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Everything posted by Vouda

  1. I can't agree with you more. About 90% of my guild has left for other games, sorry to say. We all are focused pvpers, most multi glads and when 1.2 came and went, with no Rateds, it was the straw that broke the camels back. We all stayed around till a couple weeks ago and slowly but surely we almost all lost interest. Personally I cancelled my sub last week, so, BW has 35 days left to come out with it, do or die. I doubt if Rateds came out tomorrow, even 20% would come back. What a waste of a great game, GFG BW.
  2. So my friends and I came to Swtor with the highest of expectations. This was supposed to be the be all end all for the moment game, the 1 that stuck it out, that kept us interested. I see a lot of threads regarding Unsubbing, Bioware needs to fix that, Pvp is broken, so on and so on. I tend to agree with most of them. The community has spoken and I really don't see what can be done to get folks back, anytime soon. What saddens me the most is the 30+ friends I came here with are slowly starting to stop logging on. Now let me say we rolled on Iron Citadel (Imp) and I am glad we did because, our server, unlike most is still populated (150-200 on Fleet during peak times). I really feel sorry for those Diehards on empty servers. I was checking my guild details today, after doing my dailies and the main people that I go from game to game with, have simply stopped playing altogether. The majority of us really wanted Swtor to be something special and it was for a while, but now, it isn't looking good. Yes, the new beta's are out and about and that does account for some decline on playtime. Most of us still show up for our raid nights (2 nights a week) but after that, nothing. I am nearing 50 on my 3rd alt and really don't have any desire to grind out the pvp/pve gear that I want, due to the lack of loggins. I am sure we will all make the decision to move on eventually, I guess most of us are still hanging on for that all important, game saving update announcment from the Devs that is gonna bring it back to life. Day after day, nothing I know I am not the only 1 that feels this way, just wanted to put it out there incase anyone wanted affirmation on the subject. You are not alone.
  3. With the lack of communication thus far, I would say probably no time soon. Just wanted to say that before they close this thread too, like they just did mine.
  4. Someone needs to respond officially and give some sort of update on the current situation and the lack of communication. All I see on the Dev section is minimal stuff regarding things that aren't fixing what needs to be fixed. If we had some patch notes to look at or have some sort of date in mind, that would be something, but we don't have even that. No notes, no response from Devs, no active PTS, what gives? I check the forums a few times a day hoping to see something, but day after day.........NOTHING! :mad: I came to Swtor with atleast 30 friends from a slew of different games, not just to play the latest and greatest, but to play Swtor itself. We all had been very excited and looked foreward to it for years. Our server (Iron Citadel-pvp) has a decent population. When everyone wanted to split during early access and move to a server that didnt have a Q to get in, I said no, lets stay, and thank God we did. Even with our server being better than most we are still feeling the hit of people just simply not logging in anymore. I can honestly say that we are not going to stick around forever. We already have the new content on Farm for 2 Ops grps and the pvp content is really lacking, not to mention how messed up class balance has been since 1.2. Take some advice from everyone on this forum and fix the game. If it takes an apology or not, just own up to it and fix it. If you continue to keep people in the dark on key issues, you are just shooting yourself in the foot. I am a diehard fan of Starwars and was a fan of Bioware, but I and most everyone else, that I know, is quickly losing respect.
  5. WTB Ranked Warzones, or atleast Premade Ops for regular Warzones. I am soooo tired of fail pugs, we all are. People who QQ about Premades farming Solo queuers will not unsub because of it. BW just needs to do it and a lot of subs will be saved, would even get a bunch of subs back. Just wishful thinking though.
  6. They really need to add the ability to queue as an ops for so many reasons. 1. So we can stop carrying fail pugs on 1/2 the team. (only the people that complain about premades, are the 1's wanting to get carried, just sayin you know who you are) 2. So we can have a full team when a match starts. 3. So we can stop losing subs due to the lack of BW focusing on what a lot of customers feel is important and not all this Carebear Legacy fluff, most of us left Wow because of. 4. So some of us can have fun healing again in Wz's. 5. So I don't get bored and cancel my sub after I finish my 4th 50 because of no organized pvp. Just open up the Ops queue and lets seperate the men from the boys. Let us have our premades so we can get on with it. Crossserver isn't needed either, if it is, then get some other folks together, get them on comms and get your premade on, if your too lazy, then thats your problem for rolling on a lame server. Don't let this game die for pvp. It is wrecked already for the time being, but can be easily fixed with Ops premades. Almost our entire guild (50+) have been playing together for close to 10 years, are about to move on because of the lack of organized pvp. You can say "oh any 4man premade can wipe the floor with any pug" well this is true in a perfect world, but not so true when 1/2 the time, our team is 5v8 or full of afk's or just completely incompetant pugs. Yes full Ops Premades are going to wreck face against non premades, so what, to bad, so sad. If you don't like it then get in a premade or suffer like the rest of us already, due to having to carry you in a WZ. /End Rant
  7. They should add the ability to get medals for being killed lol
  8. Im sorry but this patch for pvp changes blows. Don't say that healing is fine and it all equals out, it doesnt. I understand the exploit (double dipping) needed a nerf but BW just wrecked healing all together. Not only did u nerf Sorc/Sage to ground (aside from fixing the bug) but they also increased Dmg from expertise AND lowered Healing output in pvp....really? Don't expect very many healers in Wz's, and if you do find 1, they won't be for long.
  9. I grabbed the Authenticator app on my Android for WoW and never thought of it as a hassle. It does take 5-10 extra seconds, but well worth the satisfaction knowing I wasn't gonna get hacked. When Rift came out, I was all over it when that app was avail aswell and I will most deff do the same for Sw:tor. Another security measure I liked was the Coin Lock feature from Rift. Any time it would see you log on and detect you at a different IP addy, it would lock all trading, selling, spending, or deleting and of your items, until a generated code was entered in game, sent to you via e-mail. I like both methods, but have to lean towards Authenticator app when it becomes available. Coin Lock is great, IF they don't have your e-mail hacked aswell.
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