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Sentinel/Marauder overpowered since 1.2


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To me 2 changes to the sentinel would go a long way.


Change 1 - increase the cooldown of force Camo from 45 seconds to 90 seconds


Change 2 - decrease the duration of guarded by the force from 5 seconds to 3 seconds


This would put the sents/maras oh s*** buttons cds more in line with other classes oh s*** cds because with the expertise changes 5 seconds is an eternity and an unfair advantage.


I'm a pvp vet from the best DAOC guild to glad in multiple seasons in wow and a sentinel in my hands is just deadly, and I'm sorry if you guys are to dense to see it, I was getting my 300k medal almost everygame in my mid 30s before even having merciless slash, I have a sent along with my 50 shadow and 47 shadow so I see things from a different perspective, me personally dont have to many problems with maras and sents because man they're are a lot of bad ones, but when I run into good ones who utilize they're defensive cds and keep a tight rotation well I can sill beat then on my balance shadow but it definitly takes work

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To me 2 changes to the sentinel would go a long way.


Change 1 - increase the cooldown of force Camo from 45 seconds to 90 seconds


Change 2 - decrease the duration of guarded by the force from 5 seconds to 3 seconds


This would put the sents/maras oh s*** buttons cds more in line with other classes oh s*** cds because with the expertise changes 5 seconds is an eternity and an unfair advantage.


I'm a pvp vet from the best DAOC guild to glad in multiple seasons in wow and a sentinel in my hands is just deadly, and I'm sorry if you guys are to dense to see it, I was getting my 300k medal almost everygame in my mid 30s before even having merciless slash, I have a sent along with my 50 shadow and 47 shadow so I see things from a different perspective, me personally dont have to many problems with maras and sents because man they're are a lot of bad ones, but when I run into good ones who utilize they're defensive cds and keep a tight rotation well I can sill beat then on my balance shadow but it definitly takes work


They nerfed what made force camo so OP, and the 5 sec shield.... sorry to break it to you if you didnt know... but anyone with half a brain will just CC the sent until the shield drops and finish us off.


See the thing is someone who is actually good at playing the game understands what to do in these situations. While sent is obviously a powerful class, especially int he hands of someone who has mastered the class - all i see is QQ.


Keep a dot or bleed on us to break invis. When we go godmode (at the cost of half our health) CC us. By then 90% of the time we have blown our CC break and will be vulnerable to crowd control.


From all your "experience" you sure don't understand the logistics of some of this stuff at all.


also DAOC was a joke - and I made glad 6 seasons in a row on several different toons, again its a joke. None of that has anothing to do with SWTOR or anything relavent to this post for that matter. I hate when people come in touting past MMO experience saying very matter of factly what is and what isn't. Saying your opinion is one thing, but stating crap and spewing verbal dingleberrys calling everyone who does not agree with you dense just makes you look like a noob. Keep living in your DAOC glory days though.

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They nerfed what made force camo so OP, and the 5 sec shield.... sorry to break it to you if you didnt know... but anyone with half a brain will just CC the sent until the shield drops and finish us off.


See the thing is someone who is actually good at playing the game understands what to do in these situations. While sent is obviously a powerful class, especially int he hands of someone who has mastered the class - all i see is QQ.


Keep a dot or bleed on us to break invis. When we go godmode (at the cost of half our health) CC us. By then 90% of the time we have blown our CC break and will be vulnerable to crowd control.


From all your "experience" you sure don't understand the logistics of some of this stuff at all.


also DAOC was a joke - and I made glad 6 seasons in a row on several different toons, again its a joke. None of that has anothing to do with SWTOR or anything relavent to this post for that matter. I hate when people come in touting past MMO experience saying very matter of factly what is and what isn't. Saying your opinion is one thing, but stating crap and spewing verbal dingleberrys calling everyone who does not agree with you dense just makes you look like a noob. Keep living in your DAOC glory days though.


If you read my post, if you can comprehend words that is, then you would of understood me saying that I really don't have problems with sents because I do know what to do, I see my gbtf pop force stun with a sever force and force Sprint away or simply vanish, I see master strike I knockback, please I'm not an idiot, my suggestions was for a way to appease the masses, because people don't know how to handle certain situations in this game. If you cant comprehend what I'm saying then I'm sorry, my wife is a 3rd grade teacher I'm sure you can sit in some of her classes and perhaps learn something, that's if 3rd grade isn't to advanced for you little tommy


Oh and like I said I am a sentinel and I don't live in were not op fantasyville like you do, I wrecked on my sentinel before 1.2 and now I rub my nose on the keyboard Untill eveything is dead, I wasn't screaming for crazy nerfs like a lot of people are just a slight nerf to 2 of the 4 defensive cooldowns that sents get, yes 4 fricken defensive cds when most other classes get 2

Edited by jbuschell
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Mara's/Sents are fine.


Unfortunately, nerfs were needed, and now folks that played the nerfed classes need to adjust and adapt to the new realities of being balanced.... it's unfortunate but true.


Our Sentinals are too nice to say it that way... so I figured I'd say it as a Guardian.


The game is a team game if you find DPS is ripping you apart find some tanks to q with, guard and taunt are the solution to high dps classes.


Im not saying that Sents/Mara's can't rip apart tanks either... they can... but it's much harder for them and we make it even tougher if they're not attacking us. (thus tanking)

Edited by VoidJustice
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All pvp damage got buffed. All pvp healing and mitigation got nerfed. This is not a sentinel issue, it's an expertise issue.




There was a buff to master strike. Which makes the leap+masterstrike combo really deadly combined with expertise. I think this is what most of the noobs are using since it's a 1-2 combo that takes 1/2 the opponents health if they don't have cooldowns. Overpowered? I don't know....my scoundrel can do the same thing from stealth and stunlock. Many of the other classes had some sort of nerf which makes us fear them much less, which is why Marauders seem that much more deadly.

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I've said this before and I'll say it again. If you're getting soloed by marauders/sentinels then it's your fault. You shouldn't be engaging them alone. They are a single target damage melee DPS class and in the hands of a good player then they are quite difficult to deal with. But the same can be said of any class in my opinion.


A sentinel can put out huge amounts of damage to a single target in very short order but there are a few things to remember.


1) They're squishy as crap! That medium armor isn't protecting them from anything. When I have my stims and adrenals active I can hit them for anywhere from 3 - 4k with over head slash, blade storm and dispatch. Master Strike can reasonably hit them for a total of 6k or more damage. Other classes have abilities that do similar damage but at range.


2) They have almost no defense against CC. All they have defending them from getting stun locked is 2 minutes CC defense ability and the resolve bar. Every class has these. As such, feel free to have a CC field day with sentinels/marauders. Knock Backs are the bane of their existence.


3) Also, freakin' focus them! They're a melee DPS class. Assuming that you have more than one ranged player on your entire team then just remember you all hate sentinels. So if you see a sentinel jumping into a combat then all of you make sure you shoot at the same one until its dead and then rinse repeat. It's not a terribly difficult concept. I find that the teams that do best are the ones that know how to focus targets to death. If you're not doing that then you're doing it wrong.

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No freakin way sents are OP! I work my but just to break 80k most of the time im running for my virtual life. Sentinels are still one of the most difficult classes to use. We do burst damage get in get out. At least thats what I do with my combat spec. Its very risky to take on targets one on one because of weak armor and short range. To be an only DPS spec the damage isnt all that good. All our tools are situational and require a high level of midichlorians to execute properly. With all these herp a derp sorcers and troopers running around who can possibly say Sents are OP? :wea_03:
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If you read my post, if you can comprehend words that is, then you would of understood me saying that I really don't have problems with sents because I do know what to do, I see my gbtf pop force stun with a sever force and force Sprint away or simply vanish, I see master strike I knockback, please I'm not an idiot, my suggestions was for a way to appease the masses, because people don't know how to handle certain situations in this game. If you cant comprehend what I'm saying then I'm sorry, my wife is a 3rd grade teacher I'm sure you can sit in some of her classes and perhaps learn something, that's if 3rd grade isn't to advanced for you little tommy


Oh and like I said I am a sentinel and I don't live in were not op fantasyville like you do, I wrecked on my sentinel before 1.2 and now I rub my nose on the keyboard Untill eveything is dead, I wasn't screaming for crazy nerfs like a lot of people are just a slight nerf to 2 of the 4 defensive cooldowns that sents get, yes 4 fricken defensive cds when most other classes get 2



Well you need to have your wife tutor you because you have nothing relevant to say. what the "masses" got from your post was you stroking your (tiny)epeen and really not adding anything of substance. Also Fantasy ville? Please - feel free to re-read my posts since day one - they all say the same thing. We were fine aside from stuttering issues with combat, and a few tweaks here and there. Your just one of the derps that relay false/bad information further compounding the problem. Obviously your wife is the brains of the operation, have her sit down and read to you/study with you everything there is to know about sents/mara's before you make derp comments.


If you are beating anyone, its because they are terrible, not because you have any clue what you are doing. Your whole post was a glorified epeen post where you relive your fake glory days in a game that was pretty terrible in its own rights. No one cares that you were Mr.Big-shot in DAOC. Grats at being mediocre at a terrible, easy game that no one played for very long.


The defensive CD's for sents are very powerful, obviously. They fixed a big part of that issue by changing force camo from 100% redux for 2 points, to 50% across the board. We went from having basically 2 godmode defensive, which i agree was a bit much - to having just one which takes 50% of your health. Now obviously you use it near death to reduce the negative effects, but they are still there.


You have fun with the 2 shadows you made, and please god stick to it. 3-4 buttons is about all you can handle, and also you would make sents/mara's look bad as a whole - so we the sent/mara community beg that you stick to the easy classes.


Again this is SWTOR not any other game, no one cares that you think you were Mr. big tough - here you would get rolled out with the quickness. I do have to thank you though, I / we got a good laugh from it.


Send my regards to the Mrs's!

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So the OP dueled his buddy's alt 5 times then came on the forums concluding that sentinel/marauder is overpowered?


What about all the months of testing and balancing the devs have been working hard on? What about the hundreds of other people who pvp day and night and say the class is fine?


OP said himself that he's going to quit pvp because they're soooo over powered.....kinda makes you wonder if this post is even worth replying to....

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...so to start with you're seeing the combination of YOUR NERF and the sentinel buff at the same time so it appears to you to be an even bigger buff than it is....


I agree with this. A nerf in combination with another classes buff can be devastating to some players. I do have sympathy for the Commando class. 1.2 messed up a lot of you guy's playing styles, and before 1.2, I was thinking of making a DPS Commando. I won't lie and say that the Setinel class isn't powerful, but I won't also lie and say its's overpowered. Viewed objectively, the Sentinel rests in the upper middle spectrum of power, and truly shines when played by a player who knows what they are doing in PvP.

Edited by bionamaster
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In one on one situations, sentinel is pretty beastly. There are very few players who can take me down 1 on 1 unless they have a considerable health advantage to start. Up close and personal is where I want to be. However we pay for that brutal 1v1 with the fact that we HAVE to be up close to do damage. We have no ranged attacks other than dispatch and the 20% healing move. Unless we're focus spec, we have no decent AoE ability either. Honestly, I think it all balances out.


Sure, I'm almost always top 1-2 in damage in a WZ, and ALWAYS have the best kill/death ratio... but that's because it's what the class is BUILT for and when it's played by a talented player it really shines.... just like pretty much EVERY class in this game.

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In one on one situations, sentinel is pretty beastly. There are very few players who can take me down 1 on 1 unless they have a considerable health advantage to start. Up close and personal is where I want to be. However we pay for that brutal 1v1 with the fact that we HAVE to be up close to do damage. We have no ranged attacks other than dispatch and the 20% healing move. Unless we're focus spec, we have no decent AoE ability either. Honestly, I think it all balances out.


Sure, I'm almost always top 1-2 in damage in a WZ, and ALWAYS have the best kill/death ratio... but that's because it's what the class is BUILT for and when it's played by a talented player it really shines.... just like pretty much EVERY class in this game.


I'm sorry, not all classes are equal, especially in PvP.

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ITT: ranged class considers himself elite, loses duels, complains that a melee dueling class can now do more than just interrupt him, makes up some numbers about his friend's damage output, & calls for a nerf.


I.e., QQ.


I expect BW to adjust classes according to the data that they constantly collect. If it's actually needed, our nerf will come, regardless of your and my forum activity.

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You people are all insane. Jump off your sentinels for awhile, level a dps merc or commando to 50 and pvp with it at the highest possible level of gear and skill for a few weeks or months. You'll be back here apologizing, utterly shame-faced.


You have no idea how stupidly powerful you are right now, or how stupidly broken some other classes are. Try both sides of the coin before assuming you understand where your class sits in the broad spectrum of balance.


Especially astonishing to me are the people who claim sents are balanced in having the best burst dps, all of the best defensive CDs (including the single best in game), terrific mobility, awesome group buffs/utility, AE insta-mez, etc and that's because... well, you're melee.


If this were WoW and kiting actually existed, I'd agree with you. Workable kiting in this game simply does not exist. If you cannot stay in range of a merc/commando with your numerous gap closers, spammable slows, stealth escape, and the merc/commando's complete lack of a snare/root, you are awful.


Finally, those saying merc/commando was OP pre 1.2 never played the class. They did exactly one thing well----savage ranged burst. But the tradeoff was a cumbersome rotation, backloaded damage, being forced into turret stance non-stop in order to do damage, and absolutely awful survivability/ utility.


Post 1.2, mercs retain their awful list of drawbacks (many of them made worse) but very little of their burst. How precisely is that balanced to you?

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I know I'm going to get a lot of people saying "Learn to play" or "Sentinels weren't buffed that much" (from the Sentinel players obviously). But let me make my case.


I'm a pretty darn good PvPer. Usually the highest on DPS and medals on my server (Wall of Light). Pre 1.2, there were sentinels out there who couldn't even fight their way out of a paper bag. Now they're destroying other classes who have 30-50% more expertise than them.


At first I thought I was just imagining things-that it was all in my head, and that I need to L2Play or I was doing something wrong. So I dueled one of my friend's alts who is still in columni/BM gear and he hasn't pvp'd since February. My commando is in full BM gear + 1 piece of War Hero. Out of 5 duels, I lost 4 and barely won one.


To me, a good pvper should be judged on their skill and not their class. When Bioware takes a class and makes it so that even a newbie pvper can take down a veteran PvPer I think something is wrong. Did my commando's grav rounds need to be nerfed? Yes. Did sages need to be nerfed? Yes. Did Scoundrels burst DPS need to be nerfed? Yes. If they did those things, things would more or less be balanced. But why buff sentinels this much??

At this point, I'm considering not pvping anymore till they fix sentinels. I have never felt this way about anything/any class since launch till now.


Ok, let the trolling, hate-mongering, and insults begin.:)


its because sentinel was usless pre 1.2 unless u were geard i managed to get fully geard like 2 weeks before the patch and noticed no change except for the fully bm geard people died about the same rate as sparesly geard if they dont have there bubbles they die easy before 1.2 u couldnt even kill a sorc if had betetr expertise then you it would jsut tank you standing still let alone bounty hunters

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so a survivability nerf and a small increase to master strike = a super OP.... this is why there needs to be a "dumb" filter on the forums so that you can just instantly ignore people this bad.


Changes to expertise's will require some balancing of classes, the "we r not changed lololololololol" argument is full of so many logical holes when the bigger picture is looked at, no idea why people keep posting it. (Well, I do but I won't be rude).


Whether or not that means Sentinel/Marauder need a nerf I'm not interested in getting into, what I DO think is funny is that IF a nerf does come, posters like you will honestly and truly think that the forum whine had anything to do with it, anyone that thinks that has no idea how developers work and think, they don't play games, they don't care what you think, they don't care who posts what as long as you have an account and you're posting. All they care about is the numbers and they only start to doubt those when accounts start to close.


Trust me, I know them, most developers live in a little bubble and what they think gamers want and what the average gamer actually wants are often so far apart it's hard to understand why they became game developers. Trust me, they don't play games.

Edited by CapuchinSeven
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Changes to expertise's will require some balancing of classes, the "we r not changed lololololololol" argument is full of so many logical holes when the bigger picture is looked at, no idea why people keep posting it. (Well, I do but I won't be rude).


Whether or not that means Sentinel/Marauder need a nerf I'm not interested in getting into, what I DO think is funny is that IF a nerf does come, posters like you will honestly and truly think that the forum whine had anything to do with it, anyone that thinks that has no idea how developers work and think, they don't play games, they don't care what you think, they don't care who posts what as long as you have an account and you're posting. All they care about is the numbers and they only start to doubt those when accounts start to close.


Trust me, I know them, most developers live in a little bubble and what they think gamers want and what the average gamer actually wants are often so far apart it's hard to understand why they became game developers. Trust me, they don't play games.

no i will adapt and still kill people like the OP with no issue. I was playing this class back before we had ANY defense cooldowns. The class is not OP, it just like every other class kill bad players when played by a good player.



The op = bad player, so he will always lose to better players regardless of class, hes just butthurt cause some marauder roflstomped him.


not to mention the ONLY people claiming sents'maras are OP are BAD PLAYERS. Good players adapt and move on bad ones come to the forums QQing they got beat by someone better then them but they are too dumb to admit they were beat by someone better, so they cry the class is OP not that they are bad.

Edited by Hizoka
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no i will adapt and still kill people like the OP with no issue. I was playing this class back before we had ANY defense cooldowns. The class is not OP, it just like every other class kill bad players when played by a good player.


This has nothing to do with anything I said.

If a nerf comes it will have nothing to do with forum whine, from them or you.

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I made a nice song for you FOTM face rollers , but admin removed it. Bummer


Amazing how customer service will remove anything funny and non-offensive in a heart beat, but they will let posts from unsubscribed complainers stirring up trouble and attempting to "elicit an emotional response" (something not allowed in the TOS) go on for 30+ pages.

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After carefully looking at the Expertise, Sentinel does get a pretty significant damage increase.


Now I'm no math genius so bare with me and try to understand where I'm going at.


Let's say our standard crits are in the 3.5K


3500 with expertise (in my case 24% damage increase) = 840 extra damage


Which means: 4340 damage


Now that's my average crit with the final strike of Master Strike. Expertise needs gently increase our damage, not significantly increase it. For example, if the expertise only boosted my damage by 15%...


3500x0.15=525 which I still consider a good damage increase.


4025 damage wouldn't be as bad and yet, still do great. In the end, to shutdown someone, 2 to 3 extra hits would be required.


The huge problem right now is how expertise balances out everything versus the amount of ridiculous CC and slows in the game. I agree that I can bring down an "UNPREPARED" sorc in 4 seconds or less. The moment he puts his shield and starts fighting me a bit, he just bought himself a good 5 to 6 seconds extra (minimum)


So why weren't we OP back in 1.1 and now 1.2... the expertise changed everything and since our hits are generally high, the expertise simply made it worse. The bigger the number, the better the bonus.



Now to all that complains...


My new char is a gunslinger and let me tell you this... I eat Sentinels. I know how they operate, I know when to pop my cooldowns against them and I know how to make them panic. I rarely get beaten by a Sentinel and when they start chopping me off, I toy with my cover to avoid their big hits... I am an extremely efficient Sentinel and do chop heads like it was nothing but my gunslingler can with ease duel most Sentinels/Marauders I encounter.


I feel that people are just crying because it's the cool thing to do these days.

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