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Give us 8 Man Queueing


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Hopefully that will ONLY come for ranked though. For unranked wz the 4 men premades are as good of a compromise between playing with friend but making the queueing as unbeatable premade impossible as it can get. Good 4 men premades already faceroll the opponents most of the time. Would even be worse with 8 unless ranked really makes sure that only full 8 people premades are matched against those 8 people ones.
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How they say the system works is it matches 8 to a 8 team or a team close to the same size but once a ranked match starts no more people can be added to the match so if people get dced they are out of the match and can't re-enter.
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They really need to add the ability to queue as an ops for so many reasons.


1. So we can stop carrying fail pugs on 1/2 the team. (only the people that complain about premades, are the 1's wanting to get carried, just sayin you know who you are)

2. So we can have a full team when a match starts.

3. So we can stop losing subs due to the lack of BW focusing on what a lot of customers feel is important and not all this Carebear Legacy fluff, most of us left Wow because of.

4. So some of us can have fun healing again in Wz's.

5. So I don't get bored and cancel my sub after I finish my 4th 50 because of no organized pvp.


Just open up the Ops queue and lets seperate the men from the boys. Let us have our premades so we can get on with it. Crossserver isn't needed either, if it is, then get some other folks together, get them on comms and get your premade on, if your too lazy, then thats your problem for rolling on a lame server.


Don't let this game die for pvp. It is wrecked already for the time being, but can be easily fixed with Ops premades. Almost our entire guild (50+) have been playing together for close to 10 years, are about to move on because of the lack of organized pvp. You can say "oh any 4man premade can wipe the floor with any pug" well this is true in a perfect world, but not so true when 1/2 the time, our team is 5v8 or full of afk's or just completely incompetant pugs.

Yes full Ops Premades are going to wreck face against non premades, so what, to bad, so sad. If you don't like it then get in a premade or suffer like the rest of us already, due to having to carry you in a WZ.


/End Rant

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I think the system they have is about as good as possible. You can que with a couple of friends (up to a group of 4) for unranked warzones. You will have an advantage against pure PUGs, but they still have a chance. But you can que as a group of 8 for ranked warzones.


In WoW, it was no fun to solo que for a battleground and find yourself toasted by a full premade in vent. I want to group que when it comes time for competitive PvP, but sometimes I just want to have fun and que by myself knowing the other team doesn't have a huge advantage. SWTOR has an excellent approach here.

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