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Future 3D Space Combat


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I can already picture all the complaining when they decide to implement it


"Why are they taking so long to finish it?!"


"Why is it so difficult?!"


"Why is the difference between a well geared and a "normal" starfighter so huge?!"


"Why did they spend time creating this when they should have fixed bugs?!"


"Where's capital ship combat?!"


lol, and you were right...just look at this thread.


Personally, I am happy as hell they are coming out with real space in this game. I have been waiting for this since they first told us space was going to be on rails. :)

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Don't worry, now that the game is going F2P, we won't have to worry about space combat anymore. The devs will shift focus from developing most other content except new Cash Shop stuff. It makes more sense to abandon Space flight as it is a very niche thing that the company will view as wasted resources with little to no return. They'll focus on the cash shop, as the amount invested vs return proportion is potentially much larger.


I'd argue the opposite. Full, 3D space flight is exactly what they should be making. It's not as niche as you think, as biowares own poll shows. And even if it is niche, that doesn't mean it would be a waste of time. There's plenty of niche genres that people like to play ;)

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I'd argue the opposite. Full, 3D space flight is exactly what they should be making. It's not as niche as you think, as biowares own poll shows. And even if it is niche, that doesn't mean it would be a waste of time. There's plenty of niche genres that people like to play ;)


compared to the world population, video gaming is a niche activity

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No i just think it's not a popular genre. If I need to add something to bring back my game i would pick something that is more popular.



I like x-wing vs tie fight and would by it if it came out today. I don't think it's on the top of many peoples list though.

Bit of a necro on your comment and you may not see my response.


But seriously, you're fighting SO HARD to make sure that 3D space combat doesn't get added. Jeez. I personally would be thrilled to have it.


I get that your argument that space combat games aren't popular. But back before Chris Roberts made Wing Commander, they weren't popular either. He happened to make a fantastic game that was fun and it jump-started the genre. If BW added a good space combat portion to TOR I could easily see many people enjoying it who never had interest in space combat before.


I haven't really enjoyed PvP in it's current state. But if there were space combat PvP I would probably log on every day until the last server shut down ...

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compared to the world population, video gaming is a niche activity


Indeed, though its becoming more mainstream every year. Look at some of the big media releases over the last 5 years and quite a few are games, rather than films.

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3D space combat was one of the top things we wanted in Beta as well, and we still got StarFox Redux instead.


I'll believe it when I see it.


Long before beta even. I'm hoping we'll see it... but I don't know, so I don't think it's a good idea to start speculating with everyone else. Keep it to yourself otherwise someone will see what you say and assume it is fact with no proof at all and then get their hopes crushed if it doesn't happen.

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3D space combat was one of the top things we wanted in Beta as well, and we still got StarFox Redux instead.


I'll believe it when I see it.


there was this rumor about Freelancer type space.


Well after all these months they must be quite far with the SSSSSP.


Look at all the space related assets which are already in game. Can all be reused.

You know it's not like they had to start from scratch in January with concept art for space ships. It's all right there in the rail missions. Only minor artwork necessary, cockpits, custom ship modules for interiors/exteriors, some stations and hangars, game design and programming work. PvE mission design (import X-Wing), hyperspace jumpgates, Asteroid mining equipment for resources, a galaxy map with 200-300 sectors for a start Maybe voiceovers for radio chatter and BOOM, Expansion 1 ready for preorder! My credit card is hot, hot, hot for this flight sim baby

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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I can already picture all the complaining when they decide to implement it


"Why are they taking so long to finish it?!"


"Why is it so difficult?!"


"Why is the difference between a well geared and a "normal" starfighter so huge?!"


"Why did they spend time creating this when they should have fixed bugs?!"


"Where's capital ship combat?!"


You sir, are absolutely right. If SWTOR proved something is that its impossible to please everyone.


Its a great game, yet they prefer to focus on the minor bugs instead of enjoying it.

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"As a company BioWare has always been incredibly player-focused," he explained. "One of the things that really impressed me when I got here was that long before we were doing MMOs, the BioWare forums themselves were far, far more active and robust than you would ever expect from a company that mainly does single player games, role-playing games that people are playing by themselves.


I lol'd at this.


But the old bioware forums were good. I posted a question and Dr Ray answered me.




Ray and Greg [bioWare co-founders] have always pushed the culture of humility over everything - what that means is that when people start yelling at you ‘you’re screwing up’ you have to listen."


I lol'd even more at this.

Edited by Talimar
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Indeed, though its becoming more mainstream every year. Look at some of the big media releases over the last 5 years and quite a few are games, rather than films.


For quite some time the gross revenue from gaming has been far higher than movies. Yeah, niche.

Edited by Talimar
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I don't think its a good idea.


1.) It takes lots of resources which could be used in better ways

2.) 3D space combat is a complete different game. I don't see the benefit for TOR

3.) Only a small number of players will be interested in such a feature. 3D space combat is much too difficult for most of the players.


Can you show me some proof that only a small number of players are interested in it? And too difficult.. really? Are people playing the game without arms or something?


The current rail shooter isn't very popular either. Everytime I do the space dailies, I am the only one doing them or sometimes I see maybe 1-2 players doing them as well. Waste of resources too don't you think?

Edited by Skorz
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Can you show me some proof that only a small number of players are interested in it? And too difficult.. really? Are people playing the game without arms or something?


The current rail shooter isn't very popular either. Everytime I do the space dailies, I am the only one doing them or sometimes I see maybe 1-2 players doing them as well. Waste of resources too don't you think?


I honestly think the guy is simply trolling. He posted it just after someone said people would start saying those things.

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I saw this on Google news and its got me REALLY interested!




For anyone who hasn't read it, basically SWTOR's "Lead Designer has told NowGamer that "the next iteration of space is the single thing" he's most excited about across all of SWTOR's incoming new features."


The article also mentions how 3D space combat came out on top on the poll Bioware gave a few weeks back out of a list of features we want in the future.


Could this mean 3D space combat is in the future for SWTOR?


You know, I read this article and other then the very very little statement which mentions "3D space" there is little that indicates that this is what many people think it is. In fact, reading that statement makes me wonder if they are not really discussing the upcoming new space mission for the current space game. Remember, Bioware does not think that space combat should be anything like what you saw in SWG/JTL. Maybe I am wrong but again, I do not see anything that says this will be a full on space game in SWTOR.

Edited by Gruug
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Can you show me some proof that only a small number of players are interested in it? And too difficult.. really? Are people playing the game without arms or something?


The current rail shooter isn't very popular either. Everytime I do the space dailies, I am the only one doing them or sometimes I see maybe 1-2 players doing them as well. Waste of resources too don't you think?


Considering each mission lasts around 4-5min and you see people doing them every time you're in that would imply they are in fact more popular than you give them credit for.


There's exaggeration on both sides of the argument. Free flight space (assuming it's not a sim but more arcade style) wouldn't be an extreme niche but at the same time the current space game is not as gash as some of you are trying to paint it.



All in all the best thing they could do for the space minigame is to introduce other minigames so focus gets taken away from it. As a minigame it's superb but in the absence of others it got elevated to one of the "core features" somehow.

Edited by aeterno
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Considering each mission lasts around 4-5min and you see people doing them every time you're in that would imply they are in fact more popular than you give them credit for.


There's exaggeration on both sides of the argument. Free flight space (assuming it's not a sim but more arcade style) wouldn't be an extreme niche but at the same time the current space game is not as gash as some of you are trying to paint it.



All in all the best thing they could do for the space minigame is to introduce other minigames so focus gets taken away from it. As a minigame it's superb but in the absence of others it got elevated to one of the "core features" somehow.


The problem with arguing what resources are taken away from what is that you a) don't know how many resources they have, b) don't know how many resources they have allocated to it and c) know how many resources each task takes and whether they have enough resource for everything they are trying to do.


Also most people that say "taking resources away from whatever I care about most" don't seem to understand that there is an upper limit to the amount of resource you can apply to one problem. Too many coders is like too many cooks. If there are only so many tasks that need to be done, adding extra coders gets you nothing.

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I honestly don't know why they can't just buy an existing space engine and modify it for what they need here, if they don't have the resources to make a new one. Sure, I mean they get a lot of flack for doing that with Heroengine, but if it's a choice between space combat with a retrofitted engine, and no space combat at all... I'll take the former. Edited by Stenrik
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The devs always say the stuff they are working on is 'exciting' even when it's nonsense along the lines of perks that give 2% exp from warzones.


So when a dev is 'most excited' about something they are workin on I'm going to take it wih a pinch of salt.

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For quite some time the gross revenue from gaming has been far higher than movies. Yeah, niche.


Niche isn't about revenue lol. 10 people buying something that costs £40 =£400. 30 people buying something that costs £10=£300.

Edited by utio
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I honestly don't know why they can't just buy an existing space engine and modify it for what they need here, if they don't have the resources to make a new one. .


This one for example



Watch how the ship goes into the planets atmosphere :eek:





I have a dream. A dream that EA bought that technology and uses it on the TOR space expansion

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This one for example



Watch how the ship goes into the planets atmosphere :eek:





I have a dream. A dream that EA bought that technology and uses it on the TOR space expansion



That's very impressive. Unfortunately I think the chances of seeing anything like that in SWTOR are 0.0000%, but maybe for Elite IV. :eek:

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