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Let's put your spec to the test!


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Liking both your build and StephenOne's build (although you might want to check the link to his build in your first post ;)). Both seem to be a real pest for the opposing team (but I guess you have to be on the move like a squirrel on crack). Might do some test runs on these two with my alt! Keep up the good work!


Edit: Ha, I remembered why I find FiB to be bad. I'm normally using both mouse keys to run forward, which is bad when you want to deploy FiB precisely.. Might want to change my movment keys :D.


Yes...my question is whether the 1 in infiltration should really be in Shadows Respite or whether it should be in Infiltration Tactics for a proc'd SS.

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Atm I have 1 point in SS, I do change back a forth quite a bit though. A point in SS will increase your burst a decent bit when it procs, its nice for quickly dropping healers. If you put 1 point in Infil tactics, your sustained dps will go up a little more. You will be able to get in another PA'd project instead of waiting for force to regen. I'd say try both and see what you like.
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You didn't add the 11/30/0 of Ravenhaired.

Is there a special reason or did you just miss it?


Haven't added it because I haven't tested it yet :p, I will get around to it in time. (Busy of late)

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Im pretty sure ive posted builds like this and you blasted me for it. Glad to see you actually tried it. I have been using it for a while on and off for pvp. Do you think its viable in pve?


Actually, I do think it is viable for PvE. We need to get some parsers going.

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Actually, I do think it is viable for PvE. We need to get some parsers going.


I remember doing some napkin math with it and was worried you will lose too much damage without the upper 5 point talent in Inf. I am very interest in how this would work. I always thought i was missing something by taking shadow tech with only 13 points.

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I took a look at your 0/13/28 build and had a few thoughts about it (going to use Assassin talents because I'm an Assassin and don't know the Shadow version very well, sorry!)


I love the idea of this build, but most of the talents above Haunted Dreams in the Madness tree (such as Deathmark and Calculating Mind) are all, kind of lackluster, especially without going a full 31 points and using Lightning charge for the two dots. Granted, an extra 30% damage to Deathfield is great, but those points could be better spent in another tree. Here is what I came up with and would love your thoughts on it. I went with Darkswell to help with Force management, but that point can be spent anywhere that is preferable to you.


This build has all of the goodies in Madness, Surging Charge, and the increased DPS/mobility talents from the Darkness tree. I also went 2/3 in Duplicity instead of 3/3 in order to get Insulation for some added defense, especially since 3/3 is a little overkill because it can only proc once every 10 seconds.





Let me know what you think, thanks. PS> I would try this build myself, but I have full survivor and am currently rerolling a Shadow on Fatman.

Edited by Koskilicious
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this build is just pure damage...




1.utilizes all the hard hitting abilites of the shadow.

has force regeneration for sustained crit ablilites.

takes advantage of shadow strike , double strike, project (with double project proc) and part acceleration.

All out damage spec.

very heavily geared towards shadow technique



Has very low armor/ survivability.

would need pocket healer to keep alive.

doesn't take advantage of top tier ablities, as well as top tier procs.

stealth abilites are not present in this build.


the basis of this build is more of a healer protector, or a straight up damage dealer. the lack or suvivability is made up for the increase in damage dealing abilites, so this spec is very situational at best. IF this spec is at all viable in warzones i would be completely shocked , but i am curious how it would work out.. :)

Edited by Ballisticbryan
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this build is just pure damage...




1.utilizes all the hard hitting abilites of the shadow.

has force regeneration for sustained crit ablilites.

takes advantage of shadow strike , double strike, project (with double project proc) and part acceleration.

All out damage spec.

very heavily geared towards shadow technique



Has very low armor/ survivability.

would need pocket healer to keep alive.

doesn't take advantage of top tier ablities, as well as top tier procs.

stealth abilites are not present in this build.


the basis of this build is more of a healer protector, or a straight up damage dealer. the lack or suvivability is made up for the increase in damage dealing abilites, so this spec is very situational at best. IF this spec is at all viable in warzones i would be completely shocked , but i am curious how it would work out.. :)


This build has a few glaring issues - The first being that you have specced into talents that are for Combat Technique, and yet have also specced into Shadow technique...


Also, you definitely want to drop Vigor to get 2/2 Circling Shadows. Without 2/2 Mental Potency, Force in Balance is so expensive Force wise to make sense. Check out the build I posted above, 7/17/17, it makes more sense.

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This build has a few glaring issues - The first being that you have specced into talents that are for Combat Technique, and yet have also specced into Shadow technique...


Also, you definitely want to drop Vigor to get 2/2 Circling Shadows. Without 2/2 Mental Potency, Force in Balance is so expensive Force wise to make sense. Check out the build I posted above, 7/17/17, it makes more sense.


yeah i was just throwing something out there... lol i looked for base damage abilites, but i will admit.. i dont know how everything procs...

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This build has all of the goodies in Madness, Surging Charge, and the increased DPS/mobility talents from the Darkness tree. I also went 2/3 in Duplicity instead of 3/3 in order to get Insulation for some added defense, especially since 3/3 is a little overkill because it can only proc once every 10 seconds.




This looks very promising. Anyone try it yet?


Here is the Shadow equivalent:




- 30% crit damage on FiB

- 10% damage to melee (TD)

- Dot damage buff that only benefits teammates & +1 force whenever a dot hits on a FiB target

- 15% damage reduction on dots



- 20s Force Speed (from 30s)

- 45s Resilience (from 60s)

- 45s Blackout (from 60s)

- +50% force regen on Blackout

- Can be healed through Force Cloak

- 2m Force Cloak (from 3m)

- Medium Armor equivalency through Shadowy Veil

- +6% damage buff on DS & 9% armor pen (seems like it would effectively replace TD and have 100% uptime)

- 9% armor pen would also benefit kinetic attacks (seems the consensus is that armor does mitigate kinetic/elemental attacks?)


All those CD reductions on critical utility abilities look really good.

Edited by Kllashaa
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First off the one by -Devorasx is for Sith which is in no way a Jedi Shadow!

The template i use for my Shadow is http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601rIMokrszZZfbcorb.1 which is 24/0/17 build and i like it, coupled with 95% Stalker gear (saber & Shield are Survivor) i have and 400 Biochem for the Rakata Heal & Willpower stim it is a nice tank & damage build!

Edited by Harden
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  • 4 weeks later...



I like control and positional gameplay, but FiB is just so delicious, plus Instant cast Forcelift.

So I came up with a shadow infil build with my favs from Balance.

Force management seems good, still trying it out.

Uses Shadow technique obviously.






Edit: Due to ToRhead changing their Skill calculator I have provided an updated link for the spec here.



For some bizarre reason they have swapped the skill tree placements around, go figure :(


1/23/17 is how it appears on the skill trees in game.

1 KC, 23 Infil and 17 Balance.

Picking up FiB and Containment (instant Force Lift) from Balance.

Exit Strategy and Low slash from infil.

1 point in KC is very optional.

Edited by Sildanar
CHanges to ToRhead Skill calculator.
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Pugger Variation of 23/1/17

Insta-force lift is great...if no1 breaks the cc. My exp's is that happens 90% of the time puggin it. I love the 23/1/17 spec, bc Adjudication gives you so much more dps and the spec has great force management.




This spec gives up insta-lift for a more guaranteed IT proc. I put the extra pt in Mental Fort, but it might be worth it to invest in Nerve Wracking if you have the 1st Survivor set bonus.


This is a great 1vs1 spec and for pwr stackers it's just the edge we need being a 2nd rate dps class. I also spec'd this before 1.3 to get used to not having HS/ST not fearing the nerfs.


Give it a shot for a day or two and lemme know what you think.

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Hi guys, this thread hasn't been updated in a while.

I'll need some time before I can start supporting it again. I do plan too in the future!


However, let's open this book up and share it to everyone.

You all can also test specs out too and give your own feedback :)

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Idea is to Buff up Shadow Strike, and deal DoTs with Force Tech. Trying it as i post.


Edit: Well... it's alright, but something's off. I want to call it clunky but it's not that bad. A better explanation is that there is still a ramp up time. Twin Dis. to buff SS, Breach to get instant MCs going. It works well when everything's going, MC and SS is just punishing. So it works, but you need 3-5 seconds of ramp up time, and you don't have sever force to throw on FiB'd targets that run out of range of breach...


So it's pretty good, when everything goes right and you can ramp everything up....


EDIT 2: Mad Scientist Time



Edit 3: That last once complements itself well with Project buffing melee and melee buffing Project. The main problem is you lose a ton of utility by not having Sever Force or Force Pull.

Edited by teremx
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1/23/17 Update.

(or better yet think 0/23/17 +1)

The spec


0 Kinetic, 23 Infil, 17 Balance. Plus 1.


Note: Due to time constraints I have been unable to extensively test this spec nor provide a comparison in same gear to other specs, so please take this into account.

But here are my thoughts and experiences with the spec over the last week, limited and subjective as it may be.


Damage is good, your dangerous particularly when utilising your massive control and flexibility to maximum effect.

Force management is very good and if you put the spare point in masked assault it would be fantastic.

Utility very good, only the 23/1/17 spec would be better (force pull often being better that Low Slash).

However Low slash is on such a short CD and should not be underestimated.


A number of times I have made a game changing contribution in this spec that I would have been unable to do as Pure infil, hello instant Force lift and FiB. I feel this expecially in Huttball, but stopping caps and runners is fantastic in the other WZ's. I dont think I could go back to pure Infil at least in objective based pvp.


Remember this spec is for people who want to DPS and have as much utility as possible, and that is what Im enjoying most about it.

So from an admittedly limited perspective, Im liking it.


If your after a dps spec with plenty of utility then give this spec a try.

Whats not to love about good dmg plus Instant Force Lift, Force in Balance AND Low Slash? :D


The Sirocco build

0/23/17 +1


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