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>> Arsenal Mercs Are Fine, Stop Complaining (PvP/PvE)


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This thread is about Arsenal Mercs how did you bring healing into this?

FYI I have topped 850k healing in full BM gear so not sure if what you are saying applies.


Fyi throwing out random stats means nothing. Arsenal is broken and your tips don't really solve anything. The only people they would really work well against is a ranged class.

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You mean the broken one?


You sure it's just not that arsenal stacks and high velocity cylinder probably don't stack? Tried using combustion cylinder and hit for 1050ish noncrit the first shot on a heroic dummy, then after 5 stacks and many many shots after couldn't hit that low again.


But either way that didn't help prove arsenal was fine :p If it's intended however it makes the 35% from the cylinder seem useless and should in favor for a tweak.

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Board Monitors please remove this post, the aurthor is an absolute idiot to say Mercs are just fine. He was drunk on breast milk because he over stayed his welcome on his mommys breasts. He also cant post anymore because his mom and dad is kicking his 300lb *** out of there basement.


To say Arsenal Mercs are just fine is the stupidist thing i think i have heard about any class in this game to date. honestly dude go play your sorc or mara while the rest of us actually do something to make the class what it should be and not what it is now which is a waded up peice of tolet tissue the president of bioware uses to wipe his hemroid *** with.

Edited by Omegaman
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I accept your criticism for the screenshot. I just want to note that I solo qued this match and we did not have a premade on our side that is even close to an average group, I know all the PvPers on my server.


Regardless if I am on the winning team, the losing team, or the team getting completly stomped, I always remain around the 300-400k mark as of patch 1.2c with an average of 9-12 medals upon a loss and 14-17 upon a win. I do not have any problems with killing enemy healers, enemy tanks, enemy dps; slight problems arise against people who interrupt frequently, only for arsenal, not pyro, but I still prevail.


First, you won't be pulling 300-400k dps on the new warzone. Second, if you're getting stomped, there is no way you're pulling 300-400k dps on any of the other warzones except maybe Huttball. I'm sure you have moments where you can pull that kind of dps, but I would say probably average around 250k dps on random ques.

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I have no idea why u argue about numbers...All of you...So what 500k,100k or 1kk?Only thing that truly matters and will matter at ranked wz's is quality dps.Meaning,the burst you will perform to wipe out a healer as fast as possible.In the end of the day it wont matter if you pulled 500k if u havent killed the healer to turn the tides for ur team.Powertechs like pyro can turn the tides of a match with a healer on em.Marauders also.Juggernuts also,hell snipers also.You know why?Its not because they nerfed us.Its because of their dps being instant and at will.Arsenal started to feel viable for the sole reason that our INSTANT skill became Death itself.I dont care if tracer missile does like 100 dmg anymore,all we need from it is the debuff to set the other skills up(Railshot with tracer lock,unload and hsm with hs and again unload with barrage).I dont know how much dps we can pull atm,infact i dont really care.As long as our dps is vastly predictable,interruptable,los-able and stunnable,we are not fine Mr Sharktooth.Do you understand that?We currently need the biggest babysit of all the dps classes from the healers to perform the same with the other dps will perform with much less babysit.You know what guilds around are whispering all over my server,which im pretty sure accounts for the other servers also?"We dont really need a mercenary dps right now for ranked warzones.We dont want one.It doesnt offer anything special to the table.Merc healer hell yes.Dps nope."


You find this ok?

Edit:Before someone says snipers dont have instant dps,yes but they offer much more than you.

Edited by Afraid
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So very very true.



I have no idea why u argue about numbers...All of you...So what 500k,100k or 1kk?Only thing that truly matters and will matter at ranked wz's is quality dps.Meaning,the burst you will perform to wipe out a healer as fast as possible.In the end of the day it wont matter if you pulled 500k if u havent killed the healer to turn the tides for ur team.Powertechs like pyro can turn the tides of a match with a healer on em.Marauders also.Juggernuts also,hell snipers also.You know why?Its not because they nerfed us.Its because of their dps being instant and at will.Arsenal started to feel viable for the sole reason that our INSTANT skill became Death itself.I dont care if tracer missile does like 100 dmg anymore,all we need from it is the debuff to set the other skills up(Railshot with tracer lock,unload with hs and unload with barrage).I dont know how much dps we can pull atm,infact i dont really care.As long as our dps is vastly predictable,interruptable,los-able and stunnable,we are not fine Mr Sharktooth.Do you understand that?We currently need the biggest babysit of all the dps classes from the healers to perform the same with the other dps will perform with much less babysit.You know what guilds around are whispering all over my server,which im pretty sure accounts for the other servers also?"We dont really need a mercenary dps right now for ranked warzones.We dont want one.It doesnt offer anything special to the table.Merc healer hell yes.Dps nope."


You find this ok?

Edit:Before someone says snipers dont have instant dps,yes but they offer much more than you.

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I have no idea why u argue about numbers...All of you...So what 500k,100k or 1kk?Only thing that truly matters and will matter at ranked wz's is quality dps.Meaning,the burst you will perform to wipe out a healer as fast as possible.In the end of the day it wont matter if you pulled 500k if u havent killed the healer to turn the tides for ur team.Powertechs like pyro can turn the tides of a match with a healer on em.Marauders also.Juggernuts also,hell snipers also.You know why?Its not because they nerfed us.Its because of their dps being instant and at will.Arsenal started to feel viable for the sole reason that our INSTANT skill became Death itself.I dont care if tracer missile does like 100 dmg anymore,all we need from it is the debuff to set the other skills up(Railshot with tracer lock,unload with hs and unload with barrage).I dont know how much dps we can pull atm,infact i dont really care.As long as our dps is vastly predictable,interruptable,los-able and stunnable,we are not fine Mr Sharktooth.Do you understand that?We currently need the biggest babysit of all the dps classes from the healers to perform the same with the other dps will perform with much less babysit.You know what guilds around are whispering all over my server,which im pretty sure accounts for the other servers also?"We dont really need a mercenary dps right now for ranked warzones.We dont want one.It doesnt offer anything special to the table.Merc healer hell yes.Dps nope."


You find this ok?

Edit:Before someone says snipers dont have instant dps,yes but they offer much more than you.




Always been saying this to myself, we can pull off high dmg but it doesnt matter for **** if you can be significant enough to reliably kill an important target like a healer which is what our job is for dps. Like you said, merc isn't a class that changes the tide of battle, there's just nothing special we can offer to carry a team. Having tiny heal's, heavy armor make such insignificant differences and are probably the excuse for our utility being so low, hell even dmg, just cuz we have a heal doesn't mean our dmg needs to suffer.

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...Second, if you're getting stomped, there is no way you're pulling 300-400k dps on any of the other warzones except maybe Huttball. I'm sure you have moments where you can pull that kind of dps, but I would say probably average around 250k dps on random ques.


This was a pug match, solo que. My damage while my team getting "Stomped"(This was pyro spec, but it's to prove a point):



Winning or loosing, my play is always on top. Marauders are nothing to me and same with juggs and tanks.

This was effective damage as I was always guarding my door, the other door however....you know how pugs are.

I frequently moved back and forth between the doors, but its an 8 vs 8, I cannot do everything by myself all the time.


Yes, I had 3 healers on my team, they weren't that great. None of them were pocket healing me, and I am the only person on my team with 0 deaths. The enemy team had 2 healers. I run matches with 0 deaths daily, with or without healers on my team, it's all about positioning.


Now before you comment anything about the screenshot, make sure if you are a dps, and really want to give constructive feedback, that you can get somewhere near this number semi-frequently, or else your advice won't really mean much to me. That being said, provide a screenshot of what numbers you/your class can do as a dps/healer before you reply to this comment.

Edited by DkSharktooth
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I have no idea why u argue about numbers...All of you...So what 500k,100k or 1kk?Only thing that truly matters and will matter at ranked wz's is quality dps.Meaning,the burst you will perform to wipe out a healer as fast as possible.In the end of the day it wont matter if you pulled 500k if u havent killed the healer to turn the tides for ur team.Powertechs like pyro can turn the tides of a match with a healer on em.Marauders also.Juggernuts also,hell snipers also.You know why?Its not because they nerfed us.Its because of their dps being instant and at will.Arsenal started to feel viable for the sole reason that our INSTANT skill became Death itself.I dont care if tracer missile does like 100 dmg anymore,all we need from it is the debuff to set the other skills up(Railshot with tracer lock,unload with hs and unload with barrage).I dont know how much dps we can pull atm,infact i dont really care.As long as our dps is vastly predictable,interruptable,los-able and stunnable,we are not fine Mr Sharktooth.Do you understand that?We currently need the biggest babysit of all the dps classes from the healers to perform the same with the other dps will perform with much less babysit.You know what guilds around are whispering all over my server,which im pretty sure accounts for the other servers also?"We dont really need a mercenary dps right now for ranked warzones.We dont want one.It doesnt offer anything special to the table.Merc healer hell yes.Dps nope."


You find this ok?

Edit:Before someone says snipers dont have instant dps,yes but they offer much more than you.


I agree with most of this post. The problem I have with it is that what Arsenal lacks in damage, it makes up for with short cooldown duel knockbacks. If you underestimate what knockbacks can do in each warzone, then you are not using them correctly, they are the difference between a stale-mate at capturing/defending a base and a cap/clutch kill on an enemy healer/dps. We might need some sort of interrupt immunity but I don't believe that it is absolutely necessary for high level gameplay, even with an interrupt melee class sitting on you.


Another point is that if Developers buff our instant skill kill shot (HSM) or anything else for that matter, then we would be insanely overbuffed again FOR PVE. The only way to give Arsenal Mercs a PVP buff now is to implement something similar to Trauma PVP, a debuff/buff that only occurs in PvP, or add in some ability to prevent interrupts into our talent tree, such as the bodygaurd merc has where they are uninterruptable while energy shield is active.

Edited by DkSharktooth
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I wont disagree with how useful our knockbacks are(1 only for pyro with very significantly reduced ranged and cd).But in the end of the day,they are knockbacks.Noone will use their cc breaker for them(cos they dont force you to do such a thing).They are very much positioning dependant,meaning the healer must have a bad positioning in order to either be thrown away far to prevent him from healing or to throw him to a gap(voidstar bridge etc).Sure they are useful disengagers when your healer is swarmed by people and u just throw them all back away,giving a fresh breath of life to your healer but yet again their usability is only better than flashbangs and fear only on huttball(without that meaning that at huttball those 2 lose theirs ofc).In the end,fear or flashbang will force a cc breaker on multiple people possibly or will result in the healer dying.Your knockbacks might just result in the melees recharging back while saying to you "oh you knockbacked me away?look at all the f i give".Point is with so many gap closers u cant possibly rely 100% on your knockbacks to do everything your class lacks(example,yes u can interrupt a healer with ur 2 knockbacks as arsenal but ddont forget that u are firstly putting yourself in melee range,exposing yourself to danger and also you are giving him resolve).


I would be ok if they gave us some of the following things:

1)Interrupt (i cant stress how obsessed i am for not having one)

2)2nd shield or improve the mitigation on the first

3)Improve degauss talent to make u slow,root immune for example(for the love of god,who would use your ONLY defensive cd to remove a force slow or force root,since tech slow root are cleansable)

4)Barrage makes unload uninterruptable

5)Make concussion not break on dmg with talent but reduce its stun seconds(its nice for arsenal and healer but as pyro u cant use it effectively on 1v1,you must wait for ur dots to wear off,annoying)

6)Decrease incendiary missile heat cost(i wouldnt mind if they reduce its initial dmg to make up for it,think about it.They reduced cleanses heat cost which makes it spammable screwing u over for removing your dot by pushing u on the verge of overheating)

7)Possibly swap power shot with missile blast on the PPA procs.Not rly fair when pt pyro not only has bigger railshot and burning effect dmg,more pene on railshot,interrupt,2nd aoe stun(carbonize anyone?),grapple,100% cgc proc but ALSO the 2 skills procing its PPA are TECH meaning you have more white DMG aaaaand ur somewhat stationary to use power shot(which u only should when u arent focused by melee)


Thats just some suggestions,feel free to add something more if u wish to.It doesnt mean all this need to be implemented,but some of them would be good to be.

Edited by Afraid
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I agree with most of this post. The problem I have with it is that what Arsenal lacks in damage, it makes up for with short cooldown duel knockbacks. If you underestimate what knockbacks can do in each warzone, then you are not using them correctly, they are the difference between a stale-mate at capturing/defending a base and a cap/clutch kill on an enemy healer/dps. We might need some sort of interrupt immunity but I don't believe that it is absolutely necessary for high level gameplay, even with an interrupt melee class sitting on you.


Another point is that if Developers buff our instant skill kill shot (HSM) or anything else for that matter, then we would be insanely overbuffed again FOR PVE. The only way to give Arsenal Mercs a PVP buff now is to implement something similar to Trauma PVP, a debuff/buff that only occurs in PvP, or add in some ability to prevent interrupts into our talent tree, such as the bodygaurd merc has where they are uninterruptable while energy shield is active.


Yeah I'm gonna start getting into these debates now, alot of the time I played arsenal I keep finding that I compare myself to the sniper. It's like we do have 2 knockbacks while one is just a tiny 2ft knock that is only useful for maybe a knock into a firepit or of if they're next to a cliff or hell even an interrupt but ultimately for creating distance it just builds resolve. Snipers also have a knockback however, and in some cases a 1.5s cast for an uninterruptable aimed shot (with fortify) is almost equivalent to rocket punch's. Not to mention snipers also get a root, an interrupt, and an 8s instant aoe stun, compared to our 2s casted single target and fully interruptable concussive shot. Having heavy armor and the ability to cast minimal healing doesn't make up for it.


I respect your opinions about arsenal and glad you're standing up for it, hell I even go back and fourth between pyro for pvp. But regardless how much I enjoy it, the competitive part in me wants the satisfaction in being able to focus a healer which can turn the tide of battle thus making me feel like I'm actually a threat. PvE I don't think much has changed and yeah they can be made viable, unload still does a crapton but my theory is that tracer stacks and high velocity rounds don't stack giving us a somewhat useless buff compared to combustion with exception to the much needed heat refunds from high velocity. Again comparing to snipers they don't have one but shown us they don't need it.

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Playing the mirror class commando I have to ask you about the short cool down dual knockbacks of Concussive charge and stock strike.( really? stock strike?) I'm not quite clear on the mirror ability names, forgive me that. But I will say if you're waiting to use that concussive charge after a leap well good for you, sometimes that marauder or juggernaut just happen to force leap into your face, or they resist, or they have *gasp* full resolve. OR they're an assassin tank and they sneak up on you, or charge in on you, or stun you and push inward without having to leap, or force choke you, or use their plethora ( jugger and mara anyway) of snares that keep you from doing the kiting los around the pillar you seem to be so fond of speaking about. Guess who doesn't need to kite around pillars, or if they do its the same slippery slope, they can los every single bit of gravround you put out ( or tracer for that matter.) no grav, no buff to curtain of fire, no grav, no buff to HiB, no grav, no buff to demo round, no grav, no armor reduction.




So, take force choke from marauder and jugs, they still have ravage, force leap, snares, crit smashes. Take any one ability from another class and yes, they will notice a drop in efficiency. Take grav or tracer from a gunnery/arsenal, and you take not just the teeth, but the claws and strength from a lion as well.


Go pvp pyro or assault and tell me how "great" you do. I'll show you a van or powertech who takes your great against pugs and makes you eat dirt against premades.


I've ambled on about other things that came to mind just thinking about your thoughts on our twoo knockbacks...



That four meter knock back from stock strike sure makes a helluva differance when your movement speed is at 0 %or 40% less than normal. Good luck on a full resolve target. Which by the way can still be snared and rooted. (And by snared and rooted I mean you. Good luck kiting when you eat a ravage to the face.)

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I would be ok if they gave us some of the following things:

1)Interrupt (i cant stress how obsessed i am for not having one)

2)2nd shield or improve the mitigation on the first

3)Improve degauss talent to make u slow,root immune for example(for the love of god,who would use your ONLY defensive cd to remove a force slow or force root,since tech slow root are cleansable)

4)Barrage makes unload uninterruptable

5)Make concussion not break on dmg with talent but reduce its stun seconds(its nice for arsenal and healer but as pyro u cant use it effectively on 1v1,you must wait for ur dots to wear off,annoying)

6)Decrease incendiary missile heat cost(i wouldnt mind if they reduce its initial dmg to make up for it,think about it.They reduced cleanses heat cost which makes it spammable screwing u over for removing your dot by pushing u on the verge of overheating)

7)Possibly swap power shot with missile blast on the PPA procs.Not rly fair when pt pyro not only has bigger railshot and burning effect dmg,more pene on railshot,interrupt,2nd aoe stun(carbonize anyone?),grapple,100% cgc proc but ALSO the 2 skills procing its PPA are TECH meaning you have more white DMG aaaaand ur somewhat stationary to use power shot(which u only should when u arent focused by melee)


Thats just some suggestions,feel free to add something more if u wish to.It doesnt mean all this need to be implemented,but some of them would be good to be.


I'll go through my thoughts on some of these since I'm waiting for a raid anyways.


1) I would be satisfied if we didn't have an interrupt if he had something to compensate. It's nice to see something different but If I wanted an interrupt bioware's response is prolly, go play sniper. I'm thinking in terms of maybe an offensive dispel, it's utility, it's different from other classes and wouldn't affect PvE at all if it was made to dispel non-class player buffs with maybe a 5-8s cd to prevent spamming and making an ally thank the lord for having a BH on the team for taking off that one life saving sorc sheild or marauder 99% dmg reduction while eating through that ally. Just a thought, makes us feel I dunno.... useful?


2) We definitely got squishier and maybe it's heavy armor that needs a buff because my sniper feels just as squishy as my BH. The 5% nerf to our shielding talent hurt more than was intended I think. But again I wouldn't be so upset with this if I could be happy with being able to reliably drop certain targets.


3) Agree, since we miss out on our rocket punch's knockback and cdr off our knockback the one thing I love about pryo is being able to escape marauder charge and slows withouth burning my determination, making it permanent for slows would emphasize the mobile image we're given.


4) If they interrupt unload that just means they allowed me to tracer spam all day, in turn proccing more unloads.


5) I don't mind this again as much. It's nice sometimes to pop an isntant cast concussive onto a healer before I finish someone off since most of the time they already burned their 2min cd on some other idiot trying to cc them.


6) Leaning towards pyro a bit but it would be nice but if they reduced initial dmg they gotta beef the duration dmg. It's a nice opener/combo initiator and wouldn't hurt if it felt less punishable. To be fair this could be done through top tier talent points into pyro.


7) Yea we defiantly need something to bring us into line with PT pyro's. I really want to say I don't have a problem with my perma slow kiting them but they just really do the same thing back to you but with an extra pull at their disposal and surprisingly much higher burst. Again though I'm not too picky about this talent for merc's since unload has a pretty strong chance of proccing and I usually save unload for fights where I know I'm going to be on the move. We need some way of being rewarded for being ranged dps so keeping power shots proc is fine with me as well. Specifically for arsenal though this won't apply and something else would need to be done.

Edited by Rethban
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Yup. At this point id say its a fact no one in the balance department actually plays this games pvp. Mercs needed work before 1.2 and now its trash. The fact that they haven't done anything yet is inexcuseable in my opinion.



Playing the mirror class commando I have to ask you about the short cool down dual knockbacks of Concussive charge and stock strike.( really? stock strike?) I'm not quite clear on the mirror ability names, forgive me that. But I will say if you're waiting to use that concussive charge after a leap well good for you, sometimes that marauder or juggernaut just happen to force leap into your face, or they resist, or they have *gasp* full resolve. OR they're an assassin tank and they sneak up on you, or charge in on you, or stun you and push inward without having to leap, or force choke you, or use their plethora ( jugger and mara anyway) of snares that keep you from doing the kiting los around the pillar you seem to be so fond of speaking about. Guess who doesn't need to kite around pillars, or if they do its the same slippery slope, they can los every single bit of gravround you put out ( or tracer for that matter.) no grav, no buff to curtain of fire, no grav, no buff to HiB, no grav, no buff to demo round, no grav, no armor reduction.




So, take force choke from marauder and jugs, they still have ravage, force leap, snares, crit smashes. Take any one ability from another class and yes, they will notice a drop in efficiency. Take grav or tracer from a gunnery/arsenal, and you take not just the teeth, but the claws and strength from a lion as well.


Go pvp pyro or assault and tell me how "great" you do. I'll show you a van or powertech who takes your great against pugs and makes you eat dirt against premades.


I've ambled on about other things that came to mind just thinking about your thoughts on our twoo knockbacks...



That four meter knock back from stock strike sure makes a helluva differance when your movement speed is at 0 %or 40% less than normal. Good luck on a full resolve target. Which by the way can still be snared and rooted. (And by snared and rooted I mean you. Good luck kiting when you eat a ravage to the face.)

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Yup. At this point id say its a fact no one in the balance department actually plays this games pvp. Mercs needed work before 1.2 and now its trash. The fact that they haven't done anything yet is inexcuseable in my opinion.


Yea really, two patches have gone by, not even a mention towards "hey is tracers armor pen broken or not? is this intended?" or even possible tweaks to utility. If they're keeping us a stationary turret then they should make it so we can actually play like a stationary turret.


Negative feedback was anticipated due to tracer's rework but if it's clear almost an entire community of BH's has an opinion about it, it should be handled a bit quicker/urgently, especially if they're losing subs from some of the pickier fans. It doesn't hurt us if they leave, hell saves us the trouble of hearing them whine all the time, but it hurts the business. I'm sure they're trying but even a tiny bit of communication would help out more than leaving some players thinking that they don't care. Next patch needs to announce something at least if there are no changes, I'd even get a bit annoyed otherwise.

Edited by Rethban
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Nice update on the first post, looks good so far


Saw the video at 11:45, I wish people tried 1 on 1'ing me on bridges more often :p Usually it's just a zergfest of people rushing over meaning a quick death for me (but i'll probably knock off 2-3 anyways so w.e).


We have a very straightforward class so people SHOULD already be doing these kid of things since it's the only thing I find we have that makes us really shine if anywhere, yet it's a mechanic that almost literally every class has as well (marauders and ops dont have knockbacks). It's nice we can hold that bridge pretty reliably, but again it's just one of those things that just brings us on par with everyone else, not to mention while we're pushing others off we are going to be at equal risk almost all of the time. What if that was a guardian instead of a sentinel fighting you 1 on 1?


I agree that we're fine, glad you're encouraging people to not give up on the class, but only in the sense that we're fine in just keeping up with the bare minimum of being viable, where as some other classes have things they excell with. That should be a level we are able to attain as well, some people put a lot of time into mercs.

Edited by Rethban
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Updated original post to include video link on how to control the bridge in voidstar as arsenal merc. See the hyperlink on page1 of this post.


Except against a jugg or sorc or more than 1 person etc etc. You can be pushed just as easily as someone can push you. I really want to transfer to your server if this is all that ever happens to you. Id never lose.

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Updated original post to include video link on how to control the bridge in voidstar as arsenal merc. See the hyperlink on page1 of this post.


Why not make a new video with the current updates rather than post the one from January 29th, 2012?


edit: Oh I see, because you PvP Pyro now (as according to some of your last screens and posts).....lol.


This was a pug match, solo que.

My damage while my is team getting "Stomped" remains high(This was pyro spec, but it's to prove a point)


What point does that prove about the Arsenal spec? I thought this thread was labeled "Arsenal Mercs Are Fine", not "Pyro is a Great Alternative."

Edited by CatNips
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Update(4/26): While the "ARMOR PEN" from the debuff is not applying, PvE Merc DPS is working on par as intended.

Would you rather have them nerf the base damage MORE and have it only increase once you have a 5 stack up and the cylinder? That would be worse. They appear to be leaving it "broken" in order to not reduce the base damage without armorpen, just consider it as armorpen applied into it. If it really is "broken" then "fixing" it will drastically overbuff Arsenal Mercs and we will be way above other classes on damage meters again.


This Advanced Class is NOT Balanced towards the gear you have NOW, it is balanced towards the gear you get in End Game PvP / PvE.


  • If you enter warzones in full columi/rakata, stop complaining until you get full Battlemaster / War Hero .
  • If you are in full champion/recruit, stop complaining untill you get full War Hero.
  • If you are in mix champion/battlemaster/recruit, stop complaining untill you get full War Hero.
  • If you do NOT use relics & adrenals, stop complaining about 3k crit heatseeker missiles and start using your cooldowns.
  • If you are NOT using a 5 stack of tracer missile before shooting a heatseeker missile, and complain about low crit numbers, you need to play smarter.
  • If you are a clicker and or keyboard turner, you will get owned ALL DAY EVERY DAY no matter how much your class is buffed and other classes are nerfed. Please start keybinding your abilities and things will get better and your reaction time will be faster. If you refuse to keybind, stop complaining.
  • If your complaining about other classes being overpowered, then you are playing Team Death Match and NOT objective. You don't need to kill a million enemy players to win at any of the warzones, just CC smartly. Stop complaining.
  • If you are in a PvE Flashpoint or Operation and are NOT top 3 dps with full rakata/campaign gear, you need to pay attention and get some practice on target dummies and you need to get a better computer and better internet.
  • If you are a casual, you must understand that the developers cannot balance this game to increase a bad players DPS without overbuffing a really good players dps who can play the class to its full potential. So stop complaining for buffs, it's not going to happen.
  • While we all personally hate the TM nerf and 1.2c Ninja HSM Nerf, we are currently functioning on par with all classes, and slightly better if played correctly. Yes, HSM crits now suck, but your dps is still normal, you're just not criting 14k in PvE and 8K in PvP anymore.
  • If you are getting spam interrupted in PvP by melee, start learning to fake cast, punt them after they leap to you and go around a pillar/obstacle and heal yourself. You cannot stand there while a melee mashes your face, MOVE-LOS-HEAL. Or....Just play Pyro for PvP it is alot less casting time and more freedom from interrupts. Also keybind powershot to use when TM is interrupted or LOS (Line of sight) behind a pillar and heal.
  • If you are playing TDM (Team Death Match) in PvP, you are playing it wrong. PvP warzones are objective based, play accordingly.
  • If you are solo queing and getting rick rolled, get a good premade and you will do the rolling.
  • If you play 1hr per week, don't expect anything really, stop complaining.
  • If you have never been a hardcore pvper in any arena type game, and really good at it, don't expect to be amazing at pvp.
  • If you are a not a gamer and have never hardcore pvp'd on a competitive game, you will never ever beat a player who have been gaming for years. It just will not happen, no matter what class and gear they have, they will always beat you. Think of it like a tornado coming for a house, if it hits it, the house is gone, it's just something that will happen. Stop complaining.
  • If you get 1-7 medals per pvp match, you are not paying attention, stop complaining.
  • If you are the only person defending a door in voidstar with 6 enemies, and you let them plant the door, you don't pay attention, stop complaining.
  • How to control the bridge w/ Arsenal Merc in Voidstar: Go to 11:45 In This Video
  • Finally, if this is your 1st MMO / you have never played hardcore enough to see a classes full potential, stop complaining.


Here is a screenshot of what Arsenal can do in PvP as of today, after all the TM & HSM Nerfs (1.2c). This was a solo que into a pug group, I play the objective NOT TDM. The gear is full Battlemaster with War Hero Mainhand/Offhand Weapons [Augmented]: http://i.imgur.com/p1LeF.jpg While the damage is low, I played purely objective, and the armorpen is not applying due to the current bug. Regardless if the overall damage number is low, I was able to effectively kill every target, whether tank, healer, or dps, on my own. For reference purposes, I average 500k-800k damage per warzone as Merc Pyro PvP, so I would recommend Pyro for PvP, Arsenal for PvE.

  • If you are not doing close to this number every match, you are playing it wrong, practice on some training dummies. I do realize that my arsenal damage for pvp as of 1.2c has been nerfed by approximately 100k-300k per warzone, depending on the map.



This was a pug match, solo que.

My damage while my is team getting "Stomped" remains high(This was pyro spec, but it's to prove a point):



Winning or loosing, my play is always on top. Marauders are nothing to me and same with juggs and tanks.

This was effective damage as I was always guarding my door, the other door however....you know how pugs are.

I frequently moved back and forth between the doors, but its an 8 vs 8, I cannot do everything by myself all the time.


Yes, I had 3 healers on my team, they weren't that great. None of them were pocket healing me, and I am the only person on my team with 0 deaths. The enemy team had 2 healers. I run matches with 0 deaths daily, with or without healers on my team, it's all about positioning.


Something had to be said, I can't bother reading these forums anymore. I feel that SWTOR may need to implement some sort of training simulation program to help new people. I know most people reading this thread will be casuals/average players, but please take this thread as a reality check and not an insult.


**If you have questions or need some tips, I will do the best I can to help, although I may not get to everyone.


Is this guy serious? I hope this is just an elaborate troll.



Edited by TheNinjaboy
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From a different perspective: My main is a 50 Powertech. I also have a 50 Juggernaut and a 50 Operative. I rolled a Merc because I enjoy BH, haven't played a ranged DPS class, and Sorc doesn't appeal to me at all. Merc is definitely gimped in PvP due to lack of utility and survivability. Being a stationary turret is fine, working as intended. But even Snipers/Gunslingers, who have similar issues in PvP, have more tools at their disposal.


Jet Boost should root affected targets, or at the very least, increase the slow to about 70% with longer duration, or knock targets down. The CD needs to be reduced as well. Jet Boost is the only reliable tool Mercs have against melee gap closers.


I enjoy playing my Merc. It's something different. On the same token, it's only fun to play if I'm running w/ a pocket healer or the other team is full of clueless PUGs who are unable to find me.

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