patience or are a Sadist to be Republic,you are basicly helping fill the role for teen's and immature 20 year olds their online baddy persona.


Edit:My main is Republic and so are two of my alts,i have one Imperial toon.

Edited by Sathid
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Because everything in Empire is better



PVP abilities

Queues for pvp (in my server we nee to wait hours when imps get almost instant queues to fight against each other so getting uber gear in 1/100 og the time needed by rep

Just to write some of them


I really hope croxx server queues come immediately and that rep will get some loves in classes, now is pointless to play it.

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Hit 50 fresh out of early-access with my Operative. Decided to level a Commando to "help the other side". Few weeks after hitting 50 got sick of the Rep side being filled with idiots and started leveling a Mara. Having tons of fun. /shrug
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Hit 50 fresh out of early-access with my Operative. Decided to level a Commando to "help the other side". Few weeks after hitting 50 got sick of the Rep side being filled with idiots and started leveling a Mara. Having tons of fun. /shrug


Nah you just want to win more and get gear faster,screw the chore side,that's ok i know people do not have either the time or patience it takes with being outgeared and outnumbered by your enemys,it's a struggle and not for the weak.

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I leveled to 50 on both sides. The experience has been the same since 1.2 - Wait in queue for 10 minutes, and then WZ against guildmates/friends. There is almost no cross faction going on. If I play my republic or imperial it is the same. We just wait and fight our faction.


I love the game, but this is starting to eat at me. BW needs to step up and fully bake the PVP system. They are on the clock for me at this point.

Edited by WeadonismyMaster
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That's nothing. Wait until you're sent to Huttball 9 out of 10 times.


Now, that's really depressing!


If you want to see depressing put yourself in the shoes of the people on the other side of this equation.


You have to play empire vs empire over and over, That means you get to queue again and again, building up gear while the other side is waiting hours for enough people to even poke their heads out and queue to start a match.


Then when it does they get smashed into the ground so hard by one or more premades, that they wish they were never born, and promptly rethink ever queuing again.


Trust me they are having less fun than you are.

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If you want to see depressing put yourself in the shoes of the people on the other side of this equation.


You have to play empire vs empire over and over, That means you get to queue again and again, building up gear while the other side is waiting hours for enough people to even poke their heads out and queue to start a match.


Then when it does they get smashed into the ground so hard by one or more premades, that they wish they were never born, and promptly rethink ever queuing again.


Trust me they are having less fun than you are.


The Imperials dont understand that,they just think most of the Republic players suck,it's funny because on my server without a premade lately the Imperials get squashed,they need their premades to win and there is always around three of their premades on at night,during the day the Imps rarely win.

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Who wants to throw little pebbles at people all day or play to earn the grasshopper suit? No body.


BW really dropped the ball on this one. I have two ideas:


Give you like a $3 credit if you play more minutes on the republic side. That way they won't need to change anything in game.


Keep the current crap gear designers and have them design only the empire gear....you know so it's ugly and no body wants it. Then hire new GOOD artist to design gear for the republic....so that everyone will want it. But the entire imperial side in grasshopper suits and maybe some will switch.

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Cooler than pebbles. /shrug


i actualy think pebbles look cooler but thats about the only thing rep got for me and we got a very strong rep team on our server but its like 8 ppl so ofc they outgeared by emp soon

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The one thing I don't understand is: Why have I not seen one republic character? I've only been fighting the same side as me (empire). I understand that the server may be a bit unbalanced, but I've played what feels like 20+ matches without going up against a single person in the opposite faction.


Why? It doesn't quite feel like Star Wars if you never see a battle between both factions.


Welcome to Imp Wars, the post 1.2 version of SWTOR. What you are observing is only going to get progressively worse over time, by the way. This is just the beginning.


As an aside...your crayon gives me a headache. Barely made it through reading your post.

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Welcome to Imp Wars, the post 1.2 version of SWTOR. What you are observing is only going to get progressively worse over time, by the way. This is just the beginning.


As an aside...your crayon gives me a headache. Barely made it through reading your post.


And you know what's funny? im on your server,Republic my toons name is Maris a Scoundrel i recognize your toons name, and as far as servers we are one of more balanced,i cannot imagine what it is like on other servers.

Edited by Sathid
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