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Future 3D Space Combat


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I found STO much to cumbersome. Admittedly i didnt stick around on either game. STO i just didnt like much. Not sure why i didnt keep playing EvE, always tempted to go back and give it a go again


I never thought much of the ground side to STO. It was fun, but very simple. The kits thing was a nice idea though.


I thought the space game was great, and I'd still be playing it (and paying for it) if they hadn't fallen to the Dark Side and gone P2W.


EvE is often tempting, but I always recall the days long mining grind to get out of my basic ship and that puts me off.

Edited by dazednconfuzed
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I never thought much of the ground side to STO. It was fun, but very simple. The kits thing was a nice idea though.


I thought the space game was great, and I'd still be playing it (and paying for it) if they hadn't fallen to the Dark Side and gone P2W.


EvE is often tempting, but I always recall the days long mining grind to get out of my basic ship and that puts me off.


Yea, i didnt get past my free trial.

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Bioware suffers from the last minute syndrome. From the get go, they should have planned a full 3D space combat experience. It doesn't have to be a full fledge simulator, it can be something like Battlegrounds 2. The game needs that kind of edge over other mmos.


Someone mentioned EVE. EVE is a completely different game but the evolution it's going through is a prime example of a well planned game. Dust 514 interacting with EVE... EVE eventually allowing players to walk in stations, play social games and interact with each other. 3D twitch based space combat...


Planning is everything!

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Once they expand space combat and the experience it provides this game will go from great to simply fantastic.


The thing is, i really like space combat as it is now, it's very fun, looks really good and i never had problems with the way they made it.

That being said, it will be great when it evolves into something much better, Space Combat in SWTOR has enormous potential, just like the rest of the game has and the very fact that this game will continue to improve after every update is more than enough to make me pleased.

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But it's space combat was ALWAYS top tier.. and still IMHO is the best space combat in any MMO.. if not any current game out there right now. Customizable.. the perfect speed, and fun as can be. Unlike EvE online.. which is sooo.. slowwwww..


As a fan of both genres and overall sci-fi geek on general principles:


I surely agree about Eve online - it's beautiful to look at but slow, not to mention rough on a new player these days.


I've played STO since launch, and while I love the whole thing, the third-person space combat scenario is the only way that would have ever worked: large capital ships all hammering each other down, biggest hammer wins. It's like the tv shows and movies and is exactly what I expected it to be.


But as a SWG veteran from the start of that game I have seen nothing since that compares to the visceral, seat-of-your pants, first-person flight/shooter that Jump to Lightspeed was. Sure, you could deck out your ship parts, pick up some space combat skills to improve your odds, but you could still hit the afterburners in a less-than-uber gear-out and take your opponent in head to head combat, or group up with some other propeller heads for larger PvP and PvE prey.


I hope this is what we will be getting someday: Ground combat remains target and skill oriented, while space combat skills can affect your ship and systems, and the only thing you target is whatever is under your crosshairs.

Edited by ThomastheHut
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Once they expand space combat and the experience it provides this game will go from great to simply fantastic.


The thing is, i really like space combat as it is now, it's very fun, looks really good and i never had problems with the way they made it.

That being said, it will be great when it evolves into something much better, Space Combat in SWTOR has enormous potential, just like the rest of the game has and the very fact that this game will continue to improve after every update is more than enough to make me pleased.


We have no problems with people liking their current space combat, it's just not for everyone. I for one, can't stand it. The very idea of being stuck in an invisible tunnel is highly contradictory to the concept of space.


But I'm happy for the tunnel to stay in the game for those who like it. I even suggested an alternative activity to use it for - swoop/pod racing. I'd like it there, because being confined to a specific track makes sense for a race. It doesn't in space.

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I agree with you completely, although my inner geek has to point out... the Star Destroyers weren't Corellian ships. They were designed by Kuat Drive Yards, the same company the made the giant **** guns used on Hoth (gotta love Family Guy, lol).


Thank you for correcting my 36 year old misconception LOL


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Bioware suffers from the last minute syndrome. From the get go, they should have planned a full 3D space combat experience. It doesn't have to be a full fledge simulator, it can be something like Battlegrounds 2. The game needs that kind of edge over other mmos. !


You've got to be joking. This space expansion has probably been in development since well before launch. Don't confuse them being tight-lipped with them being unprepared.


The amount of content they've released since launch is enormous. They've got everything planned out for years to come.

Edited by VicSkimmr
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You've got to be joking. This space expansion has probably been in development since well before launch. Don't confuse them being tight-lipped with them being unprepared.


The amount of content they've released since launch is enormous. They've got everything planned out for years to come.


Which probably means they wont read this since they have it all figured out. But its still fun to dream with other spacejockys

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You've got to be joking. This space expansion has probably been in development since well before launch. Don't confuse them being tight-lipped with them being unprepared.


The amount of content they've released since launch is enormous. They've got everything planned out for years to come.


This is correct, in an interview well before release I believe a dev stated that they have an 8-10 year plan of content rollouts.

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Once they expand space combat and the experience it provides this game will go from great to simply fantastic.


The thing is, i really like space combat as it is now, it's very fun, looks really good and i never had problems with the way they made it.

That being said, it will be great when it evolves into something much better, Space Combat in SWTOR has enormous potential, just like the rest of the game has and the very fact that this game will continue to improve after every update is more than enough to make me pleased.


There is nothing to stop them keeping the tunnel shooter in, infact it could be very good in the expanded space with multiple person ships. Think about you piloting the space ship and 2 mates killing things out of your field of view and 2 other players keeping your ship alive and making sure you dont pop.


It could add a whole new level of difficulty to the on rails system. And where players dont take the seats and guns your companions could do it, not as good but they would still do a fine job.

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Which probably means they wont read this since they have it all figured out. But its still fun to dream with other spacejockys


Not quite, there is every chance they would read this and adapt some of these ideas into the space concept. Who is to say we dont have lightening in a bottle with some of these ideas and how we have fully explained some of them could be something that the devs at bioware never thought of or couldnt quite nail down how todo it.


I mean if we come up with some great ideas on how todo it they could invite us into closed testing on it, pokes bw devs :cool: cos i would defo help test it under a full nda and still pay subs for the live game.

Edited by Shingara
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Not quite, there is every chance they would read this and adapt some of these ideas into the space concept. Who is to say we dont have lightening in a bottle with some of these ideas and how we have fully explained some of them could be something that the devs at bioware never thought of or couldnt quite nail down how todo it.


If one of my ideas come up i be wanting a reward. A CP-30 gold D5-Mantis will do:jawa_cool: *BLING*

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Hows this for another space mission, Reclemation. Your in space and you see what looks like an abandonded ship. You go upto it and select 3 companions to guard the ship. you then set off with another companion or other players. You go through the ship have to solve puzzles to turn off traps, unlock doors etc on a timer.



There could be mobs on the ship and once all traps are down and mobs cleared or enslaved you can claim salvage rights on it. you can chose to bring a bigger ship in to tow it back to a station to fix and keep or sell off, break down for parts or materials with the 3 companions you previously selected to protect the ship to pilot and maintaine it on its journey with the companions unavailable for 5 mins to 1 hour 30 mins.


If you have the right space level and skills/money you can repair the full ship and keep it for yourself and pimp it up.

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The space portion of SWG was one of the few things SOE got right. It had simplified physics, free flight, massively upgradeable ships, multiplayer ships, PvP, PvE and mining to name a few of its highlights.


Not everyone did it, but those that did loved it and a lot stayed on even after ground combat etc was nerfed out of existence for them. I know. I was one ;)


For me, if they managed to implement even a fraction of what SWG JTLS had, but in their own way, I would be happy. It kept me going for years trying to get new ships, ship parts, titles, skills and exploring the galaxy, not to mention the healthy profit I made in manufacturing space craft parts and consumables :)

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We have no problems with people liking their current space combat, it's just not for everyone. I for one, can't stand it. The very idea of being stuck in an invisible tunnel is highly contradictory to the concept of space.


Concur. So my ship has to fly right between those two asteroids (instead of just going around them) and then fly right into the path of the six million oncoming laser cannon bolts ... why?

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As a fan of both genres and overall sci-fi geek on general principles:


I surely agree about Eve online - it's beautiful to look at but slow, not to mention rough on a new player these days.


I've played STO since launch, and while I love the whole thing, the third-person space combat scenario is the only way that would have ever worked: large capital ships all hammering each other down, biggest hammer wins. It's like the tv shows and movies and is exactly what I expected it to be.


But as a SWG veteran from the start of that game I have seen nothing since that compares to the visceral, seat-of-your pants, first-person flight/shooter that Jump to Lightspeed was. Sure, you could deck out your ship parts, pick up some space combat skills to improve your odds, but you could still hit the afterburners in a less-than-uber gear-out and take your opponent in head to head combat, or group up with some other propeller heads for larger PvP and PvE prey.


I hope this is what we will be getting someday: Ground combat remains target and skill oriented, while space combat skills can affect your ship and systems, and the only thing you target is whatever is under your crosshairs.


I think that perhaps a blend of gameplay from both SWG's JTL and STO would be in order for a really good space game. For smaller craft and fighters, not much larger than our personal ships, you would have the SWG-esque flight dynamics, but when you get in to the larger capitol ships it becomes a more strategic game using STO-style ship piloting.


It would lead to some interesting set ups so capitol ships would have their fighter escorts.

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Concur. So my ship has to fly right between those two asteroids (instead of just going around them) and then fly right into the path of the six million oncoming laser cannon bolts ... why?


Yeah, the current game is ok, to play through once or twice, but doing it every day for dailys (or earlier for exp/money) it's hideous limitations soon become apparent.


It would be an ok smart phone game, or a console game from 10+ years ago......... but SWTOR deserves (and needs) much, much more. :)

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Yeah, the current game is ok, to play through once or twice, but doing it every day for dailys (or earlier for exp/money) it's hideous limitations soon become apparent.


It would be an ok smart phone game, or a console game from 10+ years ago......... but SWTOR deserves (and needs) much, much more. :)


Wouldnt actually be a bad idea to implement something like that if they ever do something for an app with crafting.

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I think that perhaps a blend of gameplay from both SWG's JTL and STO would be in order for a really good space game. For smaller craft and fighters, not much larger than our personal ships, you would have the SWG-esque flight dynamics, but when you get in to the larger capitol ships it becomes a more strategic game using STO-style ship piloting.


It would lead to some interesting set ups so capitol ships would have their fighter escorts.


I was thinking something like this too.


STO's space combat would lend itself to capital ship combat pretty well, and JtL would work well for the smaller ships.

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I was thinking something like this too.


STO's space combat would lend itself to capital ship combat pretty well, and JtL would work well for the smaller ships.

It wouldn't be hard to have the 2 systems together. Should we move this to the new consolidated thread. Get some more precise and technical ideas down?

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