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1.2 Commando Healer PVP


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please tell me this is a joke. med zone is your single most important talent in pvp. using that, at the right time, with a full resolve bar, is the ONLY chance you have to heal a teammate in 1.2. unless you're talking about some random crappy pug where every melee/PT/vanguard and his brother isnt focusing you, but then who cares about that scenario.



Plus trauma probe (Meh) and Kolto residue (BIG MEH). Why?


Well for terrible pug scenarios anything works I suppose.

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Don't see how you think Trauma Probe is not a worthwhile talent. 4k+ heals without crits on a hot with 2 ammo cost...Essential in Hutt Ball for the carrier and on tanks in void star (or lower geared lvl 50s...shutter.


I've gone the other way than most of you and taken the 4% alicrity talent tree ability, but this will be switched once I equip my War Hero aug'd gear that will all have alicrity augments. I'm already at the point of diminishing returns for crit% and close to surge%, 35%/72% respectively and I find it much more useful to be able to blast out heals quickly on myself if focused (reactive shield and aliacrity relic pop'd) or on a ally. With nothing in alicrity, the cast time for Medical Probe is just too long, and I was getting interrupted too often. My alicrity sits at 18.8% when properly cycling hammer shot in with healing abilities. This also makes support DPS faster and most bursty.


My heals crit for 4-5k and I will lose my somewhat theroycrafted BM gear (switched crit enhancements/mods for power) once I have full war hero gear, (@ 69 valor). I need to run the numbers on the WH gear and see where I stand. I will definitely respec my talents once the WH aug. gear is equipped.


A BIG problem I see with a lot of commando medics is fighting in the thick of it all even though we are a Ranged class. Stay back - Stay alive.

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You can either skip all alacrity talents or buy Combat Medic set and Eliminator set, then swap mods/enhancements between the two. Very costly comms and credits wise, in addition the Eliminator mods you'd be using are from the weapon/cannon, the most expensive part, and you'd have to buy 3-4...


aren't you giving up alacrity for accuracy by doing that?


i go healing sometimes in full eliminator BM gear (when no one else is healing), and i have a LOT of accuracy that i simply do not need.

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please tell me this is a joke. med zone is your single most important talent in pvp. using that, at the right time, with a full resolve bar, is the ONLY chance you have to heal a teammate in 1.2. unless you're talking about some random crappy pug where every melee/PT/vanguard and his brother isnt focusing you, but then who cares about that scenario.


Could you throw yours up here? Curious to see what you have. Thanks.

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please tell me this is a joke. med zone is your single most important talent in pvp. using that, at the right time, with a full resolve bar, is the ONLY chance you have to heal a teammate in 1.2. unless you're talking about some random crappy pug where every melee/PT/vanguard and his brother isnt focusing you, but then who cares about that scenario.


1. Med Zone only affects healing on yourself.

2. We use ammo not resolve. (I doubt you play commando.)

3. If you actually do play commando and need Med Zone to get yourself back up to full then you are playing it wrong. I have absolutely no problems healing myself back up to full when I pop Reactive Shield.

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What is your routation? What do you pop and when. I'm now level 43 and struggling as a healer


Here are some old posts of mine that explain my build more and some tips.


:DAdvanced Tech and Heavy Trooper are good skills to have for pvp. If you combine them it is an extra 10% healing on yourself wich is a decent amount, Heavy Trooper also gives you 2% endurance, and trust me when you doing pvp and they realize your a healer your going to be healing your self alot. Kolto Residue is also worth taking for the 3% increase in healing and you should be using kolto bomb all the time and have this buff up almost all the time.


That is bascially a total of 13% increase in healing on yourself and 5% on others that you are giving up. Not to mention the 2% increase in endurance wich is also important for survival. If you drop like a rock when someone turns and focuses on you dont be surprised.


I go with 31/10/0. Cell Capacitor, First Responder, and Med Zone aret he 3 I dont take in the medic tree. I dont take Cell Capacitor because I use Recharge Cells for "Oh Crap" moments and I dont feel like those 2 ammo are gonna make or break me. First Responder because Alacrity sucks and we are more about big crits. I dont take Med Zone also because I can usually get myself back up to full when I hit reactive shield without it and again Reactive Shield is one of those "Oh Crap" abilities that isnt constantly in use.


:DFrom my experience Kolto Residue is worth it. Your alternatives would be Cell Capacitor, Med Zone, and First Responder wich ive explained why they arent worth it above. Ill try to dig more into to explain it better.


Cell Capacitor and Med Zone are both for "Oh Crap" moments. I save Recharge Cells and Reactive Shield until I need them and they are on a long cooldown. So basically it might help if you take those talents when you do use those abilities but you have to think how often you are using them and if you can achieve the same thing without picking up those talents. Basically what im saying is that you shouldnt be constantly using those abilities and I believe that you can keep yourself and other people alive without those abilities being talented. You should always be using Kolto Bomb. Its bascially an instant AOE heal for up to 4 people. I know 3% extra healing isnt much at first when you look at it but if you keep it up like you should be doing it will always be active and helping you. Unlike the talents I listed above only help you sometimes when you reach those "Oh Crap" moments and I believe you dont even need them.


Trauma Probe is definately worth it also. After 1.2 you need to know when to use it and not spam it because it now costs ammo. What it does is basically puts a HoT onto the person your healing wich is helpful in giving you time to get some big heals off. I know it doesnt heal for much but if you combine Trauma Probe with Preventative Medacine and Armor Screen wich makes Advanced Medical Probe give you a HoT and 10% armor buff, you will basically have 2 HoTs on them and extra armor. What I do is throw Trauma Probe on someone as soon as my Advanced Medical Probe heals them. With all of these combined it will give you enough time to throw them some big heals.


For Commando healing you need to use the combined effects of Talents or abilities to get your full potential. We dont have 1 awesome heal that keeps everyone alive but we do have a set of abilities that if you put them together are very effective.


;)Here are a couple tips for medic. The trick that allows you to probably keep yourself up without taking Med Zone when using Reactive Shield is using Adrenaline Rush at the same time. I have found that if I use both at the same time I can heal myself up through almost anything short of 4 guys beating on me at the same time. If Reactive Shield is down use a medpack and Tech Override for an instant Medical Probe. Usually that will bring you back to half HP or more.


I explained why Trauma Probe is useful in an above post but another little thing to do to keep yourself up is to not only do the Trauma Probe/Advanced Medical Probe combo but hit Supercharged Cells before or after and throw down a Kolto Bomb for another 5% damage reduction. So you will basically have 2 HoT's, 10%+ armor, but also another 5% damage reduction that seems to make a difference, plus the extra 5% healing from Supercharged Cells. Doing this you have basically given yourself another "Oh Crap" ability that will get you or others through some big DPS.


There is 3 seperate ways to keep yourself up through those "Oh Crap" moments. You can combine any of them also to get yourself through some really bad situations. Artilerybait above is right about Recharge Cells and it isnt only for when your out of ammo but use it also if you are in a fight and know your going to need to heal for a lil bit to keep your ammo regen up. Same goes for Reserve Powercell. I still dont think the extra 2 ammo from Cell Capacitor is worth it though and think you can achieve the same things without it. Last but not least never use Medical Probe without using Advanced Medical Probe before it for the reduced ammo cost unless you dont have a choice and have to pump out some big heals.

Edited by RichardNoggin
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1.2 ... Had adapted and evolved my tactics after a rough start & was using a Medzone build with good survivability.


Then I decided to experiment with RichardNoggins build above. Its been a week now. I now plan to alternate between these 2 builds in ranked depending on team composition and tendencies of enemies we face.


I go up against multiple premades daily and it is also very common for me to get tunneled. ( most dramatic in Voidstar ). No doubt with the Medzone build ( 20 % extra ) I could do some amazing things in those moments when it was active. On the other hand RichardNoggins build offers more consistent output for healing important teammates in clutch situations. It took a while to get used to but I utilize much of the same things Richard does when it comes to priorities. It works well and top Imps have apparently commented I am one of the hardest healers to kill.


My favored itemization of mostly 18 endurance / 12 power might be unorthodox but it helps my team get the job done. I sit at 19600 HP and 12xx Expertise

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