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Positives and Negatives of SW:TOR - What I'm seeing and I why I wont be leaving...


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Okay to start off, this post is fully opinionated and if you don't like my opinion, either don't post/reply to this thread or if you do post, only do so with positive feedback. Thanks.


It seems that at this point in time the TOR community is made up of:

- Fanboys which have nothing but good things to say about the game and it's lore

- General players who are in it for the gameplay only

- People who have nothing but bad things to say about the game, but are in most cases still playing( xD )

and of course a few other types of players but I'm not gonna go into that...


Having these main three types of players is in my opinion, great! Because we have those who love the game and keep it running with a slightly positive community, and we have those who criticize the game with great intelligence and experience with MMO gaming and/or Star Wars in general. Having these two types of players balances the community and brings out the best ideas which are in most cases passed onto or heard by BioWare...


Yes, I did just say that BioWare hears our calls. Now although many of you may not think as I do about that, I believe that even though its been months since TOR was released, if you give it the 8 years WoW has had, I think that BW could be more successful or at least as good as WoW at that stage, if BW listen's well to their clients and their ideas.


I want to use this post to show that their are many positives to this game, and a few negatives that need to be addresses. I would appreciate if a representative from BioWare reading this post, could comment stating the fact that they are seeing the opinions of the community(which I'm sure they already are xD )...


I am only going to mention the major issues and major positives of SW:TOR and FYI of course I'm going to miss out things!(I'm going to start with the issues to finish on a positive note :-)



- Lot's of complaints of problems with running the game on regular PC's that have had no problems with other games( this said, this is not other games). http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=427878

- Illum ...Nuff said...

- People are saying that is is hard to play alts because they have to be treated as mains, due to the fact that to get to 50 efficiently, you basically have to finish all the quests on each Planet.http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=381055&page=4

- To secluded as a game overall. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=248356

- Game not supporting ad-dons(not necessarily an issue for everyone).http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=312641

- Asia Pacific transfers(Coming from and Australian), The cut of date for when the characters had to be made to qualify for the transfer is to early(http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=424028).

- People(not everyone) want to have an open world(can't see how it would work)and flying mounts/vehicles, even though it ruined world PvP(like Illum) in WoW.



- The idea of having the character story-line to go with you all the way to endgame!

- Companions.(Sure they have their faults, but...) I'm sure that they will bring some interesting parts to the game as they already have

- Heroic areas, in the most maps which encourage people to team up with others

- Legacy's. A lot of people don't like legacy's or some aspects of them but I love them and their originality!

- Flashpoint's

- Social Points/Dark and Light side points, which I love because of their originality and I'm sure they will lead to better things

- Ships. Sure they have things missing, like limited items that can be added to the ship(like GTN, Mailbox, etc.)

- The good ol' Star Wars lore


I will not be leaving TOR anytime soon because even though their are many negatives, I will spend my time on this game exploring the positives and waiting until BW fixes or add's content to fix up the negatives(That sentence sounded soooooo corny).


Of course this is all opinionated and so I want to here yours! Post positive feedback or "positively negative(I don't know how that works, but you catch my drift)* or don't post at all!

And BTW, YES I DO know that their are other similar posts to this, but this is my one! So its different!


Thanks for reading, hope you learned something, had you're own opinion on something or simply read a thread that had a bunch of stuff on it you've already heard, but kept you busy during these stupidly scheduled maintenance times...

Edited by MasterUtlaga
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I like how you tell people to only respond if they agree with your opinion on a public forum created for the people that play this game. So first you need to get over yourself. You are not some King that may dictate who may and may not respond to what you deem to be your property. Second, nothing in what you wrote up is even based on reality. Flying mounts killed pvp? Really? Blizzard said they were moving away from world pvp for years before the idea was even taken seriously.


The Fact is: Tor is bleeding and both Bioware and these die hard fans refuses to admit it. It's called denial and no amount of fanboyism is going to fix that. Moving on.


Let's look at a reasonable solution. Merge the servers. Give people FREE transfers OFF the dead servers. Listen to the people that play the game. Stop doing things just because you want to do them even when half the player base is against it. And start working on an expansion that will add modern day core mmo features that currently do not exist and that your beta testers told you day one need to exist... like I dont know maybe not waiting 45 minutes waiting for people to find their way to a group quest? I heard dungeon finders fix that problem but no we wouldn't want to ruin the "community" of bashing one's head off the keyboard for 4 hours trying to assemble said group.


Bioware will never listen to the people that play their games. That's why Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect 3 sunk down the toilet. It will never happen. If Bioware did half the issues that we have right now would have never happend or, at the very least, would have never made it out of Beta when Bioware (yet again) refused to listen to the people that play their games. So until Bioware wants to stop acting like a 12 year old child with a severe learning disability, nothing will ever change.


I heard the definition of insanity is something about doing the same thing over and... wait when is the next Bioware game coming out?

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The fact is the majority of players don't care about the story or cutscenes. I'm one of them. If we want story we can go watch a movie...this is a game...we want to do stuff and not sit back and watch it...


Most valuable part of the game is end game...to keep people playing

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The fact is the majority of players don't care about the story or cutscenes. I'm one of them. If we want story we can go watch a movie...this is a game...we want to do stuff and not sit back and watch it...


Most valuable part of the game is end game...to keep people playing


This is an issue I've seen in people that never played an rpg or a Bioware game in general. If you're coming strictly from an mmo background this game is not going to agree with you. With that said, the end game is lacking. The problem is Bioware (yet again) doesn't seem to care. Their excuse is if you're bored go level an alt. That doesn't work in this market. Not with an mmo and not when the majority of your player base is used to running around accepting every quest available and having some add on tell them where to go to do it. End game is King in an mmo. Bioware doesn't seem to understand that.

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The fact is the majority of players don't care about the story or cutscenes. I'm one of them. If we want story we can go watch a movie...this is a game...we want to do stuff and not sit back and watch it...


Most valuable part of the game is end game...to keep people playing


The fact is the majority of players don't care about the endgame or raid content. I'm one of them. If we want to grind repetitively we can go to work....this is a game....we want to do stuff and not die repeatedly on pointless bosses.


Most valuable part of the game is leveling through a well-written storyline....to keep people playing.




....see what I did there? :p

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Both of you are most likely right, only "most likely" because I'm not an expert. Thanks for your review of my writing, and your opinions.

I do hear a lot about endgame in the forums and I probably should have covered that too. This is my second thread(ever posted).

I should have opened up this thread for people of all opinions. Thank you for your feedback.

Although I must say I was trying to get only positive people to post on this thread, due to all the negativity I've seen throughout the community...

Edited by MasterUtlaga
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The Fact is: Tor is bleeding and both Bioware and these die hard fans refuses to admit it. It's called denial and no amount of fanboyism is going to fix that. Moving on.


Fact is? Really? Where's your proof that SWTOR is 'bleeding'? Where's your data? Of course no fan is going to admit to a falsehood that you're trying to perpetuate.


The FACT is, SWTOR has 1.7 million subs/accounts. That is a legally binding financial fact. Your opinion otherwise carries about as much weight as a fart in a whirlwind.

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The fact is the majority of players don't care about the story or cutscenes. I'm one of them. If we want story we can go watch a movie...this is a game...we want to do stuff and not sit back and watch it...


Most valuable part of the game is end game...to keep people playing


The fact is the majority of claims to be majority actually comes from the minority. And that 99% of all statistics are made up on the spot and have no roots in reality.

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....see what I did there? :p


haha, don't you just love these people who state "Fact is" as if that is enough to make their following statements fact, lol. Seems like those who use the statement "Fact is" rarely have any facts to back it up. I think the psychological term is called 'compensating'.

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Fact is? Really? Where's your proof that SWTOR is 'bleeding'? Where's your data? Of course no fan is going to admit to a falsehood that you're trying to perpetuate.


The FACT is, SWTOR has 1.7 million subs/accounts. That is a legally binding financial fact. Your opinion otherwise carries about as much weight as a fart in a whirlwind.



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Your opinion otherwise carries about as much weight as a fart in a whirlwind.


best quote ever


and the Op has a point thougth i do think bioware listen to their player base (more than the last SW MMO developers)

as for server mergers again they have said there looking into it and it could take time remmember WoW didnt have servers transfers at the begining either.

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In that article ^, it states ""We believe that the apparent decline in subscribers is most likely due to a lack of 'end-game' content for the title....etc".


Notice the Apparent? That is not a fact for they have no proof. I am not saying it's not happening, simply that it is not proven in the article you linked.

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Good well written post. Note that your Negatives are all 'now' issues well, in your own words, three of your Positives are;


'that they will bring some '

'they will lead to better'

'items that can be added'


Your 'faith' has outlasted others....fair enough.

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Hahahahaha you so funny, posting a link to a known illegitimate story made up by the same guy who made the other 20 or what posts on gaming media sites and then links why he is correct to a site that has been confirmed by BIOWARE that it has no evidential proof of subscription numbers.

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Fact is? Really? Where's your proof that SWTOR is 'bleeding'? Where's your data? Of course no fan is going to admit to a falsehood that you're trying to perpetuate.


The FACT is, SWTOR has 1.7 million subs/accounts. That is a legally binding financial fact. Your opinion otherwise carries about as much weight as a fart in a whirlwind.


How many of those are active I wonder? More than half the servers struggle to even hit standard on a daily basis. This coming from launch when every server was full while most had a wait time. But yes that was launch and those numbers are supposed to drop, but how many ghost towns do you really need before you pull the plug on a few of them? One only needs to open their eyes to see the reality of the situation. No corporate pie chart is needed.


Even IF you had 1.7 million active unique subscription your direct competition has over 10 million with a new expansion in beta. What are you doing about it? You are not competing in a market that demands competition.

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There is nothing so wrong in SWTOR that it would make me stop subscribing and leave. Quite the contrary Im enjoying SWTOR more than ever.


However, there are inbalances that I wish corrected so I make noise about them.

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The employees at bioware have worked very hard to give players an option to play something besides a Panda. These are different games with different types of players (thank god). The fact is this game is still being developed as is every other mmo.


We would all benefit greatly if we showed each other respect and kindness and disagree but do it in a mature and nonaggressive way.


I'm by no means a fanboy but I like being able to level my toon without having to form a pug group and deal with possible abusive bully players to get gear. My companion never curses at me or insults me on the forums...


It is great to disagree or have criticisms but remember that human beings are behind the keyboards that post here. Let's build a community that draws in players instead of pushing them away.

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It is great to disagree or have criticisms but remember that human beings are behind the keyboards that post here. Let's build a community that draws in players instead of pushing them away.


I'm sorry If I offended you.

I call myself a Fanboy because I am very much in to SW, but I never found the term offensive, because I'm not afraid of what people think. If you find what I have said offensive dont take it to heart, I'm new to forums and clearly need to get my terms straight...

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The fact is the majority of players don't care about the story or cutscenes. I'm one of them. If we want story we can go watch a movie...this is a game...we want to do stuff and not sit back and watch it...


Most valuable part of the game is end game...to keep people playing


So you think that hamster wheel gear grinds are good? Really? I fail to see the fun in raiding the same raid zone, over and over and over and over.. just to gear up to repeat the same zone over again in a harder mode.. There is nothing RPG about doing end game gear grinds.. MMO's today are turning into these lobby based Esport games..



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You didn't offend me at all master. I just never read the SW lore in-depth because I have a hard time reading sci-fi. I think you're post is great and I look forward to reading more of your posts.


I'm an artist with ADD so I wish I could read the SW books but I can only stay focused in the comics.



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- People(not everyone) want to have an open world(can't see how it would work)and flying mounts/vehicles, even though it ruined world PvP(like Illum) in WoW.


Well Ilum is dead (officially - it's been mothballed), but SWTOR desperated needs some decent RvR (Ilum was terrible, terrible, terrible RvR even without the performance issues).


But I don't think flying mounts are mutually exclusive.


What most people mean with WoW and flying mounts is it was much harder to gank AFK people (unless you featherfall - then it was just a bit harder) as that was largely all the open world PvP that went on by that point anyway (warzone/instanced PvP had already killed it).


There's never really been a game with the mythical general questing/playing open world PvP, not even the in the games that probably came the closest (UO, EQ1, AC).


The only places that have really had it are RvR basins like DAoC or WAR, but that, of course, isn't quite the same thing.

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I must say I havn't played any of those games, bar WoW. Although I know about them and I see you're point.


Do you think Swtor will ever have flying vehicles or open world pvp?


The problem is that (based on what I've seen) Bioware is going to run into the same problem that Blizzard did with WoW when it comes to flying mounts. The game wasn't designed to be viewed from the top down... meaning what you see off in the distance probably doesn't really exist. The game would have to, more than likely, be remade much like WoW was to make flying mounts a reality. In 2005 this was standard. In 2012 it's called lazy game design. All new mmos should have this standard because it's been made the standard. There really was/is no excuse for it.


Could it be done? Yes. Will it be done any time soon? No. This is a major expansion and something a long ways off if what I think was done is reality. Meaning the only way this gets done is if Tor is the top mmo on the market and it's actually worth it in the long run. It really does mean remaking the entire game which is never worth the cost of a retail price this early in an mmos life cycle.

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