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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.2 Best PvP Specs


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They shouldnt have buffed marauders, they shouldnt have changed expertise. ...


I agree with you on some of the class changes definitely, although I find the expertise changes to be very positive mainly for the stuff I talked about above.


Going forward, I would hope they primarily focus on class tweaking rather than changing expertise again. The exception to that might be very slightly tweaking the healing modifier only as expertise scaling issues may or may not become apparent.

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I agree with you on some of the class changes definitely, although I find the expertise changes to be very positive mainly for the stuff I talked about above.


Going forward, I would hope they primarily focus on class tweaking rather than changing expertise again. The exception to that might be very slightly tweaking the healing modifier only as expertise scaling issues may or may not become apparent.


Agreed, you had a nice well thought out post. I appreciate your input. I don't think changing expertise now that they have restructured it is the right idea. They need to like you said, tweak classes themselves.


I'm no developer or programmer, I'm no mathematician and I wouldn't be able to solve the current state of the game problem myself. However, I know how to play games how they should be played. I have game sense, and knowledge, and I know when a game is balanced and when it is not.


They need to -

1. make heal debuff cleansable if healing is going to be all out weaker or nerf interrupts

2. lower survivability of dps tanks, or make it impossible to combine the two

3. re-balance damage output of the top performing classes, never is it a good idea to keep increasing damage and healing output


The game was a dps race before, but now the most viable strategy to win is just rush an all out offensive


Peeling for healers is useless, you are better off dpsing down players. Killing healers first is pointless, they run out of resource and its best to leave them alive.. Like... what is this!?!?

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Powertech/Vanguards. "New Sustainable Burst"




No. Just no.


Burst is still very high, Sustainability is much lower than the was Pre-patch.


I usually enjoy watching your videos, but this sounded much more of a QQ video than anything else.

Edited by exphryl
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Powertech/Vanguards. "New Sustainable Burst"




No. Just no.


Burst is still very high, Sustainability is much lower than the was Pre-patch.


I usually enjoy watching your videos, but this sounded much more of a QQ video than anything else.


Someone has to make BioWare notice, if you havn't noticed I always sacrifice my personal rep for social benefit

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Your post made me lol.



haha.......I lawled my way to the roflcopter


your too used to fighting noobs our sorcs are ****** will cc you, kite you and we will peel off chain taunt your blitz , snare your maras or taunt them


you dont know what your talking about cause your used to stomping on noobs period against ANY of our good premades can handle what your saying is op about 1.2 cause we fight against other extremely powerful premades all the time so we became hardened and know how to handle it. We are prepared


Come to deathwind corridor and face power of heart and frogworms and see what happens......concider this a formal challenge cause the pubs suck on our server


-galateiya tank sin

-mindex heal sorc

-dialtone carnage mara

-mariis pyro PT


yes we play the most op classes but we've allways played them because we knew they were op since beta!

Edited by maticlandarr
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Someone has to make BioWare notice, if you havn't noticed I always sacrifice my personal rep for social benefit


What's the social benefit?


"Adding Marauders Exponentially increases"....


It's just feeding in to the trolls that are out there that make 50 threads a day about classes like that.

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Anyone know why they put the side speeders back in civil war? I liked that change at least


They put the "cast" bar on speeders before as a temporary bandaid. In the patch, they built that cast bar time into a slower traveling speeder flight path. It's the same as before, but looks less clunky, I guess.


Even so, I still don't think it's enough. The other day, I was in a pug group that got mid while Imps got both sides...we immediately went to the weak right side and pwned them. But, they eventually got 5 people there chain speeder rezzing one at a time and kept the node. Our team kept obliterating all the rezzers, and fast, but could never get a complete cap off, even with CC attempts.


The really stupid part was that I couldn't get my team to get off the node and switch up with hitting left. They just kept tunnel vision killing at right fruitlessly...


Anyway, speeder alone shouldn't keep a node for someone just by chain rezzing. I think they should change the flight path drop-off to be further away from the turret control so that they have to successfully travel a bit on foot before aoeing people off it. Behind the wall would be perfect if the map was symmetrical with having that wall on both sides.

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They shouldnt have buffed marauders, they shouldnt have changed expertise. They basically tried to make pvpers unable to raid, and pve'rs unable to use that gear for pvp, but what they did was severely tarnish the games balance. UNLESS somehow when people are FULLY Warhero geared everything is fine and dandy which I severely doubt, we are in trouble. What BioWare is unaware of is that their testers, whoever tests this on the pts, AREN'T GOOD NOR COMPETITIVE, so they really have no idea what is fine and what is not fine. Look at the forums threads in PvP, noob people starting up random un-needed/flat-out-wrong assumptions and opinions. Take advice from the hardcore players that know what they are talking about


Well said.

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They put the "cast" bar on speeders before as a temporary bandaid. In the patch, they built that cast bar time into a slower traveling speeder flight path. It's the same as before, but looks less clunky, I guess.


Even so, I still don't think it's enough. The other day, I was in a pug group that got mid while Imps got both sides...we immediately went to the weak right side and pwned them. But, they eventually got 5 people there chain speeder rezzing one at a time and kept the node. Our team kept obliterating all the rezzers, and fast, but could never get a complete cap off, even with CC attempts.


The really stupid part was that I couldn't get my team to get off the node and switch up with hitting left. They just kept tunnel vision killing at right fruitlessly...


Anyway, speeder alone shouldn't keep a node for someone just by chain rezzing. I think they should change the flight path drop-off to be further away from the turret control so that they have to successfully travel a bit on foot before aoeing people off it. Behind the wall would be perfect if the map was symmetrical with having that wall on both sides.


Gotcha, I would like it to be at least a 5-8 second run to interrupt

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31/0/10, I've been attempting to slow down the massive dps, which is much more efficient then playing the selfish yet massive damage hybrid build


One thing I have done on my Shadow is switch back to a Shield in PvP. 1.2 pretty much solved the Focus/Shield swapping issue for me as that little extra bit of survivability pays big dividends now.


In addition, Gunslingers/Snipers got a 5% damage increase last night with the maintenance update.





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Pretty much spot on. oh, and I knew a tank assasin could hit for 4k. :rolleyes:


I spent most of today (and a whole bunch of money :() messing around with tank specs. In the end, I went back to infiltration as I never could get the kinds of tank spec DPS I see folks mentioning in this and other threads, and the increase in survivability seemed quite marginal at best.


What ability/rotation are people getting 4k crits out of from a KC spec?

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So there are some things I left out that you guys hit SPOT ON.


This is all because of the changes to expertise which is mentioned in my 2nd episode if you havn't seen that. Dps players get roughly 22% increase and healers only get 12%, therefore creating the diverge in dynamic.


I forgot to say my shadow hits for 4.3 k force damage in my tank specs tops, and I still do over 5 k executes.


Also, snipers ability is NOT cleasable, as well as the new marauder trauma debuff


I can't believe that you are touting yourself as an expert source of PvP information for this game when you don't understand the basic math behind the expertise mechanic. Your conclusion in bold above is completely incorrect and if you do not understand that which anyone with a basic 5th grade education in mathematics can, I don't see how any of your other conclusions regarding PvP can hold any merit.


Your video does a great job of representing the game through the eyes of the average to mediocre, ill-informed SW:ToR PvP'er.

Edited by getdownsb
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I can't believe that you are touting yourself as an expert source of PvP information for this game when you don't understand the basic math behind the expertise mechanic. Your conclusion in bold above is completely incorrect and if you do not understand that which anyone with a basic 5th grade education in mathematics can, I don't see how any of your other conclusions regarding PvP can hold any merit.


Your video does a great job of representing the game through the eyes of the average to mediocre, ill-informed SW:ToR PvP'er.


If you had a point to make in there somewhere, I doubt anyone noticed it behind all the jerk comments. I guess not surprising from someone who names themself "get downs".

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Nice vid, just one criticism... you say you will leave it to the viewer to decide whether the changes are for the better or not, but you clearly don't.


No harm in saying you think its bad, but I wouldn't claim to not make a judgment before going ahead and making a judgment. :p


100% agree with this. Obviously you are completely bias. This is not a open review on classes, this is a 1.2 bash.


Other thing, come off the mic a bit. Hearing you breath in is like nails on a chalk board.

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If you had a point to make in there somewhere, I doubt anyone noticed it behind all the jerk comments. I guess not surprising from someone who names themself "get downs".


His point was that Powerr's math is wrong. Firesomething's post shows that the game is more balanced now than it was before and that 2 equally geared players are actually taking roughly the same time to kill each other as pre-1.2. The healing nerf brought healers in line so that they were no longer nearly immortal if guarded. The change to the Expertise stats was to discourage PVE players rolling in with their top notch PvE gear and killing PvP players.

Edited by DarkDruidSS
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His point was that Powerr's math is wrong. Firesomething's post shows that the game is more balanced now than it was before and that 2 equally geared players are actually taking roughly the same time to kill each other as pre-1.2. The healing nerf brought healers in line so that they were no longer nearly immortal if guarded. The change to the Expertise stats was to discourage PVE players rolling in with their top notch PvE gear and killing PvP players.


I know that, and in fact pretty much made the same point myself earlier in the thread with a fairly detailed post - to which the OP seemed to even get on board with afterwards.


The difference was, I went about it through respectful discussion instead of being mean and hateful. There's no reason to start going keyboard commando on people here, especially when they're being reasonable and respectful to other posters.

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If you had a point to make in there somewhere, I doubt anyone noticed it behind all the jerk comments. I guess not surprising from someone who names themself "get downs".


The point was pretty clear, he made a 100% incorrect statement in his evaluation of the expertise mechanic. In fact he is perpetuating a very common and very stupid misunderstanding of the expertise mechanic. Thus, if he does not understand something as basic as that, how can any of his other conclusions about the game be accurate or hold any merit?


Second, it isn't "jerk comments", it's reality. If you can't deal with it that is your problem.

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The point was pretty clear, he made a 100% incorrect statement in his evaluation of the expertise mechanic. In fact he is perpetuating a very common and very stupid misunderstanding of the expertise mechanic. Thus, if he does not understand something as basic as that, how can any of his other conclusions about the game be accurate or hold any merit?


Second, it isn't "jerk comments", it's reality. If you can't deal with it that is your problem.


Like I'd said, your point on expertise mechanics is fine - I made the same one. Just don't expect your effort at communication to be effective when you drown it out with the nasty stuff.


... if you do not understand that which anyone with a basic 5th grade education in mathematics can, I don't see how any of your other conclusions regarding PvP can hold any merit.


Your video does a great job of representing the game through the eyes of the average to mediocre, ill-informed SW:ToR PvP'er.


^^ Jerk comments, plain and simple.

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Like I'd said, your point on expertise mechanics is fine - I made the same one. Just don't expect your effort at communication to be effective when you drown it out with the nasty stuff.




^^ Jerk comments, plain and simple.


"the sky is falling" threads like this could be considered "jerk threads". especially when the person ranting about something doesnt even know what they are talking about. so i dont think its out of line if people respond to it in a rude way.

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It was like I was hearing your typical QQ forum thread out loud!


Extreme bias? --- check


Whiny tone? --- check



The least you could of done is actually show evidence of what you are crying about in the videos. Instead its qq'ing while watching a highlight reel of you destroying people.

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If you had a point to make in there somewhere, I doubt anyone noticed it behind all the jerk comments. I guess not surprising from someone who names themself "get downs".


Would have to agree at least in part about the tone of the comments, but I must say that I've read the link and I think he has a point about the math.

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To criticize this video is so outrageous. How can you delusional nimwits not see that everything he's said is spot on.


Do you have no good marauders on your server? Because on mine, people stack 2 in a 4 man and go around sweeping at the same time on targets insta gibbing everything. They slot a tank assassin which does way too much damage for the survivability that class has, and then a healer of choice. Powertechs are also doing about 60% of peoples life with one railshot/sticky, send an assassin with powertech train, then a separate double sweep train, and you are just instantly killing everything. Don't even get me started on snipers shared tree. Lordy... their channel double debuff is 50%ing people as well.


Unbelievable some people.... unbelievable.


This game is DONE. hear me? DONE.


Perfect 8 man:





gunslinger-shared tree

tank shadow

scoundrel healer x2


am i credible? yes. my guild does this and we havn't lost a single warzone since 1.2. we've actually killed our server

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