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The 4th Pillar and Story: Did SWTOR lose direction?


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Well written post that raises some valid concerns.


I did enjoy the stories as well in SWTOR initially but working through 2nd, 3rd, 4th characters now it is becoming repedative and find myself spacebarring through. Most character progressions follow the same story and planet progression from what I can see just with a different twist. My two higher level characters being a Sage and Shadow highlight this well. The game design seems to be as such that a template was made for progression where each class and the same template was used for all the stories - this results in some of the encounters being rather generic. Not independant or individual stories in my view. Other than that, I find some of the dialogue really geared for younger audiences where I would like to see some grittier, harder dialogue and some more variety in the responses we get to choose.


I find that dalies are a cheap & quick way of adding content to the game, but personally I do not like these and struggle to do them from a motivational viewpoint. Dailies simply start feeling like I have a second job in SWTOR. If this is the direction that Bioware want to take then I see myself not lasting too long as a subscriber. I dont have much interest in grinding the same missions over and over to get xx tokens so I can get xx item. More story is needed and at L50 the lower quests we havent completed should be upgraded to L50 to encourage us to go back to the planets again. Black Hole was probabily the most disappointing addition to date. The area was tiny, structured soley around the quest givers and locations and lacked any creative spark at all. I stayed for about 15mins and did my quests then left ... havent been back since...


I also find the direction of the content to be a bit disappointing, and this for me is hard to put in words, but it just doesnt feel 'Star War-sy' enough for me. The game touted epic Star Wars storylines and adventures, and there are elements of this in the class stories but overall seemed bland - a lot of the characters I just didnt relate with or find engaging. Perhaps this is just due to the fact they needed to add so much content to appease the players, but my hope is that new content will be more refined and epic in nature. I really hope they can poach some writers from Clone Wars series or something to really bring some creativity to new content. Some of the things I am seeing in the TV series are simply awesome, engaging stories with characters you love and loath. THIS is needed badly in SWTOR.

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I really hoped this MMO wasn't going to be like almost every other MMO were they just bring out news raids and dailies and you never really get any new story content, or at least story content that's not tied to a raid, until an expansion comes out. Seems I was wrong.


That they'd spend their time and resources developing new raids and 4 man content instead of adding SGRA, same gender quest flirst, new companions and new story has me concerned about the future of the game. I get that some people love that sort of stuff but if that's all BioWare's going to add I can't see myself sticking around for much longer. I've decided to give BioWare an ultimatum. If SGRA and same gender quests flirts don't come out with patch 1.3 then I'm gone.

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All these people are getting left behind for competitive raiders and pvpers, who are now starting to dominate the game with superior gear, exclusive items (like the desler turbo), raid obtainable lightsaber crystals with unique colors, and the list goes on.


PvE can`t dominate other PvE. Unless it is prequisite gear for a certain OP. Work for your gear.


Exclusive items.. work for them


Unique colors.. work for them


It seems like you are making up reasons as to why you are entitled to get for free what it took others some effort to get. Want it? Go get it... but don`t complain that others did and you feel left alone.

Edited by Styxx
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The Dread Masters plot is still developing. To judge it now is premature. I think the direction on this part of the story seems focused enough. At least it feels sufficient to stem things over until a proper expansion.
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The Dread Masters plot is still developing. To judge it now is premature. I think the direction on this part of the story seems focused enough. At least it feels sufficient to stem things over until a proper expansion.


What? where? Im sorry but it seems that in order to experience the story you now have to be a raider or dungeon runner?

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PvE can`t dominate other PvE. Unless it is prequisite gear for a certain OP. Work for your gear.


Exclusive items.. work for them


Unique colors.. work for them


It seems like you are making up reasons as to why you are entitled to get for free what it took others some effort to get. Want it? Go get it... but don`t complain that others did and you feel left alone.


I work 12+ hours/day (2 jobs + anything seasonal) to raise money to leave this cesspool EU country that I live in atm. I certainly don't need to work more hours in a day. I play to relax and release some of the daily pressure of my RL. MMOs are the cheapest entertainment available for someone whos short on money - that's why I don't play single player games anymore. SWTOR advertised as story-driven, so I chose it over all the gear/e-peen driven MMOs because I don't care about "overcoming hard challenges" and having that "warm feeling of success" - I get it every time I m able to pay my bills and manage to keep some euros for my future immigration, thank you.


The game changed direction alright. It delivered my expectations at the start (great story - easy mode), until 1.2 came where they raised the difficulty bar (medpack / healing nerfs) + no new class quests, showing to me that their priorities have changed. Now, they focus on min-maxers/ optimal rotationists / e-peeners that have all the time in the world to run parsers to improve their gameplay, or to read guides for every encounter.


I paid for 6 months (the cheapest/month sub) and with all these free days/month, I still have 128 days left. So, I ll be here when 1.3 comes (and maybe 1.4since they said that their intention is to roll out content updated monthly).

It remains to be seen if this trend (making the game appealing to the hardcore crowd) is here to stay.


P.S. : Yes, I want an easy game where I ll be able to faceroll and be successful 50-60-70% of the time. Where if I play remotely focused, this raises to 95%. Couldn't care less about achievements - insane daily grinds for gear (e.g. the 360 daily comms (twice if I want the dps and the healing parts) for ear/implants + 130 more for my artifice) - defeating a boss after countless wipes. I don't have the need to overcome any "digital difficulties" - I deal (and succeed) with many more difficulties in my RL.


P.S. 2 : I really don't get it why every EVERY MMO has to be a race to max level and then raid or pvp (because you have nothing else to do). And of course, raids have to be challenging aka difficult. SWTOR was the only MMO with easy raids (which made it unique in the MMO world) - now, its just like any other. But the others, were build around that gear/raid concept, so they do it better (and will probably continue to).

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