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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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Ok so before I started whining about Smash I figure I may as well try out the spec. So I went Rage spec. It's full of lolz. Granted it has much less survivability than the other two specs for either Marauder or Juggernaut, but still... It's just hilarious to constantly see 4k-6k crits.


Now, IMO the 5k damage/heal medal should be earned, it should be something that DPS/Heals try to get to but only get 25% of the time. But with smash spec, who cares!? You just get it for free :D. The main problem with this spec is that it's damage, from my experience, is far too great. Not to mention the fact that it can even crit on a tank with 45% damage reduction for 5k...


It's getting slightly out of hand. I'm not crying, I have played/play the spec from time to time just to see some big numbers for fun. So from someone who plays it, I'm telling you it's the easiest spec to play, and you almost always get the most damage, it's rather gross actually :p.

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I am a remodded sweep guardian, biochem so I'm constantly popping relic+adrenal in combination so I hit close to 6k every warzone, with my biggest being 7.3k post 1.2. It does great damage, but i think it's fine because of how easily I die. Also im right in everyone's face and usually in the middle of big groups so I get focused quickly. But yea 5k crit medal is pretty much a given and often comes in the first 30 seconds of the wz.
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It is a class you have to play well though. Skill is involved if you intend on surviving when you leap into a group of peeps. I have gone multiple game to where i have 0-2 deaths in a match. We are squeezy dont get me wrong but i think that is fine due to the dmg output we have. Pick and choose at this point.


:sy_consular:Either Hop on the bus or get ran over.....But I am driving the damn thing.

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  • 1 month later...
I am all for Marauder/Sent nerfs, but your post is just garbage.


really? im a mara and i have an assassin... my mara explodes when more than 1 person focuses me. on my assassin in madness or tank i S*** on mara/sen, you should learn to kite dude. im going against my better judgement telling you to kite because it drives me bonkers when people do it to my mara lol

Edited by WaTeRTeKniiQUe
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really? im a mara and i have an assassin... my mara explodes when more than 1 person focuses me. on my assassin in madness or tank i S*** on mara/sen, you should learn to kite dude. im going against my better judgement telling you to kite because it drives me bonkers when people do it to my mara lol


Don't come here and spout logic.

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It's getting slightly out of hand. I'm not crying, I have played/play the spec from time to time just to see some big numbers for fun. So from someone who plays it, I'm telling you it's the easiest spec to play, and you almost always get the most damage, it's rather gross actually :p.


But if it was the most effective. Then everyone would be running it. I hear this spec is notoriously hard to 1v1 another player, specifically a healer, and even more so if they have half a brain and knows when to start kiting/use a knockback.

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But if it was the most effective. Then everyone would be running it. I hear this spec is notoriously hard to 1v1 another player, specifically a healer, and even more so if they have half a brain and knows when to start kiting/use a knockback.

Only Mando/Merc healers are really difficult to burst down I'd say. That said, Vengeance is definitely better for 1v1. It has more sustain and survivability. However, warzones are usually group battles, with maybe a few 1v1's on the side, so Rage can really shine in them.

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Only Mando/Merc healers are really difficult to burst down I'd say. That said, Vengeance is definitely better for 1v1. It has more sustain and survivability. However, warzones are usually group battles, with maybe a few 1v1's on the side, so Rage can really shine in them.


Maybe in the premade scene. But the solo pug scene is everyone for themselves like 75% of the time. . .even when healers marked(some reason it's hard to get people to even focus on one healer at a time, but some are smart and will change targets if they recognize burst is incoming on the other target).


But even in Pugs I see this rage spec being useless more often than not. Unless they're 100% brainless they're only gonna let you do 1-2 crit smash/sweeps before they start keeping their eye on you and watching for your setup. There's just so much you can do against them the multiple forms of CC like a hard stun, a mezz, a nicely timed knockback. . .even things like an interrupt or just moving out of the way after you see the leap.


Maybe I'm crazy though, with a strong team you might be able to create a powerful enough distraction each time to secure those crits. I just dont see it being that great in a Pug warzone. . .I would imagine the premades make it that much worse.

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It has its moments, but generally, the spec is very weak in every other possible way. Whether Jugg or Mara, Rage spec is the one I'm most happy fighting.


But yes. A really well geared player with stacked power, can be the bane of pugs. At least at the chokepoints.

Edited by clearsighted
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Just keep up your crying Bioware listens and will eventually sledgehammer nerf the Spec like they do every other class and spec terrible players boohoo about. I say cookie cutter specs for everyone with mirror abilities, this will ultimately resolve any sort of requirements for a brain to play the game, you may sigh but that is the direction we are headed.
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I only like focus spec as a sentinel because everyone on my server likes to focus me even when I'm guarded and have a healer free casting on me... giant smashes punishes them for focusing me more than any other spec. my record for largest single target hit in a wz is 9222 using all cool downs against a sorc with little to no expertise.


a fully geared and optimized sentinel any spec can pretty easily get the 5k medal these days, biggest problem is finding a squishy with enough hp remaining for it to count.

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